kemetic-sanura · 14 days
20 Breaths
Meditation is simple. It is so simple that we invent all kinds of complications to make it more interesting. In zen, we like to get dressed up in robes, chant, bow, drink tea, and then sit in rows, on cushions, on mats, facing a wall. To meditate though, all you need is a mind and a few minutes to check it out.
A simple meditation technique involves counting breaths. The breath is a great focus for meditation, because it is always there. Whether we are meditating or not, we are breathing. In breath counting meditation, we notice our breath going in and going out and at the end of each exhale, we count. It takes about two minutes to breathe in and out twenty times. So, for a two minute meditation, simply count twenty breaths. Breathe in, breathe out, one. Breathe in, breathe out, two, and so on up to twenty...read more
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kemetic-sanura · 14 days
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kemetic-sanura · 14 days
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🔥 Dua Bast, Lady of the Flame! 🔥
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kemetic-sanura · 14 days
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Egyptian goddess Bastet, 600 a.C.
Neues Museum-Berlín.
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kemetic-sanura · 14 days
I devote this screenshot compilation to Hathor!
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Dua Hathor!
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kemetic-sanura · 14 days
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I devote this screenshot compilation to Bastet!
Dua Bastet!
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kemetic-sanura · 14 days
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Dua Bast! Dua Bastet!
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kemetic-sanura · 14 days
Dua Bastet!
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Ft. Anubis :)
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kemetic-sanura · 14 days
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Woman in Black
— by majara__
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kemetic-sanura · 14 days
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kemetic-sanura · 14 days
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kemetic-sanura · 14 days
Intro post!
Hi I'm Phượng!
�� 24 yrs old, she/her
☆ Kemetic Pagan & Buddhist
☆ I also do some witchy things here and there
☆ Deities/spirits/beings I honor: Bast, Buddha, Guanyin
☆ Preferred method of divination: oracle & pendulum
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kemetic-sanura · 14 days
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Bast's altar with offerings, incense & candle. Alongside a new addition of my buddhism practice and an altar I made to buddha, with offerings, incense & candle.
Dua Bast! & namaste 🙏🏻🕉☸️🪷🩷
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kemetic-sanura · 17 days
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kemetic-sanura · 17 days
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kemetic-sanura · 17 days
Some random words in Ancient Egyptian
1. Hetep or Hotep = Peace. Also used as part of the greeting: “Em hotep,” meaning: “In peace,” along with its variations: “Em hotep nefer,” (“In great peace,”) and “Em hotep nefer weret,” (“In very great peace,”).
2. Ankh = Life. Used as part of the phrase: “Ankh, udja, seneb!” meaning: “Life, strength, and health!” Which was a blessing.
3. Senebty = Farewell 4. Iiti = Hello
5. Yeh! = Hi!
6. Iiwy = Welcome
7. Imi-ib = Heart’s desire. Equivalent to: “Beloved,” or “darling.”
8. Nedjeb = Sweetie (as in “dear” not candy)
9. Mewet = Mother
10. It = Father
11. Sa = Son 12. Sat = Daughter 13. Senet = Sister 14. Sen = Brother (Note: In addition to referring to your actual brother as this, you would also address someone around the same age as you as “brother” or “sister.” So when you see Egyptian love poems addressing people as “brother” and “sister” it’s not meant to be incestuous.)
15.  Neb=  Lord. Also, Neb-i = My lord 16. Nebet = Lady. Also, Nebet-i = My lady 17. Heka = Magic
18. Ib or Ab = Heart 19. Nefer = Beautiful, or great, depending on the context 20. Dua Netjer en ek! = Thank you! Or, literally: Thank God for you! If speaking to a woman, it’s: Dua Nejter en etj!
21. Kemet = Egypt, or “Black Land.” Sometimes spelled: Khemet
22. Hem =  Husband
23. Hemet = Wife
24. Itja = Thief 25. Nefer sedjmek = May you hear only good things. This was a common way to end letters. If addressing a woman its: “Nefer sedjmetj”
26. Tjatey = Vizier 27. Per Ankh = House of Life. A type of sacred library that could be found in various temples and was run by priests and used by them and the nobility.
28. Khered = Child
29. Izi nek djesek! = Go f*** yourself! (note: they probably didn’t actually say this, but this is sort of how you would say it if the did. Likewise with the next word.)
