imagineasweetdream · 6 years
Holy fuck an actual post
Hey so I know I've basically abandoned this blog. I've thought about it a long time, and I've decided to change direction instead of out right deleting it.
I no longer feel comfortable writing imagines about bands, or real people. It just squicks me out anymore. However, I will not delete what I have already written as I know folks have enjoyed it.
However, I will be switching to only writing fanfiction about fictional characters. In honor of that, I will be opening up requests again!
The series that I can write about include:
Doctor Who
Harry Potter
So please don't be shy about reaching out. I'm going to drop a few fics on here soon to get the ball rolling. Thank you to everyone who has stuck around during this radio silence <3 you the real MVP
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imagineasweetdream · 6 years
Terrible Wedding
Andy Hurley 37 “Wanna dance?”
You were starting to wonder why you even went to the stupid wedding. Who goes to the wedding of their ex? You were really happy for him, and his new beautiful wife, but no matter how past the relationship you were, it still made you feel hollow and sad to watch the newlyweds interact. Had anyone ever looked at you so lovingly? Had you ever felt that comfortable with someone?
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you hardly noticed someone coming to stand next to you.
“So which side are you here for?” asked a very cute, very strong looking man. You recognized him as Andy, who had been roommates with your ex for a brief while years ago. A polite smile crossed your face, but inside you were reeling. He cleaned up real nice, not that you ever thought he was unattractive…But did he not recognize you?
“Ben’s. It feels a little weird to be here, though,” you responded, and Andy looked at you with an inquisitive frown before his eyes widened and he smiled.
“Wait, is it really you, Y/N? I thought I recognized you, but I also thought you moved out west a few years back?” he asked, and you shrugged. You had moved out to California from Chicago for a great job… and then the company shut down, and you came back to your hometown. It ended up working out, because you were incredibly happy with your new job, and being closer to family, but still struggled with feeling out of place after being gone.
“Yeah, I moved back a few months ago. Ben wanted to catch up, introduce me to Stacy… She’s really nice. She’s been pretty kind to me,” you said in response, looking back out on the dance floor. You half expected Andy to just leave, since you were being a terrible conversationalist, but he caught your attention again.
“Yeah, I feel that weirdness. I’m hardly ever back in town anymore, and when I am, it just feels like a fake place. Like, the Chicago I know is there, but it isn’t at the same time. Also, I dated Stacy for a while. I’m thrilled for her, and for Ben, but this is just strange. Why did you come, if I can ask?” he spoke, trying to not seem rude. Once again, you shrugged, feeling weird now that someone else was talking to you about it. At least you weren’t alone in that weirdness. You smiled softly at Andy, who seemed just as out of place as you.
“Well, it’s not like it was a bad breakup or anything… and I don’t really love him like that anymore, so when I got the invite I figured I might as well show up. It would also feel weirder if I didn’t go, because then he could make all kinds of ideas up, like it would be too painful or that I hated him or something. Going was the most neutral route. How about you?” you asked in return.
“Oh, I like weddings to talk to cute single girls,” he said with a wide grin, and after a moment of shock you actually laughed. He joined in, then gently touched your arm.
“Really, it’s about the same reasons you said, but I’m trying to look on the bright side. Wanna dance?” he asked, nodding towards the dance floor while a slower song started to play. Quirking a grin of your own, you took his hand and walked over with him, enjoying the feeling of his hand in yours.
He put his hand on your waist and pulled you in close, and you put your hand on his shoulder, a little better than a middle school dance. He chuckled and spun you in slow circles, and you smiled up at him, only marginally taller than you.
“Okay, confession, I don’t really know how to dance. I just wanted to get closer to you,” he admitted, wrapping his arm a little tighter around you. You pressed against his chest and hummed a thought.
“And why is that, Andy?” you asked quietly.
“Because I had hoped it was you when I saw you from across the reception, Y/N. I thought you were cute back then, but you look even more phenomenal tonight, and I figured I should take the chance if I have it. Do I have a chance?” he responded in just as hushed a tone, his face trying not to look hopeful and failing. In response, you leaned up and kissed the corner of his mouth.
“I think so. What are you doing after this?” you asked, feeling like going to the wedding was worth it when he smiled.
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imagineasweetdream · 6 years
37 Andy Hurley?
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imagineasweetdream · 6 years
Hey... The first one to do it will get the first thing I'll have written in a year
Send me a band member and a number!
“Come over here and make me.”
“Have you lost your damn mind!?”
