Yosano Angst but with a Nice Ending
Hi y’all! I’m sorry I haven’t posted in awhile. It’s been a wild ride these past couple of weeks, but here’s a new fic for everyone! It’s not in my usual style, but I thought of it sometime back and thought it might be fun to post! So I hope this goes well!
Spoilers: Manga spoilers for around chapter 70, none of this is in the anime yet, some spoilers for Kunikida’s background
TW: None
I based this fic during the time that I believe the three newest ADA members to join the agency were Kunikida, Katai, and Dazai. It is also based only a couple of years after Yosano joined the agency, so her past is still a bit fresh.
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Yosano stared at her mug that lay shattered on the ground, the coffee it once held pooling around the pieces. It almost moved as if it were never a liquid at all. She had put so much sugar in it that it had become sticky and slow, but some of it had carried with the ceramic bits as they went skittering across the floor, leaving a distinctive splatter pattern. It almost reminded her of--
“Yosano, are you okay?”
She snapped her head a little too fast toward the voice. She must have been glaring at her broken mug too long because her sudden movement made Katai jump. He looked so taken aback from such a quick change in her demeanor. Am I really so terrifying to him?
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just didn’t sleep well last night.” Her voice came out sternly, it was a bit much even for her liking, but it was hard not to sound upset when she got that way though, loosing sleep, tense all the time...
Katai glanced nervously between her and the shards still on the ground. “You know, if you ever need to talk about it, we’re here for you.”
She looked around the room. Dazai, Kunikida, and Katai were the only ones there since the Director and Ranpo had gone out on a case, which left the three of them giving her their full attention. She didn’t want them though, they could never understand everything. She wanted her family.
“I said I’m fine Katai. You can go back to work, and I’ll clean up the mess.” She knelt down and started collecting the pieces. Katai looked back at Kunikida as she did this. Surely, he wouldn’t leave her in such a state, but he was surprised to find Kunikida still at his desk, waving with his hand, encouraging him to help.
“Hey, Yosano. Maybe we could ju--”
“I SAID I’M FINE.” Katai backed away at the change in tone. Yosano had never yelled at him. She looked up as he moved away. They will always be afraid.
Yosano looked to the ground as she stood up, the heat rising to her face.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shout at you Katai.”
Dazai hopped out of his seat, and headed to the door, drawing Kunikida’s attention away from the mess on the floor.
“And where do you think you’re going in the middle of work?” Dazai turned at Kunikida’s words and gave a smirk.
“Oh, you know, out to make sure I don’t get some treatment from our favorite doctor here.”
That was the breaking point. Yosano rushed past Dazai and out of the room, Kunikida’s bellowing voice following after her. She couldn’t hear what the exact words were. He’s probably asking me to wait up, but there’s no point if I’m not wanted here.
Yosano made it the street outside the Agency before a hand grabbed her shoulder and spun her around.
“I said to hold up!” Of course it was Kunikida, why wouldn’t it be? She felt the tears well-up in her eyes, and it felt as if a hand had closed around her throat, making it hard to breathe. I can’t believe I’m about to cry. Here? Now? How much more embarrassing could this get?
Kunikida softened his gaze once he realized. “Hey, why don’t we talk about it?”
“I don’t want to talk about it. There’s no point! You should leave too before I hurt you as well. I’m just the Angel of Death after all.”
“What does that mean?”
“Nothing. Dazai was right about me. He just joined the agency a week ago, and he already knows how terrible my power is, the way it torments others. I just cause you guys to suffer.”
“Yosano, tell me what’s going on.”
“NO! I don’t have to tell you anything! Why can’t you just leave things alone that aren’t your business for once?!”
Kunikida gave her a stern glare. “You can’t be acting so childishly.”
“I don’t care how you think I should be acting. I just don’t want to hurt people anymore.” Her voice cracked in the last words, and she slumped down onto the curb of the road, burring her face in her arms. Kunikida sat next to her.
“Seriously, you have to open up about this. The Director left me in charge while Ranpo and him are gone, and I want to make sure all the Agency members are okay until they return.” Yosano glanced at him from the side of her eye before turning to face him completely.
“People always end up hating me for bringing them back. Maybe not the first or second time, hell, not even the tenth time, but they always say the same things. They always hope for the day that I’ll stop treating them.”
Kunikida listened quietly as she spoke. He really did seem less like a supervisor and more like an attentive friend in the moment.
“Yosano, do you know about the mission I went on a couple of weeks ago?”
“No, the Director kept it under wraps for you.”
“There was a casualty... I wasn’t able to save someone despite the ideals I hold myself to.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, but what does this have to do with me?”
“I’m just saying that we can’t do everything on our own. I can’t save everyone, and you can’t heal everything. We just have to do the best we can for the people around us.”
Yosano stared at Kunikida for a moment. This wasn’t the naïve man holding onto his ideals that she had worked with for a year. This was a person barely holding it together too. She didn’t have long to think about it though before he shifted, standing up and going back to his usual disposition in an instant.
“Come back tomorrow when you feel better. I’ll tell the other two that you took the rest of the night off.”
Yosano watched as he walked back into the Agency. She wiped away her tears and glanced one last time at the agency before heading home. Maybe I’m not so alone in this after all.
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not abel, but cain || akutagawa
A/N: Hey guys, this is a little different from my usual stuff. I’ve kinda been going back and forth on stuff to write, and I PROMISE I have some new stuff coming!! I’ve just been sort of going through it lately and this fic was really cathartic for me.
This is my first attempt at an actual fic of sorts. It’s short and hopefully it’s decent! It’s not reader insert, it’s just my take on Akutagawa and Atsushi
tw for child abuse
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“You really don’t like me, do you?” 
Akutagawa’s head snapped away from the blurred smattering of scenery outside the passenger window he’d been focusing on. Christ… of course Atsushi would ask some stupid crap like that. How typical, and to even time it while Akutagawa was deliberately avoiding him. 
“Not at all. I hate you, weretiger. No secret there.” Atsushi stared at him, probably assuming there’d be a follow up, but there was nothing more to be said. Akutagawa turned his attention back to the window; he knew Atsushi was thinking, fumbling with something in his mind to keep this conversation going, and Akutagawa did not want to invite this line of questioning.
Keep reading
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Hello everyone, long time no see!
Just coming to say that I have NOT abandoned this blog, and I intend to post more very soon. I have been super busy with my day job/balancing time with my friends that are back in town for spring break, so please forgive my absence!
That doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing at all though, as I have been working on something that’s taking a while, and will continue to take a while... but I have some requests that I really wanna do in the meantime.
I’m also, like, two followers away from 300 followers, which I cannot believe!!! Seriously so insane, literally have never achieved this much success in all of my 19 years on this planet haha, good thing it’s for a Bungo Stray Dogs Tumblr blog 👀
So if you would like to see me do something for 300 followers, let me know! I am tragically uninspired when it comes to these follower landmarks and how to celebrate them, so let me know if you have any ideas, and feel free to send in some questions or asks if you want.
