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Studying in library today 📖
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I’ve been getting a lot of studying done lately and it feels so nice! 😌
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A brief informative guide to highlighting your notes/book the right way so it doesn’t look like your book/notes exploded into a rainbow.
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The MCAT is the admissions test for those applying to medical school in America and Canada (less emphasis). It is a 7.5 hour test composed of 4 sections. This masterpost is a compilation of MCAT resources I have found and pulled together to help those preparing for their MCAT exam.
Disclaimer: I do not endorse one test prep company over another; I also do not guarantee that this is a conclusive resource list; there are several other resources out there as well that may or may not have been mentioned in this guide. 
Here’s a quick break down of the exam (table provided by Princeton Review):
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General Tips
Take practice exams! Practice tests are not always a huge indicator to how well you will do on the actual exam but rather a way to familiarize yourself with the exam. Take practice exams like it’s test day. Whatever you do, don’t retake a practice exam. 
Have a study schedule that you will stick to like super Gorilla glue.
Plan on spending about 3-6 months/ one semester to prepare for the MCAT. If you are planning to study for the MCAT while in classes, take a light-weight course load that semester. 
Register early for the MCAT. It’s harder to get spots later on.
Make condensed one-page outlines of what you learn for each chapter.
Practice timing yourself and take your breaks. This is a 7.5 hour exam, you need the stamina and you need the breaks before your brain goes haywire. The test does not have a designated “alarm”. 
Flashcards! *Pile all your flashcards together and shuffle frequently; all information that you learn is connected together.
Make your own mnemonics. 
Think quick; think smart. The MCAT is meant to test you on how well you can think like a doctor. 
The best (and most popular) time to take the MCAT is in late May to early July of your third year. 
Do not cram. 
Do not study one subject at a time.
Don’t leave a question unanswered. 
General Resources 
bolded are my favorite resources
AAMC: your go-to website for MCAT stuff because they write the test
KhanAcademy MCAT: AAMC and KhanAcademy have partnered up to help students with free resources to tackle the MCAT
Princeton Review MCAT study guide
Princeton Review Free Online Practice MCAT
Kaplan: What changed on the test
Kaplan Free Online Practice MCAT
109 Tips & Strategies for the MCAT
ExamCrackers MCAT
StudyGuideZone’s MCAT study guide
Free MCAT study materials
Berkley Review books for MCAT
Kaplan’s MCAT quick sheets
Reddit’s MCAT content review: scroll down and take a look at the “what are the study materials out there” and the “free study materials” sections 
Other References
simplewanderings​​‘s MCAT tag
ephie-ubc-science’s experience with the 2015 MCAT
studycyclops’s 12 week mcat study schedule
premedtomd’s MCAT study schedule
How to Prepare for the MCAT
Reddit MCAT forum
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cat pens - use saturdaystudying 10% off!
the one thing i’m always on the look-out for is black pens tbh. i adore the muji 0.38 ones, but with the shipping cost they’re so expensive and i don’t have one near me. however, as pro-functional as i am, these ones are going to be the next ones i check out (when i get the slightest bit of money *cries*), bECAUSE HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ANYTHING THIS CUTE??? the caps are cats. i am not alright
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6.8.2016 | Wednesday
Didn’t get much done productivity - wise but I GOT SUCH GOOD DEALS SHOPPING HOLY SHIT (plus I made a bomb-ass breakfast).
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Very useful guide to make note-taking more effective
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10th April 2016 // Day 16/100
49 more days to MTL O'levels 😭 Started to make notes for Malay *cues in for the first time in forever. Better late than never 🌼 PS; WILD EP by Troye Sivan is gr8 for studying.
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29|5 it’s basically summer now, how’s excited?!
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Bullet Journal Prompts!
Hey, lovely citizens of tumblr!! It’s 12 am here and I’m still pumped because I drank me some salted caramel coffee (no regrets). I thought it would be super cool to make a masterlist of bullet journal prompts when you wanna spice up your journal, ya know?
So, yeah. I put them in sections so you guys don’t need to be confused about anything +++ I’m a little too obsessed with organizing lists and actually organizing EVERYTHING.
Basic & Essential Pages
Index (a total must have)
Legend or Key
Month At-A-Glance
Year At-A-Glance
Week At-A-Glance
Monthly Full Page Calendars
Goals this year (short & long term)
Important dates
Your personal daily layout (for to-dos and daily reminders)
Month’s title pages
School and Studies
School/Class Schedule
Classes taking with details (Teacher/Professor’s name, room number, subject, # of credits, dates & times you meet)
Grade Tracker (especially great for college students. Just track all your grades for every semester so you don’t have to keep requesting an unofficial transcript)
Reward Page (write down all your rewards for yourself if you get an A, take a test, or even finish your homework. Grab that smoothie girl!!)
