islamthewayforward · 3 years
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Human created with the title of human nature has the ability to make mistakes.
For, as the Quran states, in his spirit, there is the possibility of doing good and evil, good and evil together. (Shams, 91/8.)
For this reason, people carry both the sinless angelic potential and the devilishness that falters in sins. Only the prophets were protected with the qualification of ismet, i.e. not committing sins. Moreover, they had some human mistakes because they were also human beings, which can be found as an example in the Quran.
On the other hand, making a mistake is not the end of everything. Because when a person makes a mistake, he always has the right to repent.
Who makes mistakes in terms of being human, However, the foremost of those who repent after realizing their mistake and asking for forgiveness is the first human being and at the same time, the ancestor of all humanity, who was chosen as the first Prophet, It is Adam.
The first person created by God Almighty in the Quran is declared to be Adam:
“God started to create man from clay. Then he created his lineage out of evil water. Then he arranged it and breathed its soul / gave vitality through the soul. Subsequently, he created ears, eyes, and hearts for you. " (Sajdah, 32 / 7-9.)
Again, within the Qur'an, the creatures that were created before, by Allah. There is also a sign that Adam was tested with his creation. As a matter of fact, Allah says,
“Your Lord will create a caliph on earth, to the angels.” (Bakara, 2/30.)
“I will create a human being out of dry clay, imitated clay. " (Hijr, 15 / 28-29.)
He made them test whether they would obey his command or not.
The angels said, “O Lord, we know nothing but what you have informed. You are all-knowing and make everything firm. " (Al-Baqara, 2/32).
He opposed the order of the Lord and lost the test: because he opposed the order of the Lord and lost the test by claiming that he was created from the superior fire and Adam from the despised soil: because he opposed the order of the Lord and lost the test by claiming that he was created from the superior fire and Adam from the despised soil:
“We created you, then formed you, then prostrate to the angels, Adam! we ordered. All but Iblis prostrated. He was not among those who prostrated. Allah said: What prevents you from prostrating when I have commanded you? (Iblis): I am superior to him. Because you created me from fire, you created him from clay, he said. Allah: So "Get out of there!" it's not your home to be proud of there. Exit! Because you are one of the lowly! " He commanded. (Purgatory, 7 / 11-13.)
God Almighty after creating Adam also created Eve, and after they were both placed in Paradise and informed that they would live here as they wish and benefit from everything as they wanted, they were forbidden to only approach a tree and eat its fruit.
However, Iblis, who tried to lead them astray and wanted them to lose the test like him, is necessary for both Adam and Eve. He instilled in Eve that the reason why this tree was banned was the intention not to attain eternal life, and eventually achieved his goal, enabling both of them to eat the forbidden fruit. As a result of the test they lost, they lost their right to stay in Paradise and were sent down to earth to live the life appointed by Allah. (Purgatory, 7 / 19-22.)
Afterward, God gave a similar warning to the sons of Adam:
“O sons of Adam! May the devil not deceive you as he pulls your parents out of heaven by striping their clothes to show them their shame. Because he and his followers see you from where you cannot see them. We have made devils friends of those who do not believe. " (Purgatory, 7/27.)
Hz. Adam and Hz. Eve deeply regretted what they did here and asked God for forgiveness with these words and said,
“(Adam and his wife): O our Lord! We wronged ourselves. If you do not forgive us and do not show mercy, we will surely be one of those who waste. Allah: Descend to each other as enemies! There is a settlement and utilization for a while on earth for you, he said. You will live there, you will die there, and there you will be (resurrected). "
They repent with their expressions. Because of their sincere regret, Allah forgave them both and accepted their repentance. (Bakara, 2/37.)
Hz. Adam and his wife Hz. In the world, their children were subjected to the test Eve faced in heaven. As a matter of fact, the Quran points to the first murder on earth as a result of the enmity between their sons Abel and Cain, and the violation of the divine order: it was accepted, and the other was not accepted. (Brother, whose sacrifice was not accepted, because of jealousy), "I will certainly kill you." said. The other is 'Allah accepts only from those who have taqwa. ' He said (and added :) Surely if you reach out to me to kill, I am not going to lend you a hand to kill you I fear God, the Lord of the Worlds. I want you to be among those who will bear both my sin and your own sin and be thrown into the fire; This is the punishment of the wrongdoers. Finally, his soul pushed him to kill his brother and killed him. That's why he was one of the losers. " (Maide, 5 / 27-30.)
Hz. Adam's first children were also tested on earth, one of them committed the greatest crime by acting against the divine order and killing his brother, and was disappointed because he did not follow the path of repentance and repentance.
In fact, both Allah and Hz. Adam and Hz. Eve also told their children that the devil was their enemy and that they should be vigilant of his tricks and traps. (Araf, 7/22.)
However, some of them ignored these reminders and lost the test and continued the hostility that would last until Doomsday.
God the first man and the first prophet Hz. The last prophet from Adam, Hz. Muhammad (PBUH) sent a guide of guidance to show the truth to his servants, informed them by revelation what was good and bad, what was useful and what was harmful, and declared what they had to do to reach salvation. People who follow these orders will be saved, and those who do not follow will be disappointed. Allah Almighty, who rewards the good deeds of his servants with multiple rewards, punishes their sins even more. However, God has shown a way out and salvation for the wrongdoing sons of Adam; He declared that he would always keep the door of repentance open to the end, which means regret to them, and in many verses, he will forgive those who repent:
“O Muhammad, say: O my servants who have done evil to them. Do not give up on God's mercy. Indeed, God forgives all sins. Because He is the Forgiving, the Most Merciful. " (Zümer, 39/52.), "O people, turn to Allah by repenting from your heart so that your Lord will cover your wickedness and put you in their paradise with rivers flowing through them ..." (Tahrim, 66/8.)
In the first verses mentioned here, Almighty Allah advises his servants who have been involved in sin by obeying his soul and repent to him. Allah is the one who always keeps the door of repentance open to those who make mistakes. So much so that, according to what our Prophet tells us,
Allah is happier when a sinful servant repents and turns to him in repentance than a person who loses his camel in a desolate desert and later finds his camel with all his belongings. (Tirmidhi, Adjective-Qiyamah, 49.)
The religion of Islam never inculcates despair. It is possible for every person to make mistakes. Man can sometimes go beyond his limits and rebel against his Lord. As long as he does not insist on his rebellion, as soon as he realizes his mistake, he can turn to the door of repentance and ask for forgiveness from his Lord. Indeed, Allah will not let the hands opened to him with sincerity empty.
