hi guys
thanks to those of you who followed this blog. while it's not a lot i'm grateful that there are now 20 of you. unfortunately making this side blog has become an unexpected source of stress for me and i think i am better off to put it aside for now if you are still interested in following me, please follow my main account: food-hates-me it's overall a personal blog but I sometimes blog about similar issues there under the tag #jewish thanks again for following. i might come back to this blog again sometime but for now i think it's best to leave it on hiatus. see you around. -margo
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Muslim journalist hits back at Maher: You’re actually doing al-Qaeda’s work for them
Nov. 1 2014
Muslim journalist Rula Jebreal pushed back at Bill Maher’s negative view of Islam on Real Time on Friday, accusing him of sounding like al-Qaeda mouthpieces.
“You are actually doing the work for them,” she told Maher. “[Osama] bin Laden used to say, ‘This is not a war on terror, this is a war on Islam.’ My father was Muslim; he was Sufi. You don’t even know the difference between Sufi, Sunni, Shi’a, Mahdavi.”
“Yeah I do,” Maher responded.
“You don’t,” Jebreal said. “For you, we are all jihadists.”
“I know that in many places in the world, if you left your religion, what would happen?” Maher asked. “You can walk inside a door in Gaza and say, ‘You know what? I’m a Presbyterian today.’”
“‎Maybe not in Gaza, to be honest,” Jebreal responded. “But you can do it in Jordan, you can do it in Lebanon. You are blaming the majority for the criminal act of a minority.”
Following Maher’s statement defending his intentions to speak at the University of California-Berkeley next month, Jebreal expressed sympathy for the students protesting his appearance.
“When you talk about Islam in a certain way, I have to tell you: it’s offensive sometimes,” Jebreal told Maher. “And some people feel threatened.”
“But it’s okay to be offensive,” Sen. Angus King (I-ME) countered. “That’s what free speech is all about. If free speech is only speech you like, it’s not free speech.”
The show’s other panelist, retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark, argued that the Berkeley dispute was about whether a school can invite speakers onto its campus.
“People will listen, maybe they’ll agree with it, maybe they won’t,” Clark argued. “But we don’t have a situation in Berkeley where people can’t give a speech. That’s the whole essence of the American system. Not everybody has to agree.”
“It’s ridiculous,” Jebreal shot back. “I’m sorry, General. The Muslim community in this country, you are treating them like Fifth Columnists, and they are not. The Muslim community feel threatened and feel offended, and they are under-represented in the media, and under-represented in political avenues. You never invite them here on these issues.”
“Never invite them here? You’re here,” Maher said. “Reza [Aslan] is here. They’re here all the time.”
“On these issues,” Jebreal repeated.
“What do you mean, on these issues?” Maher countered, saying he was the person wanting to stop talking about Muslim-related topics.
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I'm 110% pro Palestine and I'm not excusing the racism/colonization/apartheid of Israel but this seems inaccurate and kinda antisemitic. Idk there's something off putting about this. momo33me(.)tumblr(.)com/post/101420309912/many-people-misunderstand-the-nature-of-the
This is an example of someone trying to deny the entirety of Jewish history because they are either an anti-semite, or they afraid that, were they to allow any legitimacy to the Jewish connection to the country, it would delegitimize the Palestinian cause. At least in the latter scenario their heart is in the right place, even if their head isn’t.
Look, the Jewish presence in what was then Ancient Judea has been confirmed by not just Jewish historians, but Christian and Roman historians as well. The sacking of Jerusalem is commemorated with the Arch of Titus in Rome. 
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Even before Herzl’s Zionists came to the country in the late 19th Century, there was still a small but vibrant minority Jewish population in the area of about 24,000. 
The idea that all Jews aren’t semites but converts is equally absurd. Even if one were to believe the Kahzar Myth that Ashkenazi Jews were Jewish Converts from the the Caucasus, does that make the Mizrahim, Sephardim, Beta Israel, Bene Israel, Juhuro, Kai-Feng and other Jews converts? Does that make the indiginous Jewish Population that never left converts?
So whether anti-semitic by intent or anti-semitic for the most altruistic of reasons, that post is pretty horribly anti-Jew because it essentially tries to deny the historical record for the explicit purpose of erasing Jewish history to make us look as evil as possible.
I don’t think that is necessary to make the Palestinian case. The following facts haven’t changed, even if one were to accept actual history.
