jadesins · 2 years
HIIIIIHIHIHIIHIHIH!!! Sniper Simp on ur way. Im very very very much love ur blog, it's so cool and cutie things u write. Can i ask u for some horny and cutie NSFW with Sniper, like, how he will react on that reader trying suck him off? 👉👈
Sorry for my ENG, this is not my native language!!! (Im Heavy's neighborhood:D)
Sorry it took me so long
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•he’s very easily flustered
•is a switch but mainly subs but can be a dom for you
•loves going slow and gentle for you but can be rough if you want him to
•does whatever he can to pleasure you through out the whole experience
•kinks include of: cream pie, praise (giving and receiving), exhibitionism (only you watching him), predator & prey, urophilia,
•turn offs: hurting you to far, anyone else having you, making you uncomfortable
•loves seeing you ride him, doggy style or holding you against a surface like the table, mud, wall or trees
That al for now
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jadesins · 2 years
Yes, Yashiro is in a dark place; depressed, defenseless. But the realization he narrated to us probably isn't new to him. It's new to us, because we see him for the first time completely naked and disillusioned. Honestly, he looked low-key depressed to me since the time skip. He probably lost the comfort of his lies years ago. And he kept the painful pattern of behavior - despite his realization, despite pain being everything that was left - because that is the only way he has ever known. He's struggling to make sense of it, but it has become so deeply ingrained in himself, originating from his formative years, that abandoning the pattern abruptly would have been even worse at that point. There is still hope, I think. Yashiro recognizes it for what it is now. His true desire is slowly seeding and raising from an unconscious level. He's learning to be honest with himself. But he's still not ready. Many fans seem to think that, somehow, most of the problems rooted in deeper psychological levels, would be resolved if those two would suddenly become aware of each other's feelings. Unfortunately, it is not that simple. Yashiro has a long struggle ahead of him, and Yoneda Kou won't cheat the progress.
Intimate meetings with Doumeki will continue, and they will probably become more intense each time. Faced with a struggle to maintain his composure, Yashiro will occasionally want to flee. But it is unlikely he would abandon Doumeki now when he knows he's still in Yakuza, currently in the middle of a dangerous operation. His rationalization (protecting Doumeki by leaving him) doesn't work anymore. Even if he thinks Doumeki hates him now, he'll want to make sure he stays alive.
I don't think Doumeki will give up on him, but the tension is probably going to culminate at some point. The chance of Doumeki being in love with that woman is probably close to 0. He toughened up, sure, but he had to. Yashiro is not the only one who faced his worst fears. Doumeki faced his fear of becoming like his father and losing Yashiro. He reached his own hell. But he's not the type who runs from his feelings, so (unlike Yashiro) he lived it through and conquered it. That's why now he's the one in control. He's also hurt, and his own painful realization (to which he came on the roof with Nanahara four years ago) influences his behavior. He blames the loss of control over his feelings on himself, so now he seems determined not to lose control. His jealousy is getting through, but I have to admit I underestimated him. His cold demeanor probably helped Yashiro unleash his fantasies, but I can see Yashiro becoming increasingly frustrated over his own loss of control. Current power dynamics will become unbearable for him at one point. One thing is certain though - they will both want to protect each other's life at any cost (and I predict at least one of them will be in immediate danger). That urge should reveal their feelings.
I'm not gonna pretend like I have high hopes for a happy ending. Both of them lack initiative to seek professional help they need (especially Yashiro: his extreme self-sufficiency, lack of ability to give that much of control to anyone, makes it pretty unlikely he would seek therapy) and they are not at the point of development that would make me believe they could make it on their own. They also both seem to be stuck in a dangerous, unstable environment. But after introducing the time skip, I became pretty convinced that YK is looking for a way to actualize their love. I don't know whether they'll survive or not, I don't know if they'll ever have the capacity to maintain a healthy long-term relationship, but one thing I believe in: they'll embrace their love before this story ends, fully embrace. So I don't think manga will be over before love confession and at least one non-dubcon sex. I believe we'll have our moment of happiness, even if YK crushes our hearts afterwards.
