jun-residence · 1 year
Suffocating Love
Pairing; Il Dottore x Reaper
CW: Obsession, Yandere content, Murder, blood, gore, public execution, stalking, spoilers for sumeru fungi event + Archon Quest
Part I: Unwelcomed Reunion
@uplatterme @pantalonte @dottcre come get y'alls juice :)
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Yurochka hid himself within the treeline as he watched Elchingen speak with an unfamiliar individual. The man was dressed in a beige unbuttoned trench coat, with the fur of a cryo abyss mage lining the top.
He had two toned brown hair, a lighter ombre that flowed in the wind. Elchingen reached into his pocket, revealing the wisdom orb that he shakily placed in the man's hand. The latter inspected it, looking for any faults while his glare brought sweat pouring down Elchingen's face.
"These wisdom orbs... Through tweaking they can do greater things right?" He asked, placing the gadget into his pocket. The other can feel the man's eyes watching him, gauging his reaction. He gulped, knowing if he doesn't say the right words he'll die.
"Y-Yes, Reaper." He finally responded, wiping his sweaty hands onto the sleeves of his tunic. He nodded, and handed Elchingen a bag of mora.
"Pleasure doing business with you." And with that, the man vanished in a wind of sand. Elchingen let out a sigh of relief, having to lean himself forward and stabilise himself on his knees, breathing heavily. Yurochka let out a breath that he didn't realise he was holding, feeling goosebumps appear on his skin when the man known as Reaper spoke.
Remembering his mission, He braved himself and stepped out from the shadows, ready to deliver Elchingen's fate. Meanwhile, the Reaper travelled through Sumeru's lush land, and eventually landed in the city.
Near the docks, he saw a little girl playing with the fishes as an older gentleman watched her with gentle smile on his face. Reaper walked over towards the two, getting the girl's attention.
"Daddy!" She called out, wiping her hands on a small towel before waddling towards her father. The man promptly picked her up, placing her on his right arm. "She wanted to see the fishes, so I brought her here, Jun." Reaper, or more known as Jun looked at his godfather. He nodded, and placed a gentle kiss on his daughter's forehead.
"I'm so sorry to bother you on short notice. It's just I need—" "It's fine, my boy. I had fun showing Syifa the city. Better than her being cooped up in her room, right?" He responded, waving off his son's concern. The brunette let out a heavy breath, "Still... Aries, allow me to cook you dinner at my place, okay?" Jun offered to his godfather, who nodded, "Alright then."
"Say goodbye to grandpa, Syifa." He watched the little girl in his arms play with a strand of his brown hair, braiding it. She was pulled out of her focus, and did what she was told. "Bye Bye, Grandpa!" And with a wave from the older man, they both walked away from him.
The father and daughter duo walked through the streets of Sumeru city, Syifa couldn't help but feel sleepy and eventually slept in Jun's arms. He walked towards a vendor, careful as to not disturb Syifa since she's a light sleeper.
After getting his groceries though with some difficulty as his other arm was holding his daughter, he eventually got it and began walking home.
Il Dottore stopped by a cafe, wanting to energize himself while his segment deals with the Akademiya's plans. That's when he saw a familiar face, and he rushed out of the place.
"Jun...?" He stopped in his tracks hearing a familiar voice called out to him. Pretending to not hear the man, he quickly picked up his hanging grocery bag and walked away.
"Jun!" The voice got louder and he picked up the pace. Eventually his shoulder was held by the man and he was forcefully turned around. A familiar head of blue hair greeted him along with a mask similar to a birds beak.
"May I help you?" Jun's voice was cold, he didn't have time for this. The bluenette flinched seeing his "Partner" acting so cruel to him. "Jun, I've finally found you, and-"
"Papa, who's this?" Syifa raised her head, using her tiny hand to wipe her sleepy eyes. Behind his mask, the man's eyes widened.
