keylaunder · 1 year
hi guys, im still alive :p
so if u want anything just ask, im
gonna start writing for other fandoms soon :)
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keylaunder · 2 years
Hello!! Do you write for Paul Dano the actual actor not his characters??
hmm id have to think, maybe but probably not tbh, i usually just write for characters
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keylaunder · 2 years
Dwayne Hoover headcannons
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quick lil post, send in requests for anything im kinda stumped rn lol <3
- likes to listen to you read to him, idly playing with your hair or you’re playing with his
- Smells like ocean body mist and clean linen
- Bakes with Olive
- Hides his face in his hands when he’s embarrassed
- Falls asleep very quickly
- Favorite ice cream flavors are coffee and sorbet
- Can draw really well, sketches pictures on his assignments
- Adding onto that, while he was under the oath of silence he would express himself through drawing or painting but only with black,whites and grays
- Collects old marvel comic books from the 60s
- Touchstarved
- Has coco butter scented conditioner
- Has boxer and socks with jets on them (gifts from his mom)
- Plays the guitar
- Favorite subject is history
- Can’t use chopsticks
- doesn’t like overhead lighting, prefers lamps or natural light
- Favorite time of day is the early morning (4-9 am)
- An early riser
- Because of wanting control over his diet to aid in working out he started cooking his own meals and got pretty good at it
- Favorite Snapple flavor is lemon tea
- Likes giving and receiving hugs from behind
- Lays his head on you when he’s tired
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keylaunder · 2 years
Coffee Freezer // Brian x Reader
(This isn’t proof-read so please bear with me I’m heavily sleep deprived)
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Notes: Female reader, slightly ooc (maybe? I don’t really know)
“Jesus,” you sighed running your hand through your hair walking into the harsh lighting of Mickey’s. It was 9 pm and you found yourself wandering down sidewalk after sidewalk until you ended up here, an empty Mickey’s save for the employees and an old man sitting in the corner picking at his leftover fries.
Your shoes made clicking sounds against the floor as you walked up to the register to be met with an empty counter except for two guys behind the window. You glanced up at the menu before just settling on a coffee freezer, deciding that you should just get a small treat since you couldn’t stomach a whole meal. Still staring at the menu you hear whispers start from behind the till.
“Holy shit dude look”
“Hottie 5 ‘o clock at the register”
“Shit where’s Amber?”
“On ‘er break, go take her order man”
“Why me?”
“‘Cause I said so, now go”
Chucking to yourself you hear shifting from the window and a tall angsty looking teen shuffles to the front, obviously annoyed and tired. You couldn’t blame him, customer service jobs sucked.
Brian had seen you before around school even though you had just transferred. You were new, a fresh face wasn’t something seen around often so you stood out to him,and others, more than usual.
He had thought you were insanely hot ever since you waked past him during the break between first and second period. During that next history class you had introduced yourself at the front of the room stating that your family had just moved to the area and something else he didn’t catch. He was busy observing how your jeans hugged your hips and how your shirt was tight around your chest. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t practically drooling onto is desk.
And now here you were, standing right in front of him in a tight low cut long sleeve that definitely complimented your figure.
“Hey your in Mr Bruce’s history class right,” your voice got his attention, you met his gaze with a warm smile.
“Yeah, uh Y/n right?” He cleared his throat before speaking.
“Yeah I’m surprised you remembered,” you laughed “Could I just get a Coffee Freezer?”
“sure…” He trailed, typing your order into the computer “that’ll be a dollar”
You reached into your back pocket and pulled out a semi crinkled bill, handing it to the boy in front of you. “Thanks…” taking a moment to glance at his name tag just realizing you ever formerly introduced yourself to him directly. “Brian”
“Yeah don’t mention it” He said and walked back to behind the window feeling like his chest was going to explode.
“Holy shit dude you know her?!” Said Andrew after watching the whole ordeal from behind the order windo
“Not like personally” Brian mumbled, going to start on your coffee freezer
Amber came back to the register to see you sitting at the bar the had right across from it staring at the window.
“Y/n?” She said trying to get your attention “What are you doing here so late?”
Snapping you out of your thoughts you got up and made your way back to the counter. “Oh shit, hey Amber” you smiled, Amber showed you around the school on your first day. You guys exchanged numbers and have been texting on and off over the week.
