killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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This is the best AITA post out there
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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AITA for telling my BIL that if I have to breastfeed inside then he has to go and be insufferable somewhere else?
My (25F) husband (28M) and I just had our first baby four months ago, we're just recently visiting family and letting more people outside our parents meet our child. My FIL birthday was yesterday and they throw him a small party, so my husband and I decided to join and took our baby with us.
It's important to add that my BIL(27M) (my husband's sister(30F)husband) doesn't like me that much because of the way I drees, express myself and talk (I say a lot of bad words). His favorite thing to say it's ''If you were my woman\_\_\_'' followed by something really stupid. My husband thinks that he might have a thing for me, but I don't care and neither does he tbh, he finds it funny.
They have two kids tho, a 7M and a 4M. 4M is a sweet boy, really polite and well behaved while 7M has been acting out and misbehaving, I have nothing against him, and my SIL and BIL aren't really the type of parents to let their kids run around, breaking things and doing whatever they want, I'll give them that much.
Yesterday at a party, my baby got hungry while we were all eating cake. I had already asked my mother and father in law if it was okay for me to nurse her wherever I want because she might get hungry while we're all chatting or hanging out or if the would prefer I do it inside, I didn't mind because it was FIL's birthday after all. They both said that I could do it wherever I want because when my SIL got pregnant they never asked her to do it somewhere else and it was just fair, so I thanked them. I was wearing a sundress so when she cried, I just popped a boob and nursed her right there. My nephew (7M) told my BIL ''Daddy! Boobie, boobie! Aunt \[OP\] has her boobie out'' and 4M just said ''boobie?'' with the sweetest voice. My BIL cleared his throat and asked me to go inside because his kids were seeing me, I said no because FIL and MIL already said it was okay and that her kids had to deal with it, my SIL asked him to stop and truth is, they didn't care for that long and both kids went back to their cake quickly.
He was seating near me and he just got a little more close and whispered ''I swear it... If you were my woman you would've breastfeed inside'' I just smiled and said out loud ''If I have to breastfeed inside, then you have to go and be insufferable somewhere else sweetie'' He got hella mad of course, but said nothing else and when we were leaving, my SIL said that it was wrong and my MIL kinda agreed, since MIL was the host, I'm feeling a bit bad, so AITA?
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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AITA for throwing out my husband's dinner after he went to eat at his mom's house?
My mother-in-law calls every night to ask what we're having for dinner. Then she brags about what she's cooking to make me look bad, especially if we're getting takeout. I used to care but not anymore. But my husband would ask me to make dinner only for him to go eat the dinner his mom makes at her home. which's 10 minutes away and using the "that's my favorite meal" excuse.
Yesterday, I wanted to surprise him by cooking one of his favorite meals and although I was busy, I took time off work to cook. I even went grocery shopping to get what I needed. Later as I was setting the table his mom called, I told him he didn't have to answer but he did. like usual...she asked what we were having but acted surprised that I cooked this meal. She then went on to tell him she cooked X meal and told him to come over. He said ok which shocked me, I said "seriously?" as he started dresing up getting ready to leave. he told me no offense but this meal (that his mom cooked) was even more of a favorite than the one I cooked. and grabed his keys and left.
I felt awful. I took his plate and threw it out then ate my portion. As I was about to put the plate in the dishwasher, he got home looking angry saying his mom lied about cooking that favorite meal, and used it as an excuse to force him to eat dinner with her. I was shocked but he sat down telling me to go ahead and reheat dinner. I told him no dinner after he abandoned it, I threw it out. He said what?? and I told him he disrespected my time and effort and chose to go eat woth his mom instead. He began yelling at me asking if I really did that then called me petty and horrible then went upstairs saying what I did was 100 times worse than what his mom did.
I definately feel like I let my anger and frustration get the best of me but it really felt unbearable having to live like this for so long. By the way [I'm 26 and he's 28].
ETA to make one thing clear and that's the fact that my husband only does this when it comes to food. He lived with his mom (attended community college) and loved and still loves her food and is used to it. She gave me recipes to make and I try to do that but he keeps switching homes just to eat what he feels like.
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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AITA for using my husband's money to pay for my daughter's Apple IPhone that he broke?
My daughter is 16. She had her old phone for 5 years and always wanted a new phone, I'm the only one working right now since my husband decided to take "a break" from work after he inherited some money from his dad.
I saw that she did pretty good at school despite having mental health issues that had gotten in the way of her focus before and so I decided to keep her encouraged and reward her by getting her an apple iPhone that cost a good sum of money. I did my best to save money to buy it, I literally skipped paying for breakfast at work to be able to afford it, and my husband didn't want to help so I was on my own.
