infjthingz · 20 days
When you spontaneously take on something new telling yourself that the result doesn't really matter, nothing depends on it and you can give up at any point without consequences and then you're suddenly in the middle of your double major, you're helping organise a summer camp, tutoring kids, learning a new skill and working part time and letting go of any of those things feels like failing even though nobody expected you to do any of this including yourself.
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infjthingz · 27 days
When you become the group leader because there's no-one else willing to do it and you're secretly happy that you can shape the result to your liking, but then you realise that no matter how competent your group is, you'll still have to go over it yourself and spend ungodly time on it because your mind won't let you hand it in unless it feels perfect enough to you including the fricking formatting. xD
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infjthingz · 1 month
That moment when you realise that your facade of 'the more stable one' keeps attracting people in need of a therapist, so you make some very good friends by being their therapist friend and distracting yourself from your own problems that way and it's actually pretty nice.
And then you date one of said people and realise that you're actually also in need of a therapist but the other person already has an image of you as the pillar so you're stuck in a dynamic you don't want and then have to initiate the breakup yourself because your inner analysis told you that this is going nowhere, but the other person is most probably very sensitive to rejection or has attachment issues (they were attracted to you, duh), so now you gotta figure out a way to end it without hurting them...
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infjthingz · 1 month
I guess we don't really get angry now do we. If it's not serious enough, we get annoyed and if it is serious, all the positive emotion we've ever had towards you just fades away and door slam, bye, you can look forward to not ever hearing from us again.
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infjthingz · 1 month
"I'm just too in my own head lately"
I know, I'm there with you y'know
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infjthingz · 1 month
That splitting feeling when you know that someone wants you to rely on them and open up, but you also know that you're the one who's keeping it together better in this relationship and if you crumble, the whole thing falls apart.
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