irene-nattura · 3 years
text 🖌️ open
Irene: if anyone has any items they wish to dispose of (THATS NOT LITERAL TRASH) pls let me know so i can see if it would make for a good art project 🥰
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irene-nattura · 3 years
text 📲 puckrene
Puck: wake and bake?
Irene: hell yeah long as you supply my dude!!
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irene-nattura · 3 years
Phoebe: Ugh, you're so lucky. I wish I knew what it felt like to be hexed. It sounds like getting high on a magical fix that goes south which is veeeeeery interesting. I'm no artist but can't you use ANYTHING for inpsiration?
Phoebe: Sounds good! I love grapes! They go great with cheese and also liquified with alcohol and sugar.
Irene: lucky?? i wouldn't say I'm lucky. i just was stubborn and didn't want to apologize for some dumb stuff that's not even real! it's more like being stuck in the actual scary part of the horror movie when you really don't feel like it and not being able to get out unless you stop doing the thing you love 😤
Irene: aaaaaaa now i want alcohol too!! wine time to shine on my design!
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irene-nattura · 3 years
Text 👗 Lorene
Lola: Shiiit that’s so true. Like when school starts and i get real nervous about oral reports I could just wear my cute lil blankie skirt and not even have to completely fuck up a puff bar first. Geeenius!!!
Irene: exactly duuuude!! and they'll never know! and think it's hella cute too! and then you can just light it up whenever you want for fun 😛
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irene-nattura · 3 years
Phoebe: It's a GREAT trip and you'll have me to guide you so it'll be nothing short of awesome! Are you sure you got hexed? I mean, that could've just been bad weed, right?
Phoebe: YES! Can I bring popcorn or is that too much?
Irene: niiiiiiiiiiiice!!! I'm POSITIVE! It was like literally anytime I tried to paint something. it was so fucking freaky. I can't even use it for inspo :9
Irene: xD whatever you want! i always snack on grapes, i can bring some for you too!
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irene-nattura · 3 years
Phoebe: Great, because that's the best kind of high to have at a museum and I'd know, I've done it multiple times.
Phoebe: I bet you'd get crazy inspired! I want to watch you paint sometime soon if that's cool. It soothes me.
Irene: i'm a little late to the party pills but tbh i feel like it'd be such a trip. plus nothing can be worse than when that little witch hexed me.
Irene: omg of course you can!! i love painting for an audience
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irene-nattura · 3 years
Phoebe: I forget, what's your stance on ecstasy?
Irene: my stance is that as long as it doesn't kill me it's inspiration!
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irene-nattura · 3 years
Phoebe: Museums are great and all but honestly? They're their best when you go their high as a fucking kite.
Phoebe: You ever do that, babe? Because it's a goooooood fucking time.
Irene: I've gone after hours of painting which is like .... a semi-high? but never a FULL high.
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irene-nattura · 3 years
text 📲 purene
Puck: upset is a good word for it, but nah. don't think that's gonna be the solution here lmao
Puck: painting pants? like how?
Irene: damn that's too bad. this must be deep shit. we'll paint overalls
Irene: two words, fabric paint my dude.
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irene-nattura · 3 years
Text 👗 Lorene
Lola: I was using my old baby blanket as a makeshift skirt because no pants and I feel like it might be a bit of a look? It's not the most outrageous look I've ever worn but it's def not the most tame either. I just don't know if I wanna keep my blankie as a blankie or let it evolve into this new life as a skirt for the rest of ever?
Irene: sweeet piece! you should go for it, dude! then you can wear it with you in public and people wouldn't know it used to be a blankie! comfort, art, fashion, all in one!!! it's the blankie's destiny, lola!!
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irene-nattura · 3 years
text 📲 purene
Puck: love when you gotta face the questionable decisions you've made 🙃 it's my favorite thing to do, especially when it's something you've been postponing forever.
Puck: yeah, no, i'm good. we don't have to talk about it. prefer if we don't actually. mind just talking to me about something random while i figure this other thing out? thanks
Irene: woah dude, do you need to like bang one out? you seem hella upset.