Getting asks is like my favorite thing, even though I don’t answer them all, a lot of them indirectly inspire me to write other things. Never be afraid of stressing me out or anything, lol, I have bigger problems than other fans of my favorite show dropping by to ask for me to write something, haha.
But that’s all for now, I’m going to now take yet another nap, and my excuse for this one is that it’s going to snow soon where I live. Thank you for supporting me and sticking around, I love writing and this blog has been such a ray of sunshine in my otherwise stressful life. I would encourage everyone thinking about maybe starting to write to just do it; I had never done this before until this blog, and it has been so rewarding and fun, and it’s a creative hobby that costs nothing!
Again, thank you thank you thank you, my friends, I will be back soon 💝
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{Poe and Tecchou with an S/O that thinks they’re super sexy}
I did the same thing with Ango and Oda about a week ago, and I just got a request to do Poe and Tecchou this morning. Yes, I do answer requests, lol, I promise. And this one seemed really cute, so I wanted to give it a try!
****Tecchou is a mango only character thus far, so his will contain spoilers for the manga. And please go easy on me if you think he’s out of character, I have never written for him before!
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+ Poe would really hate it if you did this in public. If the two of you were at a restaurant together, he would find it hard to order while you were staring him down the whole time with a dreamy look in your eyes
+ He’d hide himself behind the menu, and when the server would try to take it once the two of you had ordered, he would feel naked without it; with nothing to guard him from your gaze
+However, this doesn’t mean he wouldn’t appreciate this kind of attention at all; in fact, he does the same thing to you sometimes. Just make sure its when the two of you are alone together
+ He will still get blushy and seem uncomfortable; he doesn’t much like feeling like an exhibit at the zoo. If you want to sweep him off his feet, talk him through why you think he’s so handsome, and why you’re so smitten with him
+ Always one to appreciate the power of words, Poe would prefer this more than if you were to just gawk at him with no explanation. But no guarantee that he would believe you when you tell him how good he looks
+ But when he’s in the mood, he does the same for you. He always admires you, but when you create an opportunity for him to shar his feelings, get ready for some compliments bordering on poetry; he’ll say stuff that make you even more grateful that he has the intelligence and personality to back up his good looks
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+ It would take a lot of staring to get Tecchou to notice anything out of the ordinary. It will honestly seem like he’s ignoring you, but really he’s just focused on other things
+ You can compliment him, stare at him, play with his hair, whisper to him all you want; he won’t ever push you away or get embarrassed. But he also won’t return the favor
+ He’s a highly trained and dangerous weapon; He takes his position in the hunting dogs very seriously, and while he doesn’t push you away or ask you to stop, just know that he won’t ever gush over you in the same way you gush over him
+ Rest assured that Jouno will be very confused at how he managed to get an S/O like you; Tecchou will just matter-of-factly recount the events that led to the two of you getting together, all while Jouno tries to interrupt or cut him off, especially at the more adult topics
+ “And then the both of us were naked–” 
“Ok!! I get it!!”
+ At the end of the day, Tecchou will be the one embarrassing you. Even though he doesn’t ever show his affection in more traditional ways, it’s these moments that show that he really does care about you. The only times Tecchou is speechless is when he doesn’t have anything to say; your love for him will never catch him off guard or throw him off
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Hey!! I love your work!! Can you please write some ranpo fluff?? Thank you!!!
YES!!!! I love Ranpo so much!!! Here’s my idea for an x Reader concept!!!
Ranpo x Reader on a Picnic
Content type: Fluff, x Reader
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~As long as you’ve been with Ranpo, you’ve only really seen him and Yosano disagree on one thing: the amount of snacks he eats.
~Yosano really means the best when she brings it up, but Ranpo can’t help feeling like the lectures are suffocating.
~On days where he’s craving extra sweets, he invites you out to a picnic. He loves having you there with him while you both eat treats like there’s no tomorrow (it’s even more fun for him since your sweet tooth is so comparable to his).
~He calls you while you’re on your day off and asks if you’d like to go for a walk. You agree, like most times, and step outside to find him already waiting for you.
~He hurries to meet you halfway and greets you with a smile,
~You ask, “So where are we going today?”
~He grins even more and pretends to think for a second. You both know where. It’s become a part of your routine, to the point that you both consider it a special place.
~”How about you let me lead the way, and we’ll see where we end up?”
~You smile and take his hand. As usual, it’s dry and scratchy. He’s constantly forgetting to use lotion, and the police make him use hand sanitizer at crime scenes.
~You’ve come to find a sort of comfort in this. It still means that you two are together and able to do such meaningful gestures to show you care.
~You both roam the city for a little bit, hand-in-hand. Occasionally, one of you will have to pull away to exchange money for the treats you’re collecting, but somehow you both find your way back to the other without even speaking.
~After several stops to the usual vending carts and booths, it’s decided that there are enough snacks to continue on to the nearby park.
~You two find a spot to sit on the ground. In this park, it’s soft to the touch because it seems enough flowers have invaded the area that they outnumber the grass itself.
~You two start eating your hoard of sweets, starting with ice pops that would melt in the spring sun.
~While hanging out, you two spend alternating amounts of time joking around and sitting in the quiet of the day, enjoying the warmth together.
~You both love having things to share with each other, but you’ve also grown so comfortable together that saying absolutely nothing is just as wonderful.
~After awhile, the sun begins setting, and you feel a slight need to do something.
~You pick a few of the flowers surrounding you and start weaving them into an intricate crown. It’s a small trick you learned quite some time ago, but you enjoy knowing the skill.
~Once you finish, Ranpo asks to see it. You didn’t realize he had been watching.
~You hand it over to him, and he takes a few seconds analyzing it, trying to figure out how it worked.
~You watch as he does this. “Would you like to keep it?”
~He nods, but looks around where to place it for safe-keeping.
~You slide the crown out of his hands and put it over his hat. “There, now you can’t lose it.”
~You two grin for a moment, but it’s short-lived. The sun finishes going down, and it begins to get cold as the night settles in.
~Ranpo walks you home, being as much as a gentleman as the first night you two went to the part.
~He refuses to take the crown off the entire time you two are walking, and even as he leaves your apartment, he’s still wearing, albeit lopsided, on top of his hat.
~The next day, he takes it to work with him to show to coworkers. He’s so happy to have you in his life, he takes any chance to brag about your relationship.
~The others think it’s cute, but no one ever brings it up to you. Any time you visit the office, they just greet you with appreciation. Anything for the person who makes their favorite detective so happy.
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anyways fyodor and dazai are together and dazai is a sub
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moslty out of curiosity but i was just wondering how you felt about writing fluffy crack (idk how else to describe it) and what your fav kind of writing is <3 (its all amazing btw)
Hi there anon!! I haven’t tried writing fluffy crack yet! I’m actually really new to writing (this is my first blog and I literally started writing for the first time ever only a month or so ago)!! I’d love to take asks for different types of writing since I still need to find my favorite style (as long as it follows my basic rules pinned to the top of my blog). I do get the feeling though that I lean more towards writing fluff and soulmate-based concepts!!!
Thanks for asking my liege!!!  You and everyone else are so encouraging and sweet!!!!
