iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
some of my new manifesting “techniques” 🦥
now these are just some things that i added to my new routine to help me in my journey that helps ME personally if you like anything i list in the post you are more then welcome to add it to your own routine our switch it up a bit to your liking :) now to the post we go
💟 : manifesting something new each week.
so for this what i am gonna do is target something each week to get by the end of the week (friday) for example. say i wanted to manifest finding 20 dollars on the sidewalk on friday ill assume/affirm, “on friday i will find 20 dollars on the side walk” “on friday when i go outside i will find 20 dollars”. this will help keep manifesting fun and keep it from turning into feeling like a chore & it will boost my faith in the LOA and my faith in my power.
💟: manifesting something labeled “small” for me everyday.
by this i mean something smaller to me, because i know labeling your desires “big” and “small” can be harmful i simply mean things that arent as big, important or exciting as me manifesting my desired face. now for example say for today i wanna manifest seeing a rainbow colored car ill affirm “i just saw a rainbow colored car pass by” , “subconscious i command you to show me a rainbow colored car” etc. this ties in with keeping manifesting fun and also boosting my faith in the law and my own power.
💟: not writing out my desires/affirmations
now not everyone needs to do this as i used to write out my desires and affirmations almost everyone does i just want to stop doing this because i realize how much stress,doubts, and overcomplicating the LOA i do when i do this. instead i’ll simply just write out self concept affirmations and thats it, for any of my desires like df or db ill just affirm i have that when im in the mood to or when i want to saturate my mind OR if i think of it. writing out my desires or affirmations on a list makes it feel like im doing this as a chore or im in a lack of want by writing out everything and opening it everyday to read it. so by not doing this it can help me get into a state or knowing or a state of wish fulfilled easier.
💟: sticking to the basics and only using subliminals, affirmations,sats, and a mental diet.
if you dont know what subliminals are they’re just videos with hidden affirmations with music layered on top so you cant hear them, i only wanna stick with three things affirmations, subliminals and ONE AND ONLY METHOD sats. i want to do this because it keeps manifesting simple and not me doing 293893 methods to “try” and manifest my desires. and by sticking to the basics i mean simply remembering this picture which simplifies manifesting. and lastly a mental diet which is literally just flipping any and every thought u can and making them into thoughts that work in your favor its that simple it can be difficult at first to watch ur thoughts not at all times just when needed and instantly changing an unfavorable thought into a good one can be tricky but all you have to do is persist and you will not regret it
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now here are just some things im gonna be doing to my routine to help me with my journey. these are the things ik will help me stay on track and actually keep me persisting, on track and not giving up until i get what i want. if you like anything i said once again dont be shy to add it to your routine. make your journey fun take care of urself just because you can get anything you want dont stop taking care of urself do ur makeup, even if ur manifesting clear skin do ur skin care BUT only if you want to because it will make you feel good not because you feel like you have to change the 3d. do things that will keep you in a good mood because even tho high vibrations and good moods aren’t needed for the law of assumption its better to have a higher self concept to help you manifest more easy rather then having a low self concept and just make manifesting more difficult for you, so make a routine , go shopping, get that job DO things that will make you feel happy dont do things because you feel like you have the change ur 3d no let your 4d and the law handle that :))
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
restarting my journey 💌
