ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
If any other person had spoken those words there would have been a spark of anger at the audacity, followed by some spattering blood, and perhaps some missing teeth. to try and threaten him, to call HIM a pawn. Using his elbow as support, he leans over her. An odd quirk of the lips that doesn’t quite make itself into a grin, and eyes that glisten with a mixture of spite and excitement.  
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“I’m not just any man.” 
For a brief moment there is an overwhelming urge to make an attempt on her life. Not because he has an overwhelming urge to see her die, but he wants to see what she’ll do. Would she scream, kick, pull out a hidden knife and stab him, or perhaps she would be able to call his bluff. Without hesitation the hand, that had previously been caressing her neck, t i g h t e n s.
She has ALWAYS been a conqueror, && as her red eyes bore up into his own, she watches every movement of his closely. ---- This man was a ticking time bomb, a time bomb she spent far too much time with in the confines of her bed. She was attracted to him, in more ways than one. He was powerful, smart, && a killer. When his hand tightens, she chuckles. She’s going to burn him.
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“And I’m not just any ordinary woman either.”
“You’d be WISE to remember that.” She hisses lowly, more aroused than she is angered by his stupidity. She ignores whatever she’s dealing with, igniting a flame in her hand to burn him. She would not die because he wished to fuck with her. && in response she flips their positions, pinning him beneath her with a WICKED grin on her face. 
“I’m a lot stronger than I look.”
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ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
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He observes as bright orange flames deliberately lick at edges of her fingers tips, and ordinarily anyone would be intimidated, perhaps even a bit frightened by such a mystical phenomenon, but the only expression blanketing THE AGENT OF CHAOS’ features are indifference and perhaps boredom. He releases a sigh of exasperation, and advances toward this woman, this creature or whatever it is with the golden spun hair, his chin tucked downward and half his face hitched upward into a wry grin. “Oooh  trust me  I have plenty up my sleeve. In fact—-” He has spoken much too soon, bites of venom placed behind hushed words and slips a blade tucked precariously inside the cuff of his shirt, and lunges forward with a lowly growl. She might have metaphysical powers, but he is certain she can still bleed and the blade protruding from the underside of her ribcage is proof she can and will bleed out more, if he so desires to TEAR HER APART. “Ahh    so she does    B  L E  E  D. hmm…            Well then.N    o   w.    Why don’t you sit down        and let’s have ourselves                a lil’ CHAT. Yes?”
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( &&. ) when he moves forward, practically lunging at her like a WILD ANIMAL it does not terrify her, she remains calm when he’s suddenly far too close for comfort, and the blade of the knife pressed against her pale flesh amuses her. She has ENDURED worse, she has seen worse, the Joker is merely a joke in her eyes, if not a foolish man adorning makeup to scare children. Yet he would make a vital ally, and this is no position to discuss such things. Instead Irina finds herself staring right up at him with a harsh gaze, ferocity within her own eyes. 
   And she rises from her seat, hand latched onto his which held the knife to her rib cage, she feels the blade further penetrate her skin, crimson staining the white of her dress. 
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   She sneers up at him, eyes wild, “Everyone bleeds, and if you wish to chat you’ll remove the blade from my flesh. Otherwise, things aren’t going to end well for you.” She snaps dangerously. More blood oozes from the wound, but she doesn’t even notice. She may be small, but she’s stronger than she looks. ----- && she shoves him away from her, knife, and all.  
                           “Sit down then, and we’ll talk.”
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ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
I’ll get back on Bruce later, like for a starter?
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ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
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ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
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ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
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ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
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|| “If you spend too much time wondering what you’re going to feel like in year five, you’re not going to feel anything in year one.”
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ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
//Obviously Joker, until he burns her house down making waffles.
and then she sets him on fire for burning down her penthouse. lmao.
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ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
◖ Ideal Partner
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The ideal partner that Irina would be looking for is someone who can kill without flinching, and gets the job done. Someone who is loyal to her cause, && as murderous as she is. She does not know how to accept genuine love, or anything real. She is toxic, and prefers a toxic partner. Someone within Gotham’s crime spree, intelligent, quick witted, etc. 
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ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
Send a symbol to hear my muse talk about their
◌ Mother/Father
⌘ Guardian
▶ Sibling(s)
▣ Relatives
🔲 Best Friend
❥ Crush
◉ Dream(s)
◖ Ideal Partner
¡ Pet Peeves
☰ Occupation
✯ Perfect day
☂ Preferred weather
☢ Personality Flaw(s)
☑ A Favorite (book/movie/song/etc.)
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ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
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The dark knight
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ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
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392 notes · View notes
ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
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ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
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ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
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ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
“Not if I kill you FIRST.” He lightly drags his finger nails down to the nape of her neck. “I could wrap my hand around that pretty little neck of yours and s q u e e z e until your eyes turn red and your lips purple.” He wouldn’t. She was the opposite of boring, and it would be a determinant to his plans, but a tempting thought, after all, he did love the colour purple and she wore it so well.
 “What a tempting thought that is, I’m sure you dream of it nightly, clown.” She muses, smirking at him from where she lay. She chuckles at that, amused by his threats. “You can try, && you will fail. If you desire to know how many men I’ve slaughtered for threatening me, then I could tell you. I am no plaything, you’re just another pawn in my game.” She whispers, lips pressed against the shell of his ear. 
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ignisardor-blog1 · 9 years
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