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High School Headcanons (Pt.2)
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Characters Mentioned: Chuuya, Dazai, Atsushi, and Yosano
~Chuuya was a choir kid and to this day has the voice of an angel. He was disliked by other choir kids for getting all the male-solo parts during competitions, including All State. (He’s a tenor in case you were wondering.)
~He was often treated as the token ginger in his friend group. People would try to touch his hair all the time, and he hated it enough that he tried changing his hair to black at one point. It didn’t work because red hair is infamously hard to dye or bleach. But oh boy! It was a treat to see.
~Chuuya was actually a model student his first two years of high school. He thought not causing trouble would be a nice change for once, but he turned back to mischief his third year. He didn’t like trying to live up to the expectations of his friends AND teachers.
~Even though he tried to act tough a lot of the time, Chuuya was a huge nerd about fashion. Once you got him started about the latest in hats or shoes, you might as well have him glued to your side for the next hour, passionately explaining his ideas.
~Any time a school dance came around, Dazai could always be found asking all the girls who would listen to go to the dance with him. He wanted to find his belladonna in his younger years. What could be more wonderful to him than a high school sweetheart?
~He somehow made it onto the student council without putting any effort into work or campaigning, but it was a minor position, so everyone just assumed he got there by being appointed. The truth is that no one else would run for the position, allowing him to win by default.
~He received detention for a week after pulling his senior prank. Letting rats loose in the school didn’t end up as funny as he expected it to be.
~Dazai’s favorite class was art. He said it was because of how easily a student could pass, but he secretly loved it because he could sit behind the teacher’s desk to draw stills in charcoal.
~Atsushi was a nervous wreck in high school too. One time he was just trying to ask a girl for a pencil to take notes with, but he got so caught-up in his own thoughts that he somehow ended up asking her to prom instead. It was a sight to give anyone second-hand embarrassment.
~He somehow always got tangled-up in other people’s pranks. Oda’s, Tachihara’s, Poe’s, you name it! He was probably involved!
~He really wanted to try and get into soccer because it seemed fun to him, but he was rejected after his physical showed that he had asthma. He grew out of it a few years later and still insists that an ADA sports team might be fun.
~He had a very unfortunate phase where the only hair style that he wore was a bowl-cut.
~President of the GSA club, and, yes, she had a feeling for a long time that Tanizaki wasn’t straight. That’s why she got him into GSA meetings in the first place!
~Yosano was an AP student, but she actually never did a second of homework. Instead, she scraped by with her fantastic essay writing and test scores. She had more important things to worry about as a teenager.
~Even with amazing popularity at school, she spent a lot of her time outside of classes hanging out with her family. She was always there to support Ranpo and often arranged family nights to play video games so he and the president could spend quality time together.
~When she wasn’t spending time with family, you could reliably find her playing D&D in the local park with some of her friends. She felt like they should have their games in the open, where kids who were a bit shy to ask at school could join them.
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Akutagawa’s S/O Meeting His Family
A random idea for all you Akutagawa Ryunosuke fans out there!! This has a bit of spoilers about who Akutagawa’s family is and their involvement in his life/background, so just a head’s up!!
Content type: Fluff, x Reader
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~After a few months of dating, Akutagawa nervously approaches you. Asking if he can talk with you after work.
~It isn’t like him to talk to you at work. He firmly believes in the idea that business and private affairs should remain separate.
~You wonder what could have gotten him so worked-up that he felt the need to talk about it now, but you only get to reply a quick “sure” before he walks back down the hall.
~He always has been a bit short with words, so you don’t mind the quickness of his leaving. It does, however, leave you a little curious about the nature of your upcoming conversation.
~The rest of the day you think about what this all could be about. Your mind races with ideas. Everything from him giving you a box of flowers to him possibly breaking up with you crosses your mind.
~Finally, the day ends, and you take your leave to wait for him outside the base on the bench you two always meet at. He usually leaves a little later than everyone else since he holds such a high rank.
~He comes out of the building a few minutes later and takes a slight glance around before sitting with you, letting his guard down a little.
~”So what did you want to talk about? You almost never go to the armory to see me.”
~He glances at you with the same hesitation as before. Whatever this is must be really important to have him seeming so concerned.
~”I was hoping to discuss the nature of our relation ship together. We’ve been dating for a few months now, right?”
~You nod in response. The tone of his voice gives nothing away about what he’s implying but--
~”Then it’s probably about time for you to meet my family.”
~You sit in shock for a second. This isn’t a break-up? ”You want me to meet your family? I didn’t know you had a family.” You had assumed he was an orphan like most other people in the Mafia.
~”Well...I do have a sister, and we’ve been dating long enough that a customary introduction seems in store.”
~You smile at him. It being his first relationship, he must have looked into how long to wait for introducing a partner to family.
~”You know the amount of time doesn’t really matter. It just depends on what you feel most comfortable with.”
~Akutagawa thinks for a second before replying. “I think it’s time. We’ve been together for a bit now, and I plan on it staying that way.”
~The comment makes you blush. You didn’t know he was putting any thought into a future with you two together.
~You agree to meet his sister and show up at his place a few hours later. He answers the door rather quickly when you knock. His reaction time gives away how important this is to him.
~He lets you in, and you sit at the table. It’s already set with the night’s dinner, but no one else is there yet. “Is your sister still coming?”
~”She is, but she’s running a little late due to--”
~A knock at the door interrupts him. He goes to open the door, but the sudden realization of how this dinner may effect your relationship hits you. You can’t help but glue your eyes down at the table as the guest enters and sits across from you.
~”I’d like you two to meet each other.” You look up at the person across from you only to see that it’s GIN???
~Gin nods to you in acknowledgement, but this just leaves you in more confusion. You dart your eyes between Akutagawa and her. They do share a striking resemblance, but how is this not known throughout the whole Mafia??
~You regain your composure in a second and greet Gin. The three of you start dinner after, but the meal goes by in a blur of questions aimed at you from both Gin and Akutagawa.
~Eventually, the questioning causes Akutagawa to go into a coughing fit, and he has to excuse himself. Gin takes this as the perfect moment to make her thoughts about you clear.
~”You should be careful about how you treat my brother. He’s much more fragile than you think, and I won’t stand to see him hurt.”
~Before you can prod more into what she means by “fragile,” Akutagawa comes back. His presence ensures the rest of the dinner goes smoothly, and Gin leaves shortly after, not letting on about the implied threat from earlier. You two settle on the couch before discussing the night.
~”She didn’t threaten you did she? She gets a bit overprotective at times.”
~You stare up at him for a second. “She did. Why is she so protective?”
~”She saved my life once when we were kids. When I was frozen and scared, she made sure I survived. That’s why I wanted to introduce you two. You two are some of the people that mean most to me.”
~You’ve never heard this about him before. He’s such a private man.
~He notices how hard you’re thinking about tonight’s events and takes your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
~This simple action draws you out of your thoughts. He doesn’t initiate physical touch often, but you find it comforting when he does. It’s his way of assuring you that he’ll stand by your side and love you against others’ judgement.
