keepingwithdri · 3 years
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Chapter 13 Fieldwork
I interviewed alaba, my really close friend. She emigrated from Nigeria, Africa. Alaba is a 19 year old female. She emigrated to America in 2016. When she first got to school, she had to redo 8th grade due to the fact that she's 15, they put her in a grade based on her age. She originally came to America for a better education. Her mom felt that America was the land of opportunities. She wanted better for her kids. In Africa, education isn't as advanced compared to America. Education also doesn't get you far as it should in Africa either, her mom felt that she would have better opportunities in America. In school, Alaba Was bullied because she was African, people made fun of her and called her names. Teachers couldn't pronounce her name. Alaba felt that she didn't belong. Alaba felt like the odd one out. She was made fun of because of her different smell. She even considered going back to Africa. As time went on, the bullying ceased a little. She made some friends.
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keepingwithdri · 3 years
Chapter 11 Fieldwork
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The ingredients in a Kit Kat include sugar ,wheat Flour, nonfat milk, cocoa butter, chocolate, palm kernel oil, milk fat, lactose, contains 2% or less of:lecithin, PGPR, vanillin, salt, yeast, baking soda. The ingredients come from the different factories that they are made in. They buy the ingredients in bundles.
There's numerous components that make it a dangerous work place. Some risk include:pesticides, constrained work, absence of formal agreements, dealing, and amazingly low compensation. Kids can often be seen working at the cocoa ranches. There is a ton of hard work which can hurt the growth of youth. Generally speaking the functioning conditions are exceptionally dreadful and common freedoms associations are attempting to step in to fix this. After the beans have been placed into sacks, they are transported out to various exporters who then send them to different organizations to be even encouraged prepared. The costs can shift by economy. It is normally set by the best offered somebody will take. Chocolate is regulated by the FDA( Food and Drug Administration).
To market chocolate, you make a good, appropriate website, give out samples, you pay for radio commercial, tv commercials. Make a partnership, give out promotions. I buy chocolate from a store or a vending machine. For more standard chocolate, hope to charge around $7 to $10 per pound. On the off chance that you add uncommon event bundling, attach an extra 10% to the cost. As a storekeeper, you will appreciate net revenues between 55 to 75%. Your complete benefit for a year will rely totally upon the volume and sort of item you sell.
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keepingwithdri · 3 years
Chapter 10 Fieldwork
Karl Max theory of social class is that social ranks is determined by social relationship. This perfectly describes Amazon. Amazon has strongly grown through the pandemic because of the social relationship between the product and the customers. People are scared to go out so they use Amazon. The owner of Amazon is now worth billions because they control the products that people need.
Max Weber social class theory is that social class is determined by power, status, and prestige. The royal family is image of Max Weber theory. They are born into wealth, and power, and status.
In today's world, social media influencers feel entitled to certain treatments. they think because of famous they are, how many likes they get, they can have free stuff.
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keepingwithdri · 3 years
The first commercial I saw on Nickelodeon was the ring pop commercial, this commercial was advertised for both girls and boys. It started with a girl trying to show how to rock your ring pop, and then she invited her friends who were girls and boys. They are in a home. I would say this commercial wasn't gendered, it was anybody. That is how they attracted boys and girls.
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The second commercial I saw was dove beauty bar and body wash. I feel this commercial was directed towards more girls than boys. They used all females in the video. It started with a female talking bout how dove helped and other females had similar experiences. That's how they are attracting girls to buy dove.
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The next commercial I saw was directed towards boys. It was Bakugan Toys. This commercial was more active and only included boys. It started with this explosion kinda thing that leads to a boy rolling the toy to unleash his character. Things like that attract boys more.
Each commercial that I gave was different. They all had different qualities. For the gender-neutral commercial, they were in a home, they had both girls and boys in the commercial. For the Dove commercial, they had a very simple color, white, and had other girls explain why something is the best product. For the Bakugan commercial, they had more explosive colors, like black, purple, green and it was more active to attract boys. The only commercial that didn't teach gendered behavior was the first one, since it was aimed towards everyone.
