Reminds me of a certain Pardoner.
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He does love to play those bagpipes.
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The nerve of some people.
Just heard a story from that Pardoner fellow. It confirmed just about everything I had suspected of him; the man doesn’t have a shred of honor to his name, only his so-called “relics.” After openly admitting to the assembled party that his only purpose for preaching is to make money, he was brazen enough to ask the Host for money. Well, that put Bailly a foul temper and it would have come to blows between them had I not stepped in. I asked them to kiss and make up so that we could continue having a merry time; the journey would only be the more arduous with everyone in a foul mood.
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What an unusual woman.
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She’s been married how many times?!
Just heard a tale from the most unusual woman; she claims that women should rule men in marriages! This is why women should not be allowed to read; their minds are simply unable to process high literature, causing them to misinterpret Scripture. Everyone knows that men are meant to rule women; we do honor to our ladies through our deeds and in return they obey us and bear us sons. Marriage is the cornerstone of our society and this woman would have it turned on end! What a tale. I hope my son is not influenced by her poor, confused message.
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What a Rooster.
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Chanticleer and Partlet
Sir John just told his tale, one about a rooster and his wife. It was a bit silly, but I really can’t complain; I would much rather hear a silly tale that ends happily than a tragedy about a man’s fall from fortune. After you’ve been to war hearing a story about the dangers of flattery told through a chicken’s perspective just doesn’t affect you the same way. In battle, self confidence is sometimes the only thing that keeps you alive.
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The Company I Keep
Now, I am not the sort to say unkind things of other people, for that kind of behavior would be below my birth, but I sometimes wish it were all men and not just knights who followed the code of chivalry. The behavior of some of my fellow travelers, and some of the admissions they have made about their lives- have me in shock. The miller, despite the presence of women including an esteemed Prioress, refuses to cease swearing and making ribald comments. It is not often that I travel with peasants and I am beginning to remember why.
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Like father like son. 
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About my Son
What am I to do about this son of mine? All day long he plays the lute or sings or reads poetry or anything but practice the art of war. How will he serve our liege lord, how will he win glory for our house in battle if he will not become a hardened warrior? I pity my lad, for I know his disposition is more sensitive and ready to love than to fight. He must overcome this nature, for he is my eldest son and must learn to fulfill the duties of our station that he may take my place when I am gone. There is no harm in love, but his obsession with romance goes beyond what is appropriate.
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The Tabard Inn, where we’re setting of from. The Innkeeper is a very jolly man.
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Setting Off Tomorrow
Home sweet home! But not for long, as I leave for Canterbury with my son tomorrow morning. Now that I have returned home from battle and have some time before my next mission abroad, I wish to take some time to prove my piety and clear my mind on a peaceful journey. I am to meet the group with whom I shall travel tomorrow morning at the Tabard Inn, and we shall set out for Canterbury at first light.
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