kcbos · 3 years
So for those of you that don't know, I'm bipolar type 1. I also live with ptsd and general anxiety disorder. For the past four and a half years I've been medicated. I take Geodon and Cymbalta along with Clonidine for ADHD. My life hasn't been perfect the last four years, but it's been amazing. I feel like myself. I'm calm. Collected. I have my shit together. I'm happy. So happy that myself and my partners are ready to start trying for a baby. To do that though, I must go off my meds. I'm excited. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I'm fucking terrified. Not only terrified of the withdrawl symptoms I know I'm going to experience, but I'm terrified of the person I'm going to become unmedicated. I'm scared of the rapid cycling, the psychosis, the anger. I'm scared of feeling every emotion and insecurity magnified by 1000%.
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kcbos · 4 years
I'm dedicated to Hekate. I have been for years. But for the past few weeks Hel has been showing up quite a bit and I can't ignore it. I feel like she's drawing me closer to death witchcraft and truely opening myself to it. I'm worried though. I'm worried that I wont be enough for the spirits I'll be working with. Won't be enough for Hel. These are my insecurities.
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kcbos · 4 years
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The Witch Mothers
Contrary to common belief, there is no one Witch Mother, but several. The title of Witch Mother is given to goddesses (and sometimes to lesser spirits) who are greatly knowledgeable in the craft and wish to teach it to humans. Each of these beings are separate from one another and their methods of teaching can vary drastically.
This goddess of Theistic Satanism is deeply intertwined with magic and tends to appear as a nude young woman with horns and covered in blood, or simply wearing a deep red dress. She is connected with the darker aspects of the Earth and can especially teach the ways of trance-work, blood magic, sex magic, curses, spirit and demon work, divination, and the properties of all things. She also tends to favour the “nastier” parts of magic that would include dirt, insects, and bones. Her presence is hypnotic and dark, yet do not mistake her for evil, as she is a Mother. Her husband is also known as one of the Witch Fathers.
The Greek goddess of witchcraft, the moon, spirits, and necromancy. Hekate seems to enjoy appearing as a shrouded middle-aged woman who comes with an aura of mystery and silence. She is one of the more withdrawn Witch Mothers but is of course highly skilled in what she does. She especially can assist with moon magic, divination, spirit work, natural properties of ingredients, and psychic abilities.
The Queen of Elphame
Her name seems to be unknown, but she is known as the elfin queen of the Faerie. This faeire reigns in one of the kingdoms of the Fair Folk and can appear as a young and beautiful woman crowned with flowers. She especially enjoys teaching the arts of glamour, healing, faerie work, and herbalism. As a Queen of the Faeries, she is rather proper in personality and should be treated with respect as you would with the goddesses.
Also a Faerie Queen, this fae rules over a darker kingdom than the Queen of Elphame and she tends to appear as an older woman or a young, mischievous-looking woman. Nicnevin is one of the several Scottish beings to be identified as a Witch Mother of Samhain (others being Abundia, Zobiana, Satia, etc.). This entity can especially help teach the arts of cursing, glamour, divination, natural properties of ingredients, and faerie work.
This is the Celtic goddess of magic, wisdom, rebirth, creativity, and is known as The Keeper of the Cauldron. She often appears as a young woman with long, flowing hair or (according to myth) a white sow. This goddess especially enjoys assisting with herbalism, prophecy, divination, potions, healing, and transformation. She is a very wise and motherly goddess and always loves to share what knowledge she has.
*Note: this is a list of some of the main Witch Mothers and does not include all of them. Information is based off my own experiences and dealings with these complex deities and spirits. If you should work with them, please give them offerings as thanks.
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kcbos · 4 years
Useful Herbs to Use When Divining
Herbs are great tools that can be used for so many things, including divination. However, they are not things to play around with like you would with non-medicinal, non-harmful plants. Herbs are used for medicinal purposes, and can interfere with medications or health issues if you are unaware and therefore not careful with what you handle. Those of you that are pregnant, on medication, suffering from illnesses, or are otherwise compromised should take extra precautions. I recommend asking your doctor if there are any herbs or flowers you should avoid, and if all else fails, there are sites (such as this one) that you can check before touching anything. Stay safe, and enjoy your practice!
You can use herbs, herbal incense, herbal oils, and a whole lot more to aid you in divination. I prefer to use teas or essential oil blends, depending on the herb/plant! You can try storing your tools with a sachet of some/all of these herbs (or your own choice of them) to infuse them when you are away! The scent may also help in a mundane way, because it will trigger your brain to focus on the divination you do everything you smell it. 
Please note that these work for me, but they may not have the same affect for everyone. You are welcome to try them out and comment if you did/didn’t like them for your particular practice so others can see multiple takes on the herbs/plants!
- My Favourite Herbs - 
Chamomile - I like to enter into a divination session with a calm mind. Centering is a big part of my practice as a diviner, so chamomile is a perfect pre-divining element. I don’t like chamomile tea very much, so I typically just hold a teabag of it and meditate on its scent, my relation to it, and how it feels in my hands. The calming affect is still very much there for me.  
Cinnamon - Cinnamon is something I like to use in divination for its sweeping-you-off-your-feet affects. When I smell cinnamon, I am taken to another mindset, somewhere higher than my mundane frequency. It is potent and striking. The higher level of consciousness it provides is perfect for divination, in my opinion. 
Cloves - Cloves, like cinnamon, have a distinct scent. I find cloves to be more cleansing than cinnamon. They are excellent for focusing, and remind me of Autumn, which is a season I personally associate with divination and clear sight. 
Hibiscus - Hibiscus lowers blood pressure, which is a must for me, due to the fact that I am frequently stressed. It helps calm me so I can focus on the matter at hand. I also find that one of the metaphysical properties it possesses is to lend energy, especially a sort of vibrancy and awareness.
Lavender - I, like many other people, have a strong affinity for Lavender. It’s calming, powerful, psychically fulfilling, and its scent brings both intuition and and a clear mind. I find that it protects just as well as it invigorates and cleanses. It makes a great sachet to keep with your tools, or a lovely centerpiece/potpourri to keep on a table as you divine. This is probably my favourite herb, and if I had to recommend one to talk about out of this whole list, Lavender would be it.  
Peppermint - Peppermint is another cleansing herb, but one with more energizing power than others. It cleanses one’s mind and spirit while adding in its own touch of support. Like grounding, as old energy leaves, new energy enters. 