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jadesins · 3 years
Erasermic x reader threesome? Maybe with some bondage stuff 👉👈
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♡ Pairing: Shouta Aizawa (Eraserhead) x Reader x Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic) 
♡ Word Count: 1.6k
♡ Rating: Mature, 18+
♡ Warning(s):  threesome, bondage, knife, implied choking, blowjob, gagging, spanking
Rules ♡ Fandoms ♡ Requests ♡ Ko-Fi
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♡ A/N: I had so much fun writing this! I would totally be down for a part two on it ;3! I hope you enjoy~ Please don't forget to like and reblog  ♡
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You were not sure how you got into this position, stuck between two men as their hips swayed against you in the club. Their hands grabbing at you in various places, the room warm and murky, your body leaning into the both of them. Your hips rolled front to back, your front grinding against one of the most handsome looking hobos you have ever seen and your back grinding against a loud, yet enthralling blonde. They seemed to be together somehow, whether it was that they were coworkers, best friends, or even partners was left up to your imagination later on. The only thing you could imagine was both of them. Insane of you. As soon as possible. 
Your head tilted back against Yamada’s shoulder, grinding your ass against the very obvious boner he has going on in his pants. You heard a faint growl from in front of you as Aizawa moved forward and grinded against your front, he was just as hard as Yamada was. Your mouth opened in some feeble attempt to hide a gasp from both men grinding down into the warm and sensitive parts of your body. With their intense grinding, you could feel them overlapping and their cocks even rubbing up against each other in their attempts to overwhelm your body with their sensation. 
“We should- haah-  get out of here…” you muttered, unsure if you would be able to stand to even walk to one of their places. Your vision was blurry and the tugging, needy sensation in your stomach was all too familiar to you. Aizawa and Yamada looked at each other, a look that you could not tell if it was a smirk or if it was a grin appeared on both of their faces. 
“Follow us,” Yamada said, his voice strong, confident. Such confidence made your legs feel like jelly, he was so assured in his words… Wait. Did that mean he knew somewhere close by where they could fuck you? Your heart felt like it was racing even faster, could it even keep up with how quickly things were moving? Yamada and Aizawa started to walk towards the back of the club, you were left frozen, watching these two men walk to a place that was so close… What if someone heard you?
Aizawa paused walking and looked back at your red, obviously too needy to think for yourself. He sighed softly, pretending like he was annoyed when in reality he was very excited to be doing this to you. He placed his hand on his capture scarf and shot it forward, it wrapped around your body and mouth. He began to drag you towards the back with Yamada still in front. “All tied up, kitten?” he asked you in a teasing voice as he pushed his hair back out of his face, just so that you could see the look on his face. 
The strong material held onto your waist tightly, your thighs were wrapped together like a mummy. The capture scarf went all up your torso, pinning your arms to yourself and wrapping around your neck almost too tightly. Your mouth was covered by it. You were completely at the mercy of the two men who pulled you into a back room. Aizawa shoved you over to Yamada, Yamada’s arms capturing you and walking you over to the bed, laying you down on the sheets as he looked at the work the capture scarf did on you. “Oh, don’t worry, superstar, this is only the beginning for you,” he said, sliding his hand down into his pocket and pulling out his knife. He saw how your body tensed and chuckled, it was cute how you were so nervous about the hero above you. Yamada grabbed your clothes and began to cut through the fabric with the knife, tossing the scarps of fabric aside. 
“That’s much better…. Shouta, come look at this!” Yamada said as he gestured Aizawa over, who had been locking the door to their room. Aizawa walked over, looking down at you all tied up and now nude. His hand moved, nursing his own dick through his pants as he stared at you all helpless on the bed. “Here, I know a better position for you to be all tangled up in, kitten,” he said, grabbing the end of the scarf and your body freeing itself, but it was only for that split second your body was freed. 
Immediately the scarf was wrapped around your body, your arms held out, attached to the headboard, your legs were held out similarly to your arms, attached to the foot rest of the bed. You felt your face heat up, you could easily see both of the men staring between your legs, but the most embarrassing part is that they were actively enjoying the sight themselves. Your torso was held down on the bed, there was absolutely no way you were going to be going anywhere. 
“Nice job, ‘zawa,” Mic said, looking towards Aizawa, his fingers wrapping in the loops of his belt and pulling him in. He pushed their lips together, the two men making no effort to hide their passionate kiss and how their hands were frantically running down each other’s body and to the other’s pants to undo them. Yamada pulled away from the kiss and attached his lips to Aizawa’s neck, Aizawa’s pants came undone and fell to the floor in a soft thud. It was soon followed by his underwear due to Hizashi’s nimble hands. Hizashi pulled away from his neck and pulled his black shirt off with him. “Go ravage them, Eraserhead,” he cooed to Aizawa. 