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keepingwithdri · 3 years
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On my family tree, you can kind see that we don't practice polygamy. Everyone has only one wife or husband. There is also no divorce in my family. I captured the cousins that I know, seen or speak to. I captured my grandparents. My grandmother was the queen of her tribe in Africa, and I am her successor. I carry that blessing. I travel down to my family tribe every 2 years. Looking at the tree, I see that there is a lot of females in our family. My family is not huge, and we are very close. I come from a different background that consists of leaving home and adapting to place where you have to learn a new language and culture.
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keepingwithdri · 3 years
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CHAPTER 6: ETHNICITY My family originally came from Africa, Cameroon. My mom came to America first, she’s been here for 20 years. Me and my siblings have been in America for 11 years. my dad has been America for 8 years. My family has embraced American nationalism, they still hold their African beliefs strong to their hearts. They follow laws, and norms, but their mindsets are different than those of Americans. I asked my mother “ would you rather be here or Africa?“. she responded with “ America has made life easier for us, it blessed me with opportunities and blessings for me and you. That was my purpose”. my mom came to America because of my grandmother because she wanted new opportunities for us.
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keepingwithdri · 3 years
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Chapter 5: Race and Racism
This illustrates White supremacy because had this been Black people, it would have been different consequences. Black people wouldn't have been able to get in the Capitol. They would have been shot at the door.
This illustrates racism because She is white and you can see the disgust on her face when she even looks at the caregiver. No actions were taken against the lady even though this was unacceptable, she's old enough to know this is wrong.
This article clearly explains the definitions of Phenotype and genotype. It explains the differences and the importance of them. it also gives you examples of them.
This media examples is for miscegeneration, they are two different races that had trouble staying together. They eventually stayed together and had children.
This illustrates Jim Crow Laws because in the movie Katherine was the first black female NASA. In the movie, she couldn't some facilities as the white people, or use the same coffee machine even though, she put in the same work or sometimes even more. I remember one scene where she was drained in the rain because she had to run the African American restrooms which was too far.
This article shows micro-aggression and what it is, it also give examples of how people unknowingly are micro-aggressive. The picture above gives an example, saying stuff like " Your hair is pretty for a black person", are examples of micro-aggressions.
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keepingwithdri · 3 years
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Chapter 4: Language
In this Fieldwork, we are supposed to break down the language and discussion all through one of our zoom classes. For this assignment, I chose my Sociology101 class. We meet Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 10am. There's 29 people in my class. There are 24 females and 5 males. Out of the 29 people in class, only 7 people really speak In class, and that's including 4 females and 3 males, and that's just on actual mouth moving. In the comments, everyone speaks, sometimes multiple at the time. I found that in the comments is where the class gets the most participation. In this class session, 1 males tends to speak more than everyone else and rarely comments. The comments reached 70, with an average of 10 words used. The females made 60 comments and talked about 3 times. Males commented about 10 times and talked about 4 times.
In class, no one had cameras on except for 3 females. As far as eye contact, the females would keep eye contact, and spoke nice and soft, with good words.Some females would stutter a bit, but not too much. Males didn't have their camera on so its was impossible to analyze their body language and eye contact. The men had a more confident, bold style of speaking, no stuttering.
The instructor is a female, she doesn't keep her camera on either. She encourages speaking by asking questions that needs to answered by students. She speaks a lot. She asks questions and demands for it to be answered in the comments if we don't want to speak, just so she can see who is participating.
The instructor gender does not influence the way we interact because it's not about how you look but more so how you interact with your students. She's very nice and takes criticism well, and tries to better herself for her students. She also helps a lot when you need it.
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keepingwithdri · 3 years
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Chapter 3 Fieldwork: How do anthropologists get started conducting Fieldwork
For this assignment, I drew a map of the outside of house. Specifically, the intersection in which i drop my little sister off to school at. This is also I stay when I hang out with my best friend when we go outside.
