htcsense5 · 2 months
The lightning has struck again
I never thought I'd have to make this post, but I feel that it's a responsibility now that we received absolutely horrid screenshots of banjo/Lunar Cheese. I've actually exposed her here a while ago, but nothing has changed, and now I'm writing this exposé. Alright, let's start. (I'm literally shaking rn because of those screenshots)
Banjo decided it would be funny to make an RP out of me being naked and having paparazzi all around me taking pictures (which is actually illegal as I'm 14)
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I think that by those screenshots you can tell that she's a creep, but that's not it.
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A person told her this is wrong, but as we can see in the screenshot, she doesn't care. Ah, the irony...
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Before all this happened, she kept saying she changed. What happened to you, banjo? Did your braincells completely fry? You are literally 16, 2 years away from being a legal adult, and you're doing this shit. Absolutely embarrassing, shameless and perverted.
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She also said the n-word. How cute.
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You literally are a pervert yourself and you know it. Nick didn't do shit.
Here are the Discord ID's of people who participated in these horrendous acts:
Please make sure to block them for imagining child porn.
I kinda think this post will cause banjo's ego to inflate as she's incredibly desperate for attention (she doesn't care what kind of attention because as long as her little echo chamber is fine she'll keep going), but I don't care. I want to get the truth out to the world.
Anyway, that's all from me. I'm out.
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htcsense5 · 4 months
Followup to my second expose about banjo
Hello again.
Recently new screenshots from November 2023 just got leaked and i want to share my frustrations about her yet again. The fact she is still acting like this EVEN AFTER WE TOLD HER TO MOVE ON IS FUCKING INSANE.
As you can see she is litterally harassing us and hating my nationality because of me once again and the fact we've already exposed her for that is just crazy. She once said "Well.. i was gonna move on, but i did messed up this time.. I knew i did something wrong.. i should not hate bulgarians" but you're clearly not sorry for that because you continue to hate my country like how braindead do you have to be like holy shit. Now she is making things up saying that "who can manipulate their fanbase" im sorry? Who said that we manipulate our fanbase? WE ARE LITTERALLY SPREADING THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU AND YOUR ACCUSING US OF LYING? GIRL ARE U FUCKING DRUNK?
Anyways imma end it with the screenshots bellow me to see her atrocity. I'm done.
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htcsense5 · 5 months
Counter-Exposing Banjo/Tiredite/Lunar Moonyu/Lunar Cheese - Part 2
If you want the whole backstory- https://www.tumblr.com/htcsense5/732278019975151616/counter-exposing-banjotireditelunar-moonyulunar?source=share
Hey guys.
NKYT here.
As you guys know in October, we have exposed banjo for her past self for trying to expose arsik and since our expose did nothing to her, i deciced to speak on my side of my interactions with her that i had back in July 2021 - January 2022 with banjo before i disappeared because of her (we will get to that later on). So i guess let's start with the story..
After the March-June war was declared, i gave banjo a second chance, because i thought she truly changed and won't do those mistakes again but unfortunately, we were all wrong….
In the end of July 2021, things started to get worse because i saw David saying "binoi sucks" and i instantely sended that to my now ex-friend banjo and she wanted me to ask him "is that a joke?". And from there on, people, including my friends thought i was choosing her side, which would come to appearant when she stole me from my friends in August 2021 with some weird ass love message. And everything after that my career was gonna go downhill.
In September 2021, she began going "me mad" over David, doing his series of "Live streams for phones" when i was featured. She started accusing me of her being disappointed of David and then me like YOU SAID YOU WERE GONNA IGNORE VCS WHAT IS THIS???
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Then things will get worse when in October 2021, banjo started using "gay jokes" on David for vcing with me which i wasnt ok with her making those jokes to both of us, but she kept going.
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In November 2021, it got even worse when she heavily continued calling david gay and thinking of drawing a ship between me and david because we were just only vcing. She was also saying things like "imaging saying gay things to him" and shockingly "imma burn david for being gay" showing homophobia, which is pretty ironic since now in 2023 she became pansexual.
