knjfed · 5 years
just got back from dinner what’s up lol
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knjfed · 5 years
Headcanons/ or imagine of the first time Wayne says I love you
The night was cold, and lonely. Clouds gathered outside, promising a storm by the time the sun rose, but for now, silence lingered. For Wayne though, there was a feeling of comfort inside on this particular night. A fortress of blankets and pillows to shield him from the lonely night just beyond the walls of his bedroom; and in his arms, lay (Y/N), sleeping soundly and snuggled close and away from the cold. 
As sleep continued to evade him, Wayne let his tired eyes glaze over his girl. Wayne’s girl. The thought made him smile a little- the fact that she too felt pride in being called his girl. He let his eyes linger on the face he adored, looking utterly at peace as she laid in his arms. Suddenly, and not for the first time by a long shot, he was overwhelmed by a wave of affection for her. For the girl who held him so highly and loved him so dearly. 
Moving carefully so as not to wake her, he shifted to hug her closer, setting his chin on her head and running a hand through her hair. Funny enough, though no danger threatened the little blanket space, he felt protected. She made him feel safe, in a strange way he didn’t quite know how to explain. 
I love you, (Y/N).” 
The words were quiet, barely scratching the surface of the silence filling the room, and punctuated with a soft kiss to her temple. To his surprise, she groggily shifted to burry her face into the crook of his neck, a sleepy smile weaving its way onto her beautiful face. 
“I love you too Wayne.” 
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knjfed · 5 years
@ all anons, this is my friend in school, STOP ASKING FOR SMUT, they have stated MULTIPLE TIMES that the don't know how to do smut, calm your horny selves down, and find someone else who does that shit, honestly.
thank you, i love you pal! you’re doing amazing with your monitoring and defending on tumblr
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knjfed · 5 years
Otis’ smut? đŸ€­
i’m not very good w/ smut. i can do minor stuff that has build up but.. yea.. 
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knjfed · 5 years
ok new stuff coming soon but have y’all seen wayne on youtube red yet
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knjfed · 5 years
You're like, literally incredible, the 'where do we go?' Stefan x reader was awesome!! Favourite one I have to say, so, keep the good work!! ❀
thank you!! i really enjoyed writing it and i think you’re able to see it.
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knjfed · 5 years
WHERE DO WE GO? ↝ stefan butler
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summary ↝ based on ‘bury a friend.’ stefan has been working on his game for months, everything was getting to his head. the game was so close to breaking him completely, but not quite. he still had you. so when you spend the night with him you’re shocked to wake up at 2:28 am to see a side of him you haven’t seen before. only in your nightmares. 
warnings ↝ GORE GORE GORE!!! death, self doubt, and could cause anxiety.
(it starts off from when you wake up)
“y/n.” you heard your name from next to you, the voice sounded like it belonged to stefan but much deeper and raspy.
you woke up and rubbed you face, looking over at stefan to see him standing at the side of your bed, his eyes watching your every move. his face was emotionless. the only light in the room was from his computer screen, flashing white then red over and over again in a slow pattern.
“stefan..? are you alright?” you asked, sitting up fully and reaching out to him. he only looked down at your arm and grabbed your wrist. his grip was much tighter than anything you’re used to with him. 
his eyes burned into your skin as they trailed back up to your face. his eyes meeting yours. right at that moment the room went a blood red color because of the computer screen. “what do you want from me? why don’t you run from me? what are you wondering? what do you know?” he asked, he spoke slow and his voice was still deep and raspy. the way he asked the string of questions seemed like he read from a script for the first time. no emotion was heard at all. 
you could feel your heart pounding in your chest. you were sure that if you looked down you would see each beat of your heart. but you couldn’t. you were frozen, no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t move. your eyes glued to his.
“stef.. i don’t kn-know what you’re talking about-t..” you stuttered, swallowing deeply as your breathing picked up. the room went white when you spoke.
he ignored you and tightened his grip slightly on your wrist. he leaned down to come face level with you, you could feel his breath on your cheek. he was leaning closer to your ear to speak. “why aren’t you scared of me?” the room flashed red when he spoke again, but he wasn’t done. “why do you care for me?” he asked, the room felt like it was closing in on you.
