heres the employees’ designs
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august (1)
sarcastic, negative, and serious, but can still be positive at times. she always wears something to cover her mouth and i dont even know why (grizz lets her wear one on the job as long as it’s not heavy.)  she probably enjoys rainmaker the most out of anyone in the group.
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adam (2)
funny and positive, adam is the cheerful guy in the group (he’s a comedian too). he’s also shorter than anyone else (but i cant do that in the game so hhhh). he likes squid parties the most.
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edward (3)
he’s the kind of guy to make a joke and not laugh but laugh at anyone else’s joke. he probably loves salmon running the most.
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charlotte (4)
quiet and straightforward, charlotte can’t keep her mind on one thing for too long and everything that moves catches her eye. she is, however, great at scoping out enemies because of this. she uses a variety of weapons but seems to like using the standard machine gun-type weapons overall. she likes turf war the most.
this is as close in-game as i could get to their actual designs i cheated a little to make adam red and i didnt do it very well but there they are
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i forgot to post this really quick grizz i doodled forever ago
this is what i think he may look like. sorry i’m not very good with bears
i didnt really color him properly cause i didnt have the time but yea here he is
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Here’s Albert, the boi.
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ok. okok i gotta. remember what my characters are like. real quick. and change things. i’m gonna look at the Old Posts to get a better understanding of what they were like. also about the whole august/charlote thing: oh my god. whyyy did i write it like that. it was so bad. i need to redo that whole arc hoooly shit.
august: roommates with adam. leader of the squad. mysterious, supportive, but easily annoyed. not scared of bugs whatsoever. ALWAYS masked from the nose down. is learning french (which at this point is a dead language). occasionally outright refuses to speak to people (likely when embarrassed or upset). can play piano. dodges questions about the mask. has a breaking point and can blow up at someone if they ask too much. drinks coffee.
adam: roommates with august. funny guy -- a comedian, profreshionally! especially loves to make fun of and mock grizz’s business practices. he’s scared of bugs. has a habit of taking random objects from around the house and doing wacky stuff with them (see: “i’m a steel eel”, “roleplaying with himself”). sometimes he just puts things on his head. likes to introduce august as his girlfriend just to piss her off. buys coffee. can play piano. occasionally just stops mid-sentence and starts babbling when he feels it can be inferred what he means.
edward: good friend of adam. probably the most “normal” one. just sort of goes along with everything. very very alert, making him sort of second in command to august. always seems to have every cooking ingredient under the sun. everyone always borrows things from him. he likes to eat eggs. occasionally joins adam when he goes to do standup. “yooo come look at this lizard.” likes to bake.
charlotte: newcomer. brain go brrr woosh. mind always moving, usually can’t understand adam’s jokes. can’t eat apples because the skin feels weird on her teeth. keysmashes out loud. “useless lesbian”, she’s been called. super underdeveloped tbh
grizz: big shady businessman who cares for his employees’ wellbeing and emotional feelings (see: august is sick), but otherwise, pushes them to their limit. whatever’s profitable. the rest of the crew like to make theories on what exactly grizz does and why he does it. rewards workers with random novelties when overperforming, but that bar keeps going up.
albert: friend of adam and edward who is a funny guy similar to adam. sort of an offshoot that hangs out with the squad sometimes. usually freelances with randoms. i think this character is co-owned by kostecko so i think that’s about as far as i’ll go with him
(for favorite foods)
agent 3: silent. overly-confident. respectful. edgy. laughs really easily though.
agent 4: loud, obnoxious, random lol XD. no gender, brain broke.
agent 8: timid, silent, unfamiliar with The Culture. rarely runs with the crew when one member is down.
world / headcanons: note: when i say inklings i mean inklings and octolings both. - multiplayer weapons and story mode/salmon run weapons are different sets of weapons that use different settings. - inklings become tiny squid and return to a pod if they have one and get splatted (sometimes being splatted can cure ailments). - inklings dissolve slowly in water (they wear or carry something that reacts to water after a few seconds and automatically splats them so they don’t die). - non-ink-based guns will leave a hole in the inkling and ink will leak out. - inklings naturally recover in ink, but sometimes this only stops a wound from getting worse (gunshot, cut). - getting splatted and dying are two separate concepts. - during splatoon 2, grizz’s workers travel for days at a time by boat, in which there are living quarters with bunk beds. grizz sends out dozens of workers at a time on said boats. - similarly, the boats are stationed at the salmon breeding grounds for days at a time. - some of the salmanoids are straight up brain empty
also unrelated but look at this old dialogue
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anyway now for some rules for myself that i will strictly avoid! - don’t imply or have adam joke about suggestive situations ever again. - just. don’t. ok? cut it out. absolutely not. christ, that arc is embarrassing. - august adam edward and charlotte are all young adults. over 21, under 25. - the splatoon characters cannot mention god or jesus anymore. christianity has been eradicated lol - chris was a gimmick character to mock an old tumblr user. he is no longer a character.
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sometimes i think about rebooting this blog. sometimes. cause some of these old text posts are kind of embarrassing to go back and read yknow.
maybe when splatoon 3 comes out. maybe.