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{Ango and Oda with an S/O who thinks they’re super sexy}
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Ok, I won’t lie, sometimes I screenshot asks and send them to my friends, and I got so hype about this one that I did just that. I’m so excited to write this ahhhh! And I’m for sure going to write Ango and Oda!
And no Dazai this time T-T I’m sorry, just wasn’t feeling it. Sorry that it took so long!!
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+ It’s true that he always tries to look nice for you, but the way you react whenever he puts a little extra something special into his appearance makes him feel so special
+ He blushes when you flirt, and if it’s in public, he’ll try and shut you up in the least attention grabbing way possible 
+ Imagine him, beet red, muttering something to you as you grab his arm and coo into his ear about how handsome he is. You can’t understand him with how quietly he’s addressing you, but he’s afraid to speak any louder as it may result in *shudder* judgmental glances your way
+ But when you’re all alone… It’s actually not too different. He still blushes super hard and tries to shut you up, sometimes in ways that are not the most self respecting 
+ “Stop that… I’ve been at the office for 32 hours without a shower… I look terrible and you know it”
+ You really do think he’s super good-looking, though!! 
+ Even though he’s really embarrassed, he does really appreciate how you think to make him feel special, even if he doesn’t always see eye to eye, and if it means he has less time to eat his corn flakes in the morning because you’re busy playing with his hair
+ His mind doesn’t really jump to complimenting you after you compliment him; he’s mostly concerned with how embarrassed he gets when he gets a personal remark, good or bad
+ But you can bet that he definitely thinks he’s the reacher in the relationship; and when the two of you are going out together and both looking your best, he feels like an awkward prom date, ready to tell your parents he’ll get you home by eight and voice crack when he asks to see if you want any punch
+ He always gets this nervous when taking you out, and you think it’s so special that you’re the only one that can make him loose his cool and drop his somewhat off-putting attitude
+ The way you can almost hear his frantic inner monologue when you so much as whisper something to him endears him to you so much more than his stodgy remarks could ever do; and it makes him all the more attractive to you
+ Catching Oda off guard is about as easy as assigning a pigeon homework; it just doesn’t happen
+ But this doesn’t mean he isn’t extremely grateful and entertained by your attitude surrounding his appearance
+ The two of you both have a very clear understanding that your personalities and shared values is what keeps you together, so it feels comfortable to also be vocal about how attracted to him physically you are 
+ Oda’s ability factors into the way you interact with him more than you would think; sometimes, when you’re watching him pour his coffee in the morning, thinking just how rugged and stunning he looks even after just waking up, you’ll see a smile make it’s way to his too often stoic face
+ He’s already seen the comment you’re about to make six seconds from now, and is already flattered. You also sometimes find yourself being kissed by him right when you were thinking about leaning in yourself. He smirks, and mentions that he beat you to it
+ It depends on his mood whether he’ll let you continue on your train of thought or not, and when he doesn’t give you any visual cues at all, you know just how caught up in him you were
+ He really doesn’t mind you gushing about his appearance in public at all. He does the same for you, no matter what company you’re in. You have always been able to count on Oda being transparent and communicative with you at all times, so if he thinks you look like a a total bombshell today, everyone in the vicinity is gonna hear it 
+ Even when you think you’re surprising him with a sudden kiss or even seductive whisper about how he looks at the moment, you aren’t
+ This makes it all the more surprising when, despite yourself, you aren’t able to hold back and say something you weren’t planning on saying
+ These outbursts embarrass you more than they do him, if at all, and you find yourself blushing, and asking him why he let you say something like that
+ “It’s refreshing seeing someone act on a whim”
{Mayoi Card Dump– Welcome, I’m the trash warden}-under the cut-
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{awkward and lovesick BSD boys}
How some of the BSD boys flirt with you/ deal with their crush on you. Cringe warning ahead- but not really, please read this 
This is a goofy post, and an attempt at being funny. I love all of these characters to death, but here’s how awkward I think they are capable of being. I mostly did characters I think don’t get enough love <3 Maybe won’t be a very popular post as a result, so if you like it, please let me know, and I can do another installment! Also feel free to suggest characters (they don’t have to all be boys)
{Characters: Fitzgerald, Twain, Steinbeck, Fukuzawa, Tachihara, Mori}
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+ Brings flowers, (Daffodils) to your front door with his hair is parted to the side and slicked back 
+ You can almost picture him licking his palm once or twice and using it to smooth back his hair, all while waiting at your front door holding the flowers
+ Mentions that he respects you because of your intellect, but says it in an unintentionally sexist way
+ At work, will bring you into his office to talk about something work-related, but obviously contrived, only to shove that aside and say “but how ARE you?”
+ Will say things to you like “Let’s Dish” when you seem frustrated 
+ Will always give to homeless people when you’re around, but an embarrassingly low amount 
+ Will absolutely and positively pretend that he runs; like, he really doesn’t; he was a part of track in high school to hang out with his friends, but he hasn’t run as a hobby or way to exercise since then
+ Will always be talking about training for some 5K when you’re around, and will absolutely throw in some lunges here and there, maybe even a hamstring stretch is he’s feeling naughty
+ Ends up hurting himself while stretching. It’s painfully obvious as he hobbles away, still doubled over
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+ Takes a long, long time for him to realize that he even likes you 
+ But once he finally pieces it together, get ready for your friendship to undergo a change as he shifts into “Gentleman courting you” mode
+ In his head, it’s not a question of if he should confess to you, but how. He’s gonna get it off his chest no matter what
+ He’ll hold doors open for you. But it’s like… really unnecessary. If he gets to work first, he’ll wait outside holding the door until you arrive. Awkward for you, even more awkward for the people that walked through the door before you, as he wouldn’t even say anything to them 
+ Will pull out chairs for you. When you’re not expecting it. You fall and bruise your tailbone. Wow, thanks Mark 
+ Twain, whether it’s the country boy in him, or just the boy in general, will try to learn to play you a song on the harmonica. It’s really, uh, touching 
+ I lied, it’s borderline unbearable. You have to hold back tears of laughter as he whistles into the harmonica- Literally WHISTLES– spending much more breath than he would have if he played it like an actual human being and somehow still messing up despite the staggering tempo
+ “wait-” %^&$ “uh, wait no” $*$% (mind you, his foot-tapping is NOT helping him keep with the beat)
+ But the detail that makes it actually impossible to take seriously is that he’s playing the song “Piano Man” by Billy Joel
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+ Really tries his hardest to deny his feelings
+ He copes with his crush on you by 1) negging you, and 2) trying to act like a bad boy
+ Will “rough-house” with his smaller male friends (Not Lovecraft, he CANNOT trust Lovecraft to wingman for him like this) in front of you out of nowhere, just to show how manly he is 
+ He even eats nuts in front of you, just to flex on his food allergy. His emergency EpiPen was used that day. You didn’t even know he was allergic to nuts…
+ Starts to ride his bike places instead of driving. Not a motorcycle, his bike
+ It’s really obvious that there was clearly a basket attached to the front at one point; you can see where he tried to hack it off
+ His classic overalls are switched to really tight pants. He doesn’t even consider that this might accentuate his package. Literally does not cross his mind. Spends the rest of the day in agony cause his balls are so cramped
+ Will find every excuse to flex his plant knowledge on you, but it horribly backfires. Grapes of Wrath doesn’t make him invincible to poison ivy as it turns out…
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+ Has felt that he has been very successful in the ways of love
+ His feelings for you were an opportunity to really try and get a handle on being romantic 
+ Invites you on a picnic but didn’t bring a blanket, and the only food he brought was a potato salad
+ Is freaking out internally because he forgot to tell you to bring something, but then beats himself up over the fact that he thought to make you bring anything in the first place
+ Only brought plastic knives on accident; and no serving dishes
+ determined to make it work, he starts eating out of the container using the knife as a spoon, but then it makes it look like he just brought it for himself 
+ He’s too embarrassed to ask if you want some 
+ Ok, take two. He somehow, by an act of a divine and caring God, got you to agree to a second date 
+ This time, he baked you some muffins. It’s a breakfast date in a secluded and lush area on his property; he allows himself, to only this once, toot his own horn
+ Women love this shit, he thinks, they love outside dates and when a man bakes for them
+ The problem was, he came on way too strong. You bit into a muffin, and weren’t expecting the ring in the middle of it
+ Did this man really just try to propose to you via the ol’ baked into a muffin technique? 