Rose Hips - In my experience, Rose is great for divination, and rose hips are delicious in teas, making them an awesome option. It can be brewed in tea with sugar and vanilla to boost your ability to discern the answers to love-related questions, or be used on its own to provide a smooth, unbroken energy to soothe your abilities! I feel like it creates a soft funnel to guide your attention through, like a little set of boundaries to bounce off of. 
Of course there are a bunch more, but these are the ones I love and use the most, in one way or another. I hope you will be able to find your own herbs to use, perhaps from this list, perhaps not. Either way, I wish you all the best!
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I would like to let you know that this was a post from an old blog of mine! If you see it on @the-daily-diviner​, that’s where I wrote it originally! I have added, removed, and changed a lot of it. Two years ago, I had different herbal suggestions! I frequently use these, so I thought I would remake the list. Enjoy!
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kcbos · 4 years
Divining the Future With the Dead
I love divination. I also love speaking to the dead, building relationships with them, and letting their voice and story be heard. Because of this, I have been figuring out ways to incorporate the whole “advice from those that lived through it” concept into my divination practice. I contact the dead to divine the future, and in this way, I can help them feel listened to, respected, and equipped to help us, and our futures.
There isn’t a right or wrong way to do any divination practice, so I honestly recommend doing what you feel works best for both the spirit and yourself. These are my tips, ideas, and thoughts on the topic, so feel free to replicate it or completely nix the idea for yourself. Thanks for reading!
Choosing a Method
Divination methods vary. From scrying with black mirrors to examining the results of graphology, the lines of what you can use are basically endless. Deciding what you want to do is a very personal decision, and it may take a few tries to discover something you click with. Here are some ideas, but, please, if you don’t feel drawn to any of these, or just want to look for more, I definitely recommend doing so.
Scrying - scrying is gazing into a surface, a pattern, or even a reflection, to divine. Images (sometimes still, sometimes moving) may appear, whether inside your mind or on the surface itself. Some common methods involve gazing at fire, water, a black mirror, smoke, or a dark liquid. To me, this is a very versatile divination tactic to try, though many people struggle with learning how to do it due to its meditative nature.
Cartomancy/Tarot - Using cards to divine is one of the more direct and straightforward approaches to divination. Using a system that defines what each card may represent (whether you make it yourself or use one that already exists), you can ask questions and communicate. Interpreting the cards is another personal thing, and if you feel a card means something for one reading and not another, follow your gut. Oracle cards are another form of cartomancy, and are looser in defined meanings in most cases.
Pendulum - By using a pendulum (a chain, thread, or string with a weighted end) you can receive yes/no/maybe/don’t want to answer as responses, depending on the board you choose to use. Some people even include letters and numbers, as seen in Ouija boards. There are many tutorials and instructions online, so I won’t go into to much detail, but you hold it over a board with each direction noted. Ask your question. Then, wait for it to swing, and you have received your answer.
Scrawl divination - Scrawl divination (also known as graphology), is a somewhat lesser known form of divination, and, at times, has been criticized as semidangerous due to the fact that the spirit guides your hand. However, I disagree, because similar to communicating with spirits using Tarot, you are guided by them, and I haven’t heard of any issues with that. I haven’t had issues with graphology, either, and really like the accurate nature of it. Basically, you close your eyes or look away, and draw or write on a pad of paper. Try not to create any shapes or designs yourself, let the spirit you are talking to do the writing. I typically get my hand moving, and follow whatever direction it feels like I need to go. I recommend pairing this with other forms of divination, such as tarot or pendulum dowsing, to start a conversation and request their assistance.
Obviously, there are many more options, these are just my favourite fairly common ones. I used to run a blog called @the-daily-diviner and it’s still up as an archive. I posted tons of informational and how-to posts regarding divination on that blog, so that would be a good place to start if you want to keep looking.
Building a Space
To build a space, you don’t need much. In fact, all you really need is somewhere you can focus, feel safe, and have access to any tools or resources you may need. For me, this is my altar. For others, it is a space within themselves​, a temple they have built inside of their minds.
Some additions to a space (which are entirely optional and not necessary) are listed below. Please note that personalizing these things to your practice (ex: crystals for spirit communication) can help you on your way. You can also add any personal items you feel need to be there.
Graveyard Dirt (please make sure to harvest this respectfully. Always ask the spirit for permission, and never do anything illegal to acquire it)
Heirlooms (for ancestral communication)
Lights (lamps etc)
Curtains (adds privacy, and darkness if you want it)
Protective charms/wards
Divination tools
Spirit Vessels of those you are contacting if they have them
Creating Relationships
This is, in my opinion, the most important step. Connecting to a spirit is one thing. Building a relationship that is full of give and take is another. I have found that the more one talks and communicates with a spirit, the more natural it becomes, and the easier it is to spot any potential danger warning signs and lies. Which us also very important. Always try your best to screen the spirits you invite to speak with you (especially in any personal spaces such as your home). In this case, it becomes slightly less dangerous, as we are discussing human spirits, who are generally (but NOT always) less aggressive. However, caution is never a bad thing.
Start small, ask them their name, where they’re from. At first, and maybe forever, don’t discuss their death or any trauma they suffered in life unless they bring it up. It can cause anger, guilt, resentment, etc to come to the surface, and it isn’t polite to ask about things like that when you have just met and acquainted yourself with them. Use good manners is the end of it.
Use a journal or online document to record what the spirit has communicated to you, whether it be advice or personal information about them. It is always nice to be able to look back and see what they said about something, especially if it was a prediction. It can also help you in researching who they were in life if that’s something the two of you want to do.
Divining With Them
Let it be known upfront that you are looking for a spirit who can and will help you decipher potential ways that the future may go. It will help both of you find a perfect fit, and you won’t be waiting and waiting for the spirit to come around and tell you what may happen. Be open, be honest. Likewise, ask them to do the same.
Setting a time to do these divination sessions is all up to the two of you. It can be on certain dates, moon phases, or even whenever the two of you feel you need to learn of the future. Planning it out ahead of time, and offering them a hand in the decision, will keep your relationship healthy and hopefully not strained. Try not to put too much pressure on the spirit to be constantly foretelling the future about little things of no crucial importance. If you wouldn’t ask a friend for a bunch of readings in person, don’t ask a spirit either.
Record the questions you asked and the responses you received. In this way, you can decide for yourself how accurate the spirit you are communicating with is. You can even make separate pages or documents for individual scenarios, such as presidential or political actions or things like your career.
Don’t forget to pay them just like you can with other diviners. Decide together what you will give them for their help, perhaps an offering of flowers or food. Ask them what they like, and see what you can do.