“Please, don’t leave.”
“Do you…well…I mean…I could give you a massage?”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
“I almost lost you.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Don’t you ever do that again!”
“Teach me how to play?”
“Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!”
“I think we need to talk.”
“Kiss me.”
“Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.”
“So, I found this waterfall…”
“It could be worse.”
“Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.”
“The paint’s supposed to go where?”
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
“We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?”
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
“Just once.”
“You’re the only one I trust to do this.”
“I can’t believe you talked me into this.”
“I got you a present.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“Marry me?”
“I thought you were dead.”
“It’s not what it looks like…”
“You lied to me.”
“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
“Please don’t do this.”
“If you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed.”
“You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
“I wish I could hate you.”
“Wanna dance?”
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
“Hey! I was gonna eat that!”
“Have I entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?”
“You did all of this for me?”
“I swear it was an accident.”
“If you die, I’m gonna kill you.”
“Tell me a secret.”
“Hey, have you seen the..? Oh.”
“No one needs to know.”
“Well this is awkward…”
Writer’s preference
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imagineasweetdream · 8 years
Ok so.... I don’t think Im gonna do Freshman Screwup again... not for a long while. But I may have started writing a new thing with MCR so yay?
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imagineasweetdream · 8 years
I fucked up and will fix chapter 18 tomorrow
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imagineasweetdream · 8 years
CHAPTER 18 WAS WOWEE. I have your blog on notifications and seeing you post made my bad night a little better.
I am happy to make you happy boo
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imagineasweetdream · 8 years
Freshman Screwup 18
The first guy to come up was Patrick. I noticed his distinct look of relief when he saw Pete and I not frigidly staring at each other. That look was then replaced with wary curiosity. I sat up and scooted off the hood of my car. Patrick wasn't entirely expecting a tight hug from a running pace, but he managed to catch me anyways. I pressed my lips to his cheek and pulled back slightly, giving him a bright grin. It was like a stone had been lifed off my chest and I felt free to breathe again. He gave me an odd smile but returned the kiss on my cheek, but Joe and Andy arrived before he could say anything.
We quickly piled in my car, with Patrick taking the passenger seat and Pete stuck between Joe and Andy. Thankfully the pizza place was really close to campus, so they weren't cramped together for too long. We all squeezed into a booth together, with me between Pete and Patrick with Joe and Andy across the table. Andy and I decided to split a vegan pizza while the other boys ordered their own. 
"Okay, I'll go ahead and say it, thank God that weird fight you guys were having is over," Joe said after the waitress left, making me flush a bit with embarrassment. Pete and I shared a look before subtling shrugging at each other.
"Wasn't so much a fight as just weirdness. But yeah, we're cool," I mumbled, folding and unfolding my napkin in my lap. Patrick reached under the table and took my hand, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb. I gave him a smile of thanks.
"Oh no, did I make it weird now? I don't want to be shunned!" Joe gasped dramatically, making me chuckle when Andy nudged him in the ribs and rolled his eyes.
"Nah, we'll just shun you because your jokes are bad. Besides, no one was shunned. Some people are just hermits. Some two people who will remain nameless," he quipped, but gave me a wink so I would know he wasn't actually mad at me. Wait, two people?
I looked at Pete to see he had the same look of discomfort on his face, but it quickly washed into a goofy grin as he launched into a story about some crazy pillow fort maze he built in his room, and the terrible consequences thereof. Mainly, getting lost in his own fort in the morning. 
I zoned out of the conversation, leaning back and just enjoying being around my friends again without the weirdness. Everyone's voices became vague buzzing around me and I let my eyes close as I relaxed. Patrick was warm against my one side, and Pete against my other. It had been a long while since I was so cozy around other people, and being so full after all the pizza we ate added to the feeling. 
"Hey sleepy head! Drivers aren't allowed to doze off!" Pete teased with a nudge to my ribs. I nudged him back and shook my head.
"Yeah, well nudgers have to walk back," I countered. I hadn't even meant to fall asleep, but I guess I had taken a little nap since the pizza had been cleared away and everyone was looking at me with amusement. I flushed but Andy continued the conversation as if I had never slept. I was always thankful for how Andy was able to redirect any unwanted attention without making a big deal about it.
Eventually we went back to campus and everyone piled out of my car. Pete started towards his dorm but slowed when he realized Patrick wasn't following him. I waited for him to make a joke about it, knowing my face was growing steadily red. Instead, Pete just gave me a wink and walked off whistling while Andy and Joe went off on their own towards the library. I looked at Patrick and grinned. He gave me the same smile and took my hand before we headed off towards my dorm.