I bought her the iPhone and quite honestly, I haven't seen her this happy in a while, it was refreshing for me because she really went through some hard time in the past couple of years emotionally and mentally.
My husband wasn't happy with this he said the iPhone will only distract her from school and chores but that wasn't true, in fact it encouraged her to do more. But he still said I shouldn't have spent that kind of money on an iPhone that she might be irresponsible with and break. My daughter picked up on his attitude towards the iPhone but I told her to ignore him.
Days ago, I found out that he broke the iPhone, I asked why and he said he asked her to get him something from the toolbox in the garage but she was on the iPhone and ignored him. He used this incident as evidence that the iPhone was bad influence but I yelled at him and demanded he replace it, he said he wouldn't so I took money out of his account and paid for a new iPhone and gave it to my daughter. He saw what I did and went off on me calling me vicious and awful and accused me of stealing his father's money and demanded the money I took, every single penny back. I basically told him it won't happen, he got his mother on me saying I'm setting a terrible example for my daughter by getting her a phone paid for with money that I stole from her dad. My husband said he won't speak a word to me til I fix this but I already said I owe him nothing.
aita for this?
ETA: No, he's her biological father, not stepdad. And price for the iPhone where I live is a thousand dollars and its not cheap. Finding out that I took a thousand dollars out of his inheritance really got him so furious that he said I was the worst woman he met in his life (he had 2 ex wifes if this is in any way relevant) he took it back later then said he won't speak til the money is back.
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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Husband won’t help with t kids and views it as nagging when I ask for it
My husband (30) and I (26) have been together two years.Please help me. I feel like I’m going crazy and maybe I am the one in the wrong.
We have two kids full time and I stay at home with them while working full time from home. He goes into the office. By the end of the day I feel like I’m going insane: I cannot handle it. I told my husband I need help with the kids. I can’t go on like this much longer - I’m so irritable, sad and just plain angry all the time. I told him I need me time.
Today he told me I could go to my favorite store and he’d get home a couple minutes early and watch the kids. I was so excited I never get out without the kids. I did my hair, makeup and everything while the kids napped. Well he gets off calls and says he’s going to stop at his favorite store (not even for something he needs.) I get snappy and say “wait I thought I was going to my favorite store but as always everyone else priority’s come before mine.” and just hang up.
He comes home doesn’t even acknowledge the kids or me, gets dressed and sits on the couch.
I remind him I just want a break and don’t get why he’s pouting. He says just go and grabs our youngest and leaves. Not our oldest so I just took our oldest with me.
He doesn’t understand. He just tells me I’m too emotional and all I do is complain. I have tried explaining to him how I feel an he just says “yeah well me too.” And stuff like that.
I got home and he ignored me. So I grabbed our two kids As I’m typing this I’m currently in the shower watching the kids while he’s downstairs doing who knows what. I feel so alone.
How can I calmly tell him that I just need help? He views a it as me nagging and complaining when I tell him…
TLDR : I keep telling my husband I need help with the kids and he won’t. What do I do?
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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AITA for taking away my brother's birthday cake after he had paid for it?
My brother, “Rob,” is a self-proclaimed prankster. He loves pulling pranks on everyone, including strangers. His pranks, in my opinion, aren’t funny and may land him in serious trouble in the future. His “pranks” are just antagonising someone until he gets bored and then calling it a “prank.” Rob’s behaviour has seriously affected my relationship with him. When I first started dating my wife, “Halle,” he made it a habit at every gathering I would attend with her to prank her; not just an average whoopee cushion or a rubber snake - like hiding her glasses for hours on end, or pouring vinegar in her tea. He claims he does it to make Halle “less posh and uptight.” My family is like him as well, a bunch of self-proclaimed jokesters. I don’t speak to them much.
My wife, “Halle,” gave birth to our beautiful son 6 months ago. According to my family, we’ve been “rationing our family visits,”(The first time they saw our son was when he was 4 months, and they haven’t seen him since.) My family isn’t very happy with this arrangement and they’ve been spamming me with calls, texts - and even emails asking (begging) to see the baby. They want weekly or even daily visits, but that just isn’t possible.
Rob invited us for his 30th birthday and asked Halle to make his birthday cake. Not just any basic, simple vanilla cake, but one of those fancy, detailed, decorated cakes that require lots of time and effort. I was hesitant to go (and even more hesitant to let Halle make the cake,) but Halle assured me that it would be alright and attending the birthday might ease my family off our back. Rob paid her- upfront - for the cake that he specifically wanted. Halle also made cupcakes, just because she wanted to.