I hope this has helped clear up any questions you may have had on this topic!
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kcbos · 4 years
salutations! i recently saw your master post and was wondering if you have any ideas... so, someone very dear to me was given a couple of weeks/death iminent notice and... they've been deteriorating for so long, i don't think "potions" are in the realm of possibility. do you have any other suggestions for sweet passing? i've been appealing to their higher self for suggestions and am getting a sense that this needs to be for me? a detached/distant sentiment? if that makes any sense...
Hello! I am sorry it took a few days for me to answer this, my parents were on vacation, and things have been hectic…
So, besides potions, I really feel that physical touch and things that relate to topical applications may help in this scenario. I believe this because death is but a physical loss of body, and allowing yourself to detach from any longing to keep it may help in the passing process, for both you and the hospice patient.Here is a simple ritual you can do, and hopefully one that strikes you and the beloved person as perfect or adaptable:
🕊 Lull Me to Sleep Ritual 🕊
Apply a lotion to the dying person’s hands or arm or somewhere they consent to as you recite this chant very softly. It’s designed to lull their fear of losing their body and leaving the Earth’s physical realm behind. If lotion is unavailable for them for some reason, whether that is for allergy reasons or otherwise, simply massage a spot they don’t mind being touched at in circular motions, going clockwise:
“I lull your tears to sleep,Fear of death, Fear of release. I bring you my love, I bring you my peace.
Your spirit will unbind,From the aching body you possess.But within it you reside,And your soul is what I love best.
I lull your grief to sleep,Fear of change, fear to depart. And though I will miss your touch,You will be the beat within my heart.
Your body is but a chrysalis, And your time to leave is near. Please know that we will honour you,And all the good you did here.
I lull your mind to sleep,Fear of losing the body you know. I bring you my greatest gift,The power to let it go.”
Let them cry if need be, but assure them their death will not be the end of the legacy they leave behind.
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kcbos · 4 years
Your blood, your traits; they thickened into a cohesive existence.
Perhaps we are not connected by an unbroken family tree;
Maybe I found my grandmother so many greats down a line marked in poetry and prose.
I exchange the oxygen around me, and I know my breath is your breath,
This impure substance that you once blessed and cursed is the same as before.
My ancestors surround me.
My ancestors are honoured by my heart which thrives on their historic lives.
Bleak though their headstones may seem,
I know that they have withstood rage and weather to act as a reminder:
Those that came before me, and the ones that spurred me into realms I found enthralling, are as tangible in death as my own living bones.
Ancestor Devotional by Bronwyn (@lonesome-bones ) - 6.14.2018
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kcbos · 4 years
The Elements Within Death Witchery/Work
The elements can be found in many paths and types of Witchcraft, but I rarely see anything regarding them and death witchery/work. Here are my associations and notes for each of the five commonly used elements.
Cleansing and cathartic, fire releases physical form. Just as bodies decay, fire cleans all decomposable materials away. Dust is simply dust, and fire fans the release of memories and the rebirth of joy.
Cremation uses fire, which leads to memorial and honour of the deceased person. Fire is the final physival phase of deconstruction if cremation is the route taken. After this, no DNA remains, and as such, fire wipes all energy from the aching bones of the beloved one.
Life is fleeting, like a flame fueled by a minute ember. Cherish life and meditate on its length as you watch a for die out.
Nature’s cleanup; water washes away dirt, blood, and debris from battlefields. The memory of war may have scarred the area, but it has been tucked away into the bowels of the Earth after rain comes to bury it.
Like tears on the cheeks of mourners, water flows gently to the Earth. The touch of water is soothing and soft, and shows our companions where we stand as grievers.
Mist and fog are veils separating the quiet from the mundane. Victorian women wore veils to have privacy while mourning, and this allowed them to remain speechless without guilt. In this way, water shields us from the ones that wish to remain hidden and still.
The last breath we take is an offering to the world. A somber goodbye, and a kiss air takes with dignity and respect. Air holds the secrets our spirits leave behind, unspoken words that flit away with the soul within us.
Without air, there would be no life, at least not for us humans. Death is Life. Life is Death. They are not counterparts, but two skills of Mother Nature. Air knows this, as it is forced into your lungs by your own instinct at birth, and whispered out upon dying.
The words of condolence and shared grief are more powerful than energy taken upon life being created and shared. They stand in solidarity, they were and express their sadness together. Hope for peace and the love they gather between one another is a sign of Air and its gifts.
Human bodies remain in the Earth, still and resting. The Earth invigorates raw power and strength into their bones, preparing them to live among the realm of fellow spirits, or perhaps to be birthed again somewhere else. Bones fade into Earth but never truly leave. They are swaddled in layers of nurturing soil.
Some find caves and darkness unsettling. But within the Earth, death is known and natural. There is not quite the same fear of death down below that appears here. Learn from true darkness and the shadows the Earth finds company in.
The Earth was alive before anything ever settled upon it’s surface. It was once someplace else, and was categorized as another celestial body by today’s standards. It has died and emerged with flowing grass, rivers that possess currents and fish, and deserts with animals and plants unafraid of the heat.
We are spirits, merely placed in vessels that breathe and walk among other spirits. We die, but our spirits do not. They may transform or metamorphosize into another body, but we go through death over and over again while our spirit remains a steady companion of the cycle of nature.
Spirit is not as abstract as other things. Spirit is an element just as Air or Earth. Like death, it is debated and misunderstood. But in the end, avoiding it will not cause it to disappear. Like death, spirit must be accepted and meditated upon for us to continue on with the phrase “memento mori, memento vivere” strung across our minds.
Spirit is our element, but also the element that produces our spirit friends and foes. Remember this when communicating with the Dead and other entities beyond our understanding.
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kcbos · 4 years
Death Witches Digging in the Dirt; Flowers & Funerals
I wrote a post a while ago about two bouquets you can send or present at funerals (or in homes after/during the process of death). There are many ways to incorporate flowers into death witchcraft. Here I have written about a few of them.
A Symbol of Life and Death
Flowers begin in the ground, as a seed. This seed was dropped into the ground by one force or another, a piece of another plant that may have died away. Like the cells we shed upon death, our bodies become something new, and produces new life once more.
In the case of bulbs, the flowers die only to return, to be rebirthed, when warmer months arrive. They are the epitome of a symbol of life and death, and represent the cycle that death drives around.