We were both shy as my door closed behind us, and I tried to cover it up by suggesting a movie like I hadn't suggested anything physical earlier. I pulled out a much loved copy of Pulp Fiction and put it on before snuggling next to Patrick on my bed. He put an arm around me and we both started to relax, even though my heart was still beating hard.
We had hardly gotten past the Royale with cheese discussion before Patrick and I were kissing again, picking back up our earlier rhythm and energy nearly instantly. Our jackets fell to the floor and our shirts fell away in similar unnoticed fashion. I loved the way his hands felt more sure against the skin of my chest and stomach. I could feel my skin shiver as his nails scratched lightly over my hips and across the top of my jeans and panties. I returned the favor by just barely dipping my fingers into his waistband, and was blessed with a harsh gasp against my mouth.
I bucked my hips and growled while I flipped both of us over and pinned him down. I surprised myself and him with the sudden move, but from my position straddling Patrick, I could tell he enjoyed it. I kissed him harder while my hands fumbled trying to yank his pants down. With his help, we managed to get them down enough for him to kick them off and I followed suit. Only two layers of thin cotton separated us and it felt so hot between my legs.
"Dev," Patrick panted when I started to move my hips against him, and I grinned at how much he was reacting. It was so interesting to watch his face look almost pained while his hands gripped my hips and he panted and gasped. I never wanted to stop moving, it felt so good. But he could only handle so much teasing before he grabbed me and tossed me back down on my bed. My heart flipped at the sudden move and I understood his excitement as I could almost feel myself getting wetter from the motion. 
His thighs pressed my legs up and his hands spread over my thighs. I missed the friction and contact, but this new sensation was agonizingly sweet. His fingers teased against the edges of my panties between my thighs and I bit my lip to keep from moaning to loudly, though it didn't really help. Patrick's eyes snapped up to mine and he kept the eye contact up while his fingers moved inward, touching an even more sensitive area through the thin cotton fabric before moving my underwear down my legs. He returned his attention to the apex of my thighs and I began squirming at his touch. 
Everything just felt like so much. My body was tingling from his touches, concentrated in my core and going outward to the tips of my curling toes. Patrick watched me writhe with fascination while I bit the back of my knuckles to try to limit my noises. I had no idea I was so loud. I tried to reach towards Patrick to return the favor, but he swatted away my hands easily.  He gave me a beautiful smirk and pulled his hands away, leaving me whining.
He quickly silenced my pouting with a kiss, his tongue brushing against my lips while I moaned against him. He adjusted to rub his hips against mine, and his dick managed to escape the confines of his boxers. His skin was like hot velvet against my entrance and both of us moaned at the close contact. He let me slide down his boxers and I looked him in the eyes while I guided him inside me. 
The sensation was so incredibly hot and filling and overwhelming that I nearly blacked out for a moment. Neither of us moved as we got used to the sensation, though after a few moments I started to adjust my hips and lifted them towards Patrick. He was everything in that moment. I could smell the sweetness of his body wash, still faintly on his skin. His skin was growing slick with sweat and I loved it. I loved how he slowly started to move and I could feel every single twitch and throb, every inch of his skin against mine. The heat was building and it was all I could to do to try to rise to meet him. I scratched down his back and clawed at the sheets, I wrapped my legs around his hips. Anything to be closer and closer to Patrick.
He was growing just as needy as me, desperately thrusting into me and wrapping his arms around me as much as possible. His breath was panted against my neck, and there was a pressure building with each little moan and gasp from Patrick. His breathing my name was my undoing, and my words were unintelligible as my world started to spin and black out. Everything was pleasure, every little sensation made it better or worse or whichever it was. I could think of nothing but the blood pulsing in my veins and Patrick still slamming into me, making my pleasure continue rolling as he frantically whispered that he was going to come.
I came a second time as he did, riding off the tail end of the first. I couldn't help it with his frantic twitching and my chanted name on my sensitive neck and it just felt so amazing. We laid together, him still inside me, for a long while. I liked feeling his little twitches as he calmed down, and ran my fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead. My body was starting to feel sore, but I didn't care. 
It wasn't until I could hear the movie start to cycle through the menu on repeat that I realized I was actually really cold, so Patrick and I readjusted and got underneath the covers. We hadn't spoken during our snuggle, but when I curled up around him I could hear and feel his breathed words against the top of my head.
"I love you."
