just-an-oc-generator · 5 months
Which is correct when pronouncing “L”
Tongue to the upper lip or behind the top of the mouth?
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just-an-oc-generator · 6 months
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just-an-oc-generator · 7 months
Words cannot begin to describe how desperately I want this as a paper theatre
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RoyalPrincessAlice様とのコラボで描かせていただきました。 「森のアフタヌーンティー」 https://royalprincessalice.net/
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just-an-oc-generator · 8 months
Can someone explain why there are no end credits in real life?
Like, after we’ve solved the problem and feel like we’ve grown a bit, how come we don’t get the emotional end sequence music and the screen fades to black with some unspoken promise that we’re living out our days happily with the lessons we’ve learned?
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just-an-oc-generator · 8 months
*walks out of September covered in blood*
*opens door to October*
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just-an-oc-generator · 8 months
What’s the best form of character development?
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just-an-oc-generator · 8 months
What do you call it when you have words in your brain but can’t type anything and don’t know why? It’s not writers block because I have the things, they’re just not working. Anyone know wtf that is and how to get rid of it?
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Written for an event with me as the recipient! Thanks to Zoinksman for this awesome piece!
Writer: Zoinksman
Event: 6 Month Ann. Event
Recipient: Wolf_Goddess_Nyx
Prompt: Really, really strong and tough character spends time with soft, loving character and gets super protective. They end up protecting soft character from something bad or scary.
A man lie in his bed as the morning sun shined down upon him, and the birds chirped in the trees. His face was blank, devoid of any sign of emotion, his mind was disciplined, gearing up for a new day, and his heart was full, ready to touch the lives of those around him. He drew in deep breaths, feeling the sentiment of the air, and gathering the perspective of the moment. His deep, gentle voice echoed through his bedroom as he spoke:
"Today...is a peaceful day."
He released the air from his lungs, returning it to its home. He looked out the window, the dark oak wood and bright gold autumn leaves greeting his eyes. A small dove swooped down from the skies and decided to rest upon his window sill. It stared at him for what seemed like minutes, tilting and adjusting its head, before taking flight once more. The man stretched his arms toward the ceiling, gathering his strength, before rising out of bed. As he began readjusting the olive green sheets, his mind began to drift. The man wondered about all the things he could do in these 24 hours, all the things that could happen. It may have been a small town, sure, but he'd encountered surprises before. The man completed the rest of his morning routine, but just before he left home, he decided to do a routine final check in the mirror. Sure enough, everything was in order. His stylish red-brown jacket matched perfectly with his dark oak hair and calm brown hiking boots, and of course, he had the jacket collar flipped up as always. His black t-shirt and grey jeans added a vital hint of variety while keeping a relaxed demeanor, and his personal "cherry on top" was his handlebar mustache. He thought to himself as he walked out of the door, "Not bad, Juthro."
Lila jolted awake, as the ferry pulled into the harbor of her hometown. Her eyes lit up as the realization of her arrival dawned upon her. A smile spread across her face, and she eagerly assembled her luggage and rushed to the exit. Her slumber had, unfortunately for her, left her towards the latter end of the line of passengers awaiting to end their journey. She fidgeted impatiently, looking all around, as if the interior of the entryway was an art exhibit. She whistled a tune to herself, holding her suitcase closely. She had time for about a song or three before she finally reached the exit. She enthusiastically thanked the crew on her way out, and somewhat nervously apologized to a few who had been visibly perturbed by her lovely music. Finally arriving home after a good number of years, Lila thought about where to go first. A trip down memory lane presented her with new sights, as well as some old ones, all of them bringing her a mountain of joy. First, she visited the "Mom and Pop Coffee Shop" she frequented when tackling her studies, and then she moved down the street a couple blocks to find a brand new shop, which a colorful sign above the window introduced as the "Jellybean Jar Candy Bar." After picking up a couple chocolates, she arrived at one of her favorite spots of all, which much to her delight, looked just as wondrous as she remembered it. "Betta's Bakery," home to the most delicious home-cooked pastries one could ask for. It was often a place where friends and family would meet to enjoy a simple treat and forget about all else. Additionally, it was also a place where new connections blossomed, and today was no different. Lila approached the counter, and Betta shouted from the back of the store, "Hold on, hold on! I'm comin', gimme a second!" Lila waited patiently, yet excitedly at the counter. Betta returned, assuming to greet her everyday customer, but instead found a pleasant surprise.
