wot the blue blazes is yer bleedin problem!! im sorry i scruffed ya but you were 'urtin soggy an fer wot??? so you could 'ave a gag?? you made 'im cry fer fucks sake!!! you do that an then ya go an nab toby an get all cocked up, threatenin me an tryna 'urt me too by bringin up the boss like that!!! wot do ya fink will appen then, eh??? ya fink ill jus forget all o'that an go prankin soggy wiv you????!!
you know wot!! i aint even sorry anymore!!! im on me way to wotever 'ole ya live in an when i find it im gunna nab toby back an punch ya in the guts!!! thats wot ill do!!! so wotch out!!
@inspector-gina-lestrade Inspector Gina Lestrade of the East End, apprentice to Chief Inspector Tobias Gregson, commonly known as the true Reaper of the Bailey.
I will offer you my forgiveness for a trade. Would you care to hear my proposal?
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you mustve banged yer 'ead if ya fink id do that right now. i aint pickin you over soggy.
gimme toby back.
@inspector-gina-lestrade Inspector Gina Lestrade of the East End, apprentice to Chief Inspector Tobias Gregson, commonly known as the true Reaper of the Bailey.
I will offer you my forgiveness for a trade. Would you care to hear my proposal?
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...wot do ya want?
@inspector-gina-lestrade Inspector Gina Lestrade of the East End, apprentice to Chief Inspector Tobias Gregson, commonly known as the true Reaper of the Bailey.
I will offer you my forgiveness for a trade. Would you care to hear my proposal?
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Gina!!!!! Hi!! You're so cool and stuff!! You're gonna male good choices!!! Gina!!!!
...yeah!! you bet yer boots i will !! 🫡😁
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...all... all right !! ...yeah! i can do this! 🫡 ta fer the pep talk, oddo. yer a real one!!
... i guess yer right bout that rest though. ill get on that first... 😅
I'm not sure what exactly is going on, however, I trust your judgment. I want to say that if you want to talk about anything, I am here to listen and help you when you need it. Please remember that I'm here for you when you need me. Take care of yourself, alright? I vaguely know what happened to you and the others. I hope you have a speedy recovery and take the time you need to rest.
........oddo, i.......
......why... dya always trust me...?
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i.... dunno wot to do oddo... ow can i choose the right path when i avent got a blue wots right? an when, when im... scared wot might appen if i choose wrong...? wot then? wot if i dont fink i can do it? wot if i fail, or do the wrong fing, an get evryone in trouble again, an it... it goes to 'ell.....?
I'm not sure what exactly is going on, however, I trust your judgment. I want to say that if you want to talk about anything, I am here to listen and help you when you need it. Please remember that I'm here for you when you need me. Take care of yourself, alright? I vaguely know what happened to you and the others. I hope you have a speedy recovery and take the time you need to rest.
........oddo, i.......
......why... dya always trust me...?
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I'm not sure what exactly is going on, however, I trust your judgment. I want to say that if you want to talk about anything, I am here to listen and help you when you need it. Please remember that I'm here for you when you need me. Take care of yourself, alright? I vaguely know what happened to you and the others. I hope you have a speedy recovery and take the time you need to rest.
........oddo, i.......
......why... dya always trust me...?
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girlish yelp?? wot, thats wot ya took away from that 'ole fing???
blimey soggy!! ya couldve at least asked why i wos there an not jus glare at me wiv them bleedin 'ellholes ya got fer eyes!! or, y'know, said summat fore ya chucked me out the door?!! like, 'sorry fer almost spearin ya', maybe???
What was your first impression of Gina Lestrade?
That she had a rather girlish yelp for the hardened criminal I thought was breaking into Lord van Zieks's office in the middle of the day.
Sure, I held a sword to her throat, but I was there alone and already knew well that my mentor had enemies and I had to be prepared should we be attacked. Really, how was I supposed to know that Scotland Yard detectives picked locks?
Then she was talking ten to the dozen, using all sorts of slang I had never heard before. But she also showed me the evidence she was dropping off, at which point I took it off her hands and threw her out.
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i... fink that wos in me pocket last night... 😶
.... anyways, pale-pal, wheredya scarper off to?? an... an didya take toby? cos yer outta line if ya reckon that aint a rum fing to do!!
-taps tumblr device- There a reason you're covered in sap? Where'd I even misplace this stupid thing.
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cor aven, bout time ya 'ad yer own blog!!
im tucked away in the second to last room from the left, an' cor is it borin jus lyin round like a sock... but i dunno bout the armoury. the reapers awake now, aint e 🤔
im so bored stuck here in bed that i finally made a tumblr on my own... and i have realized i dunno how to use tumblr.