hi so i will be “restarting” my manifesting journey. now it is NOT I EMPATHIZE ON NOT!! needed to restart your journey to get results i’m doing this personally because i over consumed, got way too much information and overcomplicated it and i just want a fresh start. i overcomplicated manifesting to the MAX when id think about how easy it is id have to get an doubt saying “no it cant be this easy” WHEN IT SIMPLY IS, id unconsciously think “where are my desires” or “why am i still short” “did my legs grow” “did i get results” BLAH BLAH which were all basically stopping me from getting results bc i was still wondering where they were and why didn’t i have them. so i will be restarting i wont make a list of affirmations anymore bc i dont want it to be a chore im just gonna make a note of umbrella affirmations and affirm for whatever else i desire when i think of it. I MEAN EVERYTHING say i want wendys randomly im gonna affirm to get wendys or say i lost something and i wanna find it ill simply affirm that i never lost it or that it pops up on my bed. i dont want to overcomplicate it again so thanks to @prettymindset111 for simplifying it. im just gonna assume - affirm - and persist. mindlessly affirming instead of having a list is what i thinks gonna work better for me or saying affirmations that i see on twitter or something rather then writing a long notes list since when i also did that it made me stress and think id have to add every single detail so doing this is also getting rid of doubts that i have to add specific details or it wont work. sooo thats all for this post im probably not gonna be on twitter alot bc i dont want to over consume AGAIN and then think im doing something wrong, im gonna stick with my ONLY 2 rules which are affirming for everything i want mindlessly and simply assume - affirm - persist = results. id any “methods” im gonna use is probably subliminals, sats, and mental diet (flipping any opposing thoughts into ones that work in my favor for example) 💭: i cant manifes- 💭i always manifest everything i want. so THATS FOR REAL all for this post see u guys soon 👀👀💌
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
hello fairy! i have a question for you about affirming that may seem like im overcomplicating it but i just want sure i have this down.
you’ve mentioned that consistency and repetition is key, so i would like to ask you about both of those components to manifestation.
when you say consistency, what do you mean? do you mean sticking to the same rounding or affirming the same amount every single day OR just not giving up your mental diet and affirming because some days, you just don’t want to affirm but you can still keep your good mindset.
repetition is confusing so im going to give you an example. sam is my example. sam wants to manifest 10,000 things all at once so she makes a list of affirmations.
“i already have all my desires”
“manifesting is easy”
“i love my life”
she usually affirms one of the affirmations, but she loves to vaunt and just go on rants about she manifests instantly and how she always manifests in 3 days or less and how creation is finished, but all of those affirmations ARENT part of her affirmations list and she heard repetition is key so now she is worried. she does enjoy repeating one or two affirmations when she has nothing better to do, but she finds it easier to vaunt about 10,000 affirmations when she doubts sometimes. what does sam do? she used to have a horrible self concept, so she feels like she’s always missing a limiting belief BECAUSE she would always find something to critique about herself and/or manifestation. how does she even know what affirmations to pick to combat any and ALL limiting beliefs that may show up so none of them interfere with her manifestations? plus this is how she does her mental diet.
*scene begin*
🤡: you’re never going to manifest what you want
sam: why wouldn’t i?
🤡: because you’re not worthy enough
sam: OFC im worthy and deserving of all my desires and more
🤡: well manifestation is hard and you’ve never manifested anything ever
sam: manifesting is literally so simple and my past doesn’t matter because i currently have what i want now, i always get what i want
*scene over*
but, none of those affirmations that sam used to contradict the clown (aka the doubts) were on her list of affirmations or worded like the ones on her list of affirmations, what does she do?
Lots to unpack. I think you have overcomplicated this to the max. So I’m gonna go piece by piece to simplify this! This is a great ask however and I like that you went in depth because I can work with it more! Some parts might have some tough love but it’s because y’all can do it, if I could do it then so can you!
Consistency and repetition
How do we build habits? How do we memorize things? How do we obtain beliefs? How do we take control? It all comes to consistency and repetition. Being consistent with the law is like anything else in this world, you have to stick with the new story and not look back. You can’t do a mental diet for two days then give up the third day to go back to the old story you don’t want. You have to stick with it. How badly do you want it? I’m guessing you want it for a reason so be consistent and this will build a natural habit of positive thoughts. Repetition is something our subconscious loves. By repeating something it turns into a belief! Let’s use school as an example of this. In school you write notes and study it to take a test. The mitochondria being the power house of the cell is an assumption, you remember that because you were told over and over again that this is a fact. Everything is simply an assumption at its core. This is why we affirm and persist because the subconscious will push it out.