+ No, he wasn’t trying to propose, he just wanted to buy you jewelry… which is still weird for a second date… and ok now it’s dawning on him what he did wrong and how it could be misconstrued
+ He explains this to you, panicked, and you decide to let it slide, and you grab another muffin, desperate to move your mouth in a way that wouldn’t require talking 
+ He refuses to look you in the eye as you once again chomp down on something baked inside the muffin
+ This time it’s an earring 
+ It horrifies you that 1) he baked not only one piece of jewelry into a muffin for your second date and 2) he baked at least 3, if this single earring is any indication
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+ Signs you up for a pottery class. Texts you this. You get hyped
+ Texts you again the next day, saying that he had to cancel, no biggie
+ But then you see him at work the next day, and you notice he’s wearing a leather jacket in 90 degree heat and he won’t look at you
+ He makes sure he’s always “talking shop” whenever you’re within earshot, although he doesn’t get very far into these conversations, and seems confused when the person he’s talking to talks about cars
+ Speaking of which, he didn’t drive his car today; apparently, he had asked Chuuya if he could borrow his motorcycle to get to work
+ Chuuya said no, but is a nice guy, so he offered him a ride
+ Tachihara, who is also a nice guy, said yes, despite not really wanting to
+ At the end of the day, Chuuya and Tachihara walked out to the lot together, and you watched through the window as he got on right behind Chuuya, and tried to look as “no-homo” as possible as he wrapped his arms around him 
+ The next day at work, Tachihara mentioned loudly in front of you that he had two concert tickets, but he didn’t know what to do with them (wink wink)
+ Chuuya, thinking that Tachihara was just really lonely and desperate for friends, spoke up 
+ Wait, no Chuuya, that wink wink was not for you
+ But Tachihara, this absolute nice guy in disguise, didn’t want to offend Chuuya, who he now thinks has a crush on him, and couldn’t let him down easy
+ They wore matching band tees the next day. They actually had a great time. 
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+ Literally just starts riding a horse everywhere
+ Waiting for the opportunity to present itself, the one in which you, uh, something something something, ride with him on the horse
+ But the money he’s spending on the handler everyday is a little outrageous
+ Not to mention he just has lingering horse stench now 
+ And although Roy has become a true friend to him, he realized that the handler would have to accompany him at all times, even if you did somehow agree to riding on the horse with him
+ That harshes Mori’s mellow, so he ditches the horse
+ Switches to wearing glasses instead
+ The glasses are Kouyou’s outdated prescription; this hack doesn’t even get non-prescription lenses
{Mayoi Card Dump}-under the cut- 
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BSD Falling in Love With You {part two}
Hello, Hello!! I got two asks about doing a part two for this, one was right after I posted the other one, and the second ask came in today. I’m sorry to the first requester, @emsprite, for taking so long, but I wanted to give a bit of a break in between :)
******These ones are different from the last post; they’re more story based. I’m sorry if you were expecting something else; I was too. But I got so inspired and carried away, and I really am proud of them, even if they are longer and less cute than the last post. Please let me know what you think, and as always, ask me for more if you want to see more :) I still haven’t gotten able to do plenty of characters that I would love to write these for!
{Characters: Sigma, Louisa, Mushitarou, Jouno}
–Here is the original post–
Quick Author’s note: I got a really minor concussion this week at work, so I’m sorry if I don’t get to post as much as I would have liked to on my two days off as I recover. I really shouldn’t be looking at screens, but uh, sorry I can’t be gone for too long lol, gotta keep the dream alive. Peace, love, and rock and roll <3
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+ You were his first love
+ He didn’t really understand fully what was happening to him; he found himself using his extensive knowledge of his casino to try his best to run into you, paying attention to where you were and at what times you were usually there
+ He started to realize how often he would let you win, but was shocked every time at how in the loop you seemed; like you knew he was throwing you a bone, and that it was all for show
+ This scared him a little bit; it also made him a bit envious, but most of all, he was smitten
+ Absolutely and positively smitten
+ But he kept his guard up at all times, despite you noticing how hard he was trying to get your attention. He would do an impressive card trick, praise his employees, and pick up trash wherever he saw it, but he would also leave as soon as you started to engage with him
+ To be honest, you just thought he was a bit scared of how you flirted with him
+ And that was actually the case; but he also didn’t want to get too sucked in with someone that he considered so far out of his league
+ What finally made him stay, made him let his guard down and commit to getting to know you better, was a story that you were telling to another patron; a story about a cat you had as a child
+ In a passing conversation after you had an too-good-to-be-true win, you mentioned your family; intrigued, he looked into your eyes
+ He didn’t say anything– he just pulled a stool behind him, put his elbow on the table and his chin in his hand, and encouraged you to continue with his expression
+ Starting off a little flustered at boldness you hadn’t expected from him, you told story after story, detail after detail; filling the air with stupid little details of your life that no one had ever seemed to care about before
+ He laughed at all the right times, quite literally on the edge of his seat, obviously very amused by the talk and enjoying your company
+ Realizing how late it had gotten, and how empty this chamber of the casino had become, you immediately thought of how many duties you must be keeping him from
+ “I’m so sorry, you must be a busy man, I’m sure you have more important things to be doing right now than listening to me ramble”
+ He for a moment looked offended at this, but you soon realized that was on your behalf
+ “I love to listen to these things!” and then, after a sigh that you didn’t understand, he continued more quietly
+ “I can’t remember the last time I was told something that mattered so much”
+ And that was the sentence that made you fall in love with him, weeks after he had already fallen for you
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+ The newspaper was something Louisa got to read a lot of, as Fitzgerald would always have her summarize it for him after he was done reading the comics at the end
+ She really liked the newspaper in Yokohama, and soon discovered a column that she found herself looking forward to every week: a book review series
+ Every week, she would look forward to your article, and quite unaware you had a new fan, you continued to read and review the books that caught your fancy; your tastes were eerily similar, as Louisa would come to know
+ Determined to find out who you were so that she could tell you how much she respected your work and enjoyed your writing