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imagineasweetdream · 8 years
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imagineasweetdream · 8 years
Chapter 18 😏😏
In the new year dearest
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imagineasweetdream · 8 years
Freshman Screwup 17
The first guy to come up was Patrick. I noticed his distinct look of relief when he saw Pete and I not frigidly staring at each other. That look was then replaced with wary curiosity. I sat up and scooted off the hood of my car. Patrick wasn't entirely expecting a tight hug from a running pace, but he managed to catch me anyways. I pressed my lips to his cheek and pulled back slightly, giving him a bright grin. It was like a stone had been lifted off my chest and I felt free to breathe again. He gave me an odd smile but returned the kiss on my cheek, but Joe and Andy arrived before he could say anything.
We quickly piled in my car, with Patrick taking the passenger seat and Pete stuck between Joe and Andy. Thankfully the pizza place was really close to campus, so they weren't cramped together for too long. We all squeezed into a booth together, with me between Pete and Patrick with Joe and Andy across the table. Andy and I decided to split a vegan pizza while the other boys ordered their own.
"Okay, I'll go ahead and say it, thank God that weird fight you guys were having is over," Joe said after the waitress left, making me flush a bit with embarassment. Pete and I shared a look before subtling shrugging at each other.
"Wasn't so much a fight as just weirdness. But yeah, we're cool," I mumbled, folding and unfolding my napkin in my lap. Patrick reached under the table and took my hand, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb. I gave him a smile of thanks.
"Oh no, did I make it weird now? I don't want to be shunned!" Joe gasped dramatically, making me chuckle when Andy nudged him in the ribs and rolled his eyes.
"Nah, we'll just shun you because your jokes are bad. Besides, no one was shunned. Some people are just hermits. Some two people who will remain nameless," he quipped, but gave me a wink so I would know he wasn't actually mad at me. Wait, two people?
I looked at Pete to see he had the same look of discomfort on his face, but it quickly washed into a goofy grin as he launched into a story about some crazy pillow fort maze he built in his room, and the terrible consequences thereof. Mainly, getting lost in his own fort in the morning.
I zoned out of the conversation, leaning back and just enjoying being around my friends again without the weirdness.  It felt nice to just be in the moment. Laughing came easy, and I leaned into Patrick with a smile on my face. Happy was new.
It was long after we had finished out pizzas that we finally left, cleaning up our mess before we did. The waitress gave us a grateful smile as we passed her, to which Pete responded with a wink. I laughed at the sight of him trying to flirt, but to my surprise she blushed and looked away with a smile. I nudged Pete in the ribs with a childish grin, making him tussle my hair in return.
After I dropped everyone off back on campus, we all went our separate ways. Andy wanted to go work out after his pizza binge, Joe had a meetup with another band he was working with, and Pete wanted to go play video games, leaving Patrick and I alone.
I looked up at him shyly, remembering that morning. Patrick seemed a little bit distant, and I frowned.
“What’s up, Patrick?” I asked, taking a hold of his hands. He squeezed them in return and tried to smile back, but it faltered and stung me with his change in attitude. I pulled back and wrapped my arms around myself, feeling my heart close off from the distance he was giving me.
“Well, have fun with Pete. I’ll head back now,” I said when he didn’t respond to my question. He flinched slightly and shrugged. I stared at him a moment longer before taking a step back, finding his silence as bad as a slap to the face.
“Wait, Devon, I’m being dumb. I guess I’m just feeling weirded out about Pete. He… he told me that he kissed you and why things got weird. But you made it pretty clear you weren’t interested in him, so I didn’t really think about it, but today you guys were all cuddly and with inside jokes again and it just felt like maybe you should be with him instead,” Patrick ranted as I was about to walk off.
I froze, confused but not entirely surprised. Pete and I had always had a very close friendship, but…
“I don’t like Pete that way. It’s weird to even think about. When he kissed me, it was like kissing my non-existent brother. Just, ew. Remember the part where I ran away? Both times he tried? That was for a reason,” I explained, making a face of disgusted at the thought of kissing Pete ever again. It felt entirely wrong. Patrick closed his eyes and heaved a great sigh before giving me a sheepish smile.
“I’m sorry, I have been a right ass, huh? I didn’t really know what to do. I haven’t really felt jealous before, but you are really pretty and funny and smart and so is Pete and I’m just weird and chubby,” he started to rant, but I kissed him to cut him off. It wasn’t as passionate as the ones we shared that morning, but it was still full of emotion.