Desires and affirmation lists
If Sam has 10,000 things she desires and uses blanket affirmations they will work. If Sam vaunts from time to time and specifies some of her affirmations they will also work despite not being on her “list”. If it helps Sam to vaunt to overcome doubts then it will work. Sam should not be “looking” for limiting beliefs. Sam should just focus on self concept with blanket affirmations. The brain doesn’t care how you word things because your subconscious is literally you and knows exactly what you mean. There is nothing Sam “has to do” anymore because it is simply thoughts create reality and assumptions govern this world. Sam assuming she is doing something wrong and that she is missing something in order to get her desires she will stay in lack of her desires. ASSUMPTIONS PERSISTED IN HARDEN INTO FACTS, NO MATTER IF IT IS GOOD BAD OR INDIFFERENT THE SUBCONSCIOUS DOES NOT CARE.
Every thought is an affirmation. That’s why we say affirm and persist. It is extremely easy. You assuming your affirmations don’t work will result in you not seeing desired results. The law is working for you at all times and proving to you your assumptions you hold. The dominant story you tell yourself is what your 3d reflects! I have many people asking me similar questions and I think you guys just have to learn yourselves what to do because I have explained time and time again what affirming and persisting is. I have explained how easy and fast it is. I have explained that anything is possible. It all comes down to YOU. I just give out affirmations, vaunts and motivation. I am just a girl running a blog. I can not hold your hands on this journey. I give tools and you have to be the one to do something.
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
48 hour challenge by @zen-shu
i will be starting this challenge tomorrow 7-25-22 and ending it 7-26-22 (as 48 hours is 2 days lol)
what i will be manifesting
my desired body (i workout but thats just to stay in shape for sports i just want my desired body and to maintain it with working out)
being 5’7 (this kinda tags along with my desired body)
my self harm scars being completely vanished to where u cant see them
long 3c curly hair
my desired face ( not much as i actually love how i look just kinda like mindset changes for confidence or femme fatale)
getting the job i applied for
moving to a new house and getting my own room again
rich , loving wealthy family
making my schools volleyball team, being amazing at volleyball
thats it sooo here are the affirmations ill be using
i always manifest within 48 hours or less
no matter what nothing can stop or get in the way of me getting my manifestations in 48 hours or less
all subliminals and affirmations give me my full desired results within 48 hours or less
i have my desired body
i am 5’7
her body looks exactly like mine (ill look at my db pictures)
i have a plump bubble butt
i have small , perky, perfect boobs
all my self harm scars are completely faded to the point they’re nonexistent
my family is rich, supportive, open minded, caring and loving
my family supports the lgbqt community and supports and accepts me for being apart of the lgbqt community
i am extremely athletic
i am amazing at volleyball and my skills are unmatched
i made the varsity schools volleyball team
i am extremely rich
i got my desired job
every job i apply for i get
i have long 3c curly hair
i have long, healthy, beautiful hair
i have perfect straight white teeth
i have my desired face
i am so hot, pretty, and gorgeous
i have a angelic side profile
i look gorgeous from all angeles and in all pictures and videos
i have a small button nose
my parents are moving us into a new big house in the area
my parents got a new big house in the area
i have my own room and bathroom in our new house
affirmations and subliminals and SATS before sleep every night bc i think myself to sleep LMAO so why not use it too my advantage
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
revision 🍓
so if you know what revision is it it basically changing your past or something you didn’t want happening or making something happen.
i will be revising my life to me always having my dream life :), i will be doing this by i scripted out my dream life basically. how my mom is/how old she is, how my dad is and how old he is etc etc, how im rich, my desired appearance JUST MY DESIRES. i scripted it to me already having it and i will be reading it before bed, when i wake up, randomly throughout the day blah blah . and for my affirmations these are the ones i will be using then ones showed in the picture below. im probably gonna delete twitter since ik everything i need to know which is simply mental diet, sats, affirming and persisting literally all i need to know and do. so i’ll probably be back on twitter once my desires have formed into the 3d 🍓
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
❥ I always manifest instantly and effortlessly. Whatever I desire, desires me more. Manifesting never stresses me out — It‘s always fun. I never waver while manifesting because I know that the 3D is only a reflection of my 4D.
