kin-draw 7 years
Are you guys willing to draw non canon characters as long as we send a link to the image of them?
Yes!! Me and Mod Kan are alright with it, and we're the only mods that are really active atm so, send those noncanon requests right in!!! :0- Mod Karkat
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kin-draw 7 years
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For the Piras Dameschi from Awaken!! I'm sorry it took so long!!!! - Mod Karkat
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kin-draw 7 years
hiiii if your requests are still open, could i have a doodle of trans-boy piras dameschi from awaken? i was pretty tall, and had shoulder length hair like in the comic! also im not sure if this can be relevant in some way but i either just really enjoyed swimming or tried out to be/was part of the swim team for the school!! i always wore something red, and really really liked shirts that had sleeves up to or longer than my elbows!! i think thats it but lemme know if you need more info though!!
I'll work on this tonight and tomorrow, and I'll hopefully have it posted by tomorrow evening!! I'm not too familiar with the comic though, so if I need to alter anything or completely redo it after I'm done, please don't be afraid to let me know!!! 鉂わ笍- Mod Karkat
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kin-draw 7 years
uhhh hey there friiend2 can II have a drawiing of my2elf a2 alpha feferii captor? II wa2 a biit chubby, and I wore a long-2leeved t-2hiirt wiith the yellow pii2ce2 2iign, red and blue 2triiped pant2, and II had an undercut. II al2o had a couple of piierciing2 on my horn2! my haiir wa2 2houlder-length a2 well, and my gla22e2 were wiide and teardrop 2haped. II had a 2car runniing from the corner of my left eye to the left corner of my mouth al2o. thii2 blog ii2 awe2ome btw!! - FefCap
Heya, I'll be working on this soon! It'll be posted tomorrow probably!! -Mod Kan
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kin-draw 7 years
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Sollux Captor for @asstro-boy Sorry this turned out so terribly, whoops I lost motivation and got obsessed with a YouTube series like halfway through it Let me know if I need to change anything about it though!! You didn鈥檛 give very much of a description when it came to body or anything like that, so I just went with what I thought might be best :0 - Mod Karkat
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kin-draw 7 years
Sollux art??? I had sets of three fangs instead of two, my larger horns were the inside set, I had glasses that were black and white, not red and blue, and I had robotic fingers/elbows
Heya, I'll work on this!! It should be up pretty soon!!- Mod Karkat
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kin-draw 7 years
M3w mod!!! H1111 mod k4rk4t!!!
Aaa, hiya!!! :0- Mod Karkat
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kin-draw 7 years
New mod!!!
Heya friends, new mod here!! I'm mod Karkat, and I'm glad to be here!!! 鉂わ笍
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kin-draw 7 years
Are y'all accepting mods right now?? :0
I鈥檇 say so! Mod Dave hasn鈥檛 quite been all that active, so i think it鈥檇 be nice to have some other help around here. You can message my main wandsandcats if you鈥檙e interested in joining c: - Mod Kan聽
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kin-draw 7 years
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Whoops had a depressive breakdown, reel sorry about how late this is meenah anon :0 I also might鈥檝e completely fucking forgot the fin earrings/piercings asdfgh -Mod Kan
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kin-draw 7 years
are art requests open? if tthey are, could i possibly have a chubby trans girl meenah who has pink hair and a few ear/fin piercings? everything else is the same as canon. thank you!!
They certainly are! We should probably add that to our description. I'll be working on this today meenah! -Mod Kan
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kin-draw 7 years
iit2 good!! ii love iit, mod kan
Aa, glad you like it sol! -Mod Kan
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kin-draw 7 years
2ollux's horn2! ii al2o had p2iioniic2, and gla22e2 liike iin the comiic 8ut ju2t cerulean iin2tead of red and 8lue
Alright Sollux! This should be posted later today! I hope you'll like it -Mod Kan
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kin-draw 7 years
iim hone2tly not 2ure a8out my 8ody type? ii wa2 pro8a8ly on the lean 2iide, and miightve worn a jacket 2ort of liike nepeta'2 8ut 8lue? all ii really remem8er ii2 my 2car2 t8h
Alright sol! I'll try and do my best! Also, because I happen to be a big old dummy and can't remember anything for the life of me, did you have non-swapped vriska's horns or sollux's horns? (Sorry btw! I just wanna make sure everything's right) -Mod Kan
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kin-draw 7 years
could ii get 2omethiing for a 2ollux 2erket? ii had p2iioniic 2car2 2ort of 2piiderwe88iing over my face, and po22ii8ly 2ome 2ort of keep2ake from eriidan leiijon? ii don't know
Hey Sollux! So, if possible, could you send in an ask including a body type and maybe a general outfit description? Your ask is a little bare bones, and I'd hate to get something wrong! -Mod Kan
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kin-draw 7 years
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Tfw you鈥檙e posing dramatically for no reason
But for the Keith anon! If you need anything changed, send in an ask and I鈥檒l try my best to do so! 聽-Mod Kan
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kin-draw 7 years
hi !! im sorry if requests arent open ?? but if they are could i get art for keith kogane from voltron? i was trans + pre-t, had sorta curly hair, was fairly curvy, very short, binded and had a big scar on my shoulder! everything else is same as canon but if u need me to specify anymore please tell me !! thank u so so much n im sorry if requests are closed aa
Requests are very much open!
And, I鈥檓 finishing this up right now, it should post soon! -Mod Kan
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