kondratishyn · 4 years
Simple Bullet Simulation
Bullet simulation with reflections from walls. Implemented in pure C++ using OpenGL, glew and glm.
When a bullet collides with a wall it will reflected from an obstacle and wall will be destroyed.
Using imgui console adjust spawn properties for walls and bullets.
Every bullet upon spawn has randomized properties, such as: - Location - Time to spawn (after which time should appeared on scene and start moving) - Life time (how long will stay alive) - Speed
Every wall has randomized only rotation and location.
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kondratishyn · 4 years
Arcade game “Breakout” from 70x.
Implemented in pure C++ using OpenGL with glew.
I’ve use sockets for enabling lan play (with broadcasting to auto-connect players).
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kondratishyn · 4 years
Implemented and ordinary classical strategy board game - Chess. Whole chess set are derived from “base chess” class which contains general properties and methods. (e.i. movement, shader, events). Derived classes override some specific for them behavior, for e.g.: movement pattern, exclusively for  pawn - possibility to become a Queen, King - win event implementation.
Wrote in C++ without blueprints (except UMG UI). 
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kondratishyn · 4 years
Example with object destruction, when object has some durability/health and could be “destroyed”. Created “flying cubes” as an example. Objects have several states (intact, damaged, destroyed).
Same as before - works over the network & late joining. 
Whole project was written using C++ (except UI, i used UMG Widgets).
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kondratishyn · 4 years
I tried myself in UE4 networking using dedicated server. I implemented simple pickup/drop system, simple inventory that allows player to choose which item he want to drop and also UI hints (ex. Press ‘F’ to grab item) which appears when your character is able to pick up some item.
Whole project was written using C++ (except UI, i used UMG Widgets).
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