iwatchshows · 9 years
Oh, okay! :) No spelling error. <3 <3
And she’s treating her husband too, medicating him. SO gross. Those rules are not “arbitrary,” Rachel’s mom. There’s a reason why your daughter looks at you with that disdainful, wary expression when you try to explain that you haven’t made your own husband a zombie on meds. 
I can’t even understand this version of the “estranged daughter goes to her mother for money reluctantly” storyline while foronceiwannabethecarcrash and I are also watching Gilmore Girls…it’s so gross and scary and sad.
I mean, Rachel is there, because she needs the help. But the way she looks at her own mother, it’s heartbreaking to see just the hint of what she isn’t keeping buried under the surface and understand how bad it must have been. 
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrash said: Lol. I love your well-meant snark here.
:D Thanks! 
Look, a cute romantic moment between the couple I’m even less interested in than the possibility of Adam with any of the contestants. Yuck.
Why yes, I’m talking about Jeremy and the delicate blonde. Don’t care. Go away. Feel free to go to New York right now, no one will miss you. Please stop kissing. I even like Shia better than either of you at this point because I think Jeremy has been lying to cover his own ass and the DBCFJ is going to be totally blindsided by that later, and at least Shia is trying to do her job and is mostly leaving Rachel alone now.
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrash said: Omg, she should run. Sometimes, we have to run from people who are unhealthy for us. Even, and sometimes especially, when they’re our blood family.
Exactly. <3 <3
RUN, Rachel. Run far away from this woman who demands that you move back home, quit your job and let her keep telling you you’re diseased as an adult and need medication. 
Stick with the therapist who isn’t related to you and your work family who appreciate your (admittedly scary and cruel) skills and don’t let your own mother force medication on you if you’re happier and more functional without it.
Please no. Just go. Find another way.
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrash said: I don’t like it when parents make you beg for help. What’s so parental about making your kids feel awful and lacking and like even begging you may not work? It must be awful for Rachel.
foronceiwannabethecarcrash said: OMG what is wrong with Rachel’s mom??? It was bad with Dr. Bartlet! But this is so much worse. Is that a spelling error, btw? No, those rules are NOT arbitrary; they can get your license revoked when/if you break them.
I have no idea but parents seem to feel like it’s their right. It does seem awful for her. :(  Is what a spelling error?
And she’s treating her husband too, medicating him. SO gross. Those rules are not “arbitrary,” Rachel’s mom. There’s a reason why your daughter looks at you with that disdainful, wary expression when you try to explain that you haven’t made your own husband a zombie on meds. 
I can’t even understand this version of the “estranged daughter goes to her mother for money reluctantly” storyline while foronceiwannabethecarcrash and I are also watching Gilmore Girls…it’s so gross and scary and sad.
I mean, Rachel is there, because she needs the help. But the way she looks at her own mother, it’s heartbreaking to see just the hint of what she isn’t keeping buried under the surface and understand how bad it must have been. 
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrash said: OMG. Friday night Gilmore dinners ARE healthier than this!! FAMILY DOESN’T TREAT FAMILY IN DOCTOR PATIENT SITUATIONS!! That’s so gross! I love you. :)
EXACTLY. And she’s trying to extort her daughter into doing it anyway, even though her daughter is now an adult who knows exactly how gross it is. I love you too. :)
HA, Rachel is now calling her mom unethical. That makes me happy. Your strings are screwed up, Rachel’s mom, and you shouldn’t be attaching them here. 
Pointing out that your daughter looks unhealthy and is drinking too much, totally acceptable. (Though it’s possible that right now it’s being in your company that has her drinking so much, ever thought of that?) 
Saying that you’ll only loan her money if she allows you to treat her, not acceptable. And really weird.
Friday night dinners on Gilmore Girls seem completely sane in comparison to you.
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrash said: Rachel’s mom is a psychiatrist???Wow!. Also, you can’t treat your own children. *rolls eyes*
Yeah, so screwed up.
WTF, Rachel’s mom? Of course there are strings attached to helping your daughter, because you couldn’t just be her parent, no no. But I mean, you want to have sessions with your own daughter??? That’s exactly what psychiatrists aren’t supposed to do, as far as I know.
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrash said: What an interesting dynamic…
Right? It really is. :)
OH, she knows all his medications and his family medical history. I thought she was being snarky when she called herself his other wife. She wasn’t kidding. Oh so many hugs to Quinn. He’s not really hers, but she’s so HIS.
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrash said: It’s always difficult to be/feel like a train wreck and keep it to yourself. :( <3
Yep, and I would imagine it’s especially hard around your parents.