Flowers are grown from infancy, all the way up to adulthood (if they make it that long). When they bloom, we cut them; we reap the life that has been well-lived, knowing that it’s beauty won’t last, but may make room for more blossoms when trimmed in the right spot.
We propagate and tame wild weeds and herbs; mint, lavender, and dandelions. Death witches can use flowers as symbols of peaceful passing, acceptance, and knowledge of a cyclical process that we are all a part of.
The Graves Below Them
Flowers feed from the decaying corpses that fertilize the Earth. It may seem sad, macabre, or morbid to some, which is a valid feeling, but to me this represents yet another partnership between life and death. The flowers feed, they grow, they are cut and they perish. They lay upon the graves and headstones they may have seen with their roots splayed towards them. Their seeds scatter, and the flowers bloom again.
Like a friend holding another’s hand, they surrender to one another. Together, they honour each one’s wishes, creating by blooms from the dust beneath the Earth, and then memorializing a beloved body beneath the soil.
Death witches can use this as a symbol of their own partnership between them (life) and the dead (death).
The Affects of Flowers
Build wreaths, bouquets, sachets, and incense blends for funerals or rituals involving the dead. Learn what each flower or herb means for you, the bereaved, and the deceased, and create mementos to bless you all.
Decorate your altar or shrines with dried roses, lavender, and mint. Show the relationship between a corpse of a human or animal and that of a flower, and how each one is fragile, yet leaves behind energy within it.
Experiment with flowers, build the bridge that truly belongs between floral life and decaying death.
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kcbos · 4 years
Spirit Work Terminology
Spirit/Entity - Any non-physical energy form that can interact with its surroundings, including astral and/or physical planes). Some spirits are intelligent, while others are remnants or unconscious beings created for a specific purpose. The term ‘spirit’ encompasses non-human entities, deceased humans, deities, and animal spirits.
Deities - The gods, goddesses, and spirits worshiped by some cultures or groups. Both modern and historically worshiped gods fall into this category.
Non-Human Spirits - Any spirit that is not and never was human. These spirits tend to never have had a physical form, except in the case of animal or plant spirits. Examples include: most deities, malevolent entities, and servitors.
Remnants/Imprints - Energetic memories stored within an area, object, or person. Sometimes, human spirits are caught re-living traumatic events that occured during their lifetime, while other remnants/imprints are simply events replaying on their own without a spirit attached. Due to the intense energetic outpour during the event(s) in question, it causes a permanent ‘wound’ to be placed upon the afflicted object. Unless interrupted, these ‘recorded’ memories can continue indefinitely.
Closed Cultures - Cultures whose religions, practices, and/or way of life is not openly shared with everyone. These kinds of cultures do not welcome people outside of their lineage, raising, and/or teaching to follow in their footsteps.
Appropriation - The taking up of a religion, practice, or way of life from a closed culture; stealing a piece of a culture without being given explicit permission from a vast majority of the population that comprises it.
Open Cultures - Cultures whose religions, practices, and/or way of life is openly shared with everyone. These kinds of cultures invite others to partake in their lifestyle or belief system.
Semi-Closed Cultures - These kinds of cultures are closed to most people, and/or require an initiation to join them as a member. They may be restricted to specific lineages/races/nationalities, or require teaching to allow someone from the outside to become a part of their cultural identity.
Spirit Shops - Shops that sell spirits or provide direction and help for finding a spirit companion. They may bind a spirit to a vessel, or help you receive the spirit without them being bound to any object. The person selling the spirit or service for finding a spirit usually will have reviews, guidelines, and ethical statements somewhere on their shop site. They may provide reverse spirit adoptions, too.
Spirit Vetting - The process used by many spirit shops and centers to determine if a spirit they come into contact with is suitable for any of their customers. They may place experience level recommendations or preferences that the spirit has somewhere on their profile or introduction.  
Spirit Adoption Centers - Similar to spirit shops; adoption centers provide a free or reasonably priced way to find a spirit companion to suit your preferences. They usually go through vetting as thoroughly as spirit shops’ spirits.
Reverse Spirit Adoptions - The use of the clients energy to attract potential spirit companions. The spirit shop or adoption center doing this may send a message with the energy for the spirit to see before applying to be vetted and possibly meet the client.
Initiation - The process by which a religion, group, or culture may ritualistically include someone into their practices.
Folklore - Beliefs, stories, legends, and traditional actions of a culture or population. Often locally based and shared through family or friend conversations.
Urban Legends - Modern beliefs, stories, and legends formed from local folklore, suspicion, or gossip.
Servitors - Spirits created to serve a specific purpose; may be a, unconscious piece of the creator, or an original creation made from energy, imagery, and intent.
Doppelganger Spirits - The spirit that seems to be a ‘reflection’ of yourself, often seen before your death. Some have reportedly seen their doppelganger, and were saved from disaster by checking their lives for any threats such as gas leaks, car issues, and habits.
Energy - fuel for a spirit, person, or intention; the fingerprint that makes our energetic fields and metaphysical energy levels our own. Can be obtained from outside sources such as crystals, herbs, and electrical stimuli.
Spirit Vessel - The habitat or home of a spirit. A vessel may be a vase, jar, or bowl, but there are other options such as consecrated jewelry or candles. When bound, a spirit may be connected to their vessel and be unable to travel far from it.
Parasitic Entity - An spirit that takes and uses energy from its host, which is usually a living being. Typically done without permission, but there are also energetic vampires that do not intentionally take energy, or do ask permission. Some humans are energetic vampires.
Ancestral Spirit - A spirit that you relate to in some way; a spirit from the past that is connected to you. Some ancestral spirits are blood relatives, family friends, spiritual predecessors, or even trade/skill ancestors.
Calling/Summoning - The act of invoking a spirit with the use of a chant, ritual, or prayer. A term from a closed culture related to this is “conjuring”, which is used frequently among spirit workers.
Banishing - The act of forcefully removing a spirit from an area, or commanding it to leave. Often used when malevolent entities refuse to leave a home or sacred space.
Spectre - A spirit that appears to someone physically. Often seen by humans in terrifying forms, or threatening figures.
Binding - The linking of a spirit to a vessel, whether to house them or to banish them by physically removing the vessel afterwards. Used by spirit workers to help spirits ground themselves to a certain area, or to provide energy to them directly via the vessel they are bound to.
Spirit Guide - A guide of a living person who gently prompts change, advice, or guidance throughout their life. Some people believe that you have one your entire life, while others find that they come and go as years pass.
Spirit Companion - A spirit that accompanies someone. A spirit ‘friend’ or ‘acquaintance’ built through consensual relationships and activities.