“I went on a walk and wound up here and ordered a coffee freezer”
“Cool” she smiled, clearly tired and ready to go home. It being 9:35 meant that her and Andrew’s shift ended in a little under 30 minutes meaning that Brian would be left to lock up.
“Hey I’m gonna head to the back to grab my stuff, stay here” She said and quickly shuffled to the back.
In perfect timing Brian came out with your drink, “One Freezer”
He said placing it on the counter about to walk away when your topped him. “Hey, when does this place close?”
“10 but since no one’s in here except you I might close up early”
Brian answered, slightly confused at your question. Just then Andrew and Amber came out holding their things.
“We’re gonna head out Bri, make me proud okay” Andrew said smirking while heading for the door.
“Yeah Yeah, shut the fuck up man” Brian retorted
“Okay Brian I’m out, Bye Y/n,” Said Amber following Andrew stopping in the doorway of the restaurant before leaving turning to you, “Oh Y/n if you need help with the English homework just shoot me a text okay?”
“Alright!” You called out as she left before picking up your freezer and taking a sip. Brian watched as you did, your moisturized lips wrapping around the straw while your hand waved goodbye.
Suddenly he felt hot, his hands feeling clammy. He swallowed in an effort to calm himself down before he made himself look like a dumbass in front a hot girl. Suddenly, you turned towards him catching him staring making you smile when he looked away.
Clearing his throat to brake the silence Brian quickly spoke up, “I’m uh gonna close up now, you don’t have to leave until I’m done”
A text from your mom made your phone buzz in your pocket, ‘You alright?’
‘I’m okay’
‘On my way home now’
You quickly shot back, you had forgotten how late it was, surprisingly enjoying the ambience of the empty Mickey’s. The sound of boots and the odd jangle of a chain making you look up from your phone. Brian had taken his uniform off and was now clad in a black sweat shirt and his usual black jeans and combat boots, silver chain hanging from his belt loop.
“You ready?” You piped from your seat, standing up and shoving your phone into your back pocket.
“Yeah, let’s go,” Brian said walking towards the door with you close behind, “Thanks for uh, staying with me by the way”
“Of course,” you said smiling up at him as you two walked out onto the sidewalk, “Are you driving or walking home?”
“My car’s in the shop right now ‘cause of some stupid shit with my engine so I’m walking. How ‘bout you?” He asked running his hand through his hair, hoping it was just the cold air making his cheeks flush.
“I’m walking too, which way are you going?”
“Jaker Avenue”
“Oh sweet, I’m heading the same way”
You two walked in silence until you saw a flyer for an underground band that was going to play at a local venue on Friday , “Oh shit I didn’t know they were from here” You exclaimed taking the flyer down from the telephone pole it was taped to.
“You listen to them?” Brian questioned
“Hell yeah I do, I pirate their shit off the internet all the time” you laughed, your joke finally tearing away the tension and causing Brian to laugh with you.
That flyer caused the walk to let you guys take time to know each other, talking about music, video games, work drama and whatever came to mind.
“I’m telling you, my manager probably keeps 4-5 grand in that safe man” Brian exclaimed as you guys neared your house,
“Well if you ever need a getaway driver let me know” You joked, the two of you stopping at the front of your house
“This your stop?” He voiced, gesturing at your house
“Yeah this is me, thanks for walking me home” You smiled, turning around to head in before he stopped you, grabbing you arm. You turned around surprised at the sudden contact.
Brian instantly let go, his ears starting to burn. Why did he grab you.
“Hey you know the show on Friday,” you nodded, “would you wanna go with me?” He asked, avoiding your gaze as he waited for your response.
“Yeah of course!” You grinned, elated. “Here take my number, so we can talk about it later” You out stretched your hand for Brian to give you his phone so you could tap your number in.
“Yeah, right sure” He said handing his phone to you, his sweaty hands almost making him drop it.