He is "He who accepts repentance a lot." (Nasr, 110/3.)
However, the sins committed should not be related to the right of people. Although Allah forgives the sins that are related to his rights, he leaves the authority over the sins that make other servants victims to the person whose right is usurped and does not accept the repentance of the sinner unless he consents. Therefore, those who take the rights of people, no matter how much they repent, no matter how they repent, will not be able to escape the responsibility of this sin. As a remedy, they will seek lawfulness from the people they harmed, gain their satisfaction, and then convey their repentance to Allah Almighty through repentance. Only in this way is it possible to get rid of the liability of subject rights.
As stated in the proverb, "There is no faultless servant." According to the expression, we servants who make mistakes and commit sins to have no shelter to go but the door of repentance. Almighty Allah declares again and again that he will always forgive his erroneous servants who turn to Him with sincerity, sincerity, and regret and remain faithful to his word.
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islamthewayforward · 3 years
Jesus (peace be upon him)  One of the Mightiest Messengers of God
Quick Introduction
Prophet Jesus sent to Israel and the Holy Quran also reported the name of the prophet. He is the fifth of the six prophets, who are the highest among the prophets and are called the Ululazm. His mother is Hazrat Maryam. Allah created him without a father. He was born in Jerusalem. He became a prophet at the age of thirty. The book called the Bible was sent to him. At the age of thirty-three, he was raised to heaven alive. He will descend on the earth close to the doomsday.
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Hazrat Maryam – Mother of Jesus (PBUH)
Maryam Hatun, mother of Jesus (PBUH), was a righteous and clean lady from the descendants of Suleiman aleyhisselam. When Hazrat Maryam was fifteen years old, she was engaged to a person named Yusuf-i Neccar. But before marrying him, Allah announced that he would give a child without a father to Hazrat Maryam.
The Birth of Jesus (PBUH)
Hazrat Maryam, with the command and power of Allah, became pregnant with Jesus. After a while, normal pregnancies began to appear. Seeing these situations, the Israelites began to gossip. They made various slanders and said things that would not come to mind and would not be taken into account. Unable to tolerate these rumors, Hazrat Maryam retreated to Bayt-i Lahm, a quiet town about 10 km south of Jerusalem. Considering that everything happened with the discretion and can of Allah, she was patient with people's words about herself.
As the birth of Jesus (PBUH) approached, she came under a dried date palm tree while walking in the garden of his place. She leaned against this tree as her labor pains intensified. The dried date palm tree on which he leaned turned green. Although the season was winter, it bore fruit. Under his feet, a little water channel began to flow. This situation comforted Hazrat Maryam. Meanwhile, Hazrat Isa came to the world. When Jesus (PBUH) was born, all idols within the east and west were destroyed and fell to the bottom . The demons were surprised by this situation. Finally, their elders, Iblis, informed them that Jesus (PBUH) had come to the world. When he was born, a great star appeared in the sky.
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Jesus Talks in the lap of Mary
The Israelites, who learned that the Prophet Jesus was born, came to Bayt-i Lahm. When saw the newborn child in the lap of Hazrat Maryam, they said;
“O Mary! What is this? You came here doing a really ugly job. Where did you get this child, even though you were a very young girl but without a husband? What a wonder and wonder is this? "
The Holy Virgin listened patiently to all or any that was said. She didn't answer at all. But; pointed to the Prophet Jesus.
“Let him inform you of the reality of the matter. Talk to him. Ask him and understand! "
When they said that the child in the arson could not speak, Jesus Christ, who was in the arson, raised his hand and said:
“O ignorant ones! Do not attack my high reputation and condemn my mother. Surely, I am the servant of Allah. He will give me the book and make me a Prophet. Wherever I was, he made me blessed and ordered me to pray and give zakat as long as I was alive. He made me respectful of my mother ... On the day I was born, on the day I die, and on the day, I will be lifted alive, my salvation is upon me. "
The Israelites, who were amazed at how Prophet Jesus spoke, seemed to swallow their tongues. They couldn't say anything. Despite this, they did not refrain from making the said-code and making various slanders. They did not hesitate to make various slanders.
Life Before Prophethood
The governor of Damascus of the Roman emperor wanted to kill the two of them because he was born without a father. His mother took him to Egypt. They stayed in Egypt until the Prophet Jesus was twelve years old. Then they came to Jerusalem again and settled in the city of Nasıra.
Prophethood and the Background of Killing Plan
When he turned thirty, he was declared a Prophet by the will of God. When his prophetic order was announced, he immediately started preaching. He wanted people to believe in Allah and to follow His orders and avoid his prohibitions and rebellion.
The Israelites did not accept this invitation. Jesus (PBUH) showed miracles to non-believers. Although Jesus (PBUH) made a great effort, very few people believed. Just as the Israelites didn't believe him, they opposed his invitation and have become angry day by day. Seeing the softness of Jesus Christ, they did not believe. They even went further and attempted to kill the Prophet Jesus. Thereupon, the Prophet Jesus took a word from the twelve people named as apostles, whom he chose among those who believed in him, that they would believe and worship Allah and help him.
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Killing Plan
A group of Jews spoke to Isa (PBUH) and his mother Hazrat Maryam. When Jesus (PBUH) heard this, he made a curse about them. Allah accepted this prayer and turned those who prolonged his tongue to Jesus and his mother into monkeys and pigs.
Seeing this situation, the Jews discussed the event among them. All of them agreed to kill the Prophet Jesus. They started looking for Prophet Jesus. They tricked the Roman Emperor's Governor of Jerusalem Jones Pilot to believe that Jesus was against the Roman Empire which he was trying to determine a replacement government in Palestine.
The Last Talks of Jesus (PBUH)
For the last time, Jesus had a secret conversation with his Apostles one night and said to them, “Before the rooster crows (that is, before the morning) one of you will deny me and sell me for small money.”. In fact, the Apostle named Yahuda took some money from the Jews before morning. He informed the whereabouts of the Prophet Jesus.
So-Called Crucifixion
When Jesus entered the house with the Jews to catch the Prophet, Allah likened Yehuda to Isa. The Jews also caught him, saying Jesus (PBUH), and killed him by hanging him on the cross (crucifixion). Allah raised Jesus (PBUH) to heaven. Jesus (PBUH) was thirty-three years old at this point.