Eventually he pulled away with a goofy smile.
“I happen to think you are pretty and funny and smart, Mister Stump. And I want to keep kissing you for a long time, but especially tonight. So are you still staying with me?” I asked, nodding my head back to my dorm. His face turned pink and he nodded, though he  looked a little unsure.
“Even though I was a bit of a butt tonight?” he asked, and I smirked.
“Yeah, but you’re my butt,” I teased before leading him away.
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imagineasweetdream · 8 years
CHAPTER 17?!;!($?&:&(8:&?!?!?
Soon my child
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imagineasweetdream · 9 years
Freshman Screwup 16
I followed Patrick and Pete down from my room to the entranceway to the dorms where Joe and Andy were standing around. I could tell from the way their eyes widened that I was not an anticipated addition, but Andy gave me a kind smile and Joe a bright grin so I felt reassured that I wasn't unwanted. Patrick laced his fingers between mine and we set out into the chilly air of October as we walked across the campus. The boys talked among themselves about the things they were working on with the music, but the conversation was a little over my head.
Still, it was nice to listen to them and to feel surrounded by my friends. Andy started to joke with me as we walked towards the chapel, where all the music students practiced. Soon we were exchanging recipe ideas for vegan cooking and how to deal with not eating meat for Thanksgiving. I was relieved when we entered into the chapel and out of the chill, but our conversation had me thinking about the holiday that was only weeks away and I still had no plans for the break. I was sure my mother wanted to see me but it would be difficult to make it back down south.
I was roused from my thoughts by the guys unlocking their room and setting up their instruments. I decided to slouch on the floor and lean against the wall. I listened to the tuning of instruments and Patrick warming up. It was a little chaotic but I enjoyed it when Pete grinned in a goofy way and played a sped up riff from Blink and Joe challenged him to a metal contest while Patrick struggled to tune his guitar without laughing.
It felt really good to watch their antics and I smiled warmly at my boys while they became more serious and started to play something I had never heard before, thrashing around and generally having fun. The music they were playing was loud and fast and full of energy. I absolutely loved it and knew I was instantly their number one fan. My feet tapped to the quick beat and I nodded my head in time, smiling when I saw Patrick grinning brightly as he sang.
I hardly even noticed that a couple of hours had gone by before they finally seemed to tire out. Pete sprawled out on the floor and Patrick guzzled water. Joe cracked his knuckles and sat down, and Andy laid over his drumset. They were all drenched in sweat from their practice. I hopped up and walked over to Patrick, who was smiling expectantly. I pecked his check and he wrapped me in a big hug, making me gag and jokingly push him away since he was so sweaty. He gave me a shit-eating grin and I shoved his shoulder.
"So, what did you think, Dev?" Patrick asked, so I gushed about how enthused I was about the music. His eyes shone brightly and Joe and Andy high-fived. When I mentioned that the lyrics were really interesting, Patrick flushed and Pete seemed to freeze from his position on the floor.
"Actually, Pete mostly wrote the lyrics. Had to beg me to sing it, but he said I do it better," Patrick explained, and I looked at my old best friend while his hid his face under his arm, ignoring that we were talking about.
"I really liked it, Pete," I said, aware that this was the first I had spoken to him in a long while. Actually, I wasn't sure the last time we had actually spoken so directly. Usually he directed his statements more at Patrick, or Andy or Joe, and I responded in kind. I could see Patrick's brows raise and the small, hopeful look my other three friends shared as I turned my attention to Pete, peeking out from under his arm. 
"Really?" he asked, mumbling a little like he did when we were kids. I gave him an indulgent smile and nodded.
"Really. You have a really good flow for pacing. Patrick's voice is amazing, but you gotta have a good base to start," I said, well aware of my unintentional pun and glad to see his lips quirk into an actual smile, something I hadn't seen in a long while. He turned and sat up, looking a little sheepish as he did.
"Well, thanks," he quipped, making me smile in return. The tension in the air seemed to dissipate and I felt a small amount of relief flood my system as the awkwardness between us started to ease. There was a moment of silence before one of the boy's stomach made a loud noise of hunger, and I laughed.
"Hey, how about we pile up and go grab pizza?" I asked with whoops of approval in return. I giggled, startling myself with the girly sound I thought I had forgotten, and led the way out to the dorms. "But first, you all need to shower. You reek."
