Final Art Project
Sketch / lineart
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2. Colors / shading (I thought I took a screenshot of the flat colors without any shading, but I couldn't find it anywhere.)
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3. Background / final piece
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Virtual Sketchbook #4
How did Jackson Pollock go from studying with Thomas Hart Benton and using abstract imagery in his paintings to removing all imagery in his famous “drip” paintings? 
From what I understand, Pollock was initially influenced by Benton's styles and narratively-driven paintings, but gradually made a shift towards abstraction. He wanted to delve deeper into the nature of painting, exploring how "pure" forms and colors could be used for expression. He seemed to emphasize gestures and the process of creating over any recognizable subject matter in a picture. The development of his "drip" paintings marked a time where Pollock set aside traditional brushwork and preferred splattering and pouring paint directly onto a canvas to create purely original and dynamic compositions. Pollock wanted viewers to engage in the spontaneous and raw nature of his creative process. In my personal opinion, his journey from Benton's styles to the invention of his "drip" paintings represent an exploration of artistic freedom and abstraction.
2. Abstract Artwork :
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Virtual Sketchbook #3
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Qualities :
For this sketchbook assignment, I chose the painting titled "Still Life With Dead Game" by Frans Snyders after 1635. This painting was made with oil on a canvas, and is 66 3/8 x 103 in. (168.6 x 261.6 cm) in size. This picture represents the productivity and prosperity of a hunter, appreciating and showing off the results of his hard work and dedication. The painting's main subject is the plethora of hunted animals laid about on a table, such as deer, rabbits, and a few different species of birds. At a first glance, this image may seem messy and crowded-- maybe even a little bit disorienting, but taking a closer look and knowing what the painting is about can aid in being able to pick everything apart individually. I'm not totally sure how to describe it, but it changes from a jumbled mess of animals to a somewhat unified piece with a very nice array of variety and contrasting figures and shapes to observe. It's always nice to see paintings like this in person, because you're really able to appreciate all of the details and meaningful additions. Besides the hard work and dedication of a hunter, this painting also makes me think about the cruelty of humanity at times and how hunting for survival has turned into a sort of "sport" for people, seeing how many things they can hunt and put them on display to be boastful instead of appreciating the lives given up for them. The lack of initial specification adds an extra layer of thought into the viewing of this painting, being able to see it as necessary to survival or the act of when hunting for survival breaches into sport and boastfulness instead of respecting the animals that are hunted. 
Research :
This painting was created during the Baroque period. Frans Snyders was a Flemish painter who specialized in hunting scenes, animals, markets, and still lifes-- which this painting shows off beautifully. He was born on November 11, 1579, in Antwerp, Belgum, and died on August 19, 1657. This piece is one of the many still lifes Snyders has painted that revolve around hunted game, and represents the passion that he has for this medium. According to the Ringling's E-Museum, this painting depicts a kitchen that is abundant with food in result of prosperity and productivity, which is represented quite well. 
I believe that this painting, along with other still lifes, are important to the world and society for a few specific reasons. The main reason is that these paintings are used to celebrate material wealth, and show off the things that bring people pleasure, like hunting, that may not get as much attention otherwise. These paintings also breathe a new life into what may otherwise just be things like "a bunch of dead animals," or otherwise. They allow us to see a new beauty in these overlooked aspects of life, and appreciate them even more because of it. I believe that's why I chose this painting and took an initial interest in it in the first place, besides by love for animals. When I saw this painting in the museum, I was drawn to it almost immediately, but I didn't totally understand why until I was made to look back at it.
At the time I went, I either didn't realize or I forgot that we were supposed to take a selfie, so I had to take a picture of my receipt instead. I went with my siblings. Also cut out personal information because my class Tumblr is public.
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Comic-Style Cartoon Assignment
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I decided to make my comic something somewhat personal to me but also relatable, as I work but don't get paid very much so it's hard to find things that I can really afford to buy.