Thoughtform - A spirit created, typically unconsciously, by someone’s energy and time spent focused on an intent or spiritual entity. Some writers find that the characters they work on and create the most can become thoughtforms.
Possession - The overtaking of a physical body by a spirit; usually by force. Can lead to changes in personality, speech, or actions.
Channeling - The controlled or consensual habitation of a person by a spirit for a certain amount of time. Usually used to learn information or to allow the spirit to speak directly to someone.
Malevolent Entity - A spirit that wishes ill on other spirits or humans. Often seen as evil, terrifying, or hateful for seemingly no reason.
Ghosts - The term used to describe deceased human spirits.
Species - Different sub-categories or types of spirits in their relative families.
Altar - A space used to work or conduct spells, rituals, and bindings. In some religions, an altar is a place to make offerings, but it is also a term for a general spiritual workspace.
Shrine - A space used to venerate spirits, make offerings, and worship if applicable. Ancestral spaces are most often referred to as shrines.  
Astral Realm - The many planes and branches of the non-physical realm, and all that resides within it. This is a vague term for the non-physical space that syncs up with our own world.
Astral Projection - The act of ‘leaving’ your body to explore the astral realm. Some find that meditating leads to an affective projection technique, while others prefer nearing sleep or using a dream state to do so.
Poltergeist Activity - Activity caused by a non-physical spirit, including biting, moving objects, scratching, and more.
Poltergeist Spirit - As a spirit type, poltergeists are the accidental servitors of a living person, leading to physical disruptions or visions. Often caused by extreme emotion connected to an area or person. They are non-intelligent spirits.
Divination - The act by which a diviner (the person doing divination) uses any method of divination to determine an answer or response to some sort of question. Examples include: reading tarot, using a pendulum, and scrying.
Scrying - A divination method in which the diviner enters a meditative state and gazes into a medium. They may receive images, scenes, and other sensory responses, which they then use to interpret in regards to the question at hand.
Pendulum Divination - The use of a pendulum (string or chain with a weighted end) to divine. The direction in which the pendulum swings over a labelled board determines the answer to the question. Most commonly, the possible answers are: yes, no, maybe, ask again later, and don’t want to answer.  
Spirit Worker - Someone who communicates with, works with, or otherwise engages in the company of spirits. Most religions do not wish to think of their communication with deities as spirit work.
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kcbos · 4 years
Greeting the (Human) Dead - Bronwyn’s Guide
I struggled, especially in the very beginning, to contact any human spirit I wished to speak with. It was an intimidating meeting for me, but I did eventually learn the best way for me personally to feel secure and comfortable, while maintaining the same balance for the spirit in question. These are things I find to work well, but not everyone speaks to the dead in this way. Some may find this works wonders, while others may run into a road block. Remember that everyone’s practice is different, and if this doesn’t work for you, that’s okay! Keep trying until you are happy with your method.
Below I have listed a basic ‘starter’s kit’ for greeting the dead. These things can be changed, nixed, or otherwise disregarded if it works best for you. These are merely suggestions.
What You’ll Need:
An offering plate/offering (food, art, poetry, water, trinkets, coins, etc. Non physical offerings are excellent as well: playing an instrument if you know they liked music in their life, sending energy, and even reading a book they enjoyed)
Protective wards/stones (I use a few of each. Black tourmaline is my go-to crystal)
A divination method or two (I tend to go with cartomancy, stichomancy, scrying, and pendulum)
Something scented (completely optional. I just find that attractive smells make spirits more likely to want to sit with me)
A quiet place where you won’t be disturbed
Gather all the supplies you wish to, and settle in. Arrange your wards/stones if you have them. Light any candles, incense, or turn on a diffuser if you choose to do so. This first step I am about to explain was the hardest for me to master; calling the spirit.
It takes time, and sometimes, the don’t show up. Spirits have no obligation to visit with us, but some do if they’re interested or need help. Be patient while you wait, maybe have some kind of soft music playing. If you play this music every time you want them to come visit you, they may be more likely to recognize that you are calling to them. Announce at this point that their is an offering waiting for them if they choose to take it.
You can speak out loud and ask them to come to you, or repeat their name silently in your head (if you know it). If you are not looking for any particular spirit, you may be able to say something simple, such as, “If the spirit of a deceased human lingers, they are welcome to visit me”. You can use any sensitive abilities you have to decipher if they have arrived, or go for a more direct answer by using any of the divination methods you like. Some people use a flashlight that a spirit can turn on or off in response to a question, so that’s always an option. Candle flames and their movements are also very useful for spirit communication.
When you feel a spirit hasn’t arrived, and you have waited a fairly long time, announce that the invitation has been closed for now, so they don’t come by unannounced. Laying down these simple boundaries, especially at first, can lead to a smoother relationship in the long run. Even if there isn’t a spirit around, it won’t hurt anything to say this.
If you do feel they have arrived, you can introduce yourself and give them their offering. It can be a small greeting, but enough to let them know your intentions and who you are (vaguely). Ex:
“Hello, my name is Bronwyn. I am looking for a human spirit to talk to and divine the future with. This is for you, either way. Are you interested in a conversation with me?”
Give them the offering, and after a minute or so, see if they have a response as to whether or not they want to be a part of your conversation. If yes, continue to ask questions, wait, and divine. This is how you can communicate, for the first time, and every time after if you like it. Simply say thank you and goodbye when you are ready to end the session, and tell them that you were glad to have met them, and will contact them again if you needed to.
I suggest learning a name, or at least a nickname or initials, so you can contact them directly if you don’t already have this information. Ask them about what they like, who they are, and their favourite things. Just get to know them as you converse.
This is my method, and something I really love to do. Feel free to try it yourself, and let me know if you have success with it, or if you don’t so I may be able to offer ideas or advice.
An extra tip from me is to remember that being nervous is okay, and so is being uncertain. Everyone can be at times, and spirit work is no different. Allow yourself to be awkward, but try your best. Don’t force a fake personality, because many spirits can recognize it, or won’t understand why you acted different from the first time you met to the next.
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kcbos · 4 years
My Method and Tips for Astral Travel
I’ve read a lot about people who astral travel by leaving their bodies after vigorous practice, patience, and lots of energy. I’ve also read about people who it comes naturally to. And I have read about the middle ground where I fall, in which we meditate until we are in a loose trance and then travel via visions and such.
