jellicoe-cats · 6 months
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jellicoe-cats · 6 months
:: pounds furiously on the door to you wall & holds out a bag ::
Treat. Take 2!
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jellicoe-cats · 7 months
Damn! I was hoping tonight was going to be all..
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jellicoe-cats · 7 months
Here is a brief educational video to let you know what to expect during today FEMA alert test.
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jellicoe-cats · 8 months
So I went to read the Kids Online Safety Act, thinking that it couldn't possibly be as bad as what people are making it out to be, I mean I'm a lawyer and expert in statutory interpretation, it can't be that bad, right?
Oh no. KOSA IS that bad. It will literally eradicate queer people online.
The bill says that a "covered platform" - broadly defined as "anything on the internet a minor might use" which is literally the entire fucking internet- has a "duty" to protect minors from anything that might harm them, including "sexual exploitation" and other undefined terms
It also gives state attorneys general the ability to sue to enforce it.
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So here's exactly what's gonna happen:
Wacko republicans, as they've been doing with increasing force this year and last, are going to sue any and every website in existence, saying that the mere existence of LGBT people online constitutes sexual abuse of minors. And websites are gonna be so afraid of not doing the most that they'll just axe all LGBT everything.
Like. Republicans have been calling all LGBT people groomers and child molesters for years. The lead Republican literally admitted this bill will be used to attack trans people.
This bill is BAD bad. I'm appalled that democrats are lining up behind what is clearly a republican Trojan horse to eradicate LGBT people from the entire internet.
Call your senator
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jellicoe-cats · 8 months
I designed some bases for VTOLs
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It's a standard Battletech base, but with a divot that a D20 can rest in. You use that to mark height, ideally using one of the MTG spindown D20s, so you can easily keep track of how high your VTOLs are flying without bothering with paper. Left one has a peg and a slot for said peg, right one has a slot for a 3mmx2mm magnet, in case you want to attach it that way. I'm gonna do some test prints tonight to see how they behave, and if all goes well I'll toss them up on thingiverse and/or cults
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jellicoe-cats · 8 months
Okay the bots names are getting a little too close to Syphon Filter. If I get followed by a mysterious bio weapon I’m out of here. Examples:
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jellicoe-cats · 8 months
So I had my “I’m back in high school and I’m inexplicably naked” dream last night but in the dream I knew I was dreaming because I was naked. I was like “Yep, I’m dreaming. This dream sucks. Where the Hell do my clothes go anyway? Oh great, we are having a pep rally and I have to sit in the bleachers with my junk hanging out. 🙄” The nightmare Morpheus assigned to me last night must have either been phoning it in or was pulling his hair out in frustration.
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jellicoe-cats · 8 months
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jellicoe-cats · 8 months
Midnight Pals: Publisher Assassins
Poe: Look, this has gone on too long Poe: we've GOT to distance ourselves from Joanne Neil Gaiman: she's become a liability Gaiman: soon she'll be killed by the publisher assassins Poe: right, the Poe: hold on, the what Gaiman: the publisher assassins Poe:
Gaiman: dead authors sell better, you see Gaiman: so someone could kill an author just to goose sales Gaiman: that's why we all have to be very protective of copyright King: ...is this about the internet archive Gaiman: I SIGNED THE LETTER OKAY
Gaiman: imagine Gaiman: it's 2001 Gaiman: you're sent to kill a promising young author Gaiman: but you accidentally kill her terrier instead Barker: That was a film Gaiman: ah but films are the mindscape of potentiality Koontz: [crying] I don't like this story
Gaiman: ah dean, fear not my young friend Gaiman: tis a mere thought experiment Gaiman: publisher assassins are not real, they can't hurt you Gaiman: [stroking chin] though contracted hit men are REMARKABLY cheap Gaiman: Only five figures? Now THAT'S what I call making a killing
King: neil you're just being kooky, no one's gonna kill authors for the copyright King: i mean King: who could even pull off a thing like   Barker: mary could do it King: King: no no mary's too flamboyant King: you need a professional for this Jack Ketchum: [long cigarette drag]
Jack Ketchum: i could do it King: Ketchum: i could do it easy Ketchum: no one would ever find the bodies King: Barker: would you make it look like an accident Ketchum: what am i, an amateur? of course i'd make it look like a fucking accident Ketchum: what a question
Ketchum: damn shame about that scottish castle King: jack Ketchum: you know what they say Ketchum: you gotta keep diane duane outta the woodwork or you're gonna get some major structural damage Ketchum: the kind that can crush a person alive   King: jack what did you do
Ketchum: i didn't do anything, steve King: Ketchum: and there are no witnesses to say otherwise King: Gaiman: haha my goodness this gedank experiment sure is a testament to the limitless reaches of the human imagination isn't it haha
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jellicoe-cats · 8 months
Wait, does this mean President Biden is going to have to go visit Burning Man?
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jellicoe-cats · 8 months
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jellicoe-cats · 8 months
I give this 24-48 hours before this whole thing goes Lord of the Flies.
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jellicoe-cats · 8 months
Battletech: Instant Action
One of the most frequently requested additions to Battletech's core gameplay is a default set of scenarios that can be used by any players without a historical background or a whole campaign setting them up. Instant Action is meant to fulfill that goal - with fifteen basic scenarios and a fiction-forward way to choose them, plus simple rules for planetary conditions such as fierce winds and low gravity, Instant Action is designed to quickly and easily spice up your pickup games.
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jellicoe-cats · 8 months
Sorry effervescent-weasel or overclocked-hamster or shaved-orangutan or etc. but I don’t like what I see because what I see is a bot and I’m not going follow back. Please stop following me.
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jellicoe-cats · 8 months
Never before have I been angrier at a children's book
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Do you wanna know the answer?
Here it is:
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First of all fuck you that's cheating.
Second of all it's not even a fucking rowboat! It has sails! It has no oars! Where's the rowing exactly?!
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jellicoe-cats · 8 months
I love opening up this website first thing like the morning paper and immediately seeing multiple posts like "how to get rid of the evil clown on the dashboard". like oh is this what we're doing today
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