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oi! yer awake!! 😳 uhh... wotever. aint like i care bout...
i mean...
...thank you... sir.
What was your first impression of Lord Barok van Zieks?
not a great one, to be straight wiv ya. i mean... aint like i ad good first impressions ov any o'the adults i met then, but the reaper? e did nuffin but chuck mud my way. oi, 'e labeled me a petty thief, not to be trusted, jus a little girl, 'ateful, reckless, a dirty liar wiv no cred... that sorta fing 🙄 nuffin i aint eard before, but e jus piled it on, e did!
but i wosnt ever afraid ov 'im. e wos jus like the rest. aint no adult wots different. all the same, the lot o'them...
..... thats wot i reckoned back then, anyways!
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What was your first impression of Lord Barok van Zieks?
not a great one, to be straight wiv ya. i mean... aint like i ad good first impressions ov any o'the adults i met then, but the reaper? e did nuffin but chuck mud my way. oi, 'e labeled me a petty thief, not to be trusted, jus a little girl, 'ateful, reckless, a dirty liar wiv no cred... that sorta fing 🙄 nuffin i aint eard before, but e jus piled it on, e did!
but i wosnt ever afraid ov 'im. e wos jus like the rest. aint no adult wots different. all the same, the lot o'them...
..... thats wot i reckoned back then, anyways!
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i did knock!! cmon, jus admit ya didnt 'ave a blue ow to unlock the door, so ya never even bothered tryin!! 🙄
What was your first impression of Prosecutor Asogi?
that e wos a bloke wiv no chill, blimey. i jus came to drop off some evidence fer the reaper, an' this masked cove shoves a sword in me chevy chase!!
sure, i picked me way through the lock, but c'mon, the reaper wos out an' i 'ad better fings to do than sit round an' wait fer 'im, didnt i?? cor, ow wos i sposta know e'd gotten 'imself a bleedin guard dog...
if it wosnt fer me charm an' quick finkin, i reckon id've been dead meat, i would 😱
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What was your first impression of Prosecutor Asogi?
that e wos a bloke wiv no chill, blimey. i jus came to drop off some evidence fer the reaper, an' this masked cove shoves a sword in me chevy chase!!
sure, i picked me way through the lock, but c'mon, the reaper wos out an' i 'ad better fings to do than sit round an' wait fer 'im, didnt i?? cor, ow wos i sposta know e'd gotten 'imself a bleedin guard dog...
if it wosnt fer me charm an' quick finkin, i reckon id've been dead meat, i would 😱
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Gina I will find a way to get you the sword you deserve one day I promise you that.
👀 wot sort o' sword are ya finkin...?
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Some of us have learned to listen, even when we can't ride to a fair lady's aid. In my absence, I trust this will suffice.
To the one who holds her heart in candlelight: There and back again, some things can still be made right. Death breathes, light bleeds, to anchor yourself to the sea, It's patience and compassion that still remain the key. To be prey is to run and to pray is to hold on tight: Fear not the moon or the strife, only make it through this night. A knife of silver, a knife of iron, finish the song now begun, Down in the hollow of fey-ivy's sorrow, for red ne'er sets the sun.
oi @kazuma-asogi-blog, this ere's the riddle wot i told ya 'bout. i... fink we need to go to pale-pal's 'ideaway, an' i fink we oughta go at night... both ov us, together.
e talks of candlelight, but… reckon we need the candle...? i'd rather leave it be, truth told... maybe we oughta bring yer iron knife an' the silver sword wot aven gave me though...
wot else? you got any ideas...?
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...oh. all right!! 😶
i reckon thatll be a few days from now then, yer in no state to go out! but... i fink i 'ave a red an' blue where toby might be. an' if im right, i fink e'll be okay wiv waitin fer a bit longer.
yer asleep right now so i... ill show ya wot i mean later.
to the future head of scotland yard,
i’m sure that you deserve many more biscuits than you normally get daily. i’m sorry to hear about your experience with toby’s treats but i’m glad that he found you when needed!! make sure to give him a few extra pets from me when you get the time! now, onto another question. did you have a fun time at quinns? well, i’m sure you did, i was following along with your updates, but i just want to make sure you had a great time!!
-A. Spellmeyer
i... dont fink i do deserve very many bickies, to be straight wiv ya. i keep screwin up, i do. even wiv toby... soph went to check on 'im, an' it turns out e'd up an' left wivout so much as a yarf. probly 'e wos fed up wiv 'avin me as 'is 'ousemate. thats the third - maybe fourth - lemon an' lime in a week that ive gone an' pushed someone to their wits end.
as fer quinns... cor, that seems a lifetime away, dunnit? but, yeah. s'pose i 'ad a good time...
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