hunterslegacy · 10 years
The LaLaurie House? That's a bit macabre, don't you think?
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You uh... you must be into the same sort of history that I'm into then. I'm sure you've heard about the supposed hauntings that've gone on there. I've seen grown men running from that place, screaming their fool heads off because they thought it was just a myth.
Haha, yes. I’m not surprised, all doctors are supposed to be like super smart so. Plus, history is so interesting, I don’t know how you wouldn’t want to know about it y’know?
Oh I know! I was going to visit the LaLaurie House if you’re familiar with that but I was sort of um-… deterred…
Can’t help the weather unfortunately. I’m here for around two weeks or so. I only have a week off from school but I’m sort of ahead in credits anyways so I can afford to loose time. I just hope I have enough.
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
Big city?
[Charlie laughs.]
Yeah there's a bit more to New York than just the city, Scott. I'm from upstate New York... not a whole lot of big city where I come from.
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I'm not even going to dignify the other half of what you said with a response. If you honestly think it's that easy to just pack up the life you've built for yourself, not to mention your career, and forget that your entire family is dead then... 
[He sighs.]
You know what? Forget it... you wouldn't understand. No one does, and I should be used to that by now.
Lectio Interruptus || Open
Well three years is a fairly long time to still be searching if you haven’t found any answers yet. Maybe a big city guy like you should just pack up and forget this whole thing. Like I said, I could still try to help if you’re up for it.
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
[Charlie laughed, a dry bitter laugh.]
No, I uh... I don't think so actually. You see, I moved here from New York on purpose.
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I have reason to believe that the people responsible for my parents' deaths are living in this city. I've been trying to track them down since I got here, but as you can see... I haven't exactly been doing a very good job of it, considering I've been at it three years.
Lectio Interruptus || Open
Ah, I can definitely see where you’re coming from.
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Oh, I see now. Answers are gonna be pretty hard to find here, don’t you think? I could help you if you want.
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
[He sighs.]
Sorry, I didn't mean to trail off like that. It's just... sometimes it sucks remembering, you know? The bad shit, I mean.
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I was going to say it seemed like only yesterday that I'd moved here after my parents were killed. I uh... I guess you could say I came to town looking for answers.
Lectio Interruptus || Open
That you what? If you don’t mind me asking.
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You could say friends brought me here. And I’ve actually been thinking if I stay here I could probably find a school to attend nearby. What about you?
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
Oh, about three years now? It'll be my third year anniversary at the hospital coming up here next month I think. Hard to believe it's already been that long. Seems like it was just yesterday that I...
[He pauses and sighs.]
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Anyway, what brought you here Scott? Career? Family?
Lectio Interruptus || Open
I’ll make sure to keep that in mind. Maybe I should just try an iced coffee for the hell of it.
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Not long actually, but enough to get into a relationship and I guess the place i’m staying at isn’t so bad. How long have you been here?
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
[Charlie laughs.]
Anything with caffeine in it, preferably. Don't let them sell you that half-caff bullshit though. It doesn't taste the same... just trust me on that one. I don't care who tells you otherwise.
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Anyway, uh... how long have you been in New Orleans, Scott? Long enough to know it's not always like this, I hope.
Lectio Interruptus || Open
No worries, we all have our moments. I guess I should order a coffee.
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Thank you.[He sits down near the man and looks at a menu.] I would watch the news but, you know, the power is not so great right now. Is there any coffee you recommend here?
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
History? Now you're talking! History is kind of my thing. Well, that and archaeology and anthropology... and biology, but we won't go there. I already know where that leads. Snooze city, right?
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You picked a fantastic town to visit if you're interested in that sort of thing. New Orleans has a rich culture, if nothing else. Sorry the circumstances haven't really been too accommodating to travel or anything... I'm sure this wasn't what you were imagining.
How uh... how long are you here for?
Yeah, I guess the difficult part is the watching itself. 