“what? stef.. because i love you.. y-you know this.. but you a-are kind of scaring m-me now..” you made out between sharp breaths, room going white.
with that he pulled back harshly and made you stand with him. he grabbed the sides of your face with his hands and you swore his eyes went black. you weren’t breathing now.
“when we all fall asleep, where do we go?” he asked with a smile growing on his face. his smile continued to grow up to the sides of his face, the ends of his lips almost reaching his eyes. red room.
you weren’t breathing still. your body was shaking. the pressure in your lungs growing, the desire to breath becoming too much. after what seemed like hours of looking at his growing smile and deep black eyes, you felt your own eyes roll to the back of your head. your body went limp and fell to the bed. you experienced death.
when you fell back you somehow still expected a soft feeling of the mattress. but all you felt was something hard and damp, when you moved you felt sharp pokes cover your body. you gasped for air and sat up. you breathed hard and looked around, seeing the same color of brown surround you. it was dirt. when you moved you still felt the pokes, when you looked down you saw glass shards. you looked up and saw stefan with a shovel looking down at you. he looked like his younger self, around 15. when you first met.
“i never liked you y/n. i just got stuck with you because my dad was friends with yours. i tried to stand you. but i couldn’t. i’d say i’m sorry. but i’m truly not.” he spoke, venom laced in his tone. with that he took some dirt in the shovel and threw it on you. the dirt he threw down had even more shards in it.
you went to scream but couldn’t, you gasped and opened your mouth, sliding your fingers in and feeling for your tounge. it was gone, a few staples were on the end. this was straight out of a nightmare.
you could feel you heartbeat pick up again, breathing became a struggle as panic grew. before you knew it, a bigger glass shard hit your eye. it went through your skull and killed you instantly. you experienced death again.
if you were dead again, why were you still in pain?
your eyes opened again and you felt a pain in your head. you gasped and looked around, you were at a park. sitting on the bench. when you rubbed your face you heard a laugh next to you. it was all too familiar.
you looked next to you and saw stefan, laughing with his hand over his mouth and eyes shut.
you furrowed your eyebrows, you body still shaking from everything.
“you love me? ha! pathetic.” he chuckled, eyes opening and meeting yours. they were his emerald ones again.
it clicked for you. this was where you told him you loved him for the first time. you were 17 and he was 18.
“what is going on?” you managed to ask, trying to move but you felt pain rush over your body.
“don’t you remember you idiot? you just said you love me! you really thought i felt the same way? why would i love you? why would anyone love you?” he laughed louder, his hand on his stomach and his head thrown back.
this can’t be happening, it felt like your heart was being ripped out of your chest and stepped on. this felt like a long string of nightmares. and this was the worst of them all. you couldn’t run, you had to deal with this.
he then stopped out of nowhere and looked at you in your eyes once more. this time his eyes were black again. the veins in his face were visible and black. he looked demonic.
“when we all fall asleep, where do we go?” he asked in that horrifying voice again. and just like that, he reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out a knife. stabbing you in the heart.
and for a third time, you experienced death.
and this time, you didn’t feel anything.
you didn’t feel stefan shaking you, trying to wake you up.
you didn’t feel his hot tears land on your face.
you didn’t hear the screams, the pleads, the sobs for you.
not even the constant “i love you! i need you! you’re the only thing keeping me sane!” over and over again.
it seems like you died in your sleep, painless, peacefully, and content.
but stefan knew it was so much more than that.
you were the only thing keeping him sane. keeping him himself. keeping him alive.
he knew the game won.
it was game over
taglist; @yesitsvaughn @s0cial-retard @edgyandbi-michielle
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knjfed · 5 years
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knjfed · 5 years
ok sorry to the people that request things, those will be out later! BUT I AM MAKING A STEFAN BUTLER X READER BASED ON BURY A FRIEND BY BILLIE EILISH BECAUSE IT FITS HIM SO WELL I THINK
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knjfed · 5 years
more stefan please!!! im feeling starved of content for my favorite soft boi recently
he’s up next !