"You... Have a child...?" Zandikk mumbled, clearly not expecting this. "Yes. Now leave me alone." He turned around and began to walk away from the baffled madman. Jun was quickly absorbed by the crowd and eventually made it home.
Dottore, or Zandikk couldn't believe it. He had to do a double take, before realising Jun had moved on and had a kid of his own.
After his expulsion, Zandikk was scouted by the Fatui. He went to tell Jun about this business opportunity, Jun scowled, not wanting to involve himself with a Fatui. When Zandikk returned to their shared home, he didn't see Jun anywhere. He panicked and found a note on his bed. Jun had left, he couldn't bare seeing Zandikk anymore.
He may have forgiven what he'd done to Sohreh, but this was the last straw.
"Papa, Who was that?" Syifa asked her troubled father, as softly as she could since he looked like he was about to cry. "It's no one, Dear. He probably mistook me for someone else." He took in a sharp breath, placing Syifa down onto the sofa before placing the groceries away.
"Oh, Ok..." Syifa wasn't stupid, she knew there was probably bad history between her father and that man. The question is, what happened?
"What do you want for dinner?" Jun suddenly piped up, hands cutting some vegetables awaiting Syifa's answer. "Some curry would be nice," She replied, not wanting to see her father this furious anymore.
The last time that happened was when Mommy was still around, and it ended with her six feet underground. Syifa can barely remember it, and she didn't really like her mother, so it wasn't an issue.
The sound of knocks came by, and Syifa got up to answer it. She opened the door to find her grandfather standing there with a small container of pastries. "Come in grandpa!" She let the man in who immediately noticed Jun on edge.
"Here you go, can you put this away? I want to talk with your father." The girl nodded and took the container from him. Aries walked over towards the kitchen, and placed his hand on Jun's shoulder. The latter nearly threw his knife at him, to which Aries dodged anyway.
His face soured seeing his son so unhinged, wide and dull blue eyes held so much fear in them. "It's Zandikk. He's back."
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jun-residence · 1 year
i think we as a society need to start accepting that fictional love stories need to be a bit toxic for us to go insane over them… like, sometimes you kinda need the two parties to be obsessed with each other and fucked up and willing to bring each other back from the dead instead of moving on and go to therapy i’m sorry😔
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jun-residence · 1 year
The Madman's partner
Pairing; Zandikk x Jun
[Prologue] | Next part
CW; Author suck at fighting scenes, OOC? Zandikk, Spoilers for Sohreh's notes, blood, gore, killing, mentions of class division, Jun's lore spoiler
It was clear the division of those that hail from the sands with those born in Greater Lord Rukhadevatta's domain. Of those who managed to pass through the Akademiya's strict standards, there were only two that hailed from the desert.
There was an individual known as Zandikk. He was an enigma among his peers, too focused on busying himself with his "research". Jun meanwhile, was slightly more social. However, he doesn't take too kindly to others judgment of his personality at first notice of his origins. The brunette hailed from King Deshret's land, having been accepted to the akademiya courtesy of his godfather, a leading scholar in advanced technology.
Zandikk wanted to do a research expedition in the jungle. Jun was unfortunately roped into this courtesy of Sohreh. The lady was familiar with him, and are aware of his skills as a marksman so she asked him to tag along.
He begrudgingly agreed after the payment of 60.000 mora was given by Sohreh. She was older than the two males, but things weren't awkward. Her and Jun got along surprisingly enough, and out of the corner of his eye he can see the slightest pout on Zandikk's face.
The brunette leaned against the tent pole, observing the shallow waters surrounding them. Sohreh marvelled about finding a sub species of micro scarabs, but he just tuned her out.
Zandikk sat down beside him, crossing his legs in an X mark, and without warning layed his head on Jun's shoulder. The other ignored it, rather he seemed so unbothered by Zandikk's casual display of closeness. "Have you found anything interesting?" Jun strikes up a conversation with him, hands busy cleaning his blades, one that his mother used before she succumbed to the deserts song of destruction.
