izzytoremember · 4 years
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IMAGINE ME &YOU (2005) dir. Ol Parker
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izzytoremember · 5 years
“i wonder if this is how the moon felt when he first saw the sun and knew, knew, just knew, nothing would ever, ever, ever measure up.”
— on opposite sides of the world // d.s. 
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izzytoremember · 5 years
Whenever my mind gets too dark I go out and search for stars to see that the darker it is, the brighter they shine.
We are like the stars. The darker it gets, the more we push forever, the more we persevere.
They say the night sky we see isn’t the real one because some of those stars are long gone.
We are like the stars. One day we will expire, in all our glory, and people will remember us for years after we are gone.
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izzytoremember · 5 years
You know what I don’t get?  When fanfic authors apologize for long chapters.  It’s like?  You gave me bonus content, for free, and you’re sorry about it?  Bruh.  I have already named my firstborn after you.  Dude.
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izzytoremember · 5 years
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izzytoremember · 5 years
If, after you are finished questioning and experimenting with gender/sexuality, you figure out that you are straight and/or cisgender, that is completely okay. Your time spent figuring yourself out was not wasted or in vain, and you weren’t “faking it” the whole time. You’re just as valid as anyone else.
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izzytoremember · 5 years
I didn’t think I would make it
I didn’t think I would make it to my 18th, or my 21st.
“My”. It seems so strange to say that.
Is it always going to be like this? This disconnected, disassociated, detached
feeling of just, nothing.
This body. This, person is now 21.
Will there ever be reconcile between this body and I?
Will I ever look into the mirror and recognise the person that is looking back at me?
What will I do if I can’t?
I didn’t ever think I would make it to 21.
Maybe something should be done about that.
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izzytoremember · 5 years
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Ariana Grande • 7 rings
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izzytoremember · 5 years
You know when people say “I watched this movie because you talked about it” or “I’ve been listening to this artist because I know you like it”, tenderness
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izzytoremember · 5 years
Empath Jewelry Enchantment
As an empath, sometimes I would find myself so drained and in such a bad mood when I came home, just from brushing into other people and their problems. I decided I needed a barrier with a little boost
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What You’ll Need:
🔑 A piece of jewelry you wish to enchant
🔑 Carnelian to protect and stabilize, to encourage awareness of your own energy
🔑 Hematite to banish and absorb negativity
🔑 Obsidian to ground and protect, to shield against negativity
🔑 Amethyst to bring strength, stability, and peace
🔑 Ruby in Zoisite to maintain your individuality
🔑 Bay for protection and to ward off negativity
🔑 Cinnamon for protection and strengthening of psychic power
🔑 Lavender for soothing
🔑 A dish to hold your herbs and jewelry (if you want to put your crystals in as well, make sure it’s big enough)
🔑 A white candle
🌙 Gather your items together in front of you so you can easily access them
🌙 Place your herbs into your bowl, stating the reason you’re using each one and thanking them for helping you. Focus on what you want each herb to do as you place it into the dish. Arrange your crystals around/inside your dish, asking each one of them to help you and thanking them for offering their energy
🌙 Place the piece of jewelry into the dish with the herbs, and then light the candle. Allow the candle to help draw energy into the dish. Concentrate on the item of jewelry, and envision it beginning to glow
🌙 Repeat the following (tweak it if you want)
[name of the item of jewelry], please help protect me whilst I wander among Earth’s people. I ask that you absorb and emulate the energies of these stones and herbs. Allow me to feel only that which I feel, allow me to take on only that which I consciously wish. Protect me from overload, protect me from the negativity of others. They can feel their own emotions, without my help. I do not need to take on other’s struggles
🌙 Let the candle burn for as long as you wish, and leave the jewelry in the dish overnight in the moonlight. Whenever you put it on, picture that glow expanding to cover your whole self in a protective bubble. You don’t need to hold that image permanently, but know that the protection is there
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izzytoremember · 5 years
Dear Netflix
Latino representation? LGBT+ rep? Veteran representation, immigrant representation, sobriety, mental health, medication, therapy, single parent households, feminism, relevant racial issues? In one show? That’s a comedy? @netflix do you not understand how, throughout my whole life, I never ever saw anything like this? My dad’s a veteran, my mom and her entire family immigrated from El Salvador, I’m bi, my brother gets bullied by kids who are taught to be afraid of anyone who isn’t white. I grew up and I didn’t know anyone in a similar household, and I wished that I was more white like my dad. It wasn’t until much later when I realized that it’s okay to be who I am and proud of it. And you take the first show that I’ve ever seen to normalize and embrace this stuff, a show with a beautiful cast and relatable, funny content and I felt seen in a way I never had before. I would sit down and think, “Hey my grandma does that,” or “I’ve done that,” or “My mom says things like that,” for the first time and laugh and cry. And you take that away from me, not only do you take that away from me, but you tell me not to worry because my story still matters. Yeah, I know it does. Just not to you, not enough to advertise it like you do with shows no one really cares about, not enough to listen to uproarious audiences. I was heartbroken when I heard that you cancelled @OneDayAtATime. Truly devastated, because if you keep cancelling diverse, important shows that everyone loves, just to renew and promote shows like Insatiable and 13 Reasons Why and Riverdale, what does that say about you? And all that aside, what does that say to the little girls who feel like they aren’t white enough to live in America in this political climate? Who are scared because their lives aren’t normalized anywhere and they don’t have any representation and they get screamed at to “Go back to Mexico,” and “You don’t belong here” and to “Build the wall” when you’ve lived here your whole life? I realize that’s not something you can single-handedly fix but if you do your part and represent those stories, my story, that is one less girl living on an army base in North Carolina looking at herself in the mirror wishing her skin was lighter and that she had blonde hair and green eyes and freckles because that’s what everyone else looks like. What does that say to the minorities when you keep cancelling all your shows that have representation? Not because not enough people are watching it, no no no, we did our part. You didn’t do yours, you didn’t do enough advertising, not like you do for shows that are are triggering and harmful and offensive to people and shows that aren’t even yours like Friends and Riverdale. Listen, I love Friends as much as the next guy, but we can all agree that it’s super problematic and can be offensive at times. One Day At A Time never deals with anything in an offensive or problematic way, and for a sitcom that is admirable and nearly unprecedented. And for you to have this wonderful show and not do everything you can to get more viewers for it is sickening. I’m angry, and hurt, and disappointed, and honestly, not surprised. I’m also tired, because I have seen so many shows I’ve cared about get cancelled by you. But I’ve never cared about a show this much, and I refuse to believe that this fight is over. I refuse to give up on One Day At A Time because it’s something that I’ve waited far too long for just to give up on it now. #SaveOneDayAtATime
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izzytoremember · 5 years
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izzytoremember · 5 years
Can a Woman be a Feminist and Still Enjoy Traditional “Girl” Things?