Aizawa shot a look at Hizashi before he made his way over to you. His cock was standing tall and he was staring at you with a certain hunger in his eyes. Was it the way you were so clearly turned on by the sight of him and his husband making out and undressing in front of you? Or was it the fact that you knew the both of them were about to pounce you? Maybe push themselves into your open, exposed hole that was so obviously throbbing with need. 
Aizawa did not hesitate as he placed his hands on the underside of your thighs. “I hope you’re ready, kitten, because I am,” he chuckled before pushing himself into your hole. Immediately your body tightened around him and a loud, gaspy moan left you. He was pushing so deep inside of you, he seemed to go on forever until he stopped, clearly bottoming out in you. You moved your head as best as you could to look at Aizawa, that was a mistake. Almost the second your eyes made contact with his, Aizawa began to rock his hips, using the strength in his toned arms and the binds to hold you down as he thrusted in and out of you. 
Your mouth opened and gaspy, whiny noises and moans left you, his quick, yet rough thrusts making your body feel warm and needy. You were so focused on the sheer pleasure coming from Aizawa’s thrusts that you did not hear the sounds of clothes hitting the ground and someone walking over. It was not until you saw a shadow looming above you did your eyes open up. They opened up to see a hard dick bobbing in your face. Your eyes widened and you looked to see Yamada, holding the top of your head before he stuffed his hard cock into your mouth. A loud, muffled noise left you from surprise, your mouth tense as Yamada pushed his cock into your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat. You made a small gagging noise against him before relaxing your mouth and throat. 
As your body seemed to relax, both men looked at each other and began to thrust into you. Aizawa was picking up his pace and speed, your hips trying to move around from the intensity of the pleasure being thrust inside of you. Your moans were muffled against Hizashi’s cock, which was pushing in and out of your mouth as you tried to desperately suck against him in the pleasure. Groans and grunts filled the room, the occasional soft sighs were let out as both men were solely focused on the hole inside of you they were in. Hizashi stroked your hair before pushing his cock deeper into your throat, a gurgly moan leaving you as he got faster. Aizawa smacked your ass as his hips tensed and he moved faster. Suddenly, a warm feeling filled you as Aizawa started to cum inside of you, yet his hips did not stop moving at all. It was like he used the cum inside of you as extra slick to thrust himself into. 
Your body felt all warm and your body began to jerk around, tears falling from the corner of your eyes as pleasure began to wrack your body. Your body felt warm and heavy, like there was a knot far too big trying to escape through your body. Your eyes opened and you moaned against Hizashi’s cock, an orgasm hitting you like a truck. Your mind was fuzzy as your hole throbbed against Aizawa and Hizashi’s cum began to fill your throat. Your eyes rolled back in your head as you guzzled down his cum as your orgasm left you feeling motionless. As your body began to calm down, both men slid out of you, leaving you feeling surprisingly empty. You looked at the two, they were panting and looking at you. 
You were panting as well, not quite sure you were done with them, and they looked like they were not done with you either. 
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jadesins · 3 years
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jadesins · 4 years
Would you post a booty pic?Pretty please with a cherry on top .
Would you send me $400? 🍒
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jadesins · 6 years
first i yee and then maybe if im feelin spicy i’ll even haw
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jadesins · 6 years
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Trible Tom?? Yes?? No??
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jadesins · 6 years
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Trible Tom?? Yes?? No??
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jadesins · 6 years
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Some spicy mattjon for my fav wolf ;)
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jadesins · 6 years
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Some spicy mattjon for my fav wolf ;)
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jadesins · 6 years
In need of sin requests
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jadesins · 6 years
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Page 4 5 and 6 for the slime comic!!! :D
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jadesins · 6 years
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Iffy pat sketch
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jadesins · 6 years
how does mommy feel about being suckled from while she sleeps? or nudging a titty into a lovely's mouth while they sleep and feeling them suckle from you on instinct? or fondling/sex when one or the other is asleep?
It’s not something I’m super into, but it’d definitely be something to try
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jadesins · 6 years
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jadesins · 6 years
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Futa and Cum versions are available! 8)
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jadesins · 6 years
You did good today, so Mommy will let you play with her huge boobies as a reward ❤️
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