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
Confidence Affirmations
I don’t have to live in the end to manifest, all I have to do is want something and it comes to me instantly
I don’t have to live in the end to manifest, I can just affirm once and it comes to me instantly 🖤
I get everything I want BECAUSE I SAID SO 🖤
I manifest in fucking ⚡️⚡️ milliseconds ⚡️⚡️
I already manifested everything I want in milliseconds 😗🖤 What should I manifest next? ✨
I manifest everything I want instantly 💋
I’m just as powerful and fast as the void 🧞‍♀️⚡️
I’m a bad ass bitch 💋💋💋
My mind is SO POWERFUL 💥💥
I get everything I want within seconds 💗 💗 💗
I have my dream life in every single way 💗💭
Why do I always get results in milliseconds ?? 🙄💗
I am literally GOD 🖤
I manifest instantly 🖤
I’ve unlocked my full powers 🖤
I get everything I want without doing ANYTHING 🖤
I am LIMITLESS and beyond powerful 🖤🤍🖤
I love my amazing life 😍🖤
Everything is super easy for me to manifest 🖤
Everything always works out perfectly for me! 🖤
I can’t believe I manifested everything I want in such a short amount of time, it’s unbelievable 🙈💗💗💗
I get insane, dramatic, visible results INSTANTLY from every subliminal I only listen to ONCE! 😻🖤
I get insane, dramatic, visible results INSTANTLY from every affirmation I only say ONCE 😻🪄✨
My life is so wonderful and easy, I affirm once and whatever I want is visible in front of me! 🖤🎁🖤
I’m in complete control of how I look 😻🖤
I can change how I look instantly with just my mind
I’m in complete control of how much money I have
I can receive money instantly with just my mind 🖤
I’m in complete control of my entire life 🖤🎀🖤
Every single part of my body and face is completely under my control and I can instantly change it however I want 🤍 🖤 🤍
Every single part of my entire life is completely under my control and I can instantly change it however I want 🤍 🖤 🤍
I have powers ✨💖✨
I have a powerful mind 💗 💗 💗
I’m so powerful I manifested my dream life and dream look in seconds 🙄🖤💅🏻🖤
My life is perfect ☁️ 🖤 ☁️
I have everything I want 🖤
I always succeed at everything I manifest 😍🖤
I manifest instantly the very first time I affirm 😍🖤
All my thoughts are perfect 😍🖤
The 3D is my bestie 💗🥰💗
She’s constantly refreshing to show me exactly what I want 💋 She always changes for me instantly because I manifest so fking instantly 👯‍♀️💗🪄🪄🖤
I always manifest instantly 🖤
I always go to the void instantly 🖤
I always get results instantly 🖤
I always look like a vampire supermodel 🖤
Even without makeup on I still look like a supermodel
I have the most sculpted, beautiful face in the world
I have the most sculpted, curvy body in the world 💗
I have chiseled abs and a microscopic waist 💗💗💗
I have the most fit and toned body and face in the entire universe 🖤I look like I was sculpted by angels!