Irene: okay!! uh i was painting these pair of jeans that i think would look amazing on someone's wall 👀 it COULD be mine but it's already covered in a million projects
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irene-nattura · 3 years
“Oh my godmother”, I literally don’t care about any of the shit you said except for the part about my Hemi, when you shipped him with someone who’s never been smart enough to appreciate him and who he has less than zero interest in. That was foolish on your part for so many reasons and unlike you, I’m not stupid; I know that you have no power in general, much less any that could possibly jeopardize my love life. That’s not the issue. The issue is that I’m not a pushover who’ll allow people to disrespect her relationship the way you did. If it’s “fake” like you say, then you should’ve had no problem taking it back, and yet you didn’t, even when offered a chance. What a pity for you. 
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I’m not apologizing because I ALSO said that I love whoever they’re with already and this is just a stupid game that I’m not going argue over! It was purposely chaotic , random pickings for people. but if you want an apology so bad, i’m sorry you got offended over a meaningless game?
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who do you ship the other arendellians with?
GET READY FOR A SHIT SHOW!!! (but also know i love who you’re happy with now. this is just a game so keep your tits calm pls)
@haverlyarendelle and @emmett-thunderstrike
@hannaharendelle and Eddie and @hemimanawa
@icemasterbents and @quincydavis
@madisonmattias and @rosalienxthale
@mateomattias and Jackie
@heidinattura and @oaklynnoaken you’re welcome
Oliver and @madisonmattias
@oaklynnoaken and @cassieadale or @beauodie
@oakleyoaken and @novafitzherbert and Emery 
@gunnarwestergaard and Uma or @wynnbellwether
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honesty hour!
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irene-nattura · 3 years
You have exactly one day to take back the stupid move of shipping Hemi with anybody who isn’t me, his incredible girlfriend. Your time starts now and believe me, it’s in your best interest not to fail.
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oh my godmother! i literally said not to take this seriously. you know this is fake, right? like me just saying hemi and hannah go together isn’t going to magically make them in love. 
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who do you ship the other arendellians with?
GET READY FOR A SHIT SHOW!!! (but also know i love who you’re happy with now. this is just a game so keep your tits calm pls)
@haverlyarendelle and @emmett-thunderstrike
@hannaharendelle and Eddie and @hemimanawa
@icemasterbents and @quincydavis
@madisonmattias and @rosalienxthale
@mateomattias and Jackie
@heidinattura and @oaklynnoaken you’re welcome
Oliver and @madisonmattias
@oaklynnoaken and @cassieadale or @beauodie
@oakleyoaken and @novafitzherbert and Emery 
@gunnarwestergaard and Uma or @wynnbellwether
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honesty hour!
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irene-nattura · 3 years
what's something that you're scared to admit that you want?
I’m not scared to admit this but it’s a little risque. i want to have a group of people paint their bodies and fool around in a bed sheet. of course i’d have to lead the whole thing so it doesn’t just turn into brown mush and only certain people could go at a time or with certain people. but i feel a masterpiece in this idea.
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honesty hour!
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irene-nattura · 3 years
who do you ship the other arendellians with?
GET READY FOR A SHIT SHOW!!! (but also know i love who you’re happy with now. this is just a game so keep your tits calm pls)
@haverlyarendelle and @emmett-thunderstrike
@hannaharendelle and Eddie and @hemimanawa
@icemasterbents and @quincydavis
@madisonmattias and @rosalienxthale
@mateomattias and Jackie
@heidinattura and @oaklynnoaken you’re welcome
Oliver and @madisonmattias
@oaklynnoaken and @cassieadale or @beauodie
@oakleyoaken and @novafitzherbert and Emery 
@gunnarwestergaard and Uma or @wynnbellwether
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honesty hour!
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irene-nattura · 3 years
have you ever painted someone like one of your french girls?
like in the nude? no because my muse doesn’t usually involve humans. i paint on objects! 
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honesty hour!
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irene-nattura · 3 years
do you have anything you've kept secret from your father?
uhhh well i don't talk to him about any romantical styles business because what dad wants to hear about his daughter kissing cute boys?
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honesty hour!
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