introverted-reads · 5 days
The sluttiest thing a man can do is be Remus Lupin.
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introverted-reads · 2 months
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“And if I did not hold faith in him, why would he hold it in me?” - Empire of the Damned; Jay Kristoff
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introverted-reads · 3 months
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introverted-reads · 3 months
Okay kind of a shit post but like Aziraphale telling Hamlet to “buck up” when he’s contemplating suicide is under appreciated comedic genius. I will hear no arguments.
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introverted-reads · 3 months
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His blood test came back positive for full of love 💕
continuing my poison into positivity series, let's hear it for @asneakyfox who has been such a steadying influence in the fandom, always sharing incisive and balanced meta that resonates with me. Fandom spaces aren't as appreciative of long form meta as they are of art and gifs, but it's such an important thing to understanding and dissecting a show, and I love to read your takes on scenes that I never paid attention to, then seeing them in fresh light later during rewatches! thank you for being in the fandom and sharing your love, Fox! Hope you enjoy boyfriend Ed who is a confirmed boyfriend to one Stede Bonnet 🫶
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introverted-reads · 4 months
introverted but willing to discuss gay vampires
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introverted-reads · 4 months
song i associate with The Character comes on and i make the most unwell expression known to man
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introverted-reads · 4 months
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introverted-reads · 4 months
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I've rarely seen a more validating sentence in my entire life.
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introverted-reads · 4 months
I have completely lost track of it but does ANYONE have a picture of that lil fish Oscar Wilde doodled in the margins of one of his manuscripts. Google is not helping
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introverted-reads · 4 months
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introverted-reads · 5 months
Crowley with shoulder length hair or a bun or long hair in season 3 wearing the sluttiest tightest button-y goth outfits you can imagine exuding rockstar with a broken heart energy vs the metatron who will win
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introverted-reads · 5 months
My opinion on Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship!
I apologize for my epic rant
I’m just thinking, I really hope they don’t end the series off with any sort of sexual relations or whatever (I don’t see a reason they would but STILL I keep seeing spicy fanart which is always a reminder of people’s desires) between Aziraphale and Crowley because to me, it’s really important that their relationship isn’t sexual in a sense, it’s just romantic. Like in the book it’s mildly obvious they’re in love, but it’s a deep sort of mutual relationship where they’ve sort of just existed together and they have each other and that’s just how it is and always will be. In the show they make it more obvious and you know they’re hopelessly devoted to each other, but wherever their relationship goes it would feel uncomfortable to make it sexual. Plus they’re literally not even human! And in the book it’s specifically noted that angels are sexless. So in my eyes their love is very pure, although they are selfish creatures all the same and only want each other but go about it the wrong way 😅
their love goes much deeper than physical attraction, obviously. Of course angels must fall in love, why not? But now it’s all the more special, because it’s an angel and a fallen angel. I guess there’s no definite answer to why anybody falls in love, and I’m certainly not going to try to understand a relationship that’s not even human, but those are just my thoughts. Anyway, I’ve gone a bit off topic. I don’t know where the third season will leave us, but Aziraphale and Crowley MUST be together. My ideas are they will either both become human and live on earth (seems unlikely), both become angels again (also unlikely) or just be themselves and abandon the system entirely which seems the most likely. Perhaps they’ll build their own planet together and start new. Live in the stars that they created, together forever…..
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introverted-reads · 5 months
ofmd wasn't "profitable" enough but I didn't even get the feeling hbo wanted to make money off of it. They didn't promote it when s1 dropped, and the promo for s2 was erratic at best. They don't sell merch. Or physical copies. There's no bts documentaries other than what actors (shoutout to Samba ilu) make themselves in their spare time.
It took more than a full year for me to be able to watch s1 legally! I still can't access s2 legally anywhere! It's not that ofmd is unprofitable, it's that hbo refuses to profit off of it, because - well, because profiting off of it would mean investing work and money into it.
And like. Of course, when you compare it to the juggernauts hbo holds rights to, like GoT, ofmd is small fishes. But.
How on earth do these clowns think cult classics happen?
A Game of Thrones was first published in 1996 and didn't make it on the NYT beststeller list until 2011. The first edition of the first Harry Potter book was 500 pieces. And yeah, TV shows are different, but if you look at today's media landscape, would things like Star Trek, or Buffy, or Doctor Who stand the slightest chance? These things take time, is my point. A piece of media doesn't become a massively profitable, beloved classic over night. It takes time and effort to build that kind of franchise.
And the thing is! Nobody who makes these decisions even likes stories. I'm convinced that whoever is in charge at hbo, at amazon prime, even at disney, thinks storytelling is dumb and for idiots. They think it's enough to just slap the name of something people love on whatever garbage they spit out, for it to be profitable. They think it's the brand that sells: Look this has "Lord of the Rings" on it! Look, this one has "Game of Thrones", you like Game of Thrones don't you? Watch my show, boy.
But this isn't how this works. It's not the name that sells (unless, I suppose, you're the MCU, and even there one gets the impression the trick is finally stopping to work), especially not when the product is bad. People aren't idiots.
But it's not about making something good. It's not about making a meaningful piece of art, or telling an engaging story. ofmd served its purpose; it drew in all the subscribers it ever would, so there's no point in letting it go on. Even in the s2 that we did get, this is evident: the penny pinching is palpable, it's clear that the studio didn't want to spend any more money than absolutely necessary on it, and then cut the budget by 40%.
It's not about art. It never has been.
And it's not even about profit, because to be profitable eventually, stories have to be allowed to thrive first. You tell a good story first, and success happens later, often much, much later.
And ofmd was incredibly, astonishingly successful. It was the most in-demand series for weeks after the s1 finale. But even that wasn't enough, it's never enough, ofmd could have made record-setting profits and it still would have been cancelled, because -
Well, I don't know. Because we live in a bad time for art. Because Orwell was right, and stories have become commodities, like shoelaces. Because. Well. It's not about telling a story, is it?
What's the point of a story? What's the point of making something for the joy of making it? What's the point of a piece of art, existing, if it cannot be transferred into numbers for the stockholders?
idk how to end this. I hope David Jenkins finishes the story he wanted to tell, even if just for himself. I hope, against all odds, that weird, fun, heartfelt, beautiful little stories like ofmd continue to happen.
But goddammit.
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introverted-reads · 5 months
holding onto good omens s3 like a fickle thread of serotonin whilst all around me the rest of my beloved shows get cancelled
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introverted-reads · 5 months
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introverted-reads · 5 months
spiders georg is almost 11 years old the universe is dying
“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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