I prefer to travel this way, and to explore my home or area for spiritual disruptions and spots where I should focus my protection on. Here’s a basic ritual type method of how I get into the trance-like state, and how I do things in the astral realm.
First, I sit or lie down. Typically, I do this at night, in bed, when everything is quiet and no one will disturb me and make me come back to quickly (because that can really throw you for a loop, and definitely makes me disassociate). I anoint my temples with lavender essential oils, and hold a clear quartz in one hand, and an amethyst in the other. I use my energy projecting hand to hold the quartz to help my energy to project and be magnified outside of my body, and I put the amethyst in my energy taking hand to help me be open to the spiritual realm.
Then, I close my eyes. I start by thinking of my “happy place” which is basically just a little area I have built over time in my mind. Some people call it your mind-temple or something similar, but I’ve always called it my “happy place” or my “spiritual oasis”. Typically, this is a water fall. It has a hidden cave behind it, and within the cave, there is a fire that somehow burns despite the water in the air. I have crystals all around the fire, and incense burning (I like the opium incense I once had).
Then, once I am deeply relaxed and completely in a calm state, I begin to immerse myself in energy.
I begin by drawing in the amethyst energy, and projecting it into my environment through the clear quartz. I create a little bubble around my body so I am protected, and have enough energy to move around and affect the energies around me.
After that, I focus on the area I want to go to, or explore. Usually, this is just my home. I will visualize the space as best as I can and then try to move around in a different perspective than I normally would (ex: bird’s eye view). I try to see or feel any abnormalities in the energy in the area, and try to fix anything if it has been messed up. Sometimes I strengthen my protection system, or dissipate any stagnant energy I find. Other times I bless certain areas, like my living room, or just do a routine check for any entities.
If I do find entities, I try to talk with them and find out why they’re there if I don’t already know. Sometimes I try to contact deities and the like.
When I’m finished, I go back to my Oasis, and then, from there, I take a walk through many landscapes that all blend together until I see my home, and eventually my body. I enter it, and stretch my fingers, progressively wiggling the rest of my body. Then I open my eyes if I want to be awake, or drift off to sleep.
Some tips I have from my experiences:
Come prepared to face entities. If you are afraid, they will feed off of that. If you are calm, they will feel that. Some people create astral weapons to use if they have to, but I find my energy is just as powerful.
Rest afterwards. It can drain you, so err on the side of caution and take a short rest.
Practice energy work before doing this. It helps to know how to use your energy in the astral, especially if you want to set up protection or speak with entities.
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kcbos · 4 years
The Butterfly’s Place in Death Witchery
Many people associate butterflies with springtime, warmth, life, and flowers. Naturally, I do, too. However, with every seemingly one sided symbol, there is always a shadow or missing half that longs to be discovered.
Butterflies begin their journey as caterpillars; hungry land-dwellers with a nearly purposeless place in our gardens. Sometimes, they’re even seen as pests when they stray from the milkweed patch and onto our vegetables that end up with chunks missing. But we do not see caterpillars as the final form of this creature; they have a duty far greater than their place on the ground as a squirming length of colour.
Caterpillars build cocoons, they seal themselves in a coffin where they may rest until they are ready to extend their wings into the unfamiliar sky they thought so little about. Their metamorphosis follows the same pattern found in nature; winter to spring, youth to adult; inexperienced to wise. Butterflies symbolize more than transformation, though; they are a guide of how rebirth takes place.
When you see a chrysalis, you do not think: “that caterpillar is being lazy. It’s sleeping for no reason, resting without a cause”. The caterpillar is not taking time away simply because it can, the caterpillar is resting so that it may grow wings. It is providing itself with energy and time to become something new. A caterpillar’s journey may have begun as a worm-like creature, but the cocoon did not stop nor hinder it’s growth.
The complete metamorphosis of a butterfly is like the cycle of death and rebirth in our lives. We do not carry on till our final departure, contrary to popular belief. We are constantly being shelled up and changed, rebirthed and released. Similar to the butterfly, we must remember​ that rest and transition is necessary to get to the next stages of our lives.
I hold rebirth near and dear to my heart and practice as a death witch. There is no way I could personally find any sort of fulfillment if all I did was look at death as an end to life, because it is so much more than that. Death makes room for new life, growth, and change. We are constantly dying only to find ourselves awakened by the coming light of dawn.
Butterflies belong to Death witches as a symbol as much as bones and bats do. Do not be afraid to branch out and find new symbols to call your own, especially if they fit your personal beliefs. Be respectful and do not take what isn’t offered to you, but do look around at what surrounds you to learn about death from life.
I craft butterflies from paper using an easy origami tutorial, because I can witness the transformation from meaningless and stark to beautiful and reshaped. It !ay have been difficult, but when the process was finished, all of the bending and folding led to a new creation I could display as a symbol of my path.
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kcbos · 4 years
Funeral Bouquets
If I were to send a bouquet to someone’s funeral, or have a say in what is brought to mine, I would use flowers that speak volumes to me in terms of symbolism and meaning. Of course, a flower will mean something different to everyone that looks at it, but these are my thoughts on each one, and why they are the most important to me. I have divided these flowers into two bouquets, because I feel that the energies they give off would compliment each other best when separated into two distinct categories.
These can be used for death witchcraft as well. You can put them on spirit shrines, altars, ancestral shrines, and more. I plan on working with human spirits more often to help them feel at peace, so I will be using the budding repose bouquet for that. If I see anyone reaching out to me for help with coping with a death, then I would offer to help them build their own bouquet, or use my template.
Feel free to add on your own ideas for such a bouquet, and what you would want.
Budding Repose Bouquet
This bouquet was designed to help the deceased cross over, and feel at peace with the life they lived. It also acts as a comforting agent for both them and their family as they say goodbye.
12 stems of Lavender - Peace, cleansing, healing, love
4 stems of Lilac - Peace, innocence, cleansing, joy
3 blush pink Peonies - Softness, gentleness, peace, and love
6 Carnations (white) - Strength, happiness, blessings, memories made
6 White Anemone Flowers (with dark center) - Peace, beauty in change, a new era dawning
4 Eucalyptus stems - Cleansing, refreshing times ahead, letting go
Condolences to Each Other
This bouquet was designed to aid the mourning people the deceased has left behind, and for them to stand shoulder to shoulder in solidarity, compassion, empathy, and love.