Halle and I arrived at my brother’s house earlier than everyone else and when everyone arrived, I was pleasantly surprised with how well the whole thing was going. They were very excited to meet my son and they were very respectful towards Halle. Rob kept telling Halle to “watch her back.”
I had no idea he meant it literally.
While my wife was handling the cake, he came up behind her and poured cold water on her body. This obviously scared her a little and caused her to drop the cake. Rob, got extremely pissed, claiming that she “dropped the cake on purpose.” Halle started to apologise for dropping the cake, while soaking wet, but I wasn’t having any of it and I admittedly lost my temper a little.
I yelled at Rob for being irresponsible and irrational, grabbed the cupcakes that Halle had made (which were untouched) and left with my family. It was a little dramatic.
The next day, I woke up to a string of angry texts from Rob, telling me I had no right to take the cupcakes away from him because he had rightfully paid for them and this wouldn’t have happened if “Halle could handle a little cold water.”
Halle thinks that I should at least apologise in the hopes that it would make everything go away.
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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AITA for screenshotting messages guys sent me and sending them to their mothers?
I'm an 18 year old girl who is in college atm. I've been getting bullied/harassed by three guys in my class who have taken to messaging me online with rather gross/harassing messages and nsfw pictures that i'm sure you can all fill in the gaps without me going into detail. I should have reported them or just blocked them but I had, had enough so I screenshot every message they'd sent me and found their mothers through their facebook pages and sent screenshots to them including an explanation of who I am and how their sons have been bothering me.
Their mothers were horrified and shocked by what I sent them explaining what was going on and all three are on my side. Some of my friends think this is genius and exactly what they deserved but some of my other friends think I took it too far and it was out of line to put that on their Mothers and also how I don't know what their home life is like.
Am I the asshole for doing this? Should I have gone about it another way?
Edit due to questions/comments: When it was just standard bullying I reported them but they only got a warning, the messages/pictures started after that as if to prove I couldn't do anything. I figured reporting them again wouldn't work so did this.
Edit 2: also whoever reported me as worried about my current mental health...thanks? I mean i'm honestly good but thanks.
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
ya ever just waannna
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whenever you see a man being a fucking creep to the girls on here
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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AITA for telling my son exactly what my husband did despite him begging me not to tell?
I have a son (adam 14) from my previous marriage, I'm currently with my husband of 4 yrs. I handle everything related to Adam's school. He has a friend (Dean 14) that he started hanging out with a year ago. Dean is an amazing boy and has been nothing but a great influence for adam. I met Dean's dad (Mike) who's a single dad and we'd see each other daily for school pickup/drop offs. My husband kept asking about Mike and pointed out that he's being boundary stompping but I disagree.
Unfortunately, Adam fell sick months ago and had to undergo a surgery recently. It's been hard but Dean kept visiting, sometimes Mike would come too and my husband would either ignore Mike or make passive comments towards him. Mike picked up on that and I told my husband to knock it off cause his hostility affected Adam and Dean as well.
Days ago, I found Adam crying in his room, this was weeks after getting discharged, I asked and he said that Dean sent him a text telling him they were no longer friends and blocked his number. I was confused they were fine. I wanted to go talk to Dean but the next day I found his phone in my husband's car. I confronted him and he said he "borrowed" it from Dean but I didn't buy it. After pushing he confessed that he stole Dean's phone at the hospital and sent Adam a text telling him to not contact him again. I asked why and he said it was all Mike's fault for being too close to me and acting inappropriately, and said that he didn't want to directly tell Adam to no longer speak to Dean and chose this stratagy to not make Adam hate him while keeping Dean and by extention Mike away. This hit a nerve so hard I started screaming at him. He said he already expressed how uncomfertable he felt with Mike being around and I kept brushing it off. I said it was because of how ridiculous his argument was, Mike has been nothing but respectable and helpful, I yelled calling him insecure and unreasonable and also cruel for causing Adam heartache with his stunt. He begged I don't tell Adam but I took the phone and returned it to dean and exlained to him and Adam what happened.
Adam is no longer speaking to my husband and he is blaming me for telling instead of keeping it between the adults like I'm supposed to.
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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AITA for making my boyfriend feel uncomfortable after he insisted on joining us on girls night in?
My boyfriend m/27 started asking to join me in my girls night in. Everytime I tried to say no he be like "I have to join or you'll have to cancel". It made me & the girls miserable having to sit there with him in the middle.
This past friday he insisted to join us again, I had enough I came up with an idea to get him to hate hanging out with us, made a plan and told the girls what we were going to do and they were down for ot.