"Well I'll be! Is that Ms. Lila Clovely herself? You look so different, I ain't seen ya in years!"
"I know! I've been travelling from place to place, seeing how different each living experience is! Of course, then I got a little homesick, so here I am!"
"That's great ta hear, Lila. Lately I've had fun fishin' out on the docks from time to time. Gives a little peace of mind, y'know?"
"Absolutely. Nature walks are good for that too!"
"Oh? I'll have to try it sometime. Speakin' of trying things, would ya like our new special, the Red Pumpkin Cookie?"
"I'd love to give it a shot!"
"Comin' right up, Lila."
Lila sat down at a table near the front windows of the shop, and looked up at the clear blue sky. Birds soared overhead, and underneath, the roofs of various buildings decorated the foundation of the atmosphere. She scanned the street, seeing a few people cross the street, a vehicle or two pass by the shop, and the occasional squirrel or rogue bird survey the area, most likely for food. Her silent observation was interrupted by the entrance of a new customer in the shop. She hadn't seen this person before. Betta belted her classic greeting: "Welcome in! What can I do ya for?"
A soothing voice requested, "May I have the Betta Banana Bread, please?"
"Sure can! Say, you certain ya don't wanna try somethin' new? You got that for the past three weeks!"
"No, I'm fine with the usual."
"Hmm...alright then, just don't hesitate to let me know if ya change your mind in future, got it?"
"Understood. Thank you, Betta."
"No problem! That'll be out in a minute."
The new customer sat in the front right corner of the shop, opposite Lila, and began tracing his finger upon the tabletop, lost in thought. Lila took interest in this newcomer. Being the adventurous and extra extrovert that she was, she often made connections in the many places she went, and had a extraordinary curiosity for those around her. After a couple minutes of contemplation, she mustered the will to join him at his table.
"Hey! Haven't seen you here before, do you mind if I sit here?"
"If you wish."
"Thank you. The banana bread's your favorite, is it?"
"Indeed it is."
"So, what's your name?"
"You been here long?"
Despite Juthro's lack of enthusiasm, the small spark of conversation was enough to initiate a fire that would grow with time. After a minute or two of introductions and small talk, Betta returned with their orders, and the two got to know each other.
Over the course of a couple months, Lila began to realize that this connection was like no other. Alongside Juthro's aloof attitude, there was a sense of mystery and intrigue. His cold exterior could only hide so much, however, and she began to notice, through everyday actions and occasional remarks, that he had a care for others that she hadn't seen in most. Throughout her travels, this was by far the most unique persona she had encountered. Simultaneously, Juthro felt his apprehension slip away. Every time he was near her, he felt less caged, less afraid, and more intrigued by her incredible optimism and unending energy. She amazed him. Then, one evening after dinner, they decided to go to the hill at the summit of the town. The moon hovered over the horizon, ready to bring with it an army of stars and the tranquility of night. The sun had not yet disappeared, however, and they arrived just in time for its sendoff. Lila sat with her feet out in front of her, and her hands resting behind her, as the cool blades of grass glided gracefully between her fingers. Juthro sat cross-legged, and his elbows rested on his knees. They remained in silence, listening to the gentle howl of the wind, and the rustling of leaves in nearby trees. As the sun slowly settled closer to its bed, the two looked at each other. Lila's hair floated in the wind, and her eyes gleamed as bright as the stars slowly appearing in the sky. Juthro's face, painted in brilliant orange and red light, looked caring and calm. Their gaze returned to the beautiful sunset, and Lila inched closer to Juthro, before resting her head on his shoulder. In that very moment, a rush of feeling surged through him. He felt joy, he felt warmth, he felt peace unlike his melancholic content. He felt love. And for the first time in many years, a smile swept across his face. A lone tear adorned his eye, as the two enjoyed the void that was this moment. Nothing else mattered. The world faded away, and so did the longing that Lila never seemed to quite dismiss. She had ventured from her home, not only to explore the world, but to find a connection like no other, like she had never experienced before. After what seemed like an eternity, the two returned home, dreaming of the hill and of each other as they drifted quietly to sleep.
A man lie in his bed as the morning sun shined down upon him, and the birds chirped in the trees. His face was happy, full of love, his mind was disciplined, gearing up for a new day, and his heart was full, ready to touch the lives of those around him. He drew in deep breaths, feeling the sentiment of the air, and gathering the perspective of the moment. His face shifted, and his voice trembled as he spoke:
"Today...is a frightful day."