Study Motivation page!! (put inspirational & motivational quotes to get you pumped up to rule the world.)
Classes-You-Still-Need-To-Take Checklist (a checklist of the classes you’ve taken and still need to take in order to finish your degree!!
School supplies Checklist (not for the supplies you’re missing but literally a list of supplies you should have and already do have. Think of it like a reference or inventory guide of sorts.)
Assignment Page (write down all your assignments for the month/semester if you’re feeling it. It never hurts to be prepared!!)
Study Websites to remember!!! (and youtube channels)
Checked out library books with due dates
Books I’ve read this year
Upcoming Book Releases
Book-et List (list of ALL the books you want to read)
Books to buy
Reading Challenges
Book quotes page (Don’t forget to label the book so you know where it cam from!!)
Quick Book Review Pages (divide your page into sections- i prefer 3 sections with my graphed Moleskine- and add ratings, reviews, and your thoughts!!!!)
Books I’ve Read in my entire existence
Songs I Want to Listen to
Songs I Need to Download
Completed Playlist/Mixtape Pages
Discovered Songs (i personally like to divide these up by genre)
Songs I Like/Love (also like to do this by genre)
Playlist Ideas (just write down emotions you wanna feel, titles you like, purpose of the playlist, etc.)
Cleaning Calendar or Schedule
Cleaning To-Dos (I like to divide these up from Sunday-Friday and make this page a reference point)
Cleaning Days (Garbage Day, Mopping Day, Laundry Day, Clean the Bathroom Day)
Essential Cleaning Stuff (Laundry soap, bleach, Swiffer wipes, etc. Use it as a reference point to check what you’re missing currently!)
Health & Fitness
Monthly Fitness and Health Goal
Daily Workout Routines
Workout Pages (put for arms, legs, abs, full body, yoga, etc.)
Water Tracker (could be added to your daily layout)
Motivational Fitness Quotes
Healthy Snacks to Eaat List
Healthy Recipes. Yummm yummmm.
Planned Meals Pages (i prefer allotting a page for this and putting the meals of each day on separate post its so I won’t use too many pages on this.)
Films, Movies, Series, and Anime
Movies to Watch (I put these in genres too. Like, 80s, Action, Fantasy, etc.)
Movies I’ve Watched
Film Reviews (same format at the book reviews, but for films and movies)
Series to Watch (which we all know, the list never ends)
Series I Finished
Fandom Page (print out Styles and Lydia making out, I guess. Or or or Regina and Robin Hood *heart eyes emoji 1000003428times*)
Series Tracker (Create consecutive boxes and each box represents an episode. Check off the box once you’re done watching an episode so you know where you’ve left off.)
Anime to Watch
Anime I’ve Watched (god knows i need more than one page for this)
Anime Tracker
Anime Season Lineup Tracker (if you’re really into Anime, you probably check different lineups. I like to put anime in sections like Winter Lineup 2015, Summer 2014, etc.)
Standard Diary Layout
Conversations you’ve overheard
Glue a bunch of receipts/lettters for the month
Poems you like
Reaction & thoughts to poems
Original writing (poetry or prose)
A week of photos (just put pictures with the date and let the photos do the talking)
One Liners (thoughts you suddenly think of that you like, song lyrics that hit your heart, movie lines that are the feels, or book quotes that you really like.)
Art Journal Pages (create a collage, do an entry with a drawing, or even do this art challenge here!!)
Writing Prompt Pages (write down writing prompts and allot some space for you to write when you have nothing to do.)
Wreck This Journal Page (cut out Keri Smith’s 100 journal prompts, put them in an envelope, and stick it in your journal. Gradually do the prompts!)
Cute and Random Pages that Make Me Happy
Gratitude Page
Pen Test Page (it’s just so satisfying)
Goals I’ve Achieved (even the smallest goal like eating a 1 cm piece of onion without puking counts)
Things that Make Me Happy (like the warmth of newly dried clothes)
Bible Verses or Spiritual Book Quotes you like a lot
Cat/Pug/Puppy-Sized-Elephant Page (print and cut out a bunch of pictures of your favorite animal and go crazy.)
Confidence Page (put reassuring words that you tell yourself like “breathe.” “close your eyes and count to 10.” “you are a smart person who is probably just having a bad day. cheer up!)