5 white Calla Lillies - Strength, uplifted spirits, happiness, abundance
6 red roses Roses - Love, strength, passion, memory, honour
4 white Snapdragons - Peace, strength, solidarity, love, moving on
4 purple Bearded Irises - Beauty in nature, cycles, renewity, joy
7 Honey-Coloured Marigolds - New journeys, unrequited love for family, happiness, sweetness
5 White Azaleas - Kindness, joy, peace, innocence, settling
6 Dusty Miller stems - age, death, understanding, wisdom, care, cautiousness  
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kcbos · 4 years
Warding While Watched - A Secret Witch’s Guide
Warding can be a wonderful tool, especially if you work with spirits or just want a good protection system. The idea of warding is simple: an object made with intent to protect you from outside forces (particularly malevolent or unwanted ones) whether tangible or intangible. However, the keeping and creating of wards while residing in a house where you keep your practice secret isn’t so simple.
Whatever your reason for staying secret and practicing in private, warding most likely could be of some use to you. Even if all you are trying to ward off is an annoying neighbour or solicitors. Here are my tips and ideas for warding while watched, coming from me, a secret witch with around 5 or 6 years of experience at this point.
Here is my tips and how-to for creating wards in general!!
Kept in Plain Sight
Keep random objects that you make wards. Not only does this save your hide, but also your bank account. Use what you’ve got. Everything has potential to be magical in some way.
Snowglobes can act similar to witch’s balls (a suspended clear or translucent ball that catches energy and traps it for you to release somewhere else)
Windchimes make good “alarms” as long as you position them where there aren’t any drafts. If you enchant them, they can potentially work as a trespasser warning. If touched by a spirit or energy, they may chime.
Mobiles or other suspended objects (at one point I made a weird three dimensional decagon in math class that I used as a ward) can be enchanted to act as wards.
Mirrors, when pointed outwards in a window, can reflect the energy back to the sender. Some believe that they can be portals for spirits, so you can enchant it to be a one way portal to the other side, that way things can go in, but not out into your home.
A slightly less inconspicuous option involving mirrors is the mirror-lined box (called the devil’s toybox, if I recall it correctly). Basically, mirrors are placed all along the walls of a box, where they point towards the inside. When kept, it is thought that any spirit passing by can be caught inside and taken elsewhere to be released. This is because of the confusing nature of the mirrors. However, if you believe that the mirrors are portals, it may just be an inescapable hallway leading to the doorway of a portal. Again, enchanting it to be a one way deal is a good idea, in my opinion. If you wanted to disguise it, you could pass it off as a neat toy or storage solution for things… Decorate the outside rather mundanely to not only distract any suspicion, but also to lead the intruding spirit to believe it is just a box to hide in or explore. Be sure to warn any spirits you welcome into your home about this to ensure they don’t get stuck.
Hanging ornaments are great, especially during the holiday season if you tend to be festive anyway. Place them on a tree, or hang them from your ceiling if it seems easy enough. Throughout the rest of the year, you can try other warding systems, or incorporate these into something else… Or keep them up. You do you.
Have a necklace? Enchant it. Not only will this ward off any unpleasantries while you are out and about, but it will also do so at home or wherever else. Hang it up somewhere such as a necklace tree or hook on your wall. It can be made of anything. I used to do this with a really cool Edward Scissorhands necklace I got forever ago at Hot Topic. It just screams ward to me. I need to find it again haha
Artwork can be used, especially if you incorporate a sigil or protective phrase. Painting over it completely works, too.
Pillows can protect you while you sleep. Enchant them. If you have decor pillows, you can do the same thing!
Decorate your ceiling fan or blind’s pulley system with enchanted charms, or just charge those that are already there.
I am going to list some other things that you can also enchant for the sake of the length and repetiveness of this post:
Doormats, Wreaths, door knockers, door knobs (drawer knobs, too), windows/curtains, random decor objects, garden statues, light bulbs (as they heat, they can intensify the intent you added), belts, pens, backpacks… You get the idea!
Kept Above Sight
This is one of my favourite tactics. All you have to do is place small wards above the sight level of the people you are hiding them from. Sounds weird, I know. But it works, and you can avoid a ton of clutter and save a lot of space.
On the ledge of a doorway, put enchanted pennies or other coins. Tape slips of paper up there after you charge the sigil on it. Put a string of thread or yarn from edge to edge on the ledge, and enchant it to disarm any negative or unwelcome energies that pass through it.
Bookshelves that are tall and deep make perfect spots for thin objects. They are hard to see from the front, and easily forgotten when seen from the side. You can even stack things on top if you have room between the top of the shelf and your ceiling. If not, this is an even better option, as it will be less likely to be searched for any reason.
Have any hanging decor? Is a part of it out of sight near the top? Place wards there, if you want. Sigils work good in my experience.
Vents. I know, it sounds strange, a tad silly. But if you have vents in high places, you can slip a few enchanted pennies or stones into them… Just be cautious, as this can become a bit bulky and suspicious if you don’t clean it out every once in a while.
Curtains are great for hiding wards that you can stick onto things. Enchant something like a sticker, maybe one of those 3D ones so it holds more energy. Stick it on the back of your curtain near the top, between a fold. I doubt anyone will find it, and if they do… “Well, how did that get there?”
Kept Beneath Sight
Simple enough, and more easily accessible than hiding things above your head.
Beneath the carpet, near the edges, you can slip things under it. Base boards usually have a little space that you can slip things underneath, too. Rugs are similar, I just suggest keeping your ward soft, and sticky so it stays under the rug.
Under your bed, you might have a few slats that keep it stable and supported. Between those and the box spring, wards/sigils can be placed and hidden.
Shoeboxes in your closet are good on their own, but so are the shoes within them. Underneath the sole is a good spot for soft, thin wards. And if you decorate them with things, those can be enchanted too.
Drawers have a ceiling of sorts, whether that be the drawer above them or the counter it sits under. Place wards there too.
Similar to the drawers, the underside of a couch (especially farther in) works well. Other chairs may work as well.
Keep Them in Different Places
Switch up where you put things. Move around the objects so as not to cause suspicion. Ex: why is this water bottle that’s full never used, nor moved? Create a simple rotation system and change it once in a while. This makes it more natural, as most people move decor and such around as seasons or taste changes. However, if you don’t, maybe skip this tip.
I hope this helps some of you!!
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kcbos · 4 years
Death Witch Rituals - My Basic List
Death witchcraft can be used and interpreted in many different ways. But what one does with it is often very personal, different, and unique. Here are some rituals, spells, etc. that I have done or am planning on doing that fit into my definition of Death Witchcraft.