+ But your pseudonym made it hard to find out who you were, or even contact you at all. But as the months went on, Louisa became more and more involved, even setting aside some time after strategizing for the guild to find you
+ But it all came to a head when you reviewed a book in a trilogy, and promised the readers that you would get the third book on its release date to review it sometime in the future
+ This was her chance; your column had introduced these books to her, and she had become a fan even before reading them, simply by reading your thoughts on them. Louisa knew for a fact that you would be at the bookstore next to the newspaper press, and all she had to do was wait in the long line on the day it releases, and narrow you down from there
+ The day came, and she got up early to go wait in line. You did the same. But neither of you suspected that there wasn’t going to be a crowd at all
+ In fact, the tired and grumpy employee got there later than the two of you arrived, and was confused why you were there so early
+ Louisa, in a rare moment of spontaneous speech, said (a little too mean sounding for her liking) that she was in line for the book that came out today
+ She turned red when she realized that you, the only other person here, had said the exact same thing at the same time as her
+ Louisa, realizing that you were almost certainly the person she came here to meet, turned even more red
+ She might’ve been a little star-struck, yes, but you didn’t know that. You knew that there were very few readers of you column, and were honestly just grateful to find another fan of the series, and didn’t even think that she might have read your review
+ Not deterred by how shy she seemed to be, you started asking her questions about the book series excitedly, throwing away what reservations you had about talking to strangers in the face of the excitement of meeting someone with the same obscure interest as you
+ Trying to hide her face with her hand, she stuttered out that she had read a review in the paper about it, and fell in love with the series after that
+ Despite the lengths she went to cover her face, her expression betrayed that she knew all; that she had deduced that you were the writer of that very article
+ You looked back at her, shocked. But then you started to smile. You gave a knowing nod and invited her to sit with you at the small tables set up in the bookstore
+ The two of you talked for hours, and very little of it was about the book the two of you were so excited to read. That was the day Louisa realized that she hadn’t just fallen in love with a book or two.
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+ However much he wants you to believe that he does things in the name of justice, it’s clear to you that he really just wants to feel powerful
+ Arrested under false pretenses, he took you back to the station to interrogate you
+ He knew that you weren’t the real culprit. That didn’t matter. His plan was to break you, and get you to spill who you were protecting
+ Confident in his ability to get the truth out of anyone, he started with his usual tactics: Fear. Intimidation. Showing off his vast intellect.
+ But none of it was working. No problem, he liked it when they were tough to crack; its more rewarding that way
+ But hours passed, and he still wasn’t any closer to the truth. You seemed hell-bent on protecting your friend
+ The truth was, he knew how to break you. He was an expert at interrogations, and had never once failed to extract or infer all of the information he needed to condemn someone
+ But Jouno sat there facing you, his expression unreadable and your conviction firm. The two of you had reached an impasse; the only way to continue now would be through unsavory methods
+ Jouno thought. He didn’t want to let you walk, he hadn’t gotten anything out of you; and while he knew you were innocent, he couldn’t prove anything to the people who didn’t have his ability that made everything so clear to him
+ Yes, everything was clear to him. Not wanting to help someone who didn’t help themselves, he asked you why
+ “Why? We both know you’re innocent, and you have damming evidence that would set you free if only you would spill it”
+ And then, with an expression of slight confusion but even more conviction, you responded
+ “That evidence will die with me. I promised to protect someone, and they won’t be safe if I don’t defend them”
+ Emotions ran across his skin, making him get goosebumps as his head was reeling. He had not seen your expression, but he had felt it. And acutely.
+ He was silent as he thought about what would happen next. You would be sentenced to death. You would spend the rest of your life behind bars until your trial and sentence
+ He had never seen someone so ready to die for someone. These sentiments had been expressed to him before, he recalled. Yes, he could name quite a few times where criminals admitted to him that they were a pawn just protecting someone else. He had always thought this was pathetic
+ Being blind, Jouno was lucky to have such sharp senses, and always knew when someone was lying
+ All of those people before were telling the truth; that they were being used. But they were lying about one thing: They said they were ready to die, but they weren’t. Jouno had always taken great pride and enjoyment out of breaking these weaklings– that’s what they were, weaklings who couldn’t take their convictions as far as they needed to go
+ He would always find a way to let them walk; to punish them for their lack of grit to really go through with dying for someone else, to force them to watch the person they were trying to protect be punished for breaking the law
+ Jouno served justice, yes, but he also served himself. Nothing brought him more joy than proving to weaklings how powerless they were
+ But you. Weren’t. Powerless. You were the only person he had ever faced that was strong in this regard. He could always weed out those who didn’t have the guts to die for someone else. Hell, Jouno admitted he didn’t have what it takes either, but he also wasn’t putting himself in situations where he had to protect someone else
+ Until now. You had flipped the tables. You had put him in the very same position he so often mocked others for filling. It was in his hands whether you survived or got to die like you had planned
+ So what was he waiting for? You weren’t afraid to die; that’s what you came here to do. He had all the evidence he needed to present for your sentence, however little fun he had had interrogating you
+ But he also had evidence that would protect you. That would set you free. He had got on recording you saying that you were protecting someone. It was up to him how you would be treated by the justice system; he had all the power
+ This power. It didn’t excite him like it normally would. He found himself in someone else’s shoes for the first time in his career. He found himself in your shoes: Your life in his hands, just as you held your friend’s life
+ “Listen,” he finally said, “Isn’t there some other way…?”
+ He flushed with embarrassment. He sounded as if he was pleading for you to live. He sounded pathetic. So many times he had heard this question escape the pale lips of those he could extend no sympathy to; those who had broken the law. Never once had he had mercy. Always had he felt they deserved the punishment for their weakness.