Just like Margot Robbie I am a living life sized Barbie
I have the world’s most silky, glossy, thick, luxurious and long voluminous hair like a dark mermaid 🌊🖤
My hair is so perfect, thick, voluminous, luxurious and long it looks like hair extensions 🖤🦋🖤🦋🖤
I have the worlds most flawless, spotless, creamy smooth skin like a dark mermaid 🖤 It glimmers like a pearl and is immune from any damage 🤍🖤🤍
I am the hottest, richest, best version of myself 💸🖤
I’m the most beautiful girl in the entire world, and the world’s most powerful, fast, and sexy manifestor 💋
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
new phone success story🤍🤍
SOOOO I MANIFESTED GETTING AN IPHONE 11 FOR MY BIRTHDAY and heres how i did it @starliet @cleostoohot @halokisses
so basically i did the ROE & 3DOL challenge and i was manifesting getting an iphone 11 as i currently have an iphone 7 and I’ve had it for 3 years now and its def overdue for an upgrade. so since my birthday is soon I affirmed that i would get one for my birthday from my grandparents because thats who i asked, so after affirming for a few days and after asking them the first time i asked again and they said no and they’re giving me 200 dollars instead (extremely grateful) BUT I still wanted that iphone. so instead of spiraling and saying manifesting doesn’t work blah blah i started asked my older sister and then started to affirm that she said yes and i got an iphone 11 for my birthday in purple from her. so after asking her she fted my mom and was talking about it but she still didn’t say yes or no so i kept affirming and once she hung up SHE TEXTED me asking for my number, my provider, our address, zip code,etc etc and she bought it EKKKK. It hopefully will be here on Wednesday or Tuesday but words can’t explain how happy i am THE FIRST DAY I ASKED HER AND AFFIRMED I GOT IT THE NEXT DAY ive never been happier 🤍and im so excited for my new phone to come in 🤍🤍
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
your desired assumptions are naturally stronger than your worries and doubts. they are backed by the desire itself. they are backed by your intention. they are part of you.
on the other hand, the insecurities are coming from fear and fear is just an illusion. fear is simply a lack of boldness. fear is an empty space in your mind that was not claimed by you.
nothing can stop you from getting what has always been yours.
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
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this is kitty. kitty is a marvelous white cat that just discovered manifesting. kitty has deep blue eyes, like the ocean.
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however, kitty’s favorite color isn’t blue; it’s green. kitty has always dreamed about having bright green eyes, a green that reminds her of the leaves on the trees on a hot summer day.
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while reading a manifestation book, kitty discovers what she has to do. she has to live in the end! to live in the end, kitty has to pretend that she already has what she wants. she has to think and act as if she already got her manifestation!
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when she’s awake, kitty thinks of how much she loves her bright green eyes. she thinks of how good her bright green eyes look with her white fur!
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when she plays, she keeps the knowledge of having her new bright green eyes. she knows she already has her beloved green eyes! nothing can tell her otherwise, not even… the mirror!
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when kitty looks at herself in the mirror, she only thinks of herself with her green eyes. she doesn’t acknowledge the reflection of the mirror if that reflection doesn’t resonate with what she wants!
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now, kitty can go to sleep safe and sound, because her heart knows that she has nothing to worry about: the much wanted green eyes are already hers.
and when kitty woke up from her nap…
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…she had green eyes!! kitty couldn’t believe how easy it was for her to manifest green eyes! now she’s even happier and more grateful than before!!
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
Lets talk about emotions
(Disclaimer: Now, everyone has a different perspective on this and this is just mine. I make my own rules and so do you. So feel free to disagree or whatever. )
Living in the end ? That's great! Persisting? Amazing keep doing it! Self concept? Great. Flipping your thoughts when you see something you don't want! Brave!! But restricting yourself to feel negative emotions while something goes wrong ...uhmmm
In my opinion, Yes you are in control of your reality and you can change whatever you want that includes emotions too! However something i do want to emphasize here is letting yourself express your own emotions freely. If you think it doesn't affect your Manifestation it won't affect, everything will work in your favour. flip your thoughts if something opposite happens. however if there is a situation where you feel like you really need to release your emotions, feel free to do so. Emotions won't manifest if you believe so, that's why i think there is nothing weak or bad about letting yourself express your emotions. In fact that's what I believe in too. I believe people who express their emotions freely And stand up on their feet again are the strongest. Its okay to feel sad, it's okay to cry untill you feel calm, it's okay to be excited or have negative emotions. In my opinion self expression without caring about what people say, or society says or what Manifestation community says is really being free and true to yourself. Whatever has happened, i know you can stand up on your own feet again. I know you can do it. I know you can literally be the best version of yourself which you already are. I know your Manifestations are already yours. Just with a sparkle of belief in your god self, i know everything is possible for you and i know you will get what you want, be who you want to be and inspire people around you to be better. As i always say you have the cheatcodes to life and everything can be altered by you. It will happen! Take care of yourself and i love you <3.