It was nearly a half hour later that I was waiting out by my car, enjoying the brisk air. We had agreed to meet at my car to go out to eat, but I knew it would still be some time before the boys for ready. I was content to bask in the sunset and the chilly beginnings of night. I took a few deep breaths and watched the fog that it created with a small smile. 
"Hey there," Pete called out, distracting me from my distant thoughts. He leaned against the hood beside me, and the awkwardness from before was present again.
"So I'll just get on with it-- I've been a massive ass and a terrible friend, and if you wanna punch me that's alright," he said, launching into a direct conversation with no preamble. I stared at him with wide eyes, surprised that he was apologizing and being so open.
"I don't--" I started, but he continued again as if I hadn't spoken. He was looking ahead at the dorms, clearly uncomfortable and in a rush.
"I just didn't really know how to handle anything. I never thought I would see you again, and it just reminded me of all the weird crush feelings I had when we were younger, and I thought if I liked you, if we dated, maybe I would be as happy as I was as a kid instead of how fucked up I am as an adult. Which is really stupid, and I didn't even consider if you would feel the same. And I went about that in a really terrible way and made you feel uncomfortable which is the last thing I ever wanted to do. 
“I don't even have a good excuse for ignoring you after that, but it was just easy because you kept slipping away more and more and I know that was my fault, but I just felt it would be easier if I didn't have to deal with those weird feelings and it was really selfish of me. And when Patrick said you and him were starting to date it just set me off again because I am just a really fucking selfish and terrible person. I wanted to have him be my friend, not yours, which is stupid and mean and good god I am cruel. I don't expect any forgiveness from you, but just know that I have pulled my head out of my ass, not without help, and that I am incredibly sorry."
There was a long, strained moment of silence after I listened to what Pete needed to get off his chest. His face was strained, and his eyes were rimmed with tears he was fighting not to shed. It felt like all the air had left my lungs and I had no words to respond. He had been cruel and mean without good reason, but I still wanted to reassure him that he was still good and funny and had a terrible lapse but would get through it. 
I leaned over and rested my head on his shoulder, and felt him tense up more than before. 
"This doesn't mean what you did was okay, or that I can forgive you just yet. But..." I said, drawing in a big shaky breathe while he ceased breathing. "Soon. I missed my friend."
His breath came out in a great whoosh and I felt him relax instantly. His head came to rest on top of mine and we stared at the setting sun in a much more relaxed state. Things weren't fully healed, not yet. But it was a good start.
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imagineasweetdream · 9 years
im so stumped (pun intended) on what to do with pete in freshman screwup bc i felt like i dug him in a hole but he isnt a terrible person and i think this next chapter will explore that a lil more hopefully but ughhhh
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imagineasweetdream · 9 years
Oh god, that last chapter made me so sexually frustrated! Fucking Pete amirite?!
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imagineasweetdream · 9 years
Freshman Screwup 15
It seemed like only a few moments before I opened my eyes again. My room was bright from the sun and Patrick had me wrapped up in his arms tight. I could hear his soft snoring and felt his breathing in rhythm against my neck. I couldn't hold back a grin and laced my fingers with his to hold his arms against me. Patrick shifted slightly, and his nose nuzzled my shoulder. My eyes drifted shut again, but I stayed awake as I listened to Patrick's snores and the distant sounds of people in the hall and out on the grounds. 
Waking up in such a way was so pleasant. However, there was a rather urgent message coming from my bladder that urged me into easing out of Patrick's embrace and towards the bathroom. He rolled over with a sigh and tugged the blanket closer around him, allowing me to breath a sigh in relief and make my way out. A few minutes later I returned, feeling a little fresher, and found Patrick sitting up awkwardly on the edge of the bed.
I felt fairly awkward about all my emotional displays the night before, so I gave a grimacing smile and plopped down next to him. He returned my look with an awkward and nervous twitch of a grin, and I let out a whoosh of air.
"Thank you," I said, and he looked at me like I was crazy.
"Why? I'd be happy to stay over anytime," he promised, and I shrugged and shook my head.
"I shouldn't take up too much of your time. I'm sure Pete is already worried as hell about where you are," I said, trying to force back my own feelings again. I'd had my time, it was going to be fine. I could wait for another free moment. But Patrick saw right through me and frowned, giving a huff of frustration. He took a gentle hold of my chin and turned my face so I looked at him. His green eyes were so intense as he stared me down that I forgot to breathe for a moment.
"Don't do that. I care too much about you for you to think about putting yourself aside. I know I've been bad about keeping up with everything, but I'll change things around. And you really need to stop skipping meals again, okay? I need you to take care of yourself," he lectured and I nodded sheepishly. He kissed my forehead and I smiled a little.