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oh yeah heres some bonus ones
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i put august in a buncha different outfits!
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adam: so uhh
august: i swear to god it is literally midnight and we have a boat to catch tomorrow this better be worth my time
adam: ...
august: no?
adam: august, do you ever wonder what happens to the people grizz fires?
august: this is not worth my time.
adam: oh...
august: ...but yes, yeah, i do wonder sometimes
adam: ...w-well what do you uh, what do you think?
august: mmm.....mmmaayyybe he just fires em and they go back to their lives
adam: yeah i guess
august: but also sometimes i wonder if grizz has some dark shit going on
adam: my thoughts are bonkers, man.
august: explain.
adam: well what if they're still around? what if he keeps them around at all times and uses them as slaves to do stuff like shoveling fuel into the boat? what if he like, keeps em under the floor of the hq? what if he skins them and makes our uniforms out of them? what if the ink we use comes from them and he's farming off of them?
august: adam adam adam-adam adam. adam...
adam: and wh... what... uh...
august: adam.
august: you know grizz wouldn't do any of that.
adam: yeah...
adam: hey remember chris?
august: i wish i didn't
adam: huh. well you know sometimes i wish grizz was a sick fuck like that and did all that stuff ya know?
august: im pretty sure chris was arrested for publicly abusing and harassing people, specifically gay and trans people.
adam: oh.
august: but i get what you mean yeah i think some of those are a worse fate than prison
adam: yeah.
adam: right well im just gonna go in the other room so i dont start another conversation.
august: no no it's alright. it's been a while since we've talked about anything interesting or noteworthy.
adam: yeah i guess
august: goodnight
adam: goo-night
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i really really really want to pick this blog back up
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A friend showed me another version of the Squidmaker and the style is so pretty~
Try it if you want :p http://mebuika.kenkenpa.net/ikamaker.html
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it lacks of Octos… But it’s still fun c:
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adam: so
august: ?
adam: how's it been with you and charlotte?
august: adam.
adam: what???
august: you literally asked yesterday
adam: yeah well uhhh
adam: you're right actually thats a little weird of me
august: yeah
adam: so how uh...
adam: hmm...
adam: how many eggs'd you get?
august: adam why are you doing this
adam: well the boat takes a full day to get back, doesn't it?
august: yeah, and you're gonna fill the whole time with conversation?
adam: good point
august: it's going well.
adam: ?
august: me and charlotte.
adam: ah.
adam: you ever find it weird that we look exactly like children?
august: ?
adam: like yknow, we look exactly like kids
august: i mean not r-
adam: like the only way you can tell we're older is that we have our own houses
august: adam we don't look that similar to children
august: i think that's just a you thing
adam: fuck
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august: hey someone help me with this maws
charlotte: on it.
adam: man is it just me or is this easier than it was before?
august: yeah. it is kinda.
charlotte: well we are on mid tide
adam: yeah but compared to the last time
august: you don't think we got better somehow?
charlotte: no, we havent been practicing
august: yeah good point
adam: is this getting harder all of a sudden?
august: yeah...
charlotte: ...where's edward?
adam: hhhh ok i got him
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adam: why haven't you opened up in so long, grizz?
grizz: uh, who knows, just get in the boat
adam: huh.
later on the boat:
charlotte: huh.
adam: mmm hmm hmm
edward: ...
charlotte: jeez, it's been ages.
august: ...yeah.
adam: i wonder if there's anything new
edward: ...
charlotte: ...
august: wanna look around the boat and see if we can find any cool people?
adam: yeah sure
edward: i'm down
charlotte: why not
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ok uhhh different prompt for asks i guess uhh
any ideas for what i should put under august’s mask cause i got no fuckin clue
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boy oh boy that sure did work
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What kind of food do the Salmon Shenanigans crew like?
     adam and august both can eat a lot of junk food but both can’t stand slimy stuff like macaroni or eels and they don’t like foods that are difficult to chew but still have to be chewed in order to be swallowed. they both prefer hot food over cold food but they do eat ice cream a lot (ice cream is not slimy, it’s smooth.)     adam and edward eat scrambled eggs and biscuits when they visit a lot. they just in general like making breakfast foods because they’re easy to make     august and charlotte like a specific brand of coffee that adam buys
     adam - doesn’t like peanut butter but loves raw peanuts (the ones you have to crack open. think logan’s roadhouse)- can’t eat plain bread or burnt toast. there is a very narrow line somewhere in there that he enjoys.- favorite food is pizza
     august- prefers foods that aren’t messy and don’t take long to eat (for obvious reasons) but can still enjoy messier foods occasionally- favorite food is bacon
     edward- really likes eggs- uses flour a lot- in general just likes to cook and be proud of his food- his favorite food is probably cake
     charlotte- can’t eat apples or anything with that kind of skin really- prefers baked or cooked food over always-available food like cereal- favorite food is
     grizz- eats meat mostly- doesn’t like messy foods- food can’t have pink in it and has to be fresh- favorite food is probably like steak or something if theres like a splatoon version of that
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just to be clear i have to look through all the posts i made so that i dont make any continuity errors
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