The girls came and my boyfriend immediately sat with us and started ruining our conversations by steering them towards him/his work/his achievement. So here's what I did, I started bringing up gross/ embarrassing subjects and the girls were eating them up by talking about them in details. Subjects like sevx, periods (his most sensitive spot), cramp diarrhea, hairy legs, fart getting trapped in the valva and coming out the front. Squeezing shit out of our faces, cramp diarrhea, dirty underware, and again...cramp diarrhea.
We talked about this stuff in boring details, like...I could feel his discomfert without even looking at him. But God when I turned to see why he got quiet suddenly. he was getting red in the face, and had sweat all over his forehead, I bet he found himself unable to relate to thise subject thus couldn't take part in the conversation.
He got up from the couch ready to head out, I looked at him and asked where he was going and he was like "I just ah...I just remembered that I have an important meeting with a guy in about 10 minutes and....ah...I have to go now" he rushed out telling us to have fun. The girls and I started laughing hysterically.
he came home and berated me saying I made him feel uncomfortable/sick with the horrible subjects I kept bringing. I said "what u talking about? This is the typical stuff girls talk about all the time" but he insisted I made him upset and caused him to leave. He declined to speak to me and been quiet since then.
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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Holy shit???????
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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AITA for leaving my husband at the clinic and driving off?
I f26 have been together with my husband Austin m35 for 3 years. He Wes married before me but divorced his ex wife because she couldn't have kids.
Eversince I became pregnant he did a complate 180°, he became obsessed by constantly watching my every move and breathing down my neck. He even hung photos of the sonogram!. He also came up with a list of what I'm allowed and not allowed to do, like not driving, not eating certain foods, not working but I stood my ground and continued working, also not wear high heels or watch certain shows or see family unless percausions were taken. It has been exhausting for me already but he has made it 10x worse.
Yesterday, he woke me up at 7am and said we had to go to the doctor, I asked why since I wasn't feeling sick and he said he just had a hunch and I had to skip work and go with him to the appointment just to make sure because he felt something was wrong. I said no but he went and called my boss and took the day off for me. I was just speechless but decided to just go to get it over with. We got there after he kept scolding me for things i did the night before that mightve caused a problem- but literally there was no problem. The doctor told us that but he asked her to check again and she did, he then asked her to check again then again...I couldn't take it when he asked her again, I just got up, took my bag and walked out and left him arguing with the doc. I got into the car and went home immediately. He kept calling then came home and started yelling at me for leaving in the middle of my "examination" and then leaving him at the clinic. I blew upand told him I couldn't stand his obsession anymore and that his paranoia made me feel paranoid and is beginning to affect my social life, mental and physical health and my livelihood. He looked at me then said that I hurt him with what I said and that he was just trying to make sure the baby was fine and I was being aggressive and irresponsible towards him AND the baby this entire time, he said I was acting like a neglectful mother when the baby isn't even here yet then left and turned his phone off. This morning he's acting distant and is expecting some sort of a apology for what I did.
AITA am I overreacting?
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killhimjustkillhim · 2 years
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Boyfriend (M23) literally starves me (F20) the entire time I am over.
Me and my boyfriend are a fairly new relationship. It’s been 2 months since we have decided to be official.
In the beginning of the relationship, I had money from my job (that I no longer have anymore) and anytime we would hangout, I would buy us food. Note in the beginning, we would just hangout in his car all day for reasons he said we’re about his mother.
So eventually as time went on, he finally decided to bring me over and it turned into me sleeping over. He still lives with his mother for financial reasons.
Ever since I’ve been going over and still till this day, he does not feed me or ever offer me any food. He gladly cooks for himself and eats in-front of me every time I am over. I sleep over and the only time I do eat is when his mother makes supper. So for this case, I go from 6-7 pm till the same time the next day until I eat again, and if he does ever have any money, he’ll go buy himself fast food and not offer me anything, again the case being I haven’t ate since the night before.
So this has been resulting in me having to bring my own food, which is usually an energy drink and some sort of snack/food that I had already at home so I am able to eat, but as soon as I bring it out, he basically chugs my drink and ALWAYS asks for some of my food. Now of course I am not going to say no, he is my boyfriend and I am very glad to share, I just wish it was the same for him.
I am feeling very defeated and as embarrassing as this is for me to admit, I am just simply too afraid of bringing this topic up to him in fear of being judged for not saying anything sooner or just sounding straight up childish for not ever bringing this up one time. I share EVERYTHING I ever bring over or buy.
TL;DR - Boyfriend starves me when I come over, I share my food regardless but feeling defeated.
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