Hey, she has a dad too! And she’s trying to look not like the complete train wreck that she is. 
Good luck with that, Rachel. Your face is completely colorless and your eyes have kind of sunken into your face.
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrash said: LOL napping and doing coke crazy eyes. LOL.
Glad to entertain you, as always. ;)
Chet is Quinn’s weakness. You can see it in her eyes. I’m still not sure what she is, for him, because he has napping-and-doing-coke crazy-eyes, so I can’t figure him out.
Oh, but they’re sweet (and fucked up, and sweet again). He has bizarrely large hands and she’s trying and failing to keep emotional distance between them…and I’m so rooting for them because even though his sweet face still has the crazy-eyes thing going on, I want Quinn to be happy and not alone, and I want to believe Chet when he acts like he loves her.
I feel like they’re going to crash and burn in spectacular fashion, possibly sooner rather than later, but I’m going to ship them until that happens. 
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrash said: Maybe she’s someone cool, actress-wise!!??
Unfortunately, no, but I was hoping so after the voicemail!
Rachel’s mother sounds oddly familiar on the voicemail. Hmm.
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrashsaid: Is it about a group of people who run a reality dating show like the Bachelor or something??
Yep. :) I will explain more in my post about it, but that’s the basic idea.
I am starting to get worried about how the show within the show is going to work out. Anna is clearly the better choice for winning, but they decided to make her the villain just because Rachel is so good at her job. At some point this will bite them all in the ass, because she’s actually NOT a villain and who else has chemistry with Adam to seem like wife material?
I don’t see this ending well.
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrashsaid: Hmmmm. Okay. So, maybe not a good show for me to watch….ever.
Yeah, possibly not. Also, a parental death in the first three episodes, so I can’t recommend it on those grounds. *smush*  But you can watch it vicariously through me, I suppose. <3 <3
Also, I’m actually aware that the type of person who makes it onto TV is more likely to suffer from problems like eating disorders, but I still don’t need to learn about them on TV. I never needed to know what a marker is.
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrashsaid: If you don’t want your family around, it’s because you have reasons. Even if they’re Fred-like(Ats) reasons. But, reasons, yes. Poking at Rachel about it is unkind.
Agree, completely. And since her reasons later make perfect sense to me, he’s all kinds of jerklike.
I also don’t like Jeremy poking at Rachel about her family. I’m sure she has her reasons for not wanting them around, involved. Clearly that’s a mystery they’re teasing us with, with voicemail and bills…but I think she has every right to NOT talk to her parents and he’s a jerk for implying otherwise. 
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrashsaid: Those also sound like good questions. Lol. If I ever watch it, I hope I’ll have some insight for you.
Lol, I hope you will too! That would be very helpful if you ever watch it. :)
I REALLY don’t like the way Jeremy works on the same show as Rachel while looking down on her for it. What moral high ground does he think he has exactly? And why is he pissed at her for something she didn’t do?
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrashsaid: No, probably not.
I can’t help wondering now, though, because cocaine, sex, etc, wouldn’t be unheard of. And the antics to get “watchable” reality episodes I know aren’t so far off...but I like to think of behind-the-scenes TV stuff as more Jossian. Professional, respectful, fun. The other kind exists, obviously, but it’s so weird to be confronted by it.
I enjoy the way that deep down, Rachel doesn’t seem surprised by anything.
I do wonder if reality TV show filming is actually this seedy.
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrash said: This sounds like an odd show. Oddly complicated, oddly random, oddly real…oddly everything, really.
I think it is, a bit, mostly because it feels like it should be on a different network! But compared to, say, Boston Legal, it’s not that odd. Certainly very dramatic. 
Oh, and also I’m not sure why the delicate blond current fiance of Jeremy (DBCFJ) is so upset anyway. She knew he was with Rachel before, she knew Rachel had a breakdown. Why does she get all cry-y and fleeing of the room just because she sees evidence of Rachel’s breakdown or evidence of Jeremy’s previous relationship?
Isn’t it a given that when your boyfriend had a previous long-term girlfriend they probably were involved sexually? Shouldn’t you have been aware of that before and worked through your feelings about it? Why would that make you all upset in your everyday life?
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iwatchshows · 9 years
foronceiwannabethecarcrashsaid: An idle threat is nobody’s friend. ;)
Neither is a vague disclaimer. :)
Seriously, Adam is an ass. I’m back to wanting desperately for them NOT to make him Rachel’s love interest. 
I enjoy her standing up for herself, though. When she reminds him that she can “make or break him” on national TV, I believe her. It doesn’t seem like an idle threat.
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