+ But he was the weak one now. And he didn’t want to face the punishment. He could feel himself pleading with you, as if you were holding his life in your hands
+ He was the inquisitor, and you the judge. You sat there, cemented in your ideals as the man who minutes ago would’ve taken pride in your conviction was now pleading with you to let yourself live; to tell the truth that would set you free; to falter so that he wouldn’t have to
+ You shifted in your seat, words about to fall off your tongue as your handcuffs clinked against eat other
+ “I told you… The evidence will die with me”
+ These words, pregnant with so much meaning, were the last things he heard from you. The one who he had failed to protect despite the evidence, but the one who was forever grateful that he had let them die for what they believed in. Never did he seek out the real culprit. He destroyed the tapes and recordings from the interrogation room that day. He would never forget the steady heartbeat that pounded inside of you as you sat chained to your fate, but speaking to a savior
+ Jouno wondered what they were like. The person you died to protect. He wondered if you would have let him do the same. Let him die for you
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+ It seemed as though Mushitarou was the last one to find out that he was in love with you
+ It was obvious to you, painfully obvious to Poe, and endlessly and entertainingly obvious to Ranpo
+ His two friends, you noticed, were always trying to get the two of you alone together. That was fine with you; you weren’t as oblivious to your feelings as he was, and you had developed more than a little bit of a crush on him
+ Sometimes it hurt you that he didn’t seem to catch on. Sometimes it made you feel unimportant or bland. Why he couldn’t just ask you to diner or a movie was something you couldn’t understand, as it was clear he was spending as much time with you as possible
+ He spent so much time orbiting you that Poe took you aside and asked if that was ok, if Mushitarou was creeping you out
+ He wasn’t, but you were getting a little restless for something between the two of you to actually get started
+ One day, when you were visiting him at Poe’s house where he was staying, you found him cooped up in his room writing. He was so focused he didn’t hear you come in
+ You yourself were focused on something too. You had decided that today was going to be the day that you asked him on a date. You loudly stated his name, and told him that you wanted to talk
+ Your nervousness made you sound much more firm and scary than you would have liked, as if you were his mother who had just called him by his full name. But he didn’t really notice that as he was so thoroughly surprised by your entrance that he spilled the bottle of ink all over what he was working on
+ You rushed to his side, immediately apologizing and helping him clean the black ink off of the writing table, forgetting in an instant what you had come to do as you helped him
+ The initial flurry of his embarrassing blunder and your guilty scare blew over, and he excused himself to go get into a new pair of pants that weren’t stained black
+ Left alone in his room, you turned your attention back to the writing desk, and noticed how many crumpled up pieces of paper there were littering the desk, filling up the wastebasket, and spilling over onto the floor
+ Curious, you uncrumpled one of them and observed. A letter, it seemed to be, and it was addressed to you. There were only a few lines written. You read them, expecting something much more meaningful than what you found
+ Another one; you picked up another one, uncrumpled the paper, and read. It was another letter addressed to you. You recognized the handwriting, it was absolutely Mushitarou’s, but it was clear it was frenzied and rushed, the letters often melting into each other as if they were left in the hot sun
+ Curiosity took over what little was left of your rational brain, and you found yourself sticking your hand at the bottom of the wastebasket and pulling up a discarded letter that context told you was an earlier attempt than the ones you had read previously
+ Again, it didn’t have many sentences, but you were beginning to piece all of them together
+ Wanting badly to go through and read every one of them to help you connect the dots, you had to settle for gathering what you could from the small amount of letters you had gotten to read: Confessions.
+ Well, that was a bit generous. They were more… admissions of interest in you, that toed the line of self-awareness. You flushed pink and turned your attention to the page he was writing on when you came in, the one that was almost completely covered in ink
+ What a shame– this one was quite a bit longer than the other ones, but you could only make out your name, and part of the last sentence, the rest of the text clearly taking up enough room to push this fragment to the end of the paper
+ “…saying is that I would be delighted if you would go to diner with me”
+ More and more anxious excitement had been building up in your stomach, but this last line combined with the sound of Mushitaorou’s return caused you almost to yelp, and you shoved the other letters you were still holing into your pockets, there being not enough time to re-crumple them and leave the scene as you had found it
+ You turned to him as innocently as possible. He didn’t seem to notice how much your attitude had changed in the last minute of being alone, and he addressed you
+ “Didn’t you say you needed to talk to me…?”
+ “No! No, it can wait. I see that you’ve been busy here trying to write… I wouldn’t want to interrupt, as Poe is always begging you to write more. I’ll come back later, this seems important”
+ Without giving him time to respond, you took your leave, almost tripping over Karl on your way out of the house
+ You didn’t chance getting a better look at the papers you had unintentionally stolen until you got home safe. You took them out of your pocket and read through each of them again
+ You noticed a lot more this time: How the last letter of a word would often have a large blot of ink on it, showing that he had let his pen linger as he was trying to think of the next word; how the lexicon being used got more and more juvenile as the letter progressed; and, were those tear stains??
+ They weren’t yours, as you had just now teared up enough for a blink to send all of the welled-up emotions that had gathered at the bottom of your eyes cascading down your cheeks
+ A knock at the door. You, for the second time that day, scrambled to hide evidence, wishing you were gifted in the way Mushitarou was as you only had time to wipe the tears from your face before Mushitarou walked in, obviously out of breath from walking (maybe jogging?) over here so fast and probably more than a little cold as it didn’t seem like he had thought to bring a coat along
+ “I forgot to give this to you when you left… I’m sorry, it took a little bit of time using my ability to get the ink out. I also…needed Poe to help me a little…”
+ He bashfully handed you the letter that you already recognized, and read through it
+ It was obviously not his writing. It was beautiful, poetic, and filled with tender sentiments that he would never have been able to articulate, as Mushitarou was a skilled critic of writing, but not a skilled writer
+ Taking the papers that he had actually written out of your pocket, you slowly handed them back to him
+ “The answer is yes, I would like to go to diner with you. But can I make a request?”
+ You watched recognition dawn on his face as he realized what you had just handed him
+ Realizing you had just asked him a question, he stammered “W-what’s that?”
+ “I would love for you to maybe finish these… I didn’t think you needed to discard them; I thought they were lovely”
{Mayoi Card Dump Alert}-under the cut-
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BSD characters as songs by The Mountain Goats
Ok so this is… a supremely based post that I’m basically just writing for myself.
I’m a HUGE fan of The Mountain Goats!!! They’re literally my favorite band ever and I seriously never shut up about their music, and for the past…… 2? Months?? I’ve been quietly assigning every BSD character a Mountain Goats song. I put the title along with some of the most fitting lyrics – if you’ve heard these songs before, that’s awesome!! If you’ve never heard any of them, I hope this post introduces you to some cool new music!! <3 
I’m sorry this deviates so much from my normal posts!! I promise to start answering asks again soon, thank you guys again so much for supporting me
warning: this is super super long and has some manga characters!!!
Here’s a playlist with all the songs you can listen along to!
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Serious Business
{Ango x fem!Reader One-Shot}
Fluffy and SFW, but you need to know his ability (which hasn’t been revealed in the anime yet) ok, fine, I’ll copy paste his ability from the wiki because I love you 
Ango’s Ability: For those of you not in the know :) Discourse on Decadence (堕落論, Daraku-ron?) is an ability that allows the user to read the memories left in things, a memory extraction ability.
This was originally supposed to be part of the part two of the “BSD falling in love with reader” post that I did. That is still coming! I will post it tomorrow once I finish writing the ones for Mushitarou and Jouno! But until then, take this. I got super into this one, and it turned out much longer than the others in the post, so I just decided to post it separately. I know it says this is a one-shot, but it’s split up like a headcanon post; I’m sorry, that’s just how I space things out, but it’s more of a one-shot than a group of separate ideas like a headcanon would be. I hope you enjoy, and be looking out for my next post tomorrow if you’re interested! 