I chose the intersection in which the school bus picks up my little sister. I was drawn because this is where most kids stay at when we go outside. It's fun and I know everyone there. On this this street, there are 6 houses, a couple of kids.
What i expected to find is that there is no stop sign there, but the bus stop stops thought.
This place has been affected by Covid in ways that, since Covid there hasn't been any school. Less kids come out to play. It's barely anyone outside now. Parents are trying to protect their kids by keeping them inside the house.
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keepingwithdri · 3 years
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This is my favorite section of room, this is where I go to class, take care of myself and make my videos.
Iphone 8 plus: $300; want; social media, friends, family, media
MacBook air: $1,000; want; school ,media, social media, friends, family
Groceries:$200/month: need; survival
Water: free: need( tap water the cleanest water); survival
10 pairs of leggings: $50; want; style , comfort
14 pairs of jeans: $300; need/want; looks, confidence
20 t-shirts: $200; need/want; looks, confidence
14 pairs of shoes: $3,000; need/want; comfort, looks but don't need that many
5 jackets: $200; Want; Looks
1 coat: $50; need; care
School textbooks: $400; want; education;
Pencils:$10; need; education, taking notes
Notebooks:$20; need; education
lotion:$12; need; self-care, looks, confidence, comfort
Deodorant:$8; need; self-care, comfort
Furnitures:$3,000; want; decoration
Tv: $400; want; media
Bed:$200; need; comfort
Car: $9,000; need; transportation( Uber is more expensive.)
Pots: $500; need ; cooking ( can't cook on the floor)
Glasses: $25 with insurance coverage; need; eyesight
Perfume: $50; want; self-care, confidence
Hair products: $100; want; looks, confidence, comfort
Makeup: $400; want; looks, confidence
Nails / Toes: $100; want; looks, confidence
Lashes: $30; want; looks , confidence
Undergarments: $200; need; hygiene
Toothpaste: $20; need; hygiene
Toothbrush: $20; need; hygiene
Doing this assignments, I learned that I don't need the some of the things I listed at all. Looking through my room, I saw some things I had no business. I started to wonder how people back then did it, and I also wondered how they would react to see that someone spends so much. My most needed items would be water, food, and clothes. My least needed item would be ( I hate to say it), but nails, and lashes probably.
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keepingwithdri · 3 years
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Dove was created by the Lever Brothers, James Darcy Lever and William Hesketh Lever, in 1957. It made a name for itself as soon as it came out, because it didn’t dry skin but instead moisturized it. When they first started, they were selling soap bars. The soap-making process they used was created by a chemist name William Hough Watson. When it started making profits, they released more toiletries like deodorant and body wash for men and woman. 
Dove originated in the United States and later started being manufactured in other countries. 
Dove keeps my body clean and fresh. After using the deodorant, I don't have any sweat stains, and I don't see the white residue some deodorant leave behind. It also doesn’t make my armpits dry. 
William Hough Watson, Unilever USA. William is apart of actually producing and manufacturing because they are using his process for the dove products. Unilever is involved, because they are using their company and products. Life was good both parties, money was coming in. 
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keepingwithdri · 3 years
Anthropology in everyday life
Media examples of time-space compression would be Instagram and Facebook. Instagram and Facebook decreases the actual time and ideas between two places. This in fact brings people closer and introduces people to new worlds and culture. 
Media example of increasing migration would be the news. People watch the news because the news deliver news from around the world, like when the news reports that there’s a big storm coming , people tend to react to that, and to protect themselves, they up and relocate. 
Media example of uneven development would be books and internet, because uneven development is the lack of benefits that keeps a place from properly developing. Books and internet are the benefits that keep certain places from education and learning about other countries.
Media example of flexible accumulation would be movies. Most movie companies like to do a thorough research on the general public before putting out a movie, that way they know what the public wants to see. In doing that , they earn a bigger profit cause people actually paid to watch the movie. 
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