Joseph barks when Caesar mentions squirrels.  There’s so many squirrels!  He wants to chase them!  So many of them!  The moment the next squirrel comes across his path, the massive wolf takes off and starts chasing it.  He wants to get it!
This is why werewolves are supposed to be walked on harnesses.  Small animals are far too distracting.  Joseph runs, following the squirrel until it’s reached a tree.  A tree!  Bad squirrel!  Joseph wanted to catch it!  He starts barking.  The squirrel will come down if he barks loud enough and obnoxiously enough!
Joseph runs up to Caesar with his leash in his mouth. The werewolf sits down, tail wagging, and drops the leash near Caesar’s feet. Then he starts barking, excitedly trying to tell the fae that it was Walk Time now. ((Werewolf Joseph))
Caesar tilts his head up, a small smile appearing on his face. He picks up the leash, wiggling it in front of the wolf’s face.
“Is this what you want? You wanna go on walk?” He taunts, floating up to scratch under his chin. Caesar takes Joseph’s face in his hands and fluffs his cheeks up.
“You deserve a good walk, as long as you don’t pull me too hard! I don’t want a repeat of last week where we had to go to the doctor for my shoulder,” At the thought of his poor shoulder, he rolls it back gently, “The doctor said I shouldn’t walk you until it’s fully healed but as long as you’re good, then what the doctor doesn’t know won’t hurt him. So are we going for a collar or harness today?”
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Johnny starts brushing her hair as soon as she’s gotten close enough.  She’s his friend, and she seems like she needs him for something.  He’s not the best with people when they’re not family--well, when they’re not Joseph--but he’s going to try.  
“Yeah, that sounds like Diego.”  
He’s not surprised that Diego Brando can somehow manage to fuck up making coffee.  The last time they met, they’d bumped into each other at the same checkout line.  Diego had needed to purchase a new frying pan after deciding to make bratwurst in the microwave.
“Thank you.” Hp mutters before moving closer. 
It was common for her to not express much besides anguish, but this was different. Her bottom lip pouted, and her brown eyes sulked. This loneliness was light, she had friends, but to confide in Johnny like this took guts.
“He is fine, most likely. Almost burnt the place down making coffee the other day.” 
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"C-could... you play with my hair?" (choose your pick!)
“Fine.  I’ll brush your hair or something.  How’s the rock-eater doing?"
Johnny rummaged around in his bag before pulling out a brush.  He didn’t know if this was what Hot Pants meant when she asked him to play with her hair, but this should be good enough.
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Joseph starts prancing outside the moment the door is opened, smugness in his step.  He is proud to be on the harness and getting a walk.  His tail starts wagging.  It’s walk time, and everything is great!
He barks excitedly at the smells, stopping at anything that seems interesting.  There are many squirrels, all of which will get chased today!  Joseph will chase them!  
Joseph runs up to Caesar with his leash in his mouth. The werewolf sits down, tail wagging, and drops the leash near Caesar’s feet. Then he starts barking, excitedly trying to tell the fae that it was Walk Time now. ((Werewolf Joseph))
Caesar tilts his head up, a small smile appearing on his face. He picks up the leash, wiggling it in front of the wolf’s face.
“Is this what you want? You wanna go on walk?” He taunts, floating up to scratch under his chin. Caesar takes Joseph’s face in his hands and fluffs his cheeks up.
“You deserve a good walk, as long as you don’t pull me too hard! I don’t want a repeat of last week where we had to go to the doctor for my shoulder,” At the thought of his poor shoulder, he rolls it back gently, “The doctor said I shouldn’t walk you until it’s fully healed but as long as you’re good, then what the doctor doesn’t know won’t hurt him. So are we going for a collar or harness today?”
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Joseph barks again when he hears the word harness.  Yes!  He wants a harness!  He is a big wolf and needs whoever walks him to not yank on his neck when he decides to walk somewhere else!  Caesar is giving him pats!  