He rushed out of bed, leaving the sheets unfixed, and bolting out the door. A terrible sight befell him. The town was covered in flame, and the peaceful sounds of morning were suddenly cut off by the roar of gunfire. Juthro's heart sunk as the painful memories of the past swarmed him. He frantically scrutinized the entire town, and much to his dismay, he saw Lila on the hill, surrounded by a group of three intruders. Barely able to breathe, he sprinted to them with superhuman speed fueled by adrenaline. Once he came across the surface of the hill, he witnessed the scene with renewed urgency. A fury was forged within him like no other, and his powerful voice boomed, "I've lost one love. I'm NOT losing another!" The enemies turned around to see the source of this bold declaration, but before they could realize what was happening, Juthro was already upon them. Juthro threw a punch at the first, and it collided with incredible force. The man's jaw cracked as his head spun away from Juthro's fist, and he fell to the floor. Juthro advanced to the second man, who retaliated with a jab that landed in the center of Juthro's face. Blood dripped from his nose, and in his temporary daze, the third man grabbed him from behind. The sudden jolt reawakened Juthro, and he revved his arm forward before jamming his elbow into the third man's head. The third man loosened his grip, and Juthro spun around to continue his barrage. He landed another two jabs and a hook before being struck over the head. He fell onto the ground and turned to face his new opponent. He braced for impact, blocking his face, when the blow never came. Lila had caught the second man by surprise, and struck his head with a mighty kick. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Juthro swiftly rose to his feet and returned to the third man, who was still somewhat dazed. Juthro dodged one last attack before grabbing the goon and delivering an iron headbutt, sending him reeling as he fell to the ground. With all three threats neutralized, the two stood victorious, breathing laboriously after a frightful battle.
"Lila...are you okay...?"
"I'm...fine...oh, Juthro, your nose!"
"It's nothing," he said, wiping the blood from his upper lip, "thanks for the save."
The two, disengaging from their fierce state, shifted their attention to the town, remaining in peril of the attacks. They looked at each other, more focused now.
"Our home...Juthro, we have to fix this."
"I'm right behind you."
They returned to Juthro's house to retrieve weapons and prepare for the battle to come.
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A piece of mine written for a special event!
@partybuddyjam-a-long @sleepdeprivationitself
 Writer: @just-an-oc-generator
Recipient: @sleepdeprivationitself
Event: 6 Month Ann. Event
Prompt: Your family member has been abducted and replaced by an alien who is really bad at their job of pretending to be them. However, you don't complain because the alien is still a vast improvement over the original
I stared across the table at the strange being that had decided to impersonate my grandfather. I had to admit, it had nailed the looks of the miserable old man. The scruffy beard, the sunken yellowish eyes, even the two moles on the corner of his mouth. The height was a bit off, the impersonator was a bit taller and slightly thinner, with just a few too many wrinkles in the skin to look normal.
     The being across from me began to shift nervously as my eyes raked over its copied features. I mentally recounted every instance of broken dishes, mixed up soap and clothing, all the small things before laying out the larger events. The impostor opened its mouth to speak but I held my hand up.
     “Stop.” Its mouth snapped shut.
     “For four months, I’ve watched you bumble around the house failing in almost every possible way at being a normal human being.” It looked both surprised and dejected before hanging its head down. I sighed and leaned back in my chair.
     “ So, for the most part, you’ve done pretty well staying in-character. But it’s the slip-ups outside of usual stuff that can be passed off as old age or just being drunk. Cause where I draw the line is trying to freeze the toaster to fuse cheese and bread to make pizza.”
     I watched the creature sputter from the realisation that no, cheese is not a sentient food that moulds itself to other items outside of one’s view. It glanced back and forth rapidly between my face and the fridge.
     “Look, don’t get me wrong. I’m impressed you’ve managed to screw up so much at being normal and still be more tolerable than Gramps-” It lit up at that compliment, and I felt a strange tingling come from the cigarette scar covering the date once tattooed on my cheek. My hand began to move towards it, but a voice inside me began to scold me.
     ‘Don’t. That whole “other half” thing ended a long time ago for you. The miserable bastard made sure of that.”
     The creature across noticed both my aborted motion and the deepening frown on my face. The look of concern didn’t look right on that horrid face, and I sighed once more as I leaned forward and laced my hands together with my elbows on the table.
