itsasagirishiori · 11 years
→ outofglasses; Ok guys, I know it's been days and days and I owe like four or five people replies or something like that. I'm going through some stuff at the moment and there's no-one I know who could babysit the blog for me, so you guys are just gonna have to, you know, hang in there a bit. I'm sorry! It's gonna be maybe another few days to a week before I can really come back on with any sort of committment, so if any of you want to drop our feldgling threads, let me know. I've started writing most of the replies, I just don'thave a constant enough internet connection to, you know, post them. Haha. >.<
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
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requested by kuroai
Check out our Official FB page!
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
3 People Interrupted Your Reading
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"Um...  It's really lovely to meet you!" Speaking quickly in an attempt to cover her nervousness and bowing low, Shiori greeted the strangers with what she hoped came across as enthusiasm.  "I-I'm Asagiri Shiori."
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
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"Ah- that's true, but I am also...v-very short" Shiori giggled, partly with nerves and partly relief.  She had spoken out of turn and said something very rude, so how could this boy still respond so blithely? When her giggle fit had subsided, she looked at the boy more attentively, muttering to herself "I need to be more like him" She realised, too late, that she had spoken aloud, quickly becoming quiet again and fidgeting with the sleeves of her cardigan.
2+ Came to the swim club
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"No need to be shy!" Nagisa said with a reassuring smile coming to his face then chuckled at her words. "It’s fine! Don’t worry! I am pretty short, aren’t I?"
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
Raise your hand if you would rp with someone EVEN IF they DIDN'T rp smut.
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
ダイナマイトビーンズ (Dynamite Beans) 恋の歌 (Koi no Uta) 
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
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"It’s kind of scary. When something suddenly changes."        -Shiori Asagiri-
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
7 People Interrupted Your Reading
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"Ah!  Um... H-hello"  Shiori barely looked the strangers in the eyes before dipping her head politely and staring at the floor, "I-I'm Asagiri Shiori.  It's a pleasure to meet you all."
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
→ outofglasses; sorry i was away for a few days there. a lotof things happened offline. i'm back though! all caught up with replies (all one of them) so, yeah. apologies, but it won't happen again. i think.
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
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Asagiri... chan?  People rarely spoke to her with such a casual ease, let alone calling her "Asagiri-chan" within moments of meeting her.  Shiori took a deep breath.  It would be ok, she'd been more confident lately anything, and the boy seemed to be friendly. "Y-yes!"  She smiled, "I-I'm just a little... shy," She trailed off, before looking more closely at the boy.  He was only a few inches taller than her. "You're very short, aren't you?"  She blurted out, before clapping a hand over her mouth and looking away.
2+ Came to the swim club
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"Hey, guys!"
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
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The Indie Anime RP Masterlist is a new masterlist blog encompassing all aspects of independent anime/manga roleplaying.  I aim for it to be the ultimate resource in finding other RPers in your chosen fandoms. Accepting canon characters, OCs and askblogs.
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
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Exhausted, Shiori slumped down on a nearby bench. What, exactly, had just happened? Everything felt... wobbly, and it wasn't just her aching legs. The world felt different somehow, as if something very fundamental had changed about its structure, but looking around everything felt very familiar. That was the strangest part. She was sure, beyond absolute certainty, that she had never been in this place before. It was utterly unfamiliar, but as if the world was mocking her, she could clearly see the lights of Usagiyama above the tree-line. Was she lost? But it looks so pale... Light isn't that pale. It was like a dream. Everything was familiar, but completely alien, all at the same time. She looked down at her arm for a moment before pinching herself, quick and hard. Ouch. So she was awake then. So why...? She raised her gaze for a moment, and in the corner of her eye she saw... No. Absolutely not. She snapped her head up to clarify and, as expected, saw nothing but empty air. Silly Shiori, ghosts don't exist, she scolded herself, You need to go home. This is silly. She stood, shifting her weight from one leg to another and wincing. Badminton practice had been tough today. She was just tired, that was all. She was tired and letting her imagination get the better of her. With a short sigh, she set off walking. She turned a corner, and then another, and just as she was becoming certain that she was completely lost, she noticed a girl of around her own age in the distance. Thank Goodness! Relieved, Shiori quickened her pace toward the girl, intending to ask for directions. As she got closer, though, she noticed that the girl was acting a little strangely. She was staring intently at a collection of what appeared to be rocks scattered on the ground, and seemed to be completely lost in thought. She was shaking a little, which was understandable given the chill evening breeze, and seemed to be covered in... Blood?! Her right sleeve was absolutely saturated. Dropping her badminton racquet, Shiori sprinted the last few metres until she was standing just behind the girl. Heart racing, she reached out and tapped gently on her shoulder. The other girl twisted quickly to face her, strawberry blonde hair swirling around her petite face and a fire burning in her golden eyes. Taken aback, Shiori stumbled backwards a couple of steps, nervously adjusting the hair around her face. “I-I'm sorry, I was lost and then you seemed i-injured and I...” She trailed off, violet eyes fixed firmly on the ground as she sunk into a deep bow, “I'm terribly sorry!” After a few moments, she began to feel truly uneasy. What was going on today? First that strange, nagging feeling ever since she left the shopping district that morning, and now this bizarre girl? “I-I'm sorry for troubling you, but could you please tell me where I am?” She raised herself slowly from her bow, almost afraid to make eye contact with the other girl, “I appear to be los- Hey,” now that she looked at her more closely, the other girl seemed to be heavily exhausted. In fact, she looked like she was about to faint, “hey are you- are you alright?” The last thing she needed was to have to carry this strange girl to a hospital, when she was lost enough already.
--New Arrangements (itsasagirishiori)
Haggard, effete exhales of air rushed out from the anemic wielder, as she retracted the lambent claymore into the crater of her palm. Gaunt legs quaked with a sapped nature, as the chipped nails clasped the slit, navy cordon atop her chest. Hazelnut hues lustrous with exhaustion, she beheld upon the remains of the hellion dissipating into the staining asphalt. Yet again, had she taken care of another youmu, only with one setback—the anemia would hence forth in her body once more.
Aside from that, however, the accumulating mass of slain youmu gave with a payment. Obviously enough, that would be necessary for a schoolgirl of sixteen residing on her own. Rent dues, necessities, all which could be paid for with the impalement of a eye.
Would it ever be enough for hospital visits, though, that would soon become a question, as well. Nonetheless, that didn’t cross Mirai’s mind as she retrieved the bloodied compress from her peach sweater’s pocket. Camouflaging her ghastly, petite hand with the gauze, she began to ponder upon the fact that there had been so much of the dammed entitiesrunning about this past week. Maybe the Spirit World had been hit with a whole foreign wave of them, who knew? As the last of the ivory dressing had been hemmed in with the rest of the wrapping, Mirai replaced her eyeglasses.
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Wafting a silken, sooty, royal morsel of cloth along the flecked glass, Mirai didn’t pay much mind to her surroundings as she cleansed the lenses. Hopefully that was the last of them for today…I should go and pick up my payment from Ayaka—
A single tap of the fingers on a shoulder would snap her out of the yielding daze.
"Ah!" With a swift flick of the neck, the strawberry blonde swiveled her waist to meet the other behind her. She could only hope that this being wouldn’t be another one of those hellions waltzing into her tracks.
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
Asagiri Shiori-san, Tamako Market
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
Is it true? Tamako is going to marry a prince?
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itsasagirishiori · 11 years
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朝霧史織たん | かんくろう [pixiv]
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