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
how to live in the end even with doubts by solar subs ᥫ᭡ ˖ ࣪ ‹ 𖥔 ࣪ ˖🤍
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
i will be doing the 3DOL & ROE challenge again ﹗ ˖ ་ 💭 @starliet @cleostoohot
what im manifesting…
• going from my current height to 5’6 (i don’t know how tall i am LOL)
• my desired face and body (for body i want long smooth legs , smaller boobs, a small upper body, and a thick lower body , a slim pear shape??) for my desired face I don’t want to change drastically since i am quite happy with how i look i just want some changes like .. ( longer lashes, thicker eyebrows, clearer skin, a deep cheek dimple, orange amber eyes, straight teeth, an angel skull, symmetrical face, smaller nose, my desired beauty marks, and freckles)
• my desired hair texture (3c curly hair)
• rich parents/better family life
• 1 million dollars in my bank account (this helps me with not putting logic in my manifestations sooo)
• making my schools varsity volleyball team/being amazing at volleyball
• moving to a new house
• and getting an iphone 11 🤍
i will be using these affirmations as my main ones
* regardless of everything, its a fact everything works out in my favor.
* regardless of everything, its a fact i don’t have to live in the end to manifest, all i have to do is want something and boom I already have it
* regardless of everything all subliminals work instantly for me and always gives me my desired results within 3 days or less
* regardless of everything all manifesting methods work instantly for me
* regardless of everything it is a fact i always get what i want
* regardless of everything its a fact i always manifest within 3 days or less
* regardless of everything its a fact only good things happen to me
* i love myself and my life
* regardless of everything its a fact nothing can ruin my manifestations
* regardless of everything it is a fact that the more i obsess over my desire the faster it comes just as fast at it comes when i detach from it
desired face affirmations:
i have a beautiful face
i am beautiful
i have a perfectly symmetrical face
i have the clearest skin ever
I have one deep cheek dimple on the right side of my face
I have light brown freckles that suit me scattered across my face
i have all my desired facial features
i have the cutest angel skull
i have the prettiest , small, button nose
i have the most genetically perfect side profile, literally nobody can compare
i have beautiful light, amber brown eyes
i have the darkest fluffiest longest , eyelashes and the thickest fullest dark eyebrows
i have the upmost perfect pearly white teeth
regardless of everything i have my desired face
regardless of everything i manifested my desired face in 3 days or less
desired body affirmations:
i have small, lifted , perky breasts
i have small b cup breasts
i have the most perfect boobs ever people get boob jobs to have boobs that look like mine (LOL)
i have a small upper body
i have such a small snatched waist its crazy
i have the flattest stomach in world history
i have the prettiest abs ever
i have the fullest hips
i have a big, plump, heart shaped bubble butt
i have thick thighs
i have a heart shaped thigh gap
i have long smooth legs
i am 5’6
i am 5 feet 6 inches tall
my entire body is free from any scars or marks
all marks and scars are completely and permanently vanished from my body
regardless of everything i have my desired body
regardless of everything it only took 3 days or less for me to manifest my desired body
other affirmations:
I got an iphone 11 in purple or white from my grandparents for my birthday
my grandparents got me an iphone 11 in purple or white for my birthday
my parents are very rich and wealthy
my parents both have high paying jobs and spoils me and my siblings
my dad gives me a weekly allowance of 20 dollars
i have 1 million dollars
its amazing how rich i am
my bank account is flooding with money
i have a healthy relationship with both of my parents
my entire family supports the lgbqt community and supports and accepts me for being apart of it
my entire family is loving, caring and rich
my parents love me and my siblings deeply and only treats us with love, respect and care
my parents bought a new big 2 story house and we are moving in now
i have my own room and bathroom in our new house
i have been playing volleyball since i was 3
i am a pro at all volleyball positions