Growing up, people always assumed I was a straight girl who would marry a man and give up my education. I never understood why until I turned 12 and asked one of my friends who said something I’ll never forget:
“Well, you just kind of… look like you could be a trophy wife”
I was  12 years old and didn’t really know what that meant. So I went home and asked my mom. She asked why I cared what a trophy wife and I told my mom what my friend said. I didn’t really understand why mom appeared appalled. She told me what my friend said was untrue but not to worry about it. I still had no idea what she said meant.
So, being a young child, I googled it. Then I was personally offended. I couldn’t figure out how someone could assume I was just going to give up all my ambitions because I fell in love.
Then, when I thought about it, I realized that my room is pink. I had long hair, I enjoyed looking at makeup, I enjoyed traditional “girly” things. So, I guess I could see how people would think that.
But yet again, I couldn’t. I was an honor roll student (I was still 12, so I still wasn’t in advanced classes), I had goals and dreams. None of them were solely about getting married. Now, I still think getting married one day would be nice, but my goals are much more career oriented.
So while I do enjoy doing makeup and my favorite colors are “girly”, I still love flowers, and my favorite genre of movies in rom-coms, I love science. I am extremely passionate about science. In fact, it’s what I would like to do with my life. I want to be an optometrist. I want to have a career.
I fully support women who choose to become housewives, but that is not for me. I don’t hold my tongue very well, I have a very big personality, and I just don’t want to be a housewife. I don’t particularly want children (another crime against that fact that I can have children apparently).
However, these feelings tied into my coming out as bisexual. I felt as though people wouldn’t believe me because I didn’t “look” gay. In fact, the absolutely first person I told about my sexuality told me I just wanted attention.
So, I spent three years in the closet, not because I was afraid of being kicked out, but out of fear of no one believing me. I guess I still blame that friend a little bit for giving me that idea.
So sure, people call me a lipstick lesbian, but honestly I’m ok with that. For a while, I was in a relationship with a boy who was ok with my ambition. He was ambitious too, and didn’t try to contain my dreams. I really appreciate him.
The other issue with this is the women who shame women like me. Women who like both traditional things that are meant for girls, but also who enjoy science. Women who scold me for not caring about if I can attract a husband, and the women who tell me that by wearing makeup, I am putting the feminist movement back. Both women are in the wrong.
It is, in my opinion, wrong to tell someone that because they enjoy x, they can not enjoy a, b, or c. They can only enjoy y and z.
It’s all about pursuing what you want. Don’t let someone tell you that what you like to do is wrong (unless you’re into murdering people or stuff up that alley). I’m still so glad that I grew up with great examples of what I could be when I grew up. My mom has more education than my father and that’s ok. My father is in my corner and wants me to become educated. Both of my parents support my goals.
If you don’t have anyone, I can be your person. I will support your goals and dreams. Because as women, and as people, that should be what we are striving for.
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izzytoremember · 5 years
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I’m always here for you…You don’t have to do that alone.
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izzytoremember · 5 years
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izzytoremember · 5 years
Manifestation Technique: Labeling Water
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As you might already know, everything has energy and vibrates at a certain frequency. Your thoughts and words become your reality. A manifestation technique that I want to share with you all is labeling your water.
What you’ll need:
A water bottle or cup
Something to write with
A piece of paper or sticky note
What you’ll need to do: You will need to decide what it is that you want to manifest. I usually choose a feeling. So let’s say I want to manifest a loving relationship, I could label my water “love”. Or let’s say I want to have tons of money in the bank, I could label my water “abundance”, “wealth”, and “money flows to me easily from expected and unexpected ways”. Really put your own spin on this. You can add phrases, words, affirmations, a drawing.. anything! Write it on the piece of paper then stick it to your water bottle/cup. The only thing left now is to drink the water.
How does this work? You are setting an intention and programming the water to match the same frequency of your intention. The water is now charged and emitting a vibration that matches exactly what you want to achieve. Once you drink it, you will be of that same frequency.
Why water? Water is one of the best mediums for transmitting information and energy inside us. Once you label your water and set an intention it changes the molecular structure of the water. It is possible to transmit any message at this level. You are becoming one with the frequency of that which you want to achieve.
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izzytoremember · 5 years
So we can write the word fuck, talk about guns, Nazis chitchat, bullying is okay, putting threatening asks in people’s in box is okay but a gif two girls kissing from a TV show is bad for the children...
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