irishthrills · 8 years
That poem’s so NSFW...
Write a short poem on watermelon
OKAY. This is my poem about watermelon. 
It’s titled: 
“Nice Mellons.”
You are so wet
So pink
I want to burry my face in you.
And swallow
The seeds.
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irishthrills · 8 years
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ITEM #10!!! 
TEXT.  In a “chat” post, reveal a true, fervently held opinion on a topic you feel strongly about..  Great!  Now, in the same post, use the chat feature of Tumblr to argue with yourself to advocate the opposite position. You must kick your self’s ass all over the place with your argument. Your comments against yourself must elicit subsequent comments from other users imploring you to “stop hating.”  Tag your submission #gishwhestakestumblr and #gtt10
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irishthrills · 8 years
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I need everyone’s help. Take a selfie of you doing the LLAP sign and email the photo to [email protected]
View more William Shatner on WhoSay
I interrupt this post for a clue: Every year William Shatner hosts The Hollywood Horse show celebrating the unique and special work of therapeutic riding animals. It’s about time your freeloader pet got a job and moved out. Show us their career trajectory by writing a formal resume highlighting their special skills an qualifications. Post it on Linked In. Get ten people to give a recommendation.
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irishthrills · 8 years
VIDEO or GIF. There’s no rest for the wicked! Dress up as #Zelena from #onceuponatime and go out into the world and do a good deed. Villains may not get their happy ending but they can be redeemed. So go do something good. And show me your #wickedeed
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irishthrills · 8 years
Out with the Old
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Gore AF
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irishthrills · 8 years
La disparition - bis
Here’s everything you ever wanted to know about Tumblr’s E going missing...
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irishthrills · 8 years
La disparition
If you want to know why Tumblr is missing an “E” you should read this!!! The truth finally revealed on Tumblr’s origin!
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irishthrills · 8 years
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Thank you for bringing back Jody, Alex & Claire - our #WaywardDaughters! I love seeing more ladies on #Supernatural! http://thndr.me/wMFuuH
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irishthrills · 8 years
Sums it up!
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irishthrills · 8 years
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irishthrills · 8 years
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irishthrills · 8 years
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Admin Note: Even if you do not feel like you are part of the fandom, you are definitely part of the SPN Family. It might take some time to find some friends who have the same interests as you as this fandom does have many different facets with people of many different opinions. Until you find those people you have in common, please do not get discouraged. We will be your friends :)
To find people of the same interests, why not check some of the confessions you agree with and see who’s liking those posts. Then strike up a conversation … but be careful 
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irishthrills · 9 years
I’m probably one-tenth there already, let’s see how much a Sunday morning can do!
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It doesn’t have to be all in one block you can spread your votes out by 100 votes per day or really go for it this weekend and get it over with but it would be great to keep a tally so please set a target of 1000 or more votes.
The competition is so tight but 1000 fans voting 1000 times is 1MIL so please reblog and spread the word so as many as possible can join in and make the same commitment.
For 10 years Jensen Ackles has deserved an award for his acting on Supernatural and it hasn’t happened but we can do something about that NOW, so if you respect and admire Jensen’s work over a decade of Supernatural, regardless of whether you like his character or not now is the time to let him know.
Misha won PCA last time, Jared won TCA this year.
This time LETS WIN IT FOR JENSEN! because he doesn’t deserve to be the only main cast member empty handed and he doesn’t deserve to be only recognized as half of a fandom ship.
Jensen is amazing in his own right so if you feel the same way please put fandom wars aside, think of Jensen and help show him his work and talent has been appreciated.
I know 1000 sounds like a lot and it might be boring but listen to some tunes or watch some netflix while leaving the voting tab open, or download the app to vote on your way to work/college etc, it doesn’t take long and the reward will be getting to reblog Jensen’s happy face if he wins and knowing you helped reward him for all his hard work. It’s important not to assume others will be voting because Jensen hasn’t won before so please reblog but more importantly commit and VOTE to make the difference.
Quick to vote from the android app or the iphone app
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irishthrills · 9 years
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Please vote Jensen Ackles in Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV Actor from the People’s Choice Awards 2016!
You can vote directly here. You can also install the PCA app for iphone here, and Android here.
You can vote as many times as you want, at any time of the day. Voting closes December 3rd, 2015.
More posts to promote? Go here. Want a voting button link for your blog to support the cause? Read here and type what’s in the picture code into your sidebar. 
Thank you for voting!
✧・゚:*✧・゚:* VOTE ★ VOTE ★ VOTE *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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irishthrills · 9 years
Rise up and take the power back
The streets were a little quieter than usual tonight. Candles has been lit, more or less spontaneously.
We’re mourning, but we’ll get back up. We’ll party louder, dance faster, jump higher, kiss wetter, love deeper, dream bigger, live fuller and be happier.
And I do hope that we’ll grow to be better and wiser than what they’re expecting of us.
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irishthrills · 9 years
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Firefly premièred 13 years ago today.
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irishthrills · 10 years
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Charlie Rose Oscars Special Opener
Animation: Al Boardman
GIF: The Gas Station
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