The Events after Jesus (PBUH)
Forty years after Jesus (PBUH) was raised to heaven, the Romans attacked Jerusalem. They killed most of the Jews and captured some of them. They plundered the city. They burned their books. As punishment for what they did against Jesus, they became despicable.
Christians’ Belief Vs. Muslims’ Belief
Christians believe that Jesus (PBUH) fell to the cross and died there, but then rose to heaven.
Muslims, on the other hand, believe that Jesus alaihis-salam was lifted directly to the sky.
This matter Quran 'In the 158th verse of the chapter of an-Nisa, it is stated as follows:
“They did not hang him, they did not kill him. On the contrary, Allah raised him to his level.”
In addition, it was stated in the hadiths:
“Jesus (aleyhisselam) did not die. He will return to you before doomsday. ",
"I am the closest of the son of Mary to Jesus (aleyhisselam) within the world and therefore the hereafter."
" there's no other prophet between me and Jesus (aleyhisselam) ."
The Start of Misconceptions about Jesus
Allah raised Isa as well as Idris at the age of 33. He invited people to religion for three years. Upon his will, the Apostles scattered around. They started to tell people about Christianity. It took 80 years for this true religion to spread.
Then Christians were perverted. Bible has changed. Just as the Jews slandered the Holy Virgin and Jesus, Christians got stuck in three wrong beliefs about him.
Some of them, "The son of Mary is God." said. Some say, "He is the son of God." said. Another group said, "He is one of the father, son and spirituality".
The Return of Jesus
Jesus aleyhisselam never married. He did not give value to the world. He will go down to the minaret of the Umayya Mosque in Damascus close to Doomsday, get married and have children. He will meet with Hazrat Mahdi, he will live for 40 years, die in Madinah, and be buried in the cell where the Prophet’s grave is located. He will be subject to the provisions of the religion of Islam and he will be judgmental.
European Books about Islamic Year and Christmas Night
It is written in European books that Plato died 347 years BC. Since Jesus (PBUH) came to the world secretly, remained a little in the world, and was raised to heaven, and only twelve apostles knew him and the Christians lived secretly for a couple of centuries, that is, Christmas night wasn't understood correctly.
It is written in books in various languages that the current Islamic year is less than five years, as it is supposed to be the twenty-fifth of the first law (December) or the sixth or other day of the second law (January). In that case, the Islamic year is not correct and definite, and its day and year are doubtful and wrong.
According to what Imam-i Rabbani (kuddis sirruh) and Burhan-ı Kati report, the Greek philosopher Plato lived in the time of Jesus aleyhisselam.According to this, the Islamic calendar is incomplete for more than 300 years, and therefore the time between Isa and Muhammad aleyhisselam isn't but a thousand years.
The Miracles of Jesus (PBUH)
There were nine types of miracles:
1.  1.   He spoke in his cradle.
2.  2.  He raised the dead. It is especially famous that he resurrected four dead. These are Sam bin Nuh, Shaddad bin Ad, Masan bin Malan and a child from Bani Israel.
3.  3. It would make the blind ones see as if they are healthy, and it would cure the baras disease, which is a skin disease. It would be nice if he touched the patient with his hand. He was called Isa-i Messiah because he cured the patients by anointment together with his hand. (Surat al-Maida: 110)
4.   4. As stated in the 49th verse of the chapter of Iml-i Imran, he informed about the things that his people ate or hid for eating.
5.   5. As stated within the 110th verse of chapter al-Maida, when a bird was made up of mud and blown thereon, it might become a bird with the permission of Allah.
6.   6. As stated in the 114th verse of chapter al-Maida, the Apostles offered to bring down a table containing food. When the Prophet Jesus raised his hands and prayed, a table with bread and meat came down.
7.    7. When Jesus was asleep, he knew everything that was spoken and done with him.
8.   8. Whenever he wanted, when he raised his hands to the sky and prayed, food and fruit would come before him.
9.   9. Jesus (PBUH) knew his words and secrets even though he was far from the Jews (Bani Israel).
The religion of Jesus Christ; Christianity:
The religion of Moses (peace be upon him) continued until the time of Jesus (PBUH). But when Jesus aleyhisselam came, it was not permissible to follow the religion of Moses, and until the religion of Muhammad aleyhisselam came, it was necessary to obey the religion of Jesus.
The Negative Role of Paul
Paul, one of the notables of the Jews and one of the greatest enemies of the Christians, made up the lie that he accepted Christianity and that
(PBUH) made himself a lie to invite non-Jewish nations to Christians. He changed his name to Pavlos (Bolus). Appearing as a very good Isevi, he broke the religion of
(PBUH). Tawhid (belief in one God), trinity (belief in three gods = Father-son-holy spirit); He converted Christianity to Christianity. Bible changed.
is the son of God, he said.
Quotes of Jesus (PBUH)
“World love is the head of all evil. The eye gaze magnifies lust in the heart. (The greedy makes a person insatiable.) I swear that lust (to obey the desires of the soul) leaves its owner long-lasting trouble. Look through the world. Do not bother with repairs."
“Who wants the world is like those who drink sea water. The more he drinks, the more his thirst will increase, and eventually he will die. "
"Good news to those that cry once they remember their sins, who protect their tongue and who have enough house to stay their heads."
“The most beloved thing in the sight of Allah is righteous hearts. Allah keeps the world alive for their sake. When they are destroyed, they destroy the earth."
“Trees are many, but not all bear fruit. Fruits are many, but not all are sweet. The sciences are many, but not all of them are useful. "
“I cured the deaf and dumb, I revived the dead. But I could not find the cure of Jahl-i inkb (thinking ignorance of science and maturity). (Because that nobody is as if the knowledge and ripeness of ignorance.)
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islamthewayforward · 3 years
Hazrat Ali (radiyallahu anh) – The Fourth Caliph of Islam
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The fourth and last of the Hulefa-i Rasidin is the hero of courage and compassion, knowledge and enlightenment, whom our Prophet raised as a common child, then married his most beloved daughter to the son-in-law;
The Introduction
Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), saying this appreciated the value and his affection with Hazrat Ali – radiyallahu anh:
"Ali is from me and that I am from Ali." (Ali el-Muttaki, XIII, 143-144)
He stated his position in the science of shari'ah and marifet by saying;
"I am the town of science, and Ali is that the gate of that town."
Hazrat Ali – radiyallahu anh is the father of Hasan and Hussain Efendi, and the dearest companion of the war and exalted squares.
