kankrivantastalks · 9 years
Hell9, my name is Kankri Vantas, and I have f9und that Tum6lr is a way t9 spread awareness 9f pe9ple’s p9ssi6le triggers and h9w t9 6e c9urte9us t9 9thers. First 9f all, I w9uld like t9 address that this 6l9g will 6e speaking directly 9f triggers at s9me p9int, and th9se will 6e tagged as needed. 9ther t9pics that will 6e c9vered include s9cial justice and the hem9spectrum and discriminati9n thr9ugh the 6l99d castes, 69th that which t99k place in 6ef9rus and Alerternia, th9ugh I’ve 6een t9ld that this site is pred9minantly visited 6y humans, s9 I will als9 t9uch 9n su6jects like this “LG6TQA” c9mmunity I’ve read a69ut, which seems t9 parallel the quadrantan9rmativitve c9mmunity, s9 I 6elieve I am qualified t9 speak 9n this t9pic, th9ugh if I d9 get any inf9rmati9n wr9ng, please d9 c9rrect me. I w9uld n9t wish t9 trigger any9ne 6y 6eing ign9rant, as that is pr96a6ly the easiest way t9 trigger s9me9ne: accidentally and 6y 6eing ill-inf9rmed.
If I am g9ing t9 c9ntinue writing, and y9u, presuma6ly, reading, I supp9se I sh9uld n9te than many pe9ple call me “insuffera6le”—even th9ugh I find my p9st-scratch self, the Sufferer, t9 6e pr96lematic, 9r his meth9ds t9 6e, at least—and “winded.” I find speaking t9 6e a much m9re civilized manner t9 s9lve the pr96lems caused 6y the differences in pe9ple and their privileges and t9 make pe9ple aware 9f their privileges, first and f9rem9st. S9, as my lectures p9sts increase in length, I d9 h9pe I can h9ld y9ur attenti9n, 6ecause y9u never kn9w when y9u may trigger s9me9ne and cause them mental harm 9r distress.
I will 6egin 6y listing my 9wn triggers, s9 that, if y9u d9 desire t9 c9ntact me, y9u will h9pefully respect me and av9id t9uching and a6leist slurs, and please d9 als9 check y9ur privileges, as many pe9ple these days f9rget that they might 6e fav9red f9r certain aspects a69ut them that they have varying degrees 9f c9ntr9l 9ver, and menti9ning these advantages t9 th9se wh9 d9 n9t have them c9uld p9tentially cause harm. 6ef9re speaking t9 s9me9ne 9n a particular t9pic, I highly suggest asking what their triggers are and what sh9uld n9t 6e said, in the interest 9f their mental safety.
I thank y9u f9r the time y9u’ve given me in reading this, and I d9 h9pe that y9u will keep my w9rds in mind.
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