"Hey, hang out with us today. Yeah, we will probably be jamming but you can be there, at least. I like to see your face, you know," he joked, nudging me with his shoulder. I smiled a little more wide and he laughed cheerfully. 
"Alright, alright. You win," I relented. Patrick quickly kissed my lips and I gasped, always surprised by his affectionate displays. He did it again, and again, and soon we were laying back on the bed, embracing and kissing until I was breathless. Patrick's fingers crept along my waist, making me shudder from the sensation. 
Feeling my reaction caused Patrick to grin against my lips, so I nipped him lightly, making him give a light groan. It started to become a battle of who could turn who on more, and though Patrick's reaction was a tad more obvious, I felt that I was the one really losing. His soft touches lit my nerves on fire and I found myself craving a little more bravery as he explored my ribcage and hips, wishing he could touch in more scandalous places.
I decided to take the chance myself. I lightly raked my nails down his back and over his hips, before stroking down the tops of his thighs. Patrick shuddered violently and kissed me harder, so I continued by tracing patterns down the inside of his thighs, where his pajama pants failed to hide anything. Actually, I realized with a start, Patrick was just in his boxers. He must have kicked off his jeans sometime during the night. 
I was completely embarrassed but Patrick didn't seem to notice as I started to let my fingers drift up the leg holes, touching more of his bare skin. I could feel his coarse but light hair, and an incredible amount of heat from his thighs. I inched further up, and Patrick made a strangled noise and his hands clamped down on my wrists. I froze, embarrassed and guilty, and he just laughed nervously.
"Sorry, you just don't know what you're doing to me," he gasped out, and panted lightly from some sort of exertion. I tried to ignore the racing of my heart from the grip of his hands on my wrists, pinning me down on my bed. I found it exciting and blushed furiously. Especially when he kissed my neck and shoulder, drawing a startled moan from my lips. 
Patrick looked at me curiously, a smirk slowly growing on his face. He kissed my cheek, my jaw, my neck. He gently bit my neck, making me arch slightly against him. He continued his attention to my neck, biting and licking and sucking so lightly, even worse with how sensitive my skin was. I was making sounds I never knew I could make.
His hands came up to gently touch along the underside of my breasts, and I tried to arch into his hands. He complied with my unspoken wishes, and moved his hands up to cup me completely. His breathing hitched at the same time as mine and I struggled to find something to do to ease the growing tension within me.  I tugged at Patrick's shirt, and he scrambled to pull it off, and I found myself pulling off my own. 
His hands were so warm against my body. His lips found mine again and I sighed into them. His fingers traced my ribs, a little too obvious after my bouts with no appetite, but he never made a complaint. Instead, he sighed against my neck and shuddered as I trailed light touches down his spine. He hesitantly brushed the underside of my bra, making me jerk into his touch. I loved how trembling his touch was, so wary and concerned. It made me feel so precious. My fingers traced patterns over his chest and back, enjoying how incredibly warm his skin was. His lips trailed away from neck and down to the tops of my breasts. I hadn't realized how sensitive that skin was, and made an almost startled sound at the feeling of his soft lips and warm breath. He slowly pulled down my bra, giving me every opportunity to stop him as he did. He was growing more confident and I was growing more aroused. I wrapped my legs around his hips and nearly pulled him completely down on top of me, but he reached out an arm to catch himself, pulling away with a nervous chuckle.
His lips were red and swollen, with a twinkle in his eye and a grin lighting up his face. I'm sure I looked similar, with tousled hair and a still heaving chest. The moment of passion had dulled, but there was still a lot of sexual tension in the room as we stared at each other. It was faster than we had really gone before, but it felt so wonderful that I didn't want it to end. My legs were still around him, and I adjusted my hips against his purposefully, feeling a certain sensitive area against my own. 
His eyes darkened and I watched his muscles tense as I did, his own eyes watching me with fascination and curiosity. As I continued to move, he stayed frozen until I leaned up to kiss him again. I pushed more and moved until I had pushed him down and was sitting on his lap, Patrick's hands on my hips. 
Hardly thinking, I half stood and shimmied my way out of my pajama bottoms, so we were both just in our underwear. Then, I unclasped my bra and tossed it aside, leaving myself more bare before him than I had been before anyone else. His eyes widened as he took in my form, eyes glazed with desire and he stared at my bare skin. 