Hazrat Ali - radiyallahu anh, who has a high position in the horizon of science and knowledge constituted the second branch of the golden range.
Hazrat Ali - radiyallahu anh, together with the esteemed daughter of our Prophet, Fatima radiyallahu anha, established a blessed home in which his food was ascetic and pious. This poor house, which our Prophet himself raised in the Tawheed, was a table of spirituality that witnessed unique disclaimers and sacrifices.
The Devotion of Hazrat Ali
The following example is enough to express the vast devotion of Hazrat Ali - radiyallahu anh, about whom the Prophet ordered "Sultanu'l-Eshıya", that is, the "Sultan of the Generates":
Based on the narration from Ibn Abbas -radıyallahu anhuma-, Ata (rahimehullah) says:
“Hazrat Ali -radıyallahu anh- had watered a date palm for some barley one night. In the morning, he took the barley, which was his fee, and came to his house. They grinded one-third of the barley he brought and made a dish called “Hazira”. When the meal was cooked, a poor person came and asked for lillah / Allah. They also gave it all for Allah.
Then they grind the second third of the barley and cooked it. When the meal was cooked, this time an orphan came and said in the same way “lillâh” and asked for food.
And the last third of the barley left was ground and cooked again. When the meal was cooked, a prisoner came and asked for something. They gave him their last meal and spent that day hungry.
According to another rumor; They gave their iftar meals to the poor, orphans, and captives for three consecutive days, and they had their fast with water. Thereupon, the following verses were sent down:
“They give their food to the poor, orphans, and captives, though they all are in need, just to be at Allah's approval and say:“ We give this to you simply for the sake of Allah. We expect neither a response nor a thank you. We are afraid of our Lord (of suffering His torment) in a difficult and troublesome day. (they say) . Allah will protect them from the disasters of that day, and give them light to their faces and joy to their hearts. " (al- Insan, 8-11) (Wahidi, Asbabu Nuzul, p. 470; Zemahseri, el-Kessaf, VI, 191-192; Razi, XXX, 244)
The Bravery Of Hazrat Ali
Although the preparations for assassination was known in the migration, Hazrat Ali lay down on the Prophet's bed without hesitation; He was an Islamic hero who won the prayer of the Prophet with his bravery on battlefields. In the detachment, that is, in the encounters before the field battles, he always knocked his enemies to the ground, thus;
He was entitled to the nickname «Esedu'llahi'l-galib», that is, «the victorious lion of Allah always». In Khaybar, he dismantled the castle gates, which the enemy was proud of, with the power of faith. This hero, who is so unprecedented in futuwwa and chastity, that is, bravery and courage; the opponent who spits in his face during the war just when he was about to finish;
"Self-destiny interferes with it, the intention of the word of Allah is damaged." He is brave enough to fight against his soul.
Hazret-i Mevlana expresses this unique sensitivity as follows:
My adversary, with one move left; In the face of Hazrat Ali's letting go, he puts his life anxiety aside and asks in amazement and horror:
“–O Ali! Why did you stop when you were just going to kill me? What happened to you from violent rage to indescribable silence? While it was flashing like lightning, you suddenly cleared like a calm air. What is the wisdom of this sudden change? This situation was a mystery to me. "
Hazrat Ali -radiyallahu anh- gives the following answer:
“–I would only jihad within the way of Allah. Again, I hit the heads of the enemies of God for His sake. I never confuse my soul with this either. You wanted to insult and annoy me by spitting in my face. I wish I was furious at that moment; I was going to kill you for a rational reason such as following my soul. However, I will fight for the sake of Allah, not for the satisfaction of my pride. "
In the face of this unique and sincere picture of virtue, that enemy is honored with faith and his dead heart comes to life.
Hazrat Ali, the owner of this high dignity and personality; He became one of the brightest and guiding stars of the Companions, with his knowledge and wisdom, strength and compassion, morality and generosity, and most of all with his distinguished qualities from the Prophet.
The Caliphate of Hazrat Ali
In a twist of fate, this great hero; came to the caliphate at the insistence of the Companions, in a turmoil in which the cauldrons of mischief was boiled and when Hazrat Usman was martyred.
While Hazrat Ali's life of caliphate was exhausted by his effort to put out the fire of conspiracy and mischief that scorched the Islamic world; His life, which started in the Kaaba, ended by drinking a sherbet of martyrdom in Kufah Masjid. As his last words, he made the following bequest to our sons Hassan and Hussein:
“I bequeath you taqwa. Do not demand the world. Do not cry for your loss. Always tell the truth. Act with the Book of Allah. Be the enemy of the wrongdoer, the helper of the oppressed. Do not pay attention to the condemnation of the condemnation regarding the decrees of the religion. " ( See. Ramazanoğlu Mahmud Sâmi, Hz. Aliyyu'l-Murteza, p. 74)
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) about Hulefa-i Rasidin
Our Prophet (peace be upon him) expresses the value of the period of Hulefa-i Rasidin;
He declared a heraldic miracle by saying “(After me) the caliphate of prophethood has been for thirty years…” (Abu Dawud, Sunnah, 8; Ahmed, V, 50, 220, 221) ;
He (PBUH) also reported the total term of duty of four distinguished friends who ruled the ummah with mercy and justice after their death.
The period of the Raşid Caliphs, who followed the blessed footsteps of the Prophet, came to an end with the martyrdom of Hazrat Ali; from now on, in proportion to the heart consistency of the believers and with the temptation of the divine destiny; There have been times, sometimes in weakness, painful and painful, and sometimes in times of grace.
Hazrat Ali Quotes
Let us mention the following principles among many of the Hazrat Ali Quotes, the gate of the city of science:
“The most difficult deeds are four qualities:
1. To forgive in the angry moment.
2. Being generous when you are in need.
3. To be protected from the evil of the soul in closed and secluded places.
4. Telling the truth to anyone who is afraid or expects an advantage. "
The Personal Value
"The value of a person is equivalent to the value of his wishes and desires."
“Of the whole world; The blessings of Islam are surely enough for you. One of your professions, your engagement is enough for you. The death sign is enough for you. "
“As long as four things continue, religion and the world will stand in peace and sound:
1. Unless the rich are stingy with the property given to them.
2. As long as the scholars act with what they learn and know.
3. The ignorant, unless they are proud of what they do not know.
4. As long as the poor do not sell their hereafter to their world. "
“Privacy is better than being grateful.”
