ickyibaraki · 1 year
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Felix’s goddess tower event gives me butterflies and it’s 1000% because of the way he says lover
*this isn’t an edit or a screenshot, it’s 3d fanart*
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ickyibaraki · 1 year
Nero Claudius Write Up
I’ve gotten head over heels into the Fate series, one of my favorite characters is Nero Claudius. I had to make her my first cosplay in the series. I decided to break down her design into 3 main parts; the bolero, the bodice and the skirt. Here I’ll be going over how I created Nero. If you’re making her as well, hopefully this write up will be helpful to you!
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ickyibaraki · 1 year
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hansel y gretel
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ickyibaraki · 2 years
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ickyibaraki · 2 years
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Radio Eva 10th Anniversary Evangelion Millennials
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ickyibaraki · 2 years
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did Kaeya outfit study/deconstruction and boy was there a lot of puzzling details
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ickyibaraki · 2 years
Hey guys! I'm new to making cosplay and I thought you guys could help me out. I want to make a 2B from Nier cosplay but I'm not really sure what material to use, or how to get the skirt to be as wavy as it is. Any advice? Thanks!
Ooh boy! 2B is a fun one.
Fun fact: I work for Henchmen Studios, and we recently did 2B for Square-Enix’s booth at PAX East. My part was mostly in casting the katana, but I did a teeny bit of consultation for the appliqué and skirt because I have experience with laser cutting and horsehair. 
Extra fun fact: You can infer that anything I’m telling you here is an approach approved by Square-Enix.
Anyway, here’s our girl here:
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Look at that skirt! Gil (@gillykins) and Kiga (@blackwatercosplay) nailed it, in my opinion. (Also, @paulhillier for that photo.)
Here are some general thoughts and feelings about 2B’s design:
In my opinion, there is no better fabric option than velvet/velveteen. Aside from taking the fabric nap into account it’s fairly forgiving for beginners and it is beautiful. It has a lushness to it and a level of luxury that suits her O-esque blindfold-and-boots, leather-and-lace aesthetic. Velvet also sucks light in and gives nothing back; nothing looks as black as velvet, and nothing captures a nice velvet’s ability to have dimension while remaining fairly matte. The game textures support it being velvet, too; satin just ends up looking the mildest bit cheap and overly shiny, even when care is taken to find a more matte satin.
The skirt owes its flare to two main elements: its gore-style pattern and horsehair braid. The gored skirt adds trumpet-like shaping seams up the hips to the high waistline but flares out at the bottom in a way that a regular circle skirt simply wouldn’t provide. The horsehair braid –– ideally as wide as 6″, but at minimum 2″ –– sewn in around the bottom of both the skirt and the lining forces the skirt hem to stand out. You’ll want to make sure you pull in the drawstring on the horsehair, too, in order to get it to curve nicely, but the result is a skirt that sits out beautifully on its own. (The weight of the fabric comes into play here, too; anything too light/loose will collapse at the top, but a fabric with enough weight will have the integrity to hold up.)
Here’s one of my shots of the skirt from PAX East the other week; see how the fabric has that dimension to it but resists being blindingly shiny? See how the skirt sits out in big body ripples instead of pooling? Velveteen and horsehair braid, my friend.
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And applique –– even if you didn’t ask, a couple other anons did! Today I put together Henchmen’s digital pattern for Nier’s skirt and bodice appliqué. Shameless plug, ahoy, but it includes a skirt pattern! For methods, we did ours with (pleather) appliqué. If you want to do the same, iron a double-sided fusible adhesive to the reverse side of your fabric, trace out your appliqué pattern and then cut out (or laser-cut) all of the filigree. Apply to the surface of the skirt, and then topstitch for security and aesthetic. Time consuming but a) not as time consuming as painting or satin stitching and b) extremely clean results. I’m basically never going to do super delicate pleather appliqué any other way from now on.
(I don’t have any good pictures of it but the inside of the skirt is done the same way, but black on white liner.)
Both layers of the skirt (self and liner) are finished by being bound together at the hem. Be careful, though; really thick bindings plus two layers of horsehair can be TOO stiff, so keep your bindings as light as possible.
- Jenn
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ickyibaraki · 2 years
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pupps@pppppupps サンタモナ
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ickyibaraki · 2 years
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Parallels of Arcane (League of Legends)
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ickyibaraki · 3 years
Dazai Osamu Bungou Stray Dogs Cosplay (ickyibaraki)
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ickyibaraki · 3 years
The Control Devil Makima
Cosplayed Makima, one of the best concepts for photos I have. 
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ickyibaraki · 3 years
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Some new photos of the Grimoire Weisses 2.0! All handmade. The covers were originally sculpted from a Monster Clay master and then molded & cast. The new masters are now cast from my new 2nd gen mold which require minimum clean up and sanding! Stitched leather hardcovers. Bound pages from 140lb watercolor paper. Painted & then weathered with acrylics.  I would absolutely love to do a second run very soon! I have some other commissions I need to start. ^^;
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ickyibaraki · 3 years
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ickyibaraki · 3 years
Dazai Wig Styling Tutorial
So I may or may not have posted clips for a Dazai Tutorial which is nearly a year old because I was too shy to post them until now.
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ickyibaraki · 3 years
Kaeya Cosplay
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ickyibaraki · 3 years
♣ Yumeko Jambami Cosplay (IckyIbaraki)♠
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ickyibaraki · 3 years
i did some browsing on classe-wig (a japanese wig blog) for some tutorials– you (probably)can’t read them, but they have a LOT of images so you can get a feel for it!
this is the technique i described for komaeda wigs– stuffing them in a glass and pouring boiling water onto it. that’ll make the wig fluffy looking and crimped! obviously you don’t have to make it go all floofy tornado like the end result of the tutorial says. (this tutorial uses the same idea of hot water to make the wig messy, and this one uses curlers!)
this tutorial produces the same kind of floofy effect, but with a curling iron.
this is an interesting way to put flips in a wig– think for nanami or chihiro.
this tutorial is great for thinner ahoges– think drae fukawa, komaru. (i think the new detective boy is hiding an ahoge like this under his hat? or maybe that was just fanart) i think they used wire ribbon? or maybe a pipe cleaner…? i don’t know what an american/western equivalent to this ‘color tie’ stuff would be. but the plus side to this tutorial is that you can mold it into shapes!
this tutorial uses bandaids for hair prosthetics! if you want to make fake ishimaru eyebrows, for instance, or sideburns for someone with their hair pulled back, like mondo, this is a tutorial for you!
here’s a cute tutorial on a nice way to make a short wig look nice for a ponytail!
i think that’s about all i have. i hope that helps!
-mod n
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