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+ Ango knew he was doomed. He knew as soon as he had known you for a week that he was going to fall desperately in love with you. He had an eye for these things, for the things that would cause him a lot of grief
+ He didn’t know what he expected, though. He had always suspected he would fall in love with someone who was driven, understanding, and focused
+ You just had to be all of those things, and more. When Ango wasn’t busy with his dramatic inner monologue, telling him to get far away from you if he ever wanted to finish this paperwork, or that form, he was occupied with the unconscious thoughts one often thinks about when one is in love
+ What sort of flowers you liked, your favorite scent, and how often you thought of him, if at all… But he also thought of things that he would be surprised to find out that only he thought of, things like how you separate your laundry before washing your clothes, if you had any points on your license, or what you did to fall asleep at night when you felt restless
+ He cared about all of these things, and more. He wasn’t immune to the more intimate thoughts, either, but always felt guilty for them, as the two of you had worked together in the same department, after all
+ But all of this was the little leagues compared to what he would need to endure next: A diner party invitation. Addressed to him. Hosted by you. Given to him by you. 
+ His mind raced, question after question was raised in his head. How many people will be there? I’m too nosey to be at her house and not use my ability to snoop, is the guy from accounting gonna be there? Damn she looks good in that dress; What if she has a dog or a cat? Will I have to pretend not to be allergic?
+ Ango was very often disappointed in himself, but after these thoughts raced through his head, he found himself also upset with how weak he perceived himself to be. He really can’t just get over this one little crush on you? Was he really that much of a slave to the idea of you that one pretty outfit or conversation with you could send him into a state of frenzied anxiety?
+ Re-dedicating himself to his idea of how he aught to think and behave, he took the invitation, thanked you for it and assured you that he would be there, and sat back at his desk where he sat at an awkward and somewhat painful angle the rest of the day as to not have to look at you sitting at your desk, that was (for better or for worse) positioned across from his own 
+ The night of the diner party came, and Ango tried his best not to put any extra effort into how he looked. He wasn’t trying to impress you, after all. If he was trying to impress anyone, it would be his boss, but something told him that his boss wasn’t more likely to pay attention to him if he wore nice cologne 
+ His feet slightly dragging as he walked up the steps to your door, the sounds of the other guests already audible, Ango obsessively told himself not to do what he wanted to do the most: use his ability to invade your privacy; to learn things about you that he didn’t deserve to know unless he took the time. But he couldn’t take the time. That’s what he was telling himself
 + You answered the door and welcomed him in. Ango handed you the bottle of wine he had brought, grateful that you didn’t have an ability that would allow you to see how long it took him to pick one out that sent a strictly platonic message
+ The evening went by, and it was less difficult than he had suspected. After all, you did have a way of distracting him from his worries, and even though he would be kicking himself a couple of hours from now for how much he let himself talk to you, he couldn’t help but enjoy how bright your smile was; even brighter, it seemed, when you were smiling at something he said
+ After the meal was over, he and the other party guests moved into the sitting room
+ Ango got quite the scare when he saw how many decorative items and memorabilia were decorating this room, unsure how he would keep himself from getting a closer look at these items, most of which were most obviously antiques, which he was a sucker for 
+ Not knowing where to look, and feeling overwhelmed with the sheer amount of stuff in here that he was eager to know everything about, he felt a pair of eyes on him 
+ Your smiling eyes took him out of his reverie, as you walked towards him. When you reached his side, you didn’t speak right away. Instead, you looked up at the wall the two of you were facing
+ He looked too, and found almost immediately something that made his heart leap
+ A picture of you, him, and two others from your department that was taken at a company bowling night
 + He had had a really great time that night, and he didn’t know anyone had taken a picture. Well, that much was obvious, as he would never let a picture be taken of him looking at you like that. Like you were the world to him. Like he was in love with you.
+ Hot embarrassment rushed to his ears; he was ashamed that he had been caught looking at you like that through a camera, and that it was now hanging on your wall in your living room. His lips slightly parted, he turned to you, his eyes apologizing to you for something he couldn’t articulate
+ But you just giggled
+ “That was my first week at the Special Division. I had so much fun! It’s a night I want to remember forever, so I hope you don’t mind, but it’s earned a spot on my wall!”
+ Ango, still unable to speak, looked back at the photo. What you said next hit him like a wave
+ “I know it’s corny, but I’m ridiculously sentimental”
+ The wave was enough to wash him away; he was in love. He accepted it, and stopped trying to fight it. His reservations and fears gone, he spent the rest of the night as well as the next few days earnestly trying to court you, to make sure you were his
+ His ability proved not to be needed, as the very fact that the picture was hanging on your wall was proof enough of your affection for him
+ But if he had taken that picture down that night, if he had used his ability to see what secrets it held, he would find nothing but the tender memory of you gently placing the picture in the frame, as well as all of the time you spent looking at it, specifically at him, warmly smiling.
[Obligatory Mayoi Card For Making it This Far] -under the cut-
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@peachy-mafioso​: tysm for tagging me in this!! it was boatloads of fun!! ♥♥
im not sure who tag, so if you want to do it feel free to do so and tag me in it!
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oda is my absolute favorite, if you couldn’t tell!! i just really enjoy his personality and i enjoy how his impact is felt on the story even beyond [ahem… certain events]. 
 kouyou is also a close second (she’s p underrated imo), and i also really enjoy ango!! tbh there aren’t really any characters that i dislike tbh, i think all of them have their merits and have really enjoyable qualities 💖
feel free to come into my askbox with any hcs or questions! 😃
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I seriously love to share all of my dumb takes 😈 thanks to @peachy-mafioso for tagging me, and for @dazais-belladonna for the idea for the tier list that I stole haha
I’m a basic bitch for the most part, like Chuuya and Ranpo are my ride or dies, but other than that, Poe, Fitzgerald, and Akutagawa are the other loves of my life!
Here’s the teir list though to cover some of my other opinions:
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I wanted to keep it really cut and dry, so most of these characters I like more than it appears!! Shoutout to @dazais-mommy for my Oda and Kunikida and Higuchi love, she for real inspires me everyday haha, and also shoutout to @dazais-belladonna for my love of Gogol and fyodor! But girl, I’m sorry, I just can’t get behind Nathaniel 🙄
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@peachy-mafioso Thank you so much for tagging me in this!! 😊💖 I don’t know who to tag, but whoever wants to do this feel free!!
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I KNOW I’M SO LAME FOR NOT LIKING ATSUSHI 😭 I swear I like him a little, he just seriously is not all that interesting to me. It’s hard for me to like protagonists because there’s not as much wiggle room for interpretation y’know?? I need a challenge 😭 and if you see everything from their perspective then you already know how their mind works
(Also I just like to be controversial and rag on the “wholesome” fan favorites 😈 As part of my agenda to have sucky opinions)
Since you asked for Fyodor/Hunting Dogs opinions, I decided to (finally) revisit my tier list!! I’d like to entirely credit my 180 turnaround on Ango to @hickey-express-conductor-ranpo , Syd’s love for this man rubbed off on me 😫 Also tbh there aren’t really any characters I genuinely dislike?? I just like some better than others 😏
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But seriously again thank you for tagging me so much!!! I love talking about my BSD takes 😊 + my ask box is open if anyone wants to ask me opinion questions !!
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