You opened it to see a text from someone named Andrew
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keylaunder · 2 years
Klitz head cannons
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- smells really good, he prides himself on being cleanly
- Likes warm scents and ocean scents
- Listens to The Beach Boys and Britney Spears
- Keeps a comb in his backpack just in case his hair gets frizzy during the day
- Almost got matching lip tattoos with Matt and Eli (Eli’s idea)
- moisturizes
- Can cook really well but he almost exclusively makes omelettes with his skills
- Likes wearing fuzzy socks around the house
- Secret fall out boy super fan, has every one of their cd’s
- Sends good morning/goodnight texts
- His glasses don’t fit him right so he adjusts them frequently
- Not super into sweet things but his favorite kind of cake is tiramisu
- Gigantic nerd
- Go to drink when he’s at a restaurant is an Arnold palmer
- Likes using emoticons when he texts ‘Good morning. :]’
- Also uses proper grammar when he texts ^^
- Has a thing for seeing his partner in tank tops
- Has self-esteem issues,needs routine reassurance
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keylaunder · 2 years
Brian head cannons
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- has validation issues so he’s super possessive
- likes seeing you in his clothes
- Doodles all over himself and you in sharpie, knives, monsters, jack o’ lanterns
- He dyes his hair with the same box dye as his mom
- On the topic of dye, his bathroom and towels are stained with black dye, splotches of bluish gray EVERYWHERE
- His sleep schedule is nonexistent so you wake up with texts at random hour of the night along the lines of “babe i scored this new cd earlier today and you should stop by tomorrow to listen to it with me”
- He steals his moms clothes
- He acts like he hates it but he enjoys when you put makeup on him
- Severely touch starved, when you two are alone he is always on you
- In public he won’t touch you more than a side hug but he wants to have you in his vicinity (sitting/standing next to him or somewhere he can see you)
- Buys those little cherry blossom air fresheners and hides ‘em under the seats of his car so it doesn’t smell like grease from his uniform
- Random but i think he wears friendship bracelets he bought for himself cause he likes the pop of color no one can see
- Showers regularly but hates doing laundry
- I will die on this hill, Brian bites.
- ^^ affectionately and aggressively, he’s like a teething puppy
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keylaunder · 2 years
i really loved your brian fic :)
thank you :)
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keylaunder · 2 years
please feel free to send things to my askbox :)
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keylaunder · 2 years
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// Calvin Weir-Fields x reader //
The light shown through the curtains, cascading across his face. It was always nice waking up to Calvin in the morning, you could take time to admire his features; the curve of his nose, his lips, the slight smile lines around his mouth, and the scattered freckles across his face. His lips are slightly parted as he breathes softs whispers into the air, his eyes closed tightly and his hair draped over his forehead.
He turns your way and an arm reaches toward you,” good morning, I can feel you staring at me, creep” he slurs with a smile, eyes still closed. “I can’t help it, you’re pretty.” Your eyes flicker across his face once more.
“You think I’m pretty?” His eyes are open more, slight shock swirling around his irises. His eyes are so pretty.
“I think you’re gorgeous” you cooed, leaning over and placing a kiss on his forehead, bridge of his nose, tip of his nose, finally a light peck on his lips. “Careful, I got morning breath” he chuckled and turned over hauling himself out of bed with a small groan.
You just watched him as he got himself ready, leaving the bathroom door open as he splashed water on his face. Dropping a bead of toothpaste on his brush wetting it under the faucet. You got up, grabbing his glasses of the nightstand and walking into the bathroom right behind him. Holding eye contact through the mirror you reached around and placed the frames on his nose.
“What do you want for breakfast?”
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keylaunder · 2 years
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Brian x reader// drabble
“C’mon babe this is ridiculous” Brian murmured as you swiped the black liner on his water line, “I’m surprised you haven’t done this before, you look Iike the type,” you laughed “okay other eye.”
He groaned, glancing at you then back up so you don’t accidentally poke his eye out. His hands were sitting on your waist idly moving up and down while he let you work.
Being so close to Brian let you analyze his face, the slope of his nose, his lightly pink dusted cheeks, how his lip twitched ever so slightly when you brushed you thumb against it. His eye bags had gotten more prominent over the past few weeks, it saddened you a little bit knowing he was losing sleep over his job.
“Am I smoking hot now?” He joked, as you pulled away, “Well you already were you’re just extra hot now.” You flashed a smile and lent down to give him a kiss. “Okay let me grab a mirror” you whispered pulling away moving to get off his lap but he stopped you. “Aww…I only get one?” He whined, “I think I deserve more for letting you put this shit on my face” he whispered, hands on your waist gripping you tighter pulling you over. Your noses touched before your were lips connected once more. Brian’s tongue traced along your lips, causing you to groan and nip his as a warning.
Pulling away you winked before finally getting up. Grabbing a handheld mirror from his desk and sauntering back over to show him your work.
“I look like a fucking raccoon”
“A sexy raccoon”
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