“What is it for the son of Adam to brag ?! First is the nut, and the end is jaf! He cannot create his own sustenance, nor can he save himself from destruction. "
“If you want to be a friend with a man, at first stay at a distance from him; If he treats you normally being in this distant situation, continue your friendship or else give up.
“Keep relations with people like that; that If you die, they will cry and if you live, they will miss you. “
"Losing friends is going abroad."
"A seized stone in the building is the guarantee of the demolition of that building."
“The health of the body is dependent upon reducing envy. The enemy of body health is envy. "
“A group of people serve, hoping for something; This is merchant servitude.
A group of people also serve out of fear; this is slavery.
There is also a group of people that; In the form of praise, gratitude and remembrance, he expresses his servitude; This is the servitude of people with taqwa who have gotten away from the attack of all egoistic emotions. "
“There are two blessings, of whom I do not know which makes me happier:
The first is that a person comes to me hoping that I will meet his needs and sincerely asks me for help.
The second is that Allah fulfills or facilitates the wishes of that person through me. I would rather relieve a Muslim's boredom than have the world full of gold and silver. " (Ali el-Muttaki, VI, 598/17049)
The following points were written by Hazrat Ali to Malik bin Haris, whom he appointed governor of Egypt, express the very important truths that apply to every century:
“Don't look at people like the beast looks at the herd! Have feelings of love, compassion and kindness towards them in your heart! Because all people without exception are either brothers in religion or spouses in creation. People can make mistakes, things can happen to them. Take the hand of the dreamer, and if you want Allah's forgiveness for yourself, forgive people, tolerate and forgive them! Never blaspheme against Allah! Never regret your forgiveness! Do not be happy with your punishment! "
“Do not take the stingy, the coward who will break your determination in the face of great deeds, and the greedy people to the advisory committee, which means you will do good by frightening you by falling into poverty!”
“Tell Allah and His Messenger about the issues that you understand that you cannot handle!
Wait for Allah, to His Inscription; What is meant to refer to His Prophet is to apply to His Sunnah."
“Don't be self-righteous, don't give credit to those who praise you against your face! Do not let people know what you do, do not enlarge your work, do not break your promise to them! Coping ends the good, extinguishes the truth, and not keeping his word will attract the hatred of both Halık and the people. "
"Bundles of roses cannot be collected from a field where thorn seeds are sown."
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islamthewayforward · 3 years
Hazrat Usman (radıyallahu anh) - The Third Caliph of Islam
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The Introduction
The third of Hulefa-i Raşidin is Hazrat Usman -radıyallahu anh-, the witness of generosity; It was a unique example in terms of life, decency, service to the Quran and love.
The Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Love for Hazrat Usman
Hazrat Usman, who was honored to marry the name of the Prophet, Hazrat Rukiyya, felt sad after the death of his blessed wife. When our Prophet (PBUH) asked him why he was so sad, Hazrat Usman stated the main reason for his sorrow:
“O Messenger of Allah! What happened to me has not happened to anyone. When your daughter passed away to Ruqiyya, the relationship between you and me was cut!
His relatives' suggestions and proposals for remarriage were made by Hazrat Usman as a rule;
"Who can I see as a« father-in-law »after the Messenger of Allah? Whom should I marry after dating his daughter ? and he was deeply annoyed by the loss of kinship with that blessed family.
Seeing this burning state of Hazrat Usman, our Honorary Prophet (PBUH) soothed his sadness arising from his love and affection and married his little daughter Ummu Gulsum to him. After a while, upon the death of our Umm Gulsum Mother, the Prophet (PBUH) of Allah appreciated and consoled Hazrat Usman by saying.
"If I had a third daughter, I would definitely give it to you." (See, Hz. Osman Zinnynreyn , Ramazanoğlu Mahmud Sâmi, p. 12 )
Other Characteristics
Another characteristic of Hazrat Usman was his extraordinary affection for the Quran. It is narrated that he sent down hatim in a single rak'ah one night.
Hazrat Usman -radıyallahu anh- was a symbol of decency that even angels dream of. One day he asked permission to enter the presence of our Prophet. Although it did not change shape for the Companions who had come before him before, he recovered and corrected his position before allowing Hazrat Usman. When asked about his wisdom;
"How can I not dream about the one of whom even angels dream of ?! I swear by Allah that the angels dream of Uthman as they dream of Allah and His Messenger.” he said. (See Hz. Osman Zinnureyn , Ramazanoglu Mahmud Sami, p. 143-144)
Hazrat Usman; In Hulefa-i Raşidin, it was a river of lust that was busy with trade like Hazrat Abu Bakr, earned a lot from halal and clean, and overflowed like floods in its execution. In this respect, he is a complete benefactor;
A Foundation Human
He bought the Ruma Well, one of the few water resources of Medina, from the owner of the Rumi Well, and devoted his heartfelt advice to the Muslims immediately, and when he needed it, he also got in line.
He received the rewards of our Prophet with the great generosity he showed in the expansion of the Masjid an-Nabawi and in the preparations for the Tabuk Campaign.
Hazrat Ali bought his armor, which he put up for sale because of the necessity, and then gave him as a gift; what an elegant example of fraternity.
In the expedition that will result in Hudeybiye Musalaha, Hazrat Usman, our Honorary Master and Companions set out for Umrah; Although he was detained in Mecca and allowed to circumambulate the Kaaba by his relatives in Mecca;
"I am not a genius in a worship where the Prophet is not accepted!" He denied their permission to circumambulate them, and became a glorious example of loyalty to our Prophet. When the Muslims who were waiting outside of Mecca for the revelation that Hazrat Usman was martyred, our Prophet took the allegiance known as Bey'atu'r-Rıdvan in the history of Islam from his companions and put one hand on his other hand for Hazrat Usman;
"This is Usman's allegiance." He commanded.
Thus, he displayed his affection for Hazrat Usman.
He was a companion of heaven, who was devoted to the Prophet with such loyalty and affection, as well as his devotion to lust and fervor.
It happened in an era when Islamic lands extended to continents, Islamic armies overflowed from land to seas, and great wealth and riches poured into the ummah as a means of heavy testing. Some of the new generations and new Muslims could not display the asceticism and taqwa of the Companions in the face of this great change.
"The corruption of my ummah is property!" Two of them accrued. The rebels marching to the caliphate center; They martyred Hazrat Usman in his house as a result of great conspiracy, sedition and confusion. The last words of the caliph who was a martyr at the beginning of the Quran at the age of 80;
"God! Make the Ummah Muhammad one and together! " happened.