1. Palestinians were two thirds of the population of the country in 1948.
2. Jews did not politically control the country in any meaningful way for 1800 years.
3. The Romans were responsible for the diaspora, not the Palestinians. And the diaspora was enacted nearly 2000 years before. 
4. The British Mandate was installed by order of the League of Nations without Palestinian consent.
5. The Brits repeatedly broke their promises to both the Jewish and Palestinian populations, effectively making a bi-national state impossible, despite the existence of a bi-national movement until around 1942. The United Nations voted for partition instead of a secular bi-nationalist state and had no enforcement mechanism for the proposal in place, effectively guaranteeing a war. 
6. Palestinians were Ethnically Cleansed from the UN’s proposed Jewish State. 
There are dozens of other acceptable justifications for being anti-Israel politically. Denying Jewish history does nothing but give truth to accusations of anti-semitism among anti-Zionists and weaken their case. There is no reason to go there.
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The pervasiveness of anti-Semitism in the United States during the late 1930s and the war years was confirmed by national public-opinion polls. A series of polls from 1938 to 1946 dealt with the images Americans had of Jews. The results indicated that over half the American population perceive Jews as greedy and dishonest and that about one-third considered the overly aggressive. A set of surveys extending from 1938 through 1941 showed that between one-third and one-half of the public believed that Jews had “too much power in the United States.” During the war years, a continuation of the survey saw the proportion rise to 56 percent. According to these and other polls, this supposed Jewish power was located mainly in “business and commerce” and in “finance.” From late 1942 into the spring of 1945, significant Jewis power was also though to eixt in “politics and government.” Other surveys from August 1940 on through the war found that from 15 to 24 percent of the respondents looked on Jews as “a menace to America.” Jews were consistently seen as more of a threat than such other groups in the United States as Negroes, Catholics, Germans, or Japanese (except during 1942, when Japanese and Germans were rated more dangerous). If a threat actually existed, however, it was not from Jews, but to them. An alarming set of polls taken between 1938 and 1945 revealed that roughly 15 percent of those surveyed would have supported an anti-Jewish campaign. Another 20 to 25 percent would have sympathized with such a movement. Approximately 30 percent indicated that they would have actively opposed it. In sum, then, as much as 35 to 40 percent of the population was prepared to approve an anti-Jewish campaign, some 30 percent would have stood up against it, and the rest would’ve remained indifferent. The threat never crystallized into organized action. But even allowing ample room for inadequacies in the survey data, the seriousness of American anti-Semitism in those years is evident.
David S. Wyman, The Abandonment of The Jews: America and the Holocaust 1941-1945, First Edition, 1984, pg. 14-15
Between 1940 and 1946, JEWS were viewed as a more serious threat to the United States than the Japanese and the Germans the country was actually fighting. Chew on that for a minute. With the exception of the year of 1942, the first full year of American involvement in WWII, Jews were viewed as a larger threat to the country than the Germans. 
35-40 percent of Americans would’ve supported anti-Jewish campaigns. And, just as notably, 25-30% of the country would’ve silently allowed such a campaign to happen.
This is an America that refused to allow Jewish immigrants into the country during the Holocaust, claiming that someone else should’ve taken us in, a line passed down by every other country that did nothing.
So when everyone refuses to take Jews in where are we supposed to go? The answer is pretty clear historically. Chelmno. Belzec. Majdonek. Sobibor. Auschwitz-Birkenau. 
The United States Army did not fight to save the Jews of Europe. The United States just wanted to defeat Germany. The victims of the Holocaust? Not a priority. It was bad politics to act against the clear will of the American People.
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the ceo of american apparel is jewish what the fuck
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Institutional Power
With everything that happened yesterday, I have been wanting to address the concept of institutional power.  Some goyim argued that white passing Jews have more institutional power than goyische PoC because of their white privilege, which grants us a certain "sympathy" or favorability.  Especially in America, most light skinned Jewish people are white passing, and the face of Jewishness is perceived as white.
I understand how our whiteness gives us privilege, for example: we are not racially profiled, we have better representation in the media than other minorities (albeit in somewhat stereotyped roles but still better) and get paid higher wages for the same work as PoC (whether goyische or Jewish.)  But I think that this is only one aspect of institutional power and it's important to consider other aspects.
