kaseythompson · 1 month
I’m getting back into TMNT…
Mostly my fan iteration and 2003 so don’t expect much out of this blog, only my iteration one
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kaseythompson · 1 month
This blog is still mostly dead but I just became obsessed with Ninjago a few months ago and it’s all I’ve been able to think about
Anyways here’s some fan designs I’ve made for an au I might make a post about someday idk
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Plus there’s some headcanons for them because screw homophobes
(Lloyd’s is inaccurate now I now believe he’s demiromantic asexual but oh well)
Anyways gonna disappear like a ghost for another 6 months/j
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kaseythompson · 3 months
Alright so-
I’m gonna probably either quit or just start a new story altogether
I think I might change this to a blog where I talk about Moon’s Rising, which is an original story I’ve created
Not gonna make anything too serious, just some drawings here and there and maybe a lore dump post but other than that I think I’m done on tumblr despite not even being here for 5 months
I am also updating my fan iteration on my other blog so you guys can check that out as well if you still want TMNT shit
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kaseythompson · 4 months
Yeah I don’t think I’m gonna post for a long time unless I get a huge surge of motivation to make shit
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kaseythompson · 4 months
Gonna probably make Steven universe and gravity falls things sometimes ig
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kaseythompson · 5 months
Alright so I’m gonna make a bunch of bullshit on this blog
- fnaf
- Gravity Falls
- Amphibia
- Owl House
- Hazbin Hotel
- Ninjago
- Moon’s Rising (original story)
I’m not gonna post all that often though, so don’t expect a consistent posting schedule
I also have another blog that I talk about my fan TMNT iteration too
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kaseythompson · 5 months
Quitting (kinda)
Yeah, I’m quitting
I think that my TMNT hyperfixtation has come to an end and I’m switching back to fnaf
I’m still into TMNT don’t get me wrong, but I’m just straight up out of motivation to make the comics
I’m sorry for those of you who wanted to read it, but I just don’t have any motivation to make it, only to rewrite my fnaf au for the billionth time
So this account is getting somewhat of a revamp
It’s going to be mainly focused on fnaf from here on out, but occasionally I’ll post about TMNT if I’m feeling like it because like I said I still really like it
But no more comics for TMNT
I don’t think I’ll even make them about my fnaf au
I don’t actually like making comics all that much, I mainly just like writing stories
So yeah, that’s all
Sorry for disappointing you guys but Shells Collide is cancelled until I get back into TMNT which who knows how long that’s going to be
Hope you guys like my fnaf art that I might post tho-
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kaseythompson · 5 months
Yet Another Announcement
I'm still not cancelling, but this is still important to Shells Collide
I'm delaying the next part for quite a little while. How long? Probably until sometime in January, but hopefully before the 11th since that's when I start drivers ed and start waking up at the crack of dawn aka 5 AM
All I know is that right now I've just got a huge surge of motivation to write all the episode synopsis's for Cowabunga (episodes as in an animated series, this is not a joke) and I haven't had enough time to draw
There's also one more thing I have to say. Part 3 is finished when it comes to sketches but it's really short. Like 2 pages long short. But there's a lot of dialogue in it so hopefully that makes up for it, as well as 2 panels that took me an eternity to draw
So yeah, that's all I have to say
Love y'all and please try to be patient. I'm doing the best I can rn to work on stuff, I'm drawing on my phone, which takes a fucking eternity but I'm saving up to buy an iPad
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kaseythompson · 6 months
Finished the sketches for part 2 ^^
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kaseythompson · 6 months
Announcement Concerning Chapter 1
Don't worry, I'm not cancelling
I've been writing the script for a while and it seems my autism brain wrote down way more than I thought for each part, but I can't cut them out because A) it's good storytelling and B) the story wouldn't make as much sense and I refuse to rewrite
So each part is going to be way longer than I was planning, but I promise that I'll still work on them
I'm still working on the sketches for part 2, and I've gotten to chapter 2 when it comes to writing
That's all I have to say
Part 2 will most likely come out sometime after Christmas. Not 100% confirmed, but that's what I'm aiming for
Also I'm going to try to draw all the pages in procreate with a different brush, because I think that's why I was so unmotivated. The brush I was using was too boring (don't think too much into that)
But yeah, that's all I've got to say
Here's a drawing I did on my computer of Casey from my fan iteration
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kaseythompson · 6 months
Chapter 1 Part 1
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So sorry for how long this took. School's been a pain in my ass
The funny thing is that this only took me 2-3 hours last night when I got a surge of motivation to remake all these in IbisPaint (originally I was using Procreate)
Anyways, see y'all in the next 2-4 weeks when the next part comes out. Still working on the sketches but the story is finished
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kaseythompson · 6 months
So guess who has 3/4 pages done already because she had a burst of motivation last night to redo all the pages in ibispaint? Moi. You know that’s French for Kasey
But seriously I’m almost done with page 4 so they’ll be posted sometime today or maybe tomorrow depends on what I do today lolz
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kaseythompson · 6 months
Making a New Blog
You read the title, which means yes, I'm making a new blog
It's gonna be where I post everything related to Cowabunga!!, and I'm gonna delete everything related to it on this account tomorrow
Why tomorrow? To put it simply, I have screen limits and I don't have access to my phone at the moment and I need to upload pictures of their designs and they aren't on my computer (which I am using to write this rn)
That's all I have to say other than part 1 of chapter 1 is being delayed again. It's still coming out this month though, don't worry. It's just gonna be posted between the 16th and the 20th probably. Depends on how evil my teachers are and also what I'm doing in my personal life
Anyways, love y'all <3
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kaseythompson · 6 months
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Also new style of drawing ig-
I think I’m gonna apply it to part 2 of chapter 1 because it’s way easier than what I’ve been doing lolz
This is totally not foreshadowing anything whatsoever…
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kaseythompson · 6 months
Hey I’m sorry but I’m delaying part 1 for a week or 2
I’ve been behind in school lately so I haven’t had any time to work on the comic
I promise that it’ll be worth it though
And I’ll try to start part 2 as soon as I can
But like I said, I’m still kinda falling behind but I’m trying my best to balance schoolwork and comic making, as well as having ADHD and being a huge procrastinator
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kaseythompson · 6 months
Caption this:
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kaseythompson · 6 months
Alright, I finally have a plan for how I’m going to post my comics (and my work schedule for it)
Also I have an idea on how long this motherfucker is going to be (spoiler alert it’s between 148-185 pages in total)
Here’s how I’m gonna do this
I’m going to work on the story for each chapter after I finish the one before it, then I’m going to sketch out the parts of the chapter one at a time, then draw the line art in procreate after sketching the parts, then start the next part until the next chapter (hope this makes sense)
Each chapter is 2-4 parts, and each part is 4-5 pages
I also have somewhat of a schedule (key word being somewhat)
Each part is going to take me like 2 weeks (or less idk) to make, which means it’ll take a month or 2 for a chapter to be fully released
I’m hoping that part 1 will come out on December 5-7
And if it doesn’t well then I’ll scoop my eyes out with a rusty spoon/j
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