i made the varsity school’s volleyball team
this is my second time doing this challenge and i am going to officially start tmrw 7/8/22 ending 7/11/22. i am going to do the same routine affirming before bed, randomly, whenever i think about my desires, before bed and listening to my subliminal playlist overnight and thats it! this is how i got results last time by not over complicating it and just applying what i know which is (assumptions create - persist in assumption and it becomes true = showing in the 3d ) boom its that easy ་ ᳝ ◝ 𖥻⏱️ ぃ ˑ
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
you can be sad or angry and still manifest your desires
honor you emotions, let them flow, just feel them and don't suppress them
instead, know that no matter what you feel at the moment, you still manifest everything you desire
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
so! im gonna be revising my life to me always having my desires! because I’m ready to to get me entire dream life :)
things I’m gonna be manifesting
my mom being 35, being a rich photographer, model, and fashion designer
my dad being 37, a rich computer engineer, and a part time fitness teacher
having an iphone 13 in pink
living in a big house with my own room and bathroom and my desired room
being 5’6 with long legs/desired body
my desired face
being rich and wealthy
having 1 million dollars on my debit card
a belly button piercing ( i do not want to go through the pain)
my desired hair texture and length
playing volleyball since i was 3 years old
i will be using affirmations, subliminals (maybe) and doing the SAT method everynight before bed <3 i am gonna use @starliet self concept guide and work on my self concept for aswell
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
my desired appearance in pictures 🤍
face (eyes,lips,teeth,overall face)
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iheartthesmithsblog · 2 years
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★ what does “revamp” mean?
give new and improved form, structure, or appearance; an act of improving the form, structure, or appearance of something.
briefly explained, “revamping” basically means to renovate and build a total different and new life. a life that you absolutely deserve. you’re totally capable of changing everything about yourself and your current circumstances if you want to. there’s nothing that’s going to stop you from doing so. and it’s pretty easy to revamp your life of course!
★ how to revamp your life
revamping your life is easy and simple; all you have to do is change your assumptions about it. you don’t like your current life and think it’s bad? assume that you’re living your best life ever, regardless of circumstances. persist in your assumptions and don’t let bad thoughts take over for no reason; you’re the creator of your reality. if bad and intrusive thoughts still linger in your mind, just don’t give them power. it’s totally ok to feel certain emotions when you manifest, but don’t let them affect your journey. you have full control of yourself.
★ steps to follow
-letting go of the old story. literally burn it, throw it out of a window. imagine yourself defeating your past. i want you to be aggressive and firm. state your new desires. literally assume that you’re living your new life and focus on the present. you can affirm, visualise, script; do anything you want, but you must let go of the past and welcome the present. in the present time you’re living your dream life.
-persist. be dedicated. literally just persist in the process. i will never stress this enough, it’s so important to just persist. what i want you to do is to only focus on yourself and pay no attention to others and to the circumstances. get off tumblr if it’s a distraction, if it makes you over consume. spend that time thinking about your dream life!
★ halo’s personal advice
as always, you’re free to do anything you want because this is your personal journey. do not feel like you have to follow each and every step that i mentioned. create your reality the way you want to. be delusional, watch the process unfold and take it easy. literally just relax. always put yourself on the pedestal and not your desires; you’re the master mind and the master creator of your whole entire life.
this post was inspired by pl6netgirl’s “revamp your whole life” take
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