30. Henen-tep! = D***head!
31. Ii = Come
32. A'nen! = Come back!
33. Khefttey = Enemy
34. Khenmes = Male friend
35. Khenemset = Female friend
36. Merwet = Love (noun)
37. Meri = Love (verb)
38. Maa = True
39. Tjen? = Where?
40. Duat = The Land of the Dead. Neter-Khertet was also used.
41. Mau = Cat. Also Miu = Kitten
42. Khet = Fire
43. Sesen = Lotus flower. A symbol of the sun, creation and rebirth. The Egyptians believed that the sun rose of out of a giant lotus on the first day.
44. Seba = Star
45. Sma = Owl
46. Im = There
47. Nefer uy phuy ky! (or Nefer phwy ky)=How beautiful are thy buttocks! (No, really. Set said this to Horus in one of the stories about the gods.)
48. Maat = Divine truth
(PS: If any of these are inaccurate, I apologize.)
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kemetic-sanura · 17 days
Harnessing the Power of the Full Moon: Rituals and Spells for Tonight's Lunar Magic
The full moon is a time of heightened energy, illumination, and powerful magic. As the moon reaches its peak tonight, it's an ideal moment to harness its potent energy for rituals, spells, and practices that enhance your spiritual journey. Let's explore how witches can celebrate the full moon, embrace its magic, and connect with its radiant power.
The Significance of the Full Moon
The full moon represents a time of completion, clarity, and manifestation. It illuminates what has been hidden, bringing light to our intentions and dreams. This lunar phase is perfect for releasing what no longer serves you, charging your magical tools, and performing spells that require extra power.
Full Moon Rituals and Practices
🌕 Full Moon Bath Ritual
A full moon bath is a wonderful way to cleanse and recharge your energy.
1. Fill your bathtub with warm water and add sea salt or Epsom salts to purify.
2. Add essential oils (like lavender or rosemary) and sprinkle in some dried herbs or flower petals (such as chamomile, rose, or sage).
3. Light white or silver candles around the tub and turn off the lights.
4. Soak in the bath, visualizing the moon's light cleansing and revitalizing you. Reflect on what you wish to release and let go of it as you relax in the water.
🔮 Moon Water Creation
Create moon water to use in future spells, rituals, and for drinking to imbue yourself with lunar energy.
1. Fill a clear glass jar or bottle with fresh water.
2. Place it outside or on a windowsill where it will be bathed in the full moon's light overnight.
3. Seal the container in the morning and store the moon water for use in your magical practices.
✨ Charging Crystals and Tools
The full moon is an ideal time to charge and cleanse your crystals and magical tools.
1. Place your crystals, tarot cards, and other tools outside or on a windowsill to soak up the moon's energy.
2. Leave them overnight to cleanse and recharge.
3. In the morning, thank the moon and retrieve your energized tools.
🌿 Full Moon Releasing Ritual
Release negativity and make space for new growth with a simple but powerful ritual.
1. Write down what you wish to release on a piece of paper.
2. Light a candle and focus on the flame, visualizing the moon's light dissolving your worries and burdens.
3. Burn the paper safely in a fireproof bowl or cauldron, saying, "I release what no longer serves me. So mote it be."
4. Scatter the ashes to the wind, trusting that the moon has taken your burdens away.
Full Moon Spells
🌕 Manifestation Spell
Harness the full moon's energy to manifest your desires.
1. Gather a white or silver candle, a piece of paper, and a pen.
2. Write down your intentions or goals clearly and positively.
3. Light the candle and visualize your desires coming to fruition under the full moon's light.
4. Read your intentions aloud and place the paper under the candle.
5. Let the candle burn down safely, keeping your focus on your intentions.
🔮 Love and Harmony Spell
Enhance love and harmony in your life with a full moon spell.
1. Gather a pink or red candle, rose petals, and rose quartz.
2. Create a small altar with the candle in the center, surrounded by rose petals and the rose quartz.
3. Light the candle and visualize loving energy surrounding you and your relationships.
4. Chant, "By the light of the moon, love and harmony bloom. So mote it be."
5. Let the candle burn down safely, feeling the love and harmony fill your heart.
🌿 Healing Spell
Use the full moon's energy to promote healing and well-being.
1. Gather a blue candle, lavender or chamomile, and a piece of amethyst.
2. Create a small altar with the candle in the center, surrounded by the herbs and amethyst.
3. Light the candle and visualize healing light from the moon enveloping you or the person you wish to heal.
4. Chant, "Under the full moon's glow, let healing energy flow. So mote it be."
5. Let the candle burn down safely, trusting in the moon's healing power.
The full moon is a magical time of reflection, release, and manifestation. By engaging in these rituals, practices, and spells, you can connect deeply with the moon's powerful energy and enhance your spiritual journey. As we bask in the glow of tonight's full moon, may your intentions be illuminated, your burdens lifted, and your spirit renewed.
Blessed Full Moon!
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