His tail wags again, and he looks adoringly into Caesar’s eyes.  Walks!  He’s going to get a walk!  With a harness!
As soon as he can, Joseph escapes from Caesar and bounds over to grab the harness in his teeth.  He will be walked the proper way to walk a werewolf.  With a harness and everything.
Joseph runs up to Caesar with his leash in his mouth. The werewolf sits down, tail wagging, and drops the leash near Caesar’s feet. Then he starts barking, excitedly trying to tell the fae that it was Walk Time now. ((Werewolf Joseph))
Caesar tilts his head up, a small smile appearing on his face. He picks up the leash, wiggling it in front of the wolf’s face.
“Is this what you want? You wanna go on walk?” He taunts, floating up to scratch under his chin. Caesar takes Joseph’s face in his hands and fluffs his cheeks up.
“You deserve a good walk, as long as you don’t pull me too hard! I don’t want a repeat of last week where we had to go to the doctor for my shoulder,” At the thought of his poor shoulder, he rolls it back gently, “The doctor said I shouldn’t walk you until it’s fully healed but as long as you’re good, then what the doctor doesn’t know won’t hurt him. So are we going for a collar or harness today?”
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[Werewolf AU] "Would you like some scritches and belly rubs?" She scratched the top of Joseph's head and cooed affectionately at the two very large werewolves in front of her who were all but making very literal puppy dog eyes at her.
Joseph barked excitedly at the mention of scritches and belly rubs.  His tail wagged.  He flopped on his back effortlessly, wiggling around as his tongue lolled out of his mouth.  The scritches and belly rubs were his!  
Johnny whined jealously in response.  How dare Joseph get the scritches!  They were Johnny’s scritches!  He wanted scritches and belly rubs!  He carefully maneuvered himself so that he could lay down and roll over onto his belly.  Ever since he’d had that altercation with a silver bullet, his legs hadn’t worked that well.
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“Oh!  No!”  Joseph cupped his hands to his cheeks.  He’d thought the gift was just the hug, but now that he knew the hug was part of a second gift, this made him want the second gift too.  It was, after all, his birthday.  
“Don’t take my gift back!  I really hope it’s gum!”
Running up from behind, Caesar wraps his arms around Joseph’s waist. “Buon compleanno, Joseph. Happy Birthday!” Caesar kisses his shoulder, pressing his lips on the star birthmark. (badlydrawn-little-caesar)
Joseph grins and starts laughing.  He appreciates the affection, but he didn’t expect Caesar to just go up to him like that.  Still, he’s happy just to be in Caesar’s presence.
“Thank you!  Is the hug my present?”
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Happy birthday Papa! (bastard-80s-jojo)
Joseph grinned and pumped his fist.  “Thank you!”
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"Joseph, Dawn!" Nora gestured to two cakes in the table, each made with one of the twins' favourite flavour. "Happy Birthday!"
Joseph and Dawn ran over to the table, jostling each other in their attempts to be first to the cakes.  Sure, they’d both have their own individual cakes, but at the same time, Joseph didn’t want his sister eating his cake.  
“Thank you for the cakes.”  Joseph smiled.
Dawn was already grabbing a fork and starting to dig into the cake without even cutting it.
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Running up from behind, Caesar wraps his arms around Joseph’s waist. “Buon compleanno, Joseph. Happy Birthday!” Caesar kisses his shoulder, pressing his lips on the star birthmark. (badlydrawn-little-caesar)
Joseph grins and starts laughing.  He appreciates the affection, but he didn’t expect Caesar to just go up to him like that.  Still, he’s happy just to be in Caesar’s presence.
“Thank you!  Is the hug my present?”
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((I know I haven’t been on here as much as I thought I’d be after deciding to come back to Tumblr for the time being.  All of that is my own fault.  Thank you everyone for being patient with me here.
Joseph’s birthday is tomorrow, and I’m going to be here for that.))