Consider this example.  A major worldwide TV network broadcasts an animated cartoon pilot featuring an offensive portrayal of Ghandi.  By the concept of "favorability," Indians would not have institutional power against white supremacy to shut down the series because they are PoC and thus "not favorable".
However, the Indian government threatened that if the TV show wasn't shut down, the TV network would be banned from India, a country of a billion people.  The show was canceled immediately.
Not by way of favorability of skin tone.  By way of sheer population and collective wealth among an incredibly large group.
So you say PoC want to shut down American Apparel.  How many black people live in America?  About 45 million.  How about latinos? About 54 million.  Together they are about 1/4 of the population of America.
Do you know how many Jewish people live in America?  6 million.  Do you know how many Jews live in the entire world?  14 million.  We are not a large group.  This greatly limits our institutional power both in America and in the world.
But Jews are "wealthy."  No.  Not all Jews are wealthy, that's a stereotype.  But it's true that a disproportionately large number of billionaires in America are Jews.  Does this give us institutional power as a group?
No, it gives those people institutional power.  What do those people care about?  I'm not really sure, but I'm going to guess: 1) money, and 2) their own personal wellbeing.  And what I think they probably don't care about: 1) Social justice, and 2) Protecting the Jews who don't have institutional power from antisemitism.
So yeah, Jews with large amounts of institutional power exist.  Do the rest of us receive institutional power by association?  No.
Do the American Jews who aren't billionaires have enough institutional power to shut down American Apparel?  Probably not.
Do the American Jews who are billionaires have enough institutional power to shut down American Apparel?  Probably, but you know what?  They don't give a fuck.  If they did, there wouldn't have been a halloween costume like that one in the first place.
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what's the best thing goyim can do to support and advocate for Jewish people?
Listen. Learn. Call out fellow goyim. Address antisemitism in your own circles. Never, ever stand aside and let us take the fall for others’ sins.
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why does israel destroy the olive trees? (i hope i don't come off as offensive or antagonistic i'm just honestly curious) (i'm on anon because i'm nervous and anxious about asking questions not because i want to start an argument or something)
hi you’re okay anon i know you’re not being antagonistic it’s alright. israeli settlers and idf soldiers burn down and uproot olive trees both as literal violence and cultural violence. olive farming is a major industry of palestine and provides for tens of thousands of families. these trees are ancient, they are beloved by their communities and have been taken care of for generations. it takes at least 20 years for olive trees to bear fruit!!! although farmers plant new olive trees, this has been going on for over forty years and is systematic - the livelihood of these communities cannot be regrown overnight.
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I sent an email too but I'm not expecting anything
so I sent american apparel a message about their support of antisemitism and racism to put some of my jewish power to use, but the fact is, american apparel doesn’t give a shit about the opinions of consumers unless we’re praising them.
unfortunately, despite my utter jewishness, american…
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Jewish privilege is grown men breaking into your congregation's Hebrew school, smashing desks, painting swastikas everywhere, and leaving threatening notes for small children
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Ever notice how, on Wikipedia pages, no celebrity is ever explicitly referred to as being Jewish? It's always "their parents are Jewish" or something similar. I've seen "they identify as Jewish" a couple of times. It's like "this person is Jewish" is just as taboo a phrase as "this person is bisexual". It's so obnoxious.
It’s almost as if Jews face erasure.
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Transgender Man Threatened, Ridiculed, Detained By Police So They Could Verify His Gender
East Point, Ga. — Juan Evans is asking for an apology from the East Point Police Department in Georgia, after he was harassed and needlessly detained by multiple officers.
“I was pulled over because I am ‘trans.’ I was humiliated, I was ridiculed and I was repeatedly threatened with them doing a genital search on me,” Evans told reporters.
The officers allegedly told Evans that they were going to take him to jail to do a physical “gender check” by physically examining his genitalia.
Evans said that he was pulled over for speeding, but that the police became hostile when he told them that he did not have his ID on him.
“I was arrested because they said they were taking me in to do a gender search. I was called an ‘it’ I was called a ‘thing’ and I was repeatedly threatened of them doing a gender search on me,” Evans said.
(Watch the video here)
(Read more here)
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the reason I don’t call any Jew “white,” no matter their level of passingness or the way they self-identify, is bc goyim are listening.
logically, rly, most people won’t bother to understand something complicated unless they actually care. goyim don’t actually care about Jews, so why would...
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