Ok!! That’s pretty much all that I have. Please remember that these prompts are only ideas and that you can make them however you want! I haven’t even tried some of these and I’m excited o! Also these prompts can be done in ANY page of your bullet journal. They don’t have to be in sections or anything like that. & I hope you guys are enjoying the last few days of holiday break!! And if you’re already in school…. Happy back to school!! You can do this, you smart person you. 
If you guys wanna keep adding feel free to reblog and add on!! 
Happy Bullet Journaling! :)
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i recently started a new bullet journal in april and this time, i bought a squared notebook instead of a ruled notebook like my last one. with that, i ended up with a different type of layout that lots of you guys were asking about hehe. so here’s a post explaining my current 2016 set up!
my bullet journal is a brandless squared journal that i found in a store nearby. it’s similar to the moleskine journals, but the pages are thicker and i haven’t noticed any bleeding that i’ve seen with some moleskines. overall, i’m really quite happy with it because it’s slim and easy to carry around.
i drew a monthly calendar that fit the entire spread instead of the single page calendar that i had before. it’s just a simple calendar with boxes large enough to fit whatever i need. i put things like test dates, important events, appointments, etc. i don’t really have a color scheme or anything for events; i just highlight the important ones that i absolutely cannot forget.
i used a fine sharpie pen (not the permanent marker) to draw the calendar, a black frixion ball slim to write in events so that they were erasable and adjustable, and zebra mildliners to highlight important/must-not-forget stuff.
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i found that it was really hard to schedule things in advance with a bullet journal, and that was one of the only things that really held my bullet journal back. this time, i divided the page up into thirds and pre-wrote the dates for the month. i write my tasks across and down to save space, and i haven’t had any problems with the space being too small. tbh it’s not really like a traditional bullet journal anymore, but i like the aspect of having spaces ahead of time that a planner has.
i also track the hours that i spend doing school assignments / studying to keep myself motivated every day (1 square = 1 hour). i like to keep my streak going and do at least something productive every day, even if it’s only for an hour. sometimes, i’ll forget to keep track though haha
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color scheme
i pick one main color for every month. for example, march was green, april was purple, and may is blue. i use that color to write the title dates and write events on each day and mark off tasks with. it’s just easier to carry around one or two similar colors rather than having six different colors to color-code with. also, i have a tendency to forget color codes easily hahaha.
like i said, i have trouble remembering color codes and keys are no exception. i just simplified the entire key thing down to a few things. x means that the task is done, / means that the task is halfway complete, –> means that the task was moved to the next day, and ⦻ means that the task was cancelled. i don’t fill up the whole box in my bullet journal because it feels awkward to do so (i tend to write small). i just make the tiny mark next to the task.
to be completely honest, i don’t really follow my key. my bullet journal is mainly to help me remember the things that i have to do that day, and sometimes, i won’t even fill out the tasks. so even if a task is done, i’ll forget to cross it off hahahaha. i’m trying to fix that though lololol
i have a page for fitness hours and volunteer hours on the page right after my monthly calendar. i’ll also have general boxes off to the sides of my daily pages for whatever reason there might be. i might also have little doodles and inspirational quotes drawn in the margins as well. i usually don’t really stick washi tape in my bullet journal bc i usually don’t have the time ;; however, i have sticky tabs on each monthly spread so that i can flip easily to it. it also separates out the months. there’s also a little ribbon bookmark in my journal that i place on the current day.
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hope this helped and good luck! if you’d like to request a post, go here and if you’d like to see more helpful posts, go here!! thanks :)
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☆ ☆ Made desktop wallpapers for June!  ☆ ☆
Download for 01. June
Download for 02. June with description 
Like or Reblog if you like it!  
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6.7.2016 | Tuesday
Three interviews, three immediate hirings. We’ll see what happens tomorrow. In the meantime, I’ve been working on my June spread!
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14•4 morning light, time to get down to some reviewing✎
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{05/06/16} - my first proper bujo post (!!!!) and also first time making a spread like that! had a very purple theme for the month of june, hopefully this month will be a good one!! + happy pride month for all my lgbtq people out there, you all the best ^-^ ++ i literally listened to i can feel it by hey violet the entiRE time i was making this pls go have a listen it is Such a jam honestly 
(aLSO the book on the right is sleeping giants by sylvain neuvel, apart from the absolutely BEAUTIFul cover, you guys should check it out!!)
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23.05.16 {35/100 days of productivity} • The stress and sleepless nights due to exams are finally taking their toll as I think I’m getting sick😷 this calls for a hot bubble bath, candles and a good book🛁✨📖
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Happy blackout! 😘
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