     “-but, if you’re gonna live here, both on this planet and in my house, I think it would be best for you to not walk around wearing that asshole’s look. It’s not really doing you any favours.” A look of panic settled into a look of uncertainty, but it still nodded and stood up.
     I braced myself as the wrinkled skin of its forehead parted to reveal two more inky black eyes. The rest of the body began to morph and melt into shape, going from sun-damaged skin to shiny and smooth. Towards the hands,, the lush green faded into deep black as the skin raised and hardened into reflective scales. The hair flattened against the skull and went from grey to a lighter green fading into blue towards the shoulders. It grew at least a foot and a half to only a few inches short of the ceiling.
     But as I watched the transformation, something caught my eye. A small spot, just as the base of its neck. The colour of bright bright human blood in the shape of a caged bird, with LT on its wing and a strange glyph unlike any I had seen before on the end of the key sticking out of the side.
     “That symbol!”
     Four endless eyes fixated on me in surprise before a thin and long hand of only three fingers flew up to trace against the marking.
     “Ah! Yesh!” Its voice had a strange weight to it despite its high pitch, like its tongue was too long to properly form human words. It seemed happy at the mention of the marking, and the tingling in my cheek got stronger.
     “The reashon I’m herwe! I wash tchold that my besht fwiend would be herwe! The pershon who would makhe me betterw!” It exclaimed happily.
     ‘But why my initials? Why me?!’
     “But, I didn’tch really know how tcho get to know you, and thatch man made you really unhappy, so…” It trailed off as it gestured to itself.
     ‘Ah. Right, I can’t keep calling them “it” can I?’
     “Well, if you really are my other half, I gotta know your name first.”
     The sound it proceeded to make sounded like a horrid fusion of ‘turtle’ and ‘ice cream’, and I felt the look of pure confusion on my face.
     “Yeah… I don’t think I can pronounce that even if I tried so… how about “Tike’?
      The look that lit up Tike’s face is what I’d akin to a child seeing their first ever christmas tree.
     Those long fingers wrapped around my shoulders and shook me violently. The look of a hopeful, pleading puppy shone in all four of Tike’s eyes. I gasped in surprise before stumbling back and stuttering out.
     “Okay okay! Sure! It’ll be your name!” Despite my shock, I felt the large smile on my face as my mark burned with that tingling feeling. I felt the scar slowly fade away as Tike pulled me into a tight hug and nuzzled their cheek against mine.
     We pulled apart in surprise at the mutual feeling of our marks changing. I watched as the key with what I assumed was the written version of Tike’s name turned in the cage’s lock, and the bird with my initials on it spread its wings and flew out of the trap it had been held in. I assumed the pools of iridescent black latched onto my cheek were witnessing the same thing.
    “Ahhh! Thish ish wonderfulw! I can’tch watch for you tcho meetch my rafake! Sche will love you scho much!”
     “Hehe, your what?” Tike blinked rapidly.
     “My, uh, how do you schay..? Oh! My wife! I can’tch waitch for you to meetch her!”
     I chuckled and reached up to pat Tike on the head, but was interrupted by a rumbling from my stomach.      “Well, let’s put those plans on hold for now. First, I gotta teach you how to actually make pizza!”
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Join the Party Buddy Jamalong writing discord today! It costs nothing and you'll have some awesome writing buddies!
We have writing and shenanigans nearly every day. It's a fun group full of encouragement, nice people, and memes.
We want you! To join us for fun writing adventures and just having some more friends.
This is also open to anyone of the visual arts as well.
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Late to the party, but I nominate Loid Forger from SpyXFamily!
You've Entered B>
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Today is the day to appreciate FICTIONAL FATHERS because it is FRIDAY! Make a post about your favorite or your personal father today!
Be sure to tag it as Fictional Father Friday!
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Angels of Death!
And Purple Hyacinth lol
being in a fandom comprised of 12 people and a bag of corn chips is great because whenever anyone posts anything all 11 of your pals are like
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That’s called “Indecisive desperation”
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I wanna drink a cloud
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Reblog to put one of these in your mutuals’ pocket when they’re not looking
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This made me choke on my Dr Pepper, well done Tumblr
It’s not safe to go alone. Take this
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Genuinely thought it was gonna be Andy’s favorite burrito shop, and we’d get to see the plasma beam again
Fight me @pmseymourva, I’ve taken your favorite burrito shop hostage, and I will only accept a duel of foam noodles atop a platform hanging over a pit of everyone that has been in your videos.  Andy is not allowed to tag in, but they are allowed to throw stuff.
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