Scrying with spirits - you may have seen my post about this a while ago, which I recommend reading if you’re interested. I touch lightly on human spirits their, but I do enjoy a session with human spirits, or even animals. I definitely ritualize scrying, though I am not sure why. It feels special to me, and always has…
Divining the future with the dead - similar to the last ritual, I divine with the dead to try and get answers, predictions, etc from them. I have a post on that too, which I wrote more recently. I really like to do this, as it gives both the spirit involved and me a hand in helping others, or even ourselves.
Grief spells and rituals - grief can be heart wrenching, lead to depression, and extreme bouts of loneliness. With consent, I sometimes do these rituals and spells to help loved ones feel more at peace. I wrote a funeral bouquet post about what I would send if asked to, and why each flower was a potent piece of healing. This is a minor form of these types of rituals.
Passing spells and rituals - helping spirits pass on, or get “unstuck” when reliving their past is a very rewarding thing. I like these because it prevents pain and suffering from life crossing over into death. Another aspect of the funeral bouquet post is for this, too.
Curses - death does not always mean bringing mortality to a living, breathing thing. I use it to smother success, disenchant happiness, etc. It seems cold, but I rarely use this in curses anymore. I have no need, at least not recently. My past curses have served me well, and my emotional response to evil people has matured.
Rebirth spells and rituals - I know the power of death, and of the rebirthing process that follows it. I am going to conduct a formal ritual regarding this and my recent recovery from depression. I want a moment of reflection where I can release the past entirely.
Communing with the dead - meditation can lead to eye opening encounters with the spirits of those who died before you. They have voices, and they will speak, even if you will not listen.
Cleaning up, respecting the dead - burying bones or carcasses of animals is one way to respect and honour the dead (if they want you to, that is). So is picking up litter near a cemetery, or helping the grief stricken friends and family of someone you know who has passed. Learn what to say, and what not to, and read up on death, and its overwhelming history.
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kcbos · 4 years
Basic Offering Ideas for Spirits
Hello! I will be making a recipe list sometime soon for those of you who want to spice up your offerings or routine, but for now, here are some easy daily offerings with a little correspondence with them, based on my personal experiences.
Apples: Apples represent a full harvest, abundance, and time spent with the ones you love. Perfect for those times when you want to recall memories you’ve had with the spirit.
Oranges: Their vibrancy, attraction, and the smell all come together to represent a life lived to the fullest. I like to think of oranges as an innocent guilty pleasure, and something easy to obtain.
Grapes: elegance, refinement, perfection. I also tend to think of being waited on and treated like royalty. Definitely good for a spirit who needs some extra attention.
Fruit in General: great for sweetening up a spirit, or showing that you find them vibrant and kind. I like to give fruit and eat another piece of fruit with them, make it a little date of sorts.
Honey: another sweetening agent. Good for spirits who are feeling low on energy, as it lasts a while and holds lots of sugar, which I often associate with energy.
Bread: fun to make, and good to customize. Have a spirit who likes a bit of savoury element to their offerings? Try adding spices, maybe make garlic bread. Alternatively, you can bake sourdough, brioche, or even some sort of sweet bread. It’s a fabulous offering for family and household spirits.
Milk and Honey: Definitely something I would offer nature spirits. It’s wholesome, sweet, and very natural. Great for those moments when you want to indulge on them.
Chocolate Milk: An alternative to milk and honey. Something I think children spirits would enjoy.
Milks in General: This includes soy milk, almond milk, etc. I find these to be good offerings you don’t leave out, for obvious reasons. Nice for rituals and for those moments when you want to be able to take it away after a little bit. Very filling and delicious.
Cookies, Cakes, and Sweet treats:
Water: I see this most often with ancestral spirits, or spirits you make offerings to on a daily basis. You can enchant it, charge it, make gem elixir with it. There’s a lot of magic in water anyway, though.
Wine/Alcohol: I find a lot of spirits request this, even though I can’t give it to them. Maybe it’s because it’s a ‘spirit’? *badum tssss* Seriously though, this is a fairly generic offering I see a lot.
Juice/Cider/Lemonade/etc: Similar to wine, but much more friendly to your wallet and to those of you who don’t drink for whatever reason. I associate this with friendship for some reason.
Platters: Grab a couple of items from your fridge or pantry, and offer it together. I most often go for grapes, cheese, crackers, and juice. I just find it to be an easy, hassle free offering that doesn’t cost much. Especially if you don’t give it in large quantities, which is totally okay with this, and any other offering really. I like this one in particular because it offers a variety of tastes and energy sources.
Drawings: Pictures, especially things you’ve made, are awesome offerings. It shows you care and are willing to spend time thinking about them. Just like any other relationship, meaningful gifts are awesome.
Photographs: Whether you see something cool outside or online, bringing them a picture that you think they would like is kind. It also shows that you know them pretty well, or are at least trying to.
Embroidery: I have a friend that makes beautiful embroidery pieces for the Hellenic Theoi, whom I worship in particular. They’re full of energy and patience and time, and I think that makes it a great offering. Not to mention they’re just nice to look at.
Sigils: Make sigils for those special spirits in your life! They can be to promote energy, happiness, peace, etc. Ask them what they would like, and make it for them. Add it to their vessel if they have one, and you got a good start.
Natural Objects: Crystals, flowers, pretty leaves, jars of sand. Glasses of water from a stream, rocks, pieces of wood that fall from trees (ask permission before taking any of these things); all are awesome ideas. They have energy, and make them lasting offerings that you can recharge and fill beck up.
Music or Sound: Play a song for them. Play your own musical instrument. Sing, ring bells, clap around. Sound is vibration, and it is energy. It is also something we like. So why wouldn’t most spirits? Ask them if they would like to hear music, or even a specific song.
Energy: Send them balls of energy, streams of it, etc. Help them connect to the moon or the Earth so they can use that as often as they need to. Basically, provide a source for them to live off of when not using your offerings. I do not recommend having them use you as an energy source, except on occasion and for a short period of time, because they can drain you, even without meaning to.
Trinkets: Find something cool at a store? Maybe you pick up a few bobbles at a thrift store. If you feel like they would want it, offer it! You never know what could make them smile, or keep them busy when you’re not home, and they’re not out and about.
Anything You Think They Would Enjoy: Literally anything could be an offering. Find what works for you and what they like. Make special offerings once in a while, too, if possible. And remember, this is a relationship, not a mandatory thing. You are doing this together, and you chose to be a friend of this spirit, most of the time.
I hope this list will help some of you get started! Feel free to add on to this list, share your experiences, etc. Happy offering!
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