Here's some work in progress screenshots -
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Personal Experience + Color Scheme
A personal experience I had with color was a few years back when I had to choose a color for my bedroom walls. I remember I chose this extremely specific hue of yellow because it matched my favorite character at the time (Tails from Sonic...), but as the years passed by I did find out new things about the color I chose. Apparently there were some studies that said the different colors and the saturations + intensities of those said colors effect a person's mood when they stay in a room with those colored walls. Yellow apparently brings out energy and happiness, which I tend to need fairly often.
If I had to choose a color scheme for my life, I would probably choose a palette of different shades of yellow and orange. Orange is my favorite color and I'm usually surrounded by it on the daily, anyway, so I think it would work fine for me.
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Principles of Design
Variety & Unity stand for the use of different visual elements in a work, and the feeling that all of the elements in the picture work together well.
Balance means the equal distribution of visual weight around the work.
Emphasis creates a focal point, while subordination detracts attention from certain areas.
Directional Force is the use of visual elements to create a "path" that your eye will follow when looking at the piece.
Repetition means the repeating of an element, such as a pattern, while Rhythm means to create movement and flow in a piece.
Scale and Proportion mean to play with the sizes of different objects to aid in creating a certain feeling or effect.
An artwork that demonstrates one of these principles is Claude Monet's "Haystack." This piece uses colors and Emphasis to make this front stack of hay the focal point of the piece.
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Photojournalism Discussion Post
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"Photojournalist Shahidul Alam is silenced during a court appearance."
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"A Havana man sitting near the Malecón (4 mile coastal roadway and seawall) lights up a cigarette after losing a game of chess." ____
My favorite example is the first image. It depicts a journalist who was making a court appearance due to an arrest earlier in the month of this image being taken, and his mouth is being forcefully covered by a police officer.
This photograph visually represents the story in a pretty clear way by showing up-close what is happening, and how shocked the journalist is about the current event. It displays the horror of the moment, and portrays how terrifying it must be to be in a situation like this.
The photograph calls for a change in the way authority handles things and projects itself. This photograph calls out the imbalance of power and corruption in the authority, using this example of forceful silencing to aid that message.
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Self-Portrait Assignment
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Perceptual Profile -
I'm currently 18 years old, and I'm a girl. I was born in Florida and have been living in Florida for my entire life up to now. I like to draw and play video games with friends like Monster Hunter, Pokemon, and (recently) Palworld. I'm not a member of any organized group, and I work from home by doing paid commissions and freelance work. I think that elements of my art style and little interests in my life make me unique, since I don't think anyone else would have my exact interests.
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This painting has been hanging in the upstairs hallway of my house for almost as long as I can remember living here. It was painted by my uncle using what I believe are acrylic or oil pants (he never told me.) I find it to be a nice decoration near my little sister's room because she loves the Frozen movie, and I think it's also comforting to me to have some of my uncle's artworks in my home. We have two other paintings of his, but this one stands out to me because of the contrasting colors and shapes, not to mention Olaf in the middle of it. A mix of this and my uncle's background with artistic creativity bring me to appreciate this piece and find it uniquely beautiful in its own right.
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Roy Lichtenstein 1963 Whaam! Oil on canvas; 5’7” x 13’4”
Facts about "Whaam!" and Roy Lichtenstein.
Lichtenstein took watercolor painting classes at Parsons School of Design as a teenager.
Despite being an artist, he also took interest in music and played both piano and clarinet.
Lichtenstein was born and grew up in New York.
"Whaam!" was inspired by an image in the DC comic All American Men of War.
This painting is one of Lichtenstein's more important works, and is one of the most recognized works of pop-art.
On my first glimpse of "Whaam!", I did recognize it as I had seen it before, but I didn't look into it as much as I had to now. The first time I had seen it, I had thought that it was a somewhat modern or more light-hearted parody of old paintings that depicted battles and war. This was before I had done more research and found out that Lichtenstein had done time in the military. After knowing this, I also came to a possible conclusion that the piece was or could have been inspired by his time in the military and experiences there. 
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