"Not yet, unfortunately." Zandikk replied, taking off the preserved kalatpala lotus flower placed in Jun's hair. The bluenette studied the petals, while Jun finished cleaning his blades.
Sohreh suddenly returned with a few stalks of the surrounding flora, and placed them all infront of the two males before sitting down herself. The two researchers talked about the native species and it's characteristics, while Jun was on the lookout, though he can't exactly see anything because it was quite foggy after it rained the previous night.
Suddenly, Jun's ear picked up the sound of a thrown blade. He pulled Sohreh to his chest, getting the female into safety as a blade pierced through the ground Sohreh sat just a moment ago.
"Well, Well, Well. Look who's here. Little old Jun." An Eremite gleefully chuckled. Jun held onto his blades and placed himself infront of Sohreh. "Zandikk. Get Sohreh out of here, now."
"You're not going anywhere pretty boy!" The Clearwater Eremite charged forward, trying to slash at the trio. Her blades were blocked by Jun's, who quickly pushed her away. "Now!" He yelled, using the discarded sword on the ground to block the Daythunder's claymore(?) Attack.
Zandikk nodded, and got Sohreh and himself far away from the campsite. Jun turned towards the four eremites standing in front of him. "Now that my acquaintances are safe, I won't need to hold back." He said, unleashing the spirits trapped within his blade who clinged onto him.
The man was gifted a Pyro vision from the gods, as such he infused his blades with elemental energy, and begin to charge at them from above.
"Judgement day has come!"
Meanwhile, with Zandikk and Sohreh, they were deeper in the forest. She panted, as her hand was dragged by Zandikk who ran. "What about Jun?! We can't just leave him alone to deal with it! He's outnumbered!" She yelled out, concerned for her friends safety. Zandikk who already shared a house with the brunette showed no sympathy. He was well aware the eremites were outmatched by Jun, so he had no worries.
"I'll inform him through the Akasha terminal where we are. So when he's done with having fun, he'll know where to find us." The bluenette coldly state, hand reaching out to touch his Akasha. Jun was dodging the arrows shot at his direction along with the volts of electricity seeping through the ground. The injuries a Clearwater and sword dancer sustained was life threatening.
"You'll turn your back on your own people and even injure them? I thought Malik raised you better!" The Daythunder yelled out, getting ready to smack him with his claymore. Jun felt his veins pop up across his face. Gritting his teeth, he unleashed a wave of both water and fire attacks at the man. "I'LL KILL YOU!"
His last attack rendered the Daythunder armless. Turning around, he threw his blade towards the others back, impaling him. The brunette panted out, wiping away the blood on his face and closing his blade opening, trapping the spirit within it again.
"See you in hell, bastard."
Suddenly, he heard a sound coming from his discarded earpiece. Picking the thing up, he saw a message from Zandikk. "We're near the gigantic tree south of your location. After you're done, come here to bring us home. We'll continue this another day." The message read. Jun turned the earpiece off and placed it in his pants pocket. His shirt was torn to shreds, and there were many wounds on him. He stole the Clearwater's shirt, and placed it on himself. It was somehow a perfect fit. Grabbing one of their scarf and blindfold, he wore it and left to find his "friends", though not before retrieving his blade from the man's back.
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jun-residence · 1 year
"Why did my happy ending end so tragically..."
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jun-residence · 1 year
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"Lord Rukhadevatta, please let me hold his glorious tits..." -Zandikk, 2023
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jun-residence · 2 years
*╔═══❖•ೋ° °ೋ•❖═══╗*
𝓙𝓾𝓷 𝓣𝓼𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓬𝓱 ♡
*╚═══❖•ೋ° °ೋ•❖═══╝*
❥ Jun Tsarevich! A Scholar from Sumeru, graduating with his thesis, The Artistic expressions of our ancient world. He fought hard for his paper to be taken seriously as the Sages thought the arts was a waste of time and resources.
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