A Vital Part Of Health Care
A Vital Part Of Health Care
In the words of Mary Adelaide Nutting (the first professor of nursing), “Nursing is one of the most difficult of arts. Compassion may provide the motive, but knowledge is our only working power.” Photo by / Graham Ruttan If you stop to think about it, there have been those who nursed the sick for thousands of years. Two that come easily to mind are Elizabeth of Hungary, daughter of King Andrew…
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Running For Their Lives
Running For Their Lives
Millions are wandering amid temporary shelters afraid that death waits for them if ever they return to their homes. Many will never find the security of a home of their own again. Helpless and hopeless they stare into the future. So begins days of walking past deserted villages, crossing minefields and eating slices of dried bread. Mothers, children, widows and wounded men huddle in groups, their…
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Nobody's Children
Nobody’s Children
People call them outcasts and throwaway kids. If you look carefully you can see them shivering in doorways or begging for scraps in a dirty alley. The number of them is shocking. At present, that number is estimated to be 40 million. Society discusses their plight in cold statistics and numerous casualty lists. Who are they? They are children; they are the innocents wandering among us; they are…
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Writers of Ukraine ( Part 2 )
Writers of Ukraine ( Part 2 )
For a short time, following The Revolution of 1917, Ukraine stood proud, alone, and independent. Photo by / Volodymyr-Tokar After WW1, Ukraine experienced freedom; freedom to be unique and genuine. Conditions existed which allowed for a remarkable renaissance of literary activity. A number of new writers appeared on the scene and quickly formed groups and organizations with titles like Lanka,…
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The Writers of Ukraine ( Part 1 )
The Writers of Ukraine ( Part 1 )
They say history is doomed to repeat itself once again for the writers of Ukraine. What do they mean? Attempts were made during the 1800’s to curtail the patriotic fervor of Ukraine by outlawing its’ writers. Ukraine was split between two empires which caused many regional differences that showed whenever Ukrainian literature was presented. In the schools, students were transposing the serious…
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Mass Shootings Are Not Going To Stop Anytime Soon
Mass Shootings Are Not Going To Stop Anytime Soon
A lone figure equipped with firearms proceeds to kill three or more victims; a small group with firearms kill three or more victims; both are accepted today as definitions of mass shootings. Other incidents such as mob hits, racial hangings and school shootings have their own definitions. The FBI and The Congressional Research Service classify mass shootings as homicides involving multiple…
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Destruction Of Habitat
The Atlas Of Endangered Species considers the destruction of habitat the ‘most significant threat ‘ and ‘ the most difficult to prevent ‘. What is happening to the world’s rain forests is an alarming example. A rich heritage of trees has become lost to mankind by mankind’s constant logging operations and shifting patterns of agriculture. These short-sighted methods of agri-business have even…
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What would the world be like without music? Would it be the end of romance? Would I mourn the loss of symphonies? Would I long for the memory of childhood lullabies? With the absence of music, colors would no longer be vibrant and a certain dullness would seep into life. Photo by/ Christina Gottardi Music encompasses all of the emotions. It speaks to the heart; that is the figurative heart. It…
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The War Is Over - The Battle Begins
The War Is Over – The Battle Begins
With dignity, the leaders resign and become men and women. Unknown So begins the thousands of words that describe and encapsulate the 30 days of War.
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When Food Becomes A Weapon
When Food Becomes A Weapon
Do you know this word – Holodomor ? It is the word that was chosen to describe one of the most pivotal and historically important events to occur in the 20th Century. Holodomor translates into ‘the deliberate act of mass murder by famine.’ It was a time when food became a weapon or rather the withholding of food. Ukrainians remember the famine of 1932-1933. Politically it was a national…
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Co-Parenting Can Be Difficult
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No amount of legal reform can dictate the reactions of children when the family unit is fractured; splintered into two worlds with each parent a ruler with his/her own rules. Often children of divorced parents will escape into a third world of their own design, where they are their own ruler. Photo by / Carl Jorgensen In co-parenting, divorced parents agree that each will give 50% of their time…
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Guard Against Misinformation
Misinformation is not new. The danger is always there. The Internet now allows the public to access and receive false news more easily and quickly than ever before, then shared. Beware of: Misleading NewsFalse ReportsConspiracy Theories For example, a Russian official denied that Russia had bombed a theatre recently. He had been out of the country, visiting a Western country and was being…
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GMOs-The Confusion Continues
The only sure thing I know about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) is that nothing about this hotly debated issue is black and white. Thousands of opinions are available for us to study and reflect upon; all written by reputable experts in a variety of medical and scientific disciplines. If we want, we can read about the advantages and disadvantages, we can weigh the pros and cons and we can…
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