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knjfed · 5 years
please notice - christian akridge, otis m.
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knjfed · 5 years
"Ocean Eyes" with Otis please?
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knjfed · 5 years
FALLING ↝ otis milburn
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summary ↝ based on the song ocean eyes and the song please notice. when your crush on otis starts to grow you can’t help but admire him and notice the little things about him. this causes you to continue falling for him, more and more each day.
your crush on otis milburn started in middle school. you two knew eachother well, almost best friends but not quite. you had known him for about a year to the date, three days off. 
you and your best friend ever at the time, gwen, had gotten into a heated argument about her starting a rumor about you. that had ended your friendship permanently. your only option was to turn to otis to rant, he welcomed you with open arms and listened to you go on about how you felt. he helped you.
that’s right when you started to fall for him, you would only continue to fall from there. 
now that you were both in highschool you were always seen around together, eric had become a good friend of yours too. he was the first one who called you out on your crush on otis. 
“so when are you going to tell him?” eric whispered to you during class. the teacher had assigned the seats this semester and you were happy with your seating. same table as eric, the table next to you two was otis and some random boys table. 
you shook your head no and rolled your eyes. “no, you know my fear of rejection.” you whispered back. you had told him this more than ten times a week, it became a habit by now. 
you heard him sigh in defeat, giving up for the day. since the lesson was almost over and you didn’t feel like paying any attention to the teacher you looked over at otis. 
the boy next to him had been talking to him for a while, you say otis clench and unclench his jaw a few times with his eyes glued to the front of the classroom. he was clearly annoyed with the boy next to him.
suddenly, his eyes met yours. a smile tugged at his lips when he saw you were already looking at him. he mouthed to you a quick, ‘help me.’ referring to the chatter box next to him. 
you couldn’t help but laugh softly and shake your head. you looked up at the clock that was at the front of the room and pointed to it so otis would look, the bell was about to ring. 
he nodded and started packing up right as the bell rang, you packed up and looked over at eric who face palmed dramatically. he then stepped in front of you to walk with otis to the next class, handing you a note. 
‘he’d be lucky to have you. if he hurts you in any way if you tell him, you know i’ll take care of it.’ 
when you read the note you smiled, nodding at him as a thank you. otis took notice of this and questioned eric about it. eric only hushed him and changed the subject. 
thank god for eric. 
you snapped out of your little daydream and walked to your next class. after this the school day would be over and you’d get to ride home with otis and eric.
making it to the class room you sat down in your normal seat. this class was first aid and safety, to be honest it had to be one of your favorite classes that you had this year. you learned many things and had a lot of free days since you did the worksheets fairly fast.
this gave you time to write your feelings, adding small doodles to go with what you wrote. 
today you had wrote something you called ‘ocean eyes.’ of course it was based around otis. most of your writing and drawing was, he was your inspiration for everything.  
‘I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes.’
below those neatly written words was otis with his chin in the palm of his hand, the only colored part was his eyes. the first thing you noticed every time you looked at him. 
you were sat in the back of the class so no one could look over your shoulder and see what you were working on, when anyone asked you simply said it was work for an art class. y’know, like a liar. 
but no one ever walked up to you and looked at what you were doing while standing next to you. until amiee came along.
“i knew you liked milburn! i thought you were only friends but when i saw the way you looked at him, that changed.” she laughed, leaning against your desk as you scrambled to hide your ‘work.’ 
your face was flushed red at this point. “you’re not going to tell him are you?” you asked timidly, looking up at the girl with begging eyes. 
she just laughed and crossed her arms over her chest, looking down at you. a smirk stayed on her lips before she spoke again.
“i won’t, i swear. i find these types of friendships fascinating, i wouldn’t want to ruin the fun!” she giggled, watching as your face twisted into confusion.
“these types of friendships? what are you on about?” you asked, tugging at your earlobe as you spoke.
“the type where there is clearly more that could happen but the two people are too nervous to do anything about it. and i know milburn won’t make the first move.” she explained as if it was nothing, she tended to do that often. 