I was starting to feel uncomfortable with only his eyes on me, so I leaned down and kissed him. Patrick sat up slowly, keeping me in his lap and scooting to lean against the wall. He kissed me deeply, his tongue flicking against my lips, and his hands explored the now exposed parts of me. He touched my thighs lightly, leaving trails of goosebumps as he went. I pressed closer, feeling like even the fabric of my underwear was wearing too much. Gently, he tangled his fingers in my hair and pulled my head back, making me lean back while his arms supported me. I ran my nailed through his hair and embraced his head while he dipped down to kiss my chest, continuing from earlier.
  My hips bucked as he ran a tongue over my nipple, leaving me shuddering and sighing. He did it again, and I bucked again. I knew I was a writhing mess in his arms, but I didn't care. My body felt like it was on fire with every soft touch, with his wet tongue caressing me and his strong arms supporting me. I felt like I couldn't get enough friction between my legs, even as I wiggled in his lap for more. I could feel him twitch and nearly growled with frustration. 
Quickly, I found myself on my back as Patrick became more aggressive, pinning me down on my bed while his mouth continued on my chest. The change in position kept me from being able to rub against him, and I tried to wiggle down but his hand held my hip tightly, preventing me from moving. That was when I noticed his tremors, and realized how much he was restraining himself. It was sweet but I was very hot and bothered, lending to my frustration.
"You're going to fast. I want to try more first," he mumbled against my chest, and I begrudgingly allowed him to continue with just flipping him over. I was rewarded for my near-patience when the hand that gripped my hip moved down to my inner thigh. His touch was tantalizingly close when a sudden loud pounding on the door startled us both violently.
We leapt away from each other, both bright red, as Pete's shouting came through the door.
"Hey Patrick, band practice today! Wrap it up and let's go!" he yelled, making Patrick groan loudly and curse under his breath at his amazing timing. All the tension I had felt earlier instantly vanished and left me feeling cold and underwhelmed. Instead of hot and bothered, I was now just sticky and unfulfilled. I quickly grabbed my shirt and slipped into it before looking for my pants, not even bothering with a bra. Patrick had pulled his jeans up to his hips but hadn't bothered to button them yet, not with a rather large problem in the way.
His eyes met mine and I gave him a grimacing smile while he frowned, and he quickly pulled my face to his to kiss me hard on the lips. His tongue brushed against mine and I moaned in surprise at the heated kiss, finding all those feelings from before Pete's interruption rushing back. My legs spread unconsciously and I clutched the edge of his jeans, yanking him forward from where I sat on the bed as he stood over me. He broke the kiss as he stumbled forward, and I kissed his stomach as I pulled him close to me, from his belly button down and over his hips, letting my fingers dip into the waistband of his boxers while his breathing hitched.
But then Pete banged on the door again, and even tried the knob. I was never so grateful that I had a habit of locking the door as Patrick leaped back at the sound. I raised a brow at him, feeling a bit sultry still, as he gave me a pained but still lustful look and yanked on his shirt. I reclined back in my bed and threw the blanket over my legs as he adjusted and buttoned his pants. He gave me a look and at my nod opened the door to see Pete's shit-eating grin.
"Oh, was I interrupting something, lovebirds? So sorry," he asked, hardly restraining his laughter as he took in our ruffled appearances.  But with his wide grin, it was clear he wasn't sorry at all. I glared at him in annoyance, letting out a huff of air while he patted Patrick roughly on the back. Patrick rolled his eyes and sat next to me, kissing my check.
"You're free to come with, you know," he said while Pete's grin lessened, but I just shrugged. 
"Well, that requires putting on pants..." I said, enjoying the widening of both their eyes at my bold admittance that I was, in fact, pantsless. "But sure, why not?" 
With a pointed look at Pete, who made no effort to leave so I could slip something on, I sighed and flipped of the blanket and revealed my bare legs, grumbling about rude assholes while I pushed passed Pete to my closet, grabbed a pair of jeans off the shelf, and pulled them on in a matter of seconds. I pulled on a hoodie and hat to cover my bedhead, and gave both Pete and Patrick a tight grin after putting on my shoes.
"Alright, let me see what you've been doing," I said and stepped into the hall, even more annoyed with Pete than before. Patrick was still adorably pink, so I kissed his lips a little longer than usual, subtly licking them before pulling away to see Pete even more annoyed and Patrick flustered. As I moved I leaned closer to his ear to whisper a quiet message.
"Stay again tonight."
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imagineasweetdream · 9 years
i cry
Why cry child
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