Haha, relax, totally fine. I’m in high-school so I’m studying everything but I’m planning on majoring in history.
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
Oh good! Because you see, there was this other time where uh... [he pauses a moment, sighing] ...you know what? It doesn't matter. Point is, I wound up swearing I'd never do that again and yet here I am... doing it again.
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It's good to see a familiar face outside of work, though... shit's been crazy, hasn't it? I'm surprised they even let you off shift.
She raised her glass to him, smiling slightly.
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"Sure is, Dr. Thompson."
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
Yeah, you could say that again.
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Dr. Fields, right? Man, I sure hope so or I'm going to feel like an idiot when you tell me otherwise.
Give me a bourbon on the rocks, please. 
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Weather’s ridiculous, right?
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
Oh, hey... don't worry about it. I'm a damn doctor and I can't even do anything about it. Seems kind of ridiculous when you think about it. Nothing much to do but sit back and wait for whatever's got a hold on this city to let go, right?
[He smiles nervously.]
Hey, uh... what did you say you were studying again? Or did you? I don't even remember anymore.
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I’m sorry to hear that. I would help if I could but, my medical training is strictly limited to band-aids so I doubt I’d be of much assistance.
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
Okay, well uh... suit yourself. I guess you could say I'm sort of here on personal business matters too, so I know how it is.
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Too many deaths to count, I'm afraid. There's been a blood shortage here. As in we have none. It's been weeks since our last shipment so we uh... well, the last of what we had went to the ICU but that was at the start of all this.
Cell phone service has been down too, it's just a mess. Looks like Red Cross has better things to worry about than saving New Orleans... wouldn't be the first time they half assed their job.
Jeez, that’s rough. They haven’t called in any electricians or emergency back up yet? Red Cross should be on top of this sort of thing I’d imagine. Any deaths yet?
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Yeah, just personal business. Doesn’t require anymore discussion, don’t worry about it.
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
Ooh ouch. Poor Biology.
[He grinned.]
I'd be inclined to agree with you about the power but uh... this hasn't been just a few days. Try about two weeks now. The hospital's been slammed. New Orleans Regional's been the only one for miles with backup generators for as long as I've been here, so we got stuck with the overflow from everywhere else. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before our generators go down too, and everyone will be left stranded.
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I'm sorry, you uh... you didn't sign up to hear about my work drama. You were saying you were here on personal business?
When I say business I mean like personal business…Not like I work for some cooperation. Trust me, I’d much rather be doing that… However, I usually save the naps for biology, you were close though!
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I don’t know I like when the power goes out. If you ask me it feels like there’s too many lights, and cars, and people these days. I think everyone could use a few days without technology. 
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
A senior in high school, and you're here on business? Wow, you've got to be the most ambitious high school senior I've ever met... here I thought senior year was all about pranks and catching up on sleep in your algebra class.
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I uh... I don't know exactly. Something strange, no doubt. I mean, New Orleans sees its fair share of shitty weather, but we've never seen something like this.
Be glad you missed the storms at least. With any luck the power will be back up in a few days.
I’m a senior in high school, and I’m currently on break. So I’m not really studying anything in particular just…school y’know?
Well I’m not vacationing so it’s probably a lot worse for the tourists. I’m here on…- business.
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But what’s with all this anyways? I thought it was supposed to be sunny and stuff here?
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
Hey, we were all students once. No need to be embarrassed by that. What are you uh... studying? If you don't mind me asking?
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Kind of an awful time to be arriving in New Orleans, in the middle of a blackout.
Nice to meet you. I’m Airiana. I’m a…student, pretty prestigious title.
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Umm….like three hours now probably. Dropped my stuff off at the hotel and got out as quickly as I could. It was a four hour drive, needed to stretch my legs and see the city.
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hunterslegacy · 10 years
Yeah, you could say that. Charlie... Charlie Thompson.
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I'm a doctor at New Orleans Regional. Been here about three years now... how about you?
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No, uhh…just visiting is all. You a local?
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