itsa-mia-mario · 1 year
since the tender age of 11 i have been so Scared due to everything being so Scary
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itsa-mia-mario · 1 year
\_(‘ _ ‘)_/
Is it bad that I have a gf but I still can’t tell the difference between platonic and romantic attraction- I feel like a piece of shit for it, but I’m honestly just really confused
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itsa-mia-mario · 1 year
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itsa-mia-mario · 1 year
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itsa-mia-mario · 1 year
I love music. I love it because if you listen to the right song at just the right volume and close your eyes, you almost don't feel real. and I love that.
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itsa-mia-mario · 1 year
I've been playing piano since I was six years old.
I've only ever know how to play the piano.
I don't think I've ever even picked up a string instrument.
But suddenly I want to learn just so that I can have a rainbow guitar strap
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itsa-mia-mario · 1 year
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itsa-mia-mario · 1 year
I have surfed for a *long* while through ADHD content and always, always when I came across stuff like undiagnosed people being called 'lazy' for their executive dysfunction I would relate but always in a distant 'ha ha! That happens! ' kind of way.
It has only occured to me recently (from recent forceful reminders) that /maybe/ people don't actually realize that it's a little deeper than that?
Cause when someone calls you lazy after you quote ADHD at them, they don't mean in it in a 'oh, it's a one time thing' way. They are literally saying that all your life, all the things you've struggled in silence with like regular chores, personal hygiene, lack of concentration,etc. Is a personal choice that you make and continue to make and could stop at any time if you wanted to. It's someone making up their mind about your intelligence, commitment, abilities and character and seeing your challenges as something that could be overcome easily and that you are choosing not to do so when you so clearly have the ability to.
And can I say that it sucks.
Because how are you to begin asking for help when everyone believes you can help yourself?
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itsa-mia-mario · 1 year
brain: need noise many many noise quiet bad
me: plays music
brain: s e r o t o n i n
me: goes literally anywhere with the smallest amount of noise I can’t control
brain: *rabid angry raccoon noises*
me: -_-
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