i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
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Sagrada Familia - Barcelona - Spain (by brian_ytsu) 
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
Artist Statement Project 4
I had zero ideas for this.  ZERO.  Until yesterday.  Then I came across the quote by a Parisian Performance Artist called Ben Vautier.  He sat down in the middle of the street with a sign that said “Regardez moi cella soffit je suit art.”  ‘LOOK AT ME.  THAT’S ALL IT TAKES; I AM ART.”  And that got me thinking and freed up my busy mind.  So… you can see what I did.  I grabbed a $9 dress from Goodwill and went to the gym.  I was out of place, in a place where no one is girly or wears a dress.  And that, to me, was just the right combination for a Performance Art Video.
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
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The 3
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
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The Verbage.
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
Yeah but I hear the food is crap!
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Louise Bourgeois 
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
HOLYBALLS!!! So funny!
The Mad Max franchise is a documentary about the time Australia’s internet went out for a month
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
Marina Abramovic : The Artist is Present.
WOW.  Just, WOW. This is the best and most interesting documentary I never planned on seeing.  The Serbian born Marina Abramovic has been challenging and conquering Performance Art for many decades.  From driving around in a van for 16 hours yelling numbers through a megaphone, to mutilating herself for the sake of art she has performed her way to the top of the mountain and has garnered critical acclaim along the way.  Performance emerged in the 60’s as a result of a challenged painting.  It was something you didn’t’ hang on a wall. Many of her works were interventions.  She would sit still and let people use objects on her, and giving the viewers/participants a role in the art. This type of interaction proved how fast the audience can get unhinged if you let them, revealing a type of group mentality in human nature.  However I think the most pivotal part of the documentary involved her ex-lover and co-creator, Ulay.  They met in 1976 and formed a strong partnership personally and professionally. 12 years later they ended their relationship by walking to eachother from each end of the Great Wall of China.  Each walked approximately 2500km’s.  In her 2010 at her MoMa retrospective, Abramovic performed The Artist Is Present.  Here she shared a period of silence with each stranger who sat in front of her.  She did this for 3 long, tiresome months. And she was steadfast. When Ulay came and sat in front of her, she had a deeply emotional reaction and reached across the table where they held hands.  THIS was highly emotional which had me bawling.  I was BAWLING. Going forward I will keep tabs on her.  Even though she is 70 I feel like she has so much more to offer, and I am now one of her fans. Now, excuse me while I carve an image of Tinky-Winky into my torso and go and stand naked in a Discount Tire…
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
Module 4 Response - Rosalee Goldberg
In her essay Roselee Goldberg informs us “history of performance art in this century can be seen as a series of waves.”  The emerging of performance art was not consistent as it stopped and started during particular political and social climates and sometimes came to fruition as outrageous publicity stunts.  Performances are the direct expression of the artists, and the decision to perform live before an audience challenges the viewer’s perceptions of art and the limits of those perceptions.  As far back as the 1800’s, performances came together as a collaboration of artists from different disciplines as one means among many to express their ideas.  Leonardo da Vinci performed experiments related to his artwork in front of audiences at river pageants, and in the 1890’s Henri Rousseau held “soirees” to provide entertainment for his artist friends that included Pablo Picasso. Nowadays performance art is as varied as it’s own history.  Anything can happen, any amount of materials can be used and the duration of each performance is also variable.  This medium of “Performance Art” remains a challenge to art critics since it encompasses so many other disciplines.  No matter how we like to categorize this form of expression, we can understand that art is primarily a matter of ideas and actions.
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
Artist Statement Project 3
Vanishing and Becoming
This for me was all about the light.  The light we barely see because we live on the land.  I’ve always been fascinated with free diving and growing up on an island I was always in the ocean.  The reflection of the light dancing like rays of sun beneath the surface… it vanishes as the waves disrupts the calmness, or as you go deeper and deeper in the ocean. The whole idea of the light beneath the water puts a smile on my dial and scares the complete shit out of me at the same time.  Its easy to vanish underwater, and you always hope those rays of sunlight can reach you to show you the way out.
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
Vanishing & Becoming Video. Project 3.
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
Exercise 3: Make a Music Video.
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
Response Project 3
Sean Cubitt Response Since the beginning of time projection of all forms have evolved to the many art forms we see and anticipate today.  From the paint spattered handprint on the wall of a cave, to a candlelit silhouette traced by a charcoal stick, to images drawn from reflections in bodies of water, we can no longer limit these visual representations of projection to the two forms of light and shadow without exploring the other senses. Nowadays (amongst others) light, psyche, sensuality and empathy are represented and projected in installations in galleries worldwide. Human interactions within these realms can create relationships within the unknown, to others we will never meet.  This separation of subject and object in its many forms are very common these days.  What binds these all together is the projection of light.  However, what’s widely accepted through the multiple ways we communicate is absent presence.
Video Art Response From hauling around weighty video equipment in the 60’s and 70’s to todays digital technology, video art dominates the international art world to such a degree we forget the beginning of it’s days on the radical fringes of society. In it’s early beginnings video captured self-portraiture, landscape, painting and sculpture, until it slowly it morphed into a channel for self-expression as audiences began to reject physical art objects and materials found in institutions of fine art. Artists were looking for ways to record their work, and not just in a series of frozen moments that photography offered.  They began experimenting with video as a direct encounter between the artist and the viewer telling a more elaborate story. The prominence of the moving image has secured its place in history, and as our experiences with video reign prevalent in all areas of society, we can establish that video has now become the default medium of the 21st century.
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
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Again, smaller file size so it’s properly GIF’s on a smart phone :)
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
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Just attempting this again in a smaller file size.  The GIF works when looking at it on my computer, but not on my phone...
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
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Artist Statement Project 2 I was really hesitant about seeing if I could even make a gif, but after I figured it out and decided on what my series would be I was cranking them out at warp speed. I’m an explorer, a social butterfly and I was born with ants in my pants. Put me in a country where I can’t speak the language and I don’t know where I am, and I’m a happy camper. My intention with this project was to GIF you a love letter to my summers in Europe. I go every year with a bunch of my kiwi friends who live in London, and we go to a villa in Ibiza. However this summer I am staying put and going to school instead. My decision to skip the trip was tough, but logic won over impulse this time so it looks like I’m a real grown up now. Wink! See ya next year Europe.XXXX
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i-am-tiff-january · 7 years
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