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Joseph scowls.  His stomach’s audibly growling.  Why is Caesar always like this in the mornings?  None of this makes sense!  Joseph wants food!  He shakes his head a few times.  Gotta clear himself out so he’s not just thinking like a dog anymore.  
“Why do you always gotta call me fluff nugget?  I’m not a nugget!  I’m sure Gyro already fed Johnny at the hospital!”  
A petty, trivial complaint.  He doesn’t particularly care.
“It’s 3 am you absolutely can not go outside” (a very sleepy Caesar, badlydrawn-little-caesar)
Joseph pouted in wolf form, whining and scratching at the door.  He wanted outside.  How dare Caesar not let him outside!  It didn’t matter to him at all that it was late at night.
All he wanted was to go outside.  He stopped scratching at the door, sulky and pouting as he let out irritated whines.
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“You like sunflowers.  I’m giving you a flower crown of sunflowers.”
Joseph was trying to show he cared.  He paid enough attention to know Caesar’s favorite flower was sunflowers.  His heart sank, a sensation of having fucked up running through him.  Oh.  This was just great.  Did Caesar hate him?
“Just shut up and wear your flowers.”
Send đŸŒș to put a flower into my muse’s hair
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“Grazie but you didn’t have to..” The blonde snapped with closing his eyes. So many flowers were put into his hair like he was some sort of an ornament. Not like he was mad about it. It’s just the fact that he wasn’t the nicest person. Especially to the Joestar. Playing always cool and composed he seemed like everything in this world bothered him. He simply sighed. Letting the other decorate his golden, soft locks with few more flowers.
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Joseph wakes up first.  As usual.  He changes back into human form, then grabs his bag of the pajamas he left in Caesar’s place.  Once he’s dressed, he jumps back on the bed.  
As a human, he’s much bigger and heavier than he is in wolf form.  His mind feels clearer, more prone to complex thought; as a wolf, he’s just a dog.  A smart one.  But still a dog.
He starts pawing at the sleeping Caesar’s shoulder.  “Hey!  Caesariiiiino!  Time to get up!  Time to get up!  It’s breakfast!  Breakfast!  Breakfast!  Wake up, sleepy Caesarino!”
“It’s 3 am you absolutely can not go outside” (a very sleepy Caesar, badlydrawn-little-caesar)
Joseph pouted in wolf form, whining and scratching at the door.  He wanted outside.  How dare Caesar not let him outside!  It didn’t matter to him at all that it was late at night.
All he wanted was to go outside.  He stopped scratching at the door, sulky and pouting as he let out irritated whines.
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Art by ăƒ’ăƒ­ăƒ€ ※ Permission to upload this work was granted by the artist. Do NOT repost/remove credit.
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“Stop howling! the neighbors are going to think we’ve got an actual wolf in here!” - Joanna (bastard-80s-jojo)
Johnny and Joseph, both of whom were in wolf form, had been howling at a cat for several minutes now before Joanna told them to be quiet.  Johnny immediately stopped, and Joseph kept up with the howling.  He didn’t want to stop when the alternative was a cat still being there.
It was orange, and fat, and on some kind of magic box.  Joseph didn’t like it.  The cat didn’t have a smell, what was wrong with the cat?  He wanted it to come away from the magic box so that it would stop hiding from him.  
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Joseph happily wiggles and barks in excitement at the mere thought of getting to go outside.  He prances out the bedroom door and proceeds to go out and do his business before running back in.
The large werewolf jumps on Caesar’s bed and curls up on the warm spot.  He likes the warm spot.  It smells like his favorite human.
“It’s 3 am you absolutely can not go outside” (a very sleepy Caesar, badlydrawn-little-caesar)
Joseph pouted in wolf form, whining and scratching at the door.  He wanted outside.  How dare Caesar not let him outside!  It didn’t matter to him at all that it was late at night.
All he wanted was to go outside.  He stopped scratching at the door, sulky and pouting as he let out irritated whines.
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