japanglishotome · 6 years
Updates *^*
Hello guys, I'm back again with some little portion of the Class A prologue. This time it's Masato. Sorry for the irregular updates, I have a life, you know. If only playing otome games was the only thing I should do in my life...
Need my thoughts about the plot? It's incredibly HILARIOUS! Just read the thing, I tell ya!!!
The links are all the same, to the right from you is the main page for UtaPri, then click the Class A prologue thingie. The old update about Otoya is also there, just scroll the text down, if you've already read that part.
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japanglishotome · 6 years
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japanglishotome · 6 years
Updates <3
I kinda forgot I started the project here ._. Sorry for the late notice but I'm finally continuing my journey, pursuing UtaPri's depths of translations.
In this update, I transformed the first part of Class A prologue route (you don't have a choice here). You'll be surprised, how cheesy the unlocalised and unadapted the game is! You'll probably laugh a lot. I laughed at it, too.
But it's cute, finding out what "sympathy" means for japanese people.
The link for the translation is to the right of the post, if you're watching from the computer. There click on the link below the basic introduction text, where "Class A" is written. Don't forget to report misspellings and mistakes! Thanks for your attention <3
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japanglishotome · 7 years
Uta no Prince-sama
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So... From today I start translating first game of "Uta no Prince-sama" series. This one was released on June 24th 2010. I actually wanted to play it myself but didn't find any translations so I'm doing it right now just so that I can understand what's happenning there. * I decided I'd share my progress with everyone in case you want to play it and don't understand a thing like I do :)
"Idol". It's something that seems unachievable, but also very desirable.
"Idol". It's something people aim for, something that brings them happiness.
"Idol" is my…
[Your name is here] 15 years old. From this spring I’m working in an idol-musical project to become a composer.
To be honest, I’m just a regular middle school girl and I didn’t have anything special in me.
I don’t know many people, don’t have many friends, either. Even the neighbors’ dog barks at me and Nora the cat scratches me, too.
I tried to help everyone but nobody helped me. So I tried to become better myself. Still, I didn’t quite understand what’s going on.
Day after day I faced various challenges and failed them, but I always got up and continued working diligently, especially when I saw idols on TV.
Someday I’ll write my own music for idols, I thought. That’s how I wrote my first song, to fulfill my dream.
With my songs and ideas collected I managed to enter Saotome Academy with 200 other students who successfully passed the exams. The Academy specializes in show-business.
Starting from this week I am officially a Saotome Academy’s student.
I'd create a separate page, from where you'd be able to access different chapters\routes\days and so on. I'll put a section just for walkthrough purposes, too.
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