He spoke briefly and concisely, and talked wisely and effectively. That state of man; He would converse with his silence as he read his eyes with his wit. His words were also included in the Quran, of which he adorned his life. Here is a sip of water from his fountain of wisdom:
The Three Things You Like The Most
"I have loved three things most in the world: Feeding the hungry, dressing the needy and reading the Quran!" ( Ibn-i Hacer, Munebbihat, p.11)
“O Adamoglu! Do not forget that the angel of death has been around since the day you were born. On the one hand, it is catching another by jumping from your neck. This will continue as long as you are in the world. However, a day will come when he will jump from the neck of others and catch you. This can happen at an unexpected moment. So be prepared for the last breath and try not to be caught unawares. Because the angel of death is never unaware of you.
O Adam! Know that if you are unaware of yourself and do not prepare for yourself, of course, nobody else will prepare for you. Do not forget that Allah will definitely arrive at the presence of Allah, and see the preparation of your soul for this and provide for him. Do not say let me blow this job to someone else! " ( Ali el-Muttaki, no: 42790 )
“Before your evil people haunt you, fulfill your duty of commanding good and forbidding evil. If you do not do this and your bad ones will haunt you, the prayers of your goodwill not be accepted anymore. ” (Ali el-Muttaki, no: 8451)
“I found the essence of worship in four things:
1. To obey Allah's fard.
2. Avoiding Allah's forbidden deeds.
3. To make orders by hoping for his reward from Allah, that is, to tell people the truth.
4. To be in nehy ani'l-munker fearing the wrath of Allah, in other words, to avoid wrongdoing. " (Ibn-i Hacer, Munebbihat, p.14)
“There are four things that are true virtue and the other is obligatory:
1. It is a virtue to sit and stand up with the righteous, it is fard to obey them.
2. It is a virtue to read the Quran and it is fard to act with it.
3. It is a virtue to visit the graves, it is fard to be prepared for it.
4. It is a virtue to visit the patient, and it is fard to learn from him. " (Ibn-i Hacer, Munebbihat, p.14)
Six Horrors
“The true believer has six kinds of fear:
1. Fear of losing the moment.
For, it is stated in the verses:
"Our Lord! After consummate skew our hearts we are guided! .. " (Al-i Imran, 8)
"O you who believe! Fear Allah in a way that is worthy of Him and perish only as Muslims. " (Ali-i İmran, 102)
2. Fear of the angels writing the things that will make him ill on the Day of Judgment.
It is stated in the verse:
"That day (the earth) tells all of its news with the announcement of its Lord." (al-Zilzal, 4-5)
3. The fear that the deed will be voided by the devil
It is stated in the verses:
“ (Iblis) said: My Lord! In return for your temptation, I will adorn them (their sins) on earth, and I will certainly provoke them all! However, with the exception of sincere servants. " (al-Hijr, 39-40)
4. Fear of being caught suddenly and in heedlessness of the angel of death Azrail.
It is stated in the verse:
"And worship your Lord until near (death) comes to you!" (al-Hijr, 99)
It is stated in a hadith:
"A person dies in the state he lives in and is caught as he dies." (Muslim, Paradise, 83; Munavi, V, 663)
As a matter of fact, Hazrat Usman -radıyallâhu anh- lived with the Quran, executed the Quran, and was martyred while reading the Quran and attained mercy-i Rahman.
5. The fear of being in love of the world and being ignorant of the hereafter.
It is stated in the verse:
“This worldly life is nothing but a text of deception." (Ali-i İmran, 185)
6. The fear of not being busy enough with the dhikr of Allah swallowed with his children and children. "
It is stated in the verse:
"Know that your property and your children are a reason for testing and the great reward is with Allah." (al-Anfal, 28)
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islamthewayforward · 3 years
Hazrat Umar (radiyallahu anh) - The Second Caliph of Islam
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Hazrat Umar -radiyallahu anh- [634-644]
Before he was enlightened with the light of Hidayet, in the darkness of the ignorant, when he was a cruel person; He received the prayer of the Messenger of Allah and his eyes and heart began to open to the light of Islam with the influence of the Quran, which he listened to in his sister's house with anger. Umar, the son of the Jahiliyy, was now tearful, his heart full of compassion, and bent before the Truth.
Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Love For Hazrat Umar
Hazrat Umar, who was likened to Hazrat Musa by our Prophet with his uncompromising and graceful structure; He had a mind, success, and genius who developed in the content of revelation. As a result of divine inspirations, many times his expressions were related to the verses of the Quran.
Our Prophet stated the following in his expression:
“Among the ummahs who lived before you, there were those who were inspired by them. If there is one of them in my ummah, it is undoubtedly Umar. (Bukhari, Ashab as-Prophet, 6)
His exposure to the truth in this way, to him; He was instrumental in giving him the nickname «Faruk» distinguishes right from wrong, good from bad, and right from falsehood.
In the words of our Honorary Prophet (PBUH), The wrath of this blessed person, whom the devil changed his way when he saw it, and whose language and the truth was put into his heart by Allah was directed only to the enemies of Allah.
In the face of truth, he would immediately show obedience and surrender in the face of an order or a sign of Allah and His Messenger.
The following incident reported by Ahmad bin Hanbal is one of the most beautiful witnesses of this:
One of the Numerous Loyalty Samples
Hazrat Umar radıyallâhu anh- was going to the Friday prayer one day during his caliphate. While passing through the wall of the house of Prophet Abbas, two drops of dirty water dropped from the groove on the roof - probably for cleaning - onto the robe of Hazrat Umar.
The caliph was bored and he reached out and dropped the gutter with his hand so that it would not drip on anyone else. Then he changed his robe and came to the mosque.
By referring to this event in the Friday sermon he gave, he said,
“–Community, you are doing wrong things. When I was coming, I was going through the wall or something. Dirt dripped from a gutter on me; I pushed it with the back of my hand and dropped that groove. " said. His word had just ended that Hazrat Abbas jumped out of his place and;
“–O Umar, what did you do? I saw it with my eyes; The Prophet (PBUH) himself placed that gutter there with his own hands. " said.
Hazrat Umar collapsed into the pulpit. What happened to him to spoil something that the Prophet (peace be upon him) had put forth! Immediately he recovered.