“you..you’re saying i have a chance.. or something?” you asked in a hopeful tone, eyes practically lighting up at the thought. amiee only nodded and shrugged. 
“take it as you wish, but yes, thats what i’m saying.” she winked before making her way back to her seat.
you were going to tell him, tonight. with the words or eric and amiee on your side you felt confident. 
you knocked on his front door since he wasn’t answering his texts, kind of odd but you didn’t think too much of it. 
his mother opened the door and seemed thankful to see you. “oh thank god, otis has been in his room all day and i can’t get him to talk to me. he trusts you, so please try.” she begged. all of this hit you way too fast, nonetheless you nodded and rushed upstairs before knocking on his door softly.
“mum, please leave..” he spoke, his voice cracked a bit. your heart hurt at the sound of that. 
“otis, it’s me. what’s going on?” you asked softly, standing by the door and waiting for a response. you heard shuffling before he unlocked the door and let you in, his head hung low. 
before stepping in you wrapped your arms around his body. he needed this, it was obvious. 
“otis, talk to me please, what’s on your mind?” you asked, you could see the sadness and thought all over his face. 
he took a moment before slowly answering. “i’ve been rejected by every person i have ever had a liking to.. and i’m scared to admit to you that i like you more than a best friend.”  
your arms hung loosely around him at this point, your eyes meeting the ones you adored so much. your eyes widened at his words and he stepped away from you. 
before he could say anything you did, “otis, thats why i fucking came here. because i have liked you more than a friend since middle school.” you confessed, finally being able to say what you have wanted to for so long now. 
“you.. you don’t have to say that y’know..” he trailed off, he felt unsure of himself. how could someone so amazing as you like someone as bland like him?
“are you kidding? otis, this- this crush that i’ve had on you for forever has gotten to the point where i know more about you than me! you fill my thoughts every day! i even dream about you for fucks sake, wondering of you have ever done the same! when you get sad or even slightly unhappy i tend to fall and feel bad knowing that i can’t help as much as i want to! otis, i would even go as far as to say i love you. because i do! i love you otis milburn, and i always have. always will..” you rambled until you came to a close with your rant on your true feelings for him. those words were out now, and they always will be. 
he couldn’t take his eyes off of you, he was in awe. he always was when he was ever around you. 
he stood and pulled you close, hugging you. 
he pulled away a bit only to let out a soft, “i love you too. more than anything. always have, always will.” and with that, he leaned in and his lips met yours. just as you’ve always dreamed of. 
hey! hope you liked this. i have gotten so many song request things it’s crazy! i though mixing two would be cool so yeah. i’m running low on otis gif’s so i might just use some normal asa ones. i apologize for this being late and my work coming out slower than normal, i have been having some family troubles and school things. thank you again for your endless support! 
taglist, lmk if you want to be added!; @s0cial-retard @edgyandbi-michielle 
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knjfed · 5 years
hey pals. i’m having some family issues so my posts won’t be out as quick as i wanted. sorry guys
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knjfed · 5 years
please make more otis x reader fics???????? uwu
soon! i’m mixing two song requests for him with my next one. ocean eyes x please notice
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knjfed · 5 years
send me an ask with a song name and a character, i’ll write a x reader based on the song for the character!!
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knjfed · 5 years
Stefan Butler
stefan gets to be in control for once, not in control of himself though.
the reader knows they are being controlled. little do they know the cute new boy with a yellow jacket is going through the same thing.
the reader is always there for stefan, making sure he’s okay with his game and all. now it’s stefan’s turn to make sure the reader is okay.
Colin Ritman
soulmate au.
Otis Milburn
the reader is jealous of maeve and otis is jealous of the readers new friend. both totally oblivious to the fact they like each other.
when the reader is forced to go to a party. they choose to hide out in a corner alone, yet they run into otis.
the reader is maeve’s younger sister who has been ‘secretly’ dating otis. they have been doing a pretty good job at keeping it under wraps.. for now.
when otis’ childhood friend convinces him to go on one of her adventures, he obviously agrees since he is totally whipped. to say the least, teenagers be teenagers but run into a few interruptions.
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