“Vallâhi, I will put my head against that wall. You, too, will step on my head with your foot, and you will put that groove back with your hand. ”and made up for his mistake by doing as he said. (See Ahmad b. Hanbal, el-Musnad, 1/210; Ibnul-Cevzi, Adjati's-safve, 1/285)
On the other hand, Hazrat Umar was very forward-thinking and fussy in order to preserve the religion. Praised by the Prophet as a door that does not allow mischief, Hazrat Umar (radiyallâhu anh) was visited by people and the tree under which his companions gave allegiance to the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) before the Musalaha of Hudaybiya at the time of his caliphate. When he saw that it was being imposed, he cut down this tree in order to mean that the ignorant would be caught in the poison that he had a divinity.
The Caliphate Of Hazrat Umar
One of the most important qualities of the caliphate of Hazrat Umar, who trembled out of fear of Allah and lived-in conviction, despite his high spiritual position and being heralded by the Prophet of Allah, was his unique justice.
The Emir of the Believers, who were called Umarul-Adl in the meaning of “the very thing of justice”, felt responsible even for the wolf that would plant a lamb near the Tigris.
After Hazrat Umar -radıyallahu anh- took office, he was in sorrow and anxiety due to the weight of his profession. Huzaifa saw him in this state and learned the reason for his sadness - radıyallahu anh-;
"–That's what hurts you, goddamn we'll fix you once we see you doing something wrong," he said.
Halif was very happy about this, he repeated his words Huzayfa -radıyallâhu anh- with an oath and;
"- Praise be to Allah, among you, among the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and peace, be upon him, there were people to correct me when he saw my mistake." he said thank you. (Ibn-i Abi Shayba, Musannef, VIII, 154)
The fact that he went to Damascus with his slave and his camel in turn and came to the city on foot, despite all the insistence of his slave, went down in history as an example of justice, humility, and brotherhood. In the middle of the night, he ran to the rescue of the silent cries of the poor and the poor with his food sacks in the streets of Medina.
In the period of Hazrat Umar, the land of Islam; It had expanded to the borders of Iraq, Damascus and Egypt. A large number of spoils had been obtained. However, Khalifa had agreed to receive only an allowance from the treasury. Because he is with everything, in the footsteps of the Messenger of Allah and Hazrat Abu Bakr;
On the Way of Two Friends
He was running his life half hungry, half full of trouble, sometimes borrowing.
The notables of the Companions were saddened by this state of the caliph. They wanted to increase his salary. However, it was very difficult to tell him about this issue and to convince him. For this reason, they requested our Prophet's wife Hafsa, who was also the daughter of Hazrat Umar, to submit this offer to her father.
Hazrat Hafsa -radıyallahu anha- opened an offer to his father to raise his companions' salary for the caliphate and save him from boredom. Thereupon, Hazrat Umar -radıyallâhu anh- reminded his daughter Hafsa of the past;
"-My daughter! How were the Prophet's food and clothing? " asked.
Our Hafsa Valley;
"- It was the amount of Quran (enough for scarce opinion)." When he gave his answer, Hazrat Umar explained with the following elegant example that the wisdom of his life in hardship was to obey the Prophet of Allah and his predecessor, Hazrat Abu Bakr, in return for the abundance of treasure:
“–Two friends and that I am like three passengers on an equivalent road. The first one of us had a machine. The other took the same route and got the first. Thirdly, I would like to reach my friends. If I go too high, I can't keep up with them! Or wouldn't you want me to be the third on this road? " (Sehbenderzade Ahmed Hilmi, Tarih-i İslam, Vol . I, p.367 )
In the end, he drank the sherbet of martyrdom with the wish of a spotless and white life in the footsteps of his two friends and was buried in Rauza-i Mutahhara next to his two friends.
Hazrat Umar Quotes
How wise are the words of this great Companion, who is a sharp sword that separates truth and evil from divine inspirations;
“Wisdom is granted to an individual who leaves an excessive amount of talk.
Humility is granted to the heart of those who leave the gaze too much.
The taste of worship is granted to those who stop overeating.
Whoever leaves much laughter is granted majesty.
Honor is granted to those who leave humor.
A love for the hereafter is granted to those who leave the love of the world.
He who ceases to deal with someone else's shame is bestowed with the correction of his own faults.
The person who abandons research and incarnation in the state of Allah (which is beyond understanding) is granted salvation from discord. "
"The person I really like the most is that one who informs me of my shame and flaws." (Suyuti, Tarihu'l-hulefa, 30)
Someone was praising another person next to Hazrat Umar. He spoke of him in a reproach. Hazrat Umar asked him three questions:
a. Have you ever traveled with him?
b. Have you ever dealt with a transaction like trade?
c. Have you been neighbors to him morning and evening?
When the person says "no" to these three questions, Hazrat Umar:
"I swear by Allah, who is not any god but Him, you don’t know him!" (Al-Ghazali, Ihya)
Kadı Şurayh wrote a letter to Hazrat Umar and asked how he would rule. Hazrat Umar said:
« Judge by what is in the book of Allah. If you cannot find it in him, judge according to the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. If not in the book of Allah and the sunnah of His Messenger, judge with the decrees given by the righteous. If you are not among the judgments made by the righteous, you can judge if you want, stay back if you want! I am of the opinion that it is better for you not to stand back and make a judgment.
“Don't dress women too beautifully. If one of them has a lot of clothes and nice ornaments, they will like to go out. " (İbnu'l-Cevzi, Menakıb)
“To correct people, you must first correct yourself. The most ignorant of the people is the one who sells his afterlife for someone else's world. "
“Be strong without violence, soft without showing weakness! "
The Final Thought
Let us make us one of his servants who can reflect the smiling face of Islam with his knowledge, wisdom, lust, justice, humility, and all praised moral virtues, by dispensing personality and character.
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islamthewayforward · 3 years
Hazrat Abu Bakr (radıyallahu anh) - The First Caliph of Islam
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The first caliph of Islam was Hazrat Abu Bakr, who was the closest friend and confidant of the Prophet.
HE; With his unwavering faith, loyalty, and approval, he had the hopes of being Siddiq. As the first lucky ones to accept the invitation to Islam, after the ascension event, against the ridicule of the polytheists;
"If he said it is true!" He declared his slot in a totally different form.
In the turmoil of assassination schemes to the Honorary Kainat in Mecca, in the service of his children, together with our Prophet on the journey of migration, in the Cave of Sevres, in the words of the verse; «The second of the two» had the honor of being the life friend of Rasulullah in the cave.
The Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Love for Hazrat Abu Bakr
One day, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
He said, "I did not benefit from anyone else's property as much as I used Abu Bakr's property ...".
Hazrat Abu Bakr -radıyallahu anh- greeted these words with tears:
"I and my property, aren't we only for You, O Messenger of Allah ?!" (Ibn-i Mâce, Fedâilu Companions of the Prophet, 11) and declared in a burnt manner that he devoted himself to the Prophet with everything and that he was frivolous in Him.
Hazrat Abu Bakr Throughout his life, he had been in the service of our Prophet with his life, possessions, and children, rejoiced for him, felt sorry for him and worried about him. In the Cave of Sevres, where spiritual guidance also took place, the secret of merit with Allah and His Messenger was manifested:
Hazrat Abu Bakr -radıyallâhu anh- narrates:
While we were in the cave with the Prophet (peace be upon him) on the journey of migration, I saw the feet of the polytheists wandering over us and;
“–O Prophet of Allâh! If one of them bends down and looks down, he will surely see us! ” I said.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
"- What does one think (and what does he believe them) of two persons, the third of whom is God, O Abubekir?" (Bukhari, Tafsir, 9/9; Ashabun-Nebi, 2; Muslim, Fedailus-Companion 1)
The generosity of Hazrat Abu Bakr
An important part of the first Muslims had been honored with the efforts of Hazrat Abu Bakr. He spent his wealth, which he earned through honest and clean trade, to save by buying slaves who moan under the persecution of their polytheist masters. The following verses were sent down to praise his generosity:
His father, Abu Kuhafe, who is not yet honored with faith; Seeing that his son spent all his wealth to buy weak and feeble slaves and advised him to buy strong slaves who would at least be useful to him, Hazrat Abu Bakr -radıyallahu anh-; He replied that he had no consent other than Allah's approval. This answer was praised in the verse as follows:
"Those who give their property to good people to be cleaned are kept away from it (fire). There is no blessing to be received with gratitude for anyone other than asking for the approval of your Almighty Lord. And he will be pleased (by receiving the approval of his Lord) . " (al-Leyl, 17-21)
Hazrat Abu Bakr, who attained an unprecedented position in generosity; He was a hero of sincerity, trust and conviction who spent all his possessions when he invaded. He was a witness of forgiveness and mercy at a level that would not cease to help even those whose name was involved in the hypocrites' slander campaign against his daughter Hazrat Aisha.
Before becoming caliph, Hazrat Abu Bakr would milk the sheep of the orphans around him and meet their needs.
After becoming Caliph, “Now he has become a huge caliph; As their occupations increase and life conditions will change, they will probably not milk the orphans' sheep from now on. " they began to think. However, nothing changed. In the same humble manner, he continued to milk the sheep of the orphans and meet their needs personally. (Suyuti, Tarihul - Hulefa, p. 80; Sarıcam, Hz. Abubakar, p.82 )
Hazrat Abu Bakr -radıyallahu anh- was always in the first place in all righteous deeds and charities.
It is stated in the hadith that Hazrat Abu Bakr will be invited from all the gates of Paradise because of his lofty virtue of righteous deeds. It is reported that the nickname Abu Bakr was given to him because he ran for every charity work first and early.
The Closeness with Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Hazrat Abu Bakr -radıyallahu anh- was experiencing a completely different closeness and a secret state of privacy with our Prophet (peace be upon him). He was exemplary of our Prophet to a degree that no other Companions could have had.
Hazrat Omer, who witnessed his conversations with the Prophet one day, describes this situation as follows:
“I entered the presence of the Messenger of Allah. They were chatting with Hazrat Abu Bakr -radıyallâhu anh- about ilm-i tawhid. I sat between them. I did not understand anything from your words as if I did not speak Arabic;
«–What is this state of affairs? Do you always converse with the Prophet - peace be upon him and peace be upon him? » I asked.
Hazrat Abu Bakr -radıyallâhu anh-; «- Yes, sometimes we chat alone with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). he replied.
When Hazrat Abu Bakr was chosen as the caliph after the death of our Prophet (PBUH), he made a great humility and nothingness to people as follows:
"O, people! Although I am not the best of you, I have been chosen for you. Help me if I do my duty properly. If I act wrong, show me the right way ... ” (Ibn-i Sad, III, 182-183; Suyuti, Tarihul - Hulefa, p.69, 71-72; Hamidullah, Prophet of Islam, II, 1181)
In fact, Hazrat Abu Bakr was indeed the most virtuous person among the Companions after our Prophet. However he;
“He is the servant of the Most Merciful, who walk on the earth with dignity and humility…” (al-Furkan, 63) lived in a state of destitution and nothingness in order to enter into the scope of the verse.
After the death of the Prophet, his desire to meet him intensified due to this firak.
Aisha expresses the enthusiasm of the Prophet at the moment of her father's death as follows:
“My father Abu Bakr -radıyallâhu anh- in death;
«–What day is it today?" asked.
"-Monday," we said.
«–If I die tonight, don't make me wait for tomorrow! For, for me, the loveliest of days and nights is the closest to the Prophet - peace be upon him. (That is the moment when I will meet him as soon as possible.) »He said." (Ahmed, I, 8)
The Beautiful Words by Hazrat Abu Bakr
A bunch of the wise words of this person who was the master of luck, loyalty, and merit, who grew up in the discipline of our Prophet, the Honorary of the Universe:
"Four people are among the righteous servants of Allah:
1. He rejoices when he sees the repenting person (with pleasure that he enters the path of salvation).
2. Who pleads with his Lord for the forgiveness of sinners. (The horizon and an indicator of mercy that a believer should have)
3. Those who pray to their religious brother in their absence. (Who does not hold grudges against anyone in his heart, does not harbor burden does not offend)
4. Helping and serving a person in need of himself. (Who is conscious of being entrusted with what Allah Almighty has bestowed upon him and to be able to perpetuate the creation)
“In my sight, the strongest of you is the one who is weak until he gets his due. The weakest of you is the strong person until someone else is entitled to him. "
“If man only stayed in mosques (if he remained alone, not reflected in life); goods, in misers; weapon in cowards; if the authority is weak, things will deteriorate. "
"Think carefully about what you said when you said it, and to whom!"
"Do not brag! What good is it for the boast of man, who was created from the earth and will eat himself by wolves and insects when he returns to the earth!
"Treat yourself in order that people will treat you well!"
"Runaway from fame, honor will follow you."
"Be ready for death in order that you'll tend life eternal."
"Allah mentions the reward he will concede the Quran alongside the torment in order that the servant will demand worship and fear torture."
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