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She has already stolen me from my friends but things will get even worse in December 2021, specifically on December 31st 2021 8:28 PM. Hours prior to that, banjo started to get me into Touhou characters by guessing them in what we call her stupid edition server, also known as "The Mayakou Server" thing. While i was already doing the things banjo told me to do, my friends started posting some memes in that bot guessing channel and then something in my brain was like they were trolling me so i sent a meme that had a guy reading a book said "how to deal with idiots" or something like that i dont remember. And then the worst happened. Arsik blocked me shortly after that and there was exchanges between me and my friends.
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It makes me sad to know that banjo made me hate my own friends, my own community, the people that made me successful, and i blew it all out because of that one whore. People after that started to hate me for choosing banjo and for insulting one of my best friends over some petty drama. I was already cancelled because of the drama i had with my friends thanks to banjo and in the result that made me quit all social media on January 15th 2022.
When i was out of Discord by that time, i was on still on David's streams and then banjo saw that and started harassing David for being "gay" because he made me alive (umm what?) and she tried to revealed his full name.
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11 months later, i would finally apologise for all of the wrong things that i've done in the community and thankfully everyone gave me another chance. 2 days after i returned to Discord (26th of December 2022), Banjo would try to friend me on my new account, but i've ignored it, because if i have accepted her again, everything would have gone downhill just like in December 2021.
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Anyways we wouldn’t get any updates from her until February 11th when a weird account by the name of "私について読んでください#4082" sent me a friend request that had a pastebin link which at first didn’t work. But after it got edited to work, it was clear that banjo was again trying to apologise to us and get us back, but we declined it.
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Then on April 2nd, Banjo would try to friend me again on her main account, this time with her about me page being "nick i only came to talk to you" which i was suspicious what was she going to talk about so this time i accepted it to see what she wanted to say and a day later, i got a response by her and again SHE WANTED TO APOLOGISE. sigh. So i told her that "it’s impossible to move on to another chapter of your life, if you keep re-reading the last one" and blocked her after that.
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Things would finally go back to normal after she stopped trying to get us back, but unfortunately, that wasn’t the end. On June 9th 2023, Banjo again tried to get me to respond on Instagram by her saying that she can’t forget me and that when she sees a bulgarian person, it reminds her of me for some reason (like why?). But anyways, i didn’t bother responding to her so i ghosted her.
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But then on July 3rd, i wanted to talk to Banjo for the last time, because she was mentioning our names and i wanted to put an end to this, by saying that she needs to keep our names out of her mouth.
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She was like "ok, i will move on for real" on my dms, but in reality, the next day (4th of July), she says that we are ignorant like wtf and wanted to be racist by saying that she wants to be a bulgarianphobe and supporting Macedonia. She was saying such nasty things even after i told her to stop, but nothing help, same thing on August 20th (our next confrontation, this time in a gc), nothing helped.
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Like imagine hating a WHOLE country only because your crush rejected you like wtaf💀.
And here we are on August 20th 2023. A day prior to that, she tried to befriend our friend and owner of Project Mobile "Gunbo" who actually accepted her friend request which prompted us to tell him to add us to a group with her so we could tell her to just leave us alone for the last time, but while she was like "I will try i will try" she once again was mentioning her drama with us and referred to us as "the nkits" so yeah, nothing helped.
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And then here comes October 22nd, 2023 when a guy attacked servers Arsik was in with an exposé of him, in it banjo’s tried to expose our good friend Arsik for him acting sexually to banjo when in reality arsik was 11 and banjo was 13, and she even thought that arsik was 10. And also she purposely hid her name so that people wouldn’t hate her for erping with a 10 year old. So we fought back with our expose which people called "baby drama". And this is where i lost it. HOW CAN YOU CALL ALL OF THIS TRAUMA THAT WE HAD TO SUFFER BABY DRAMA??
Anyways before i go off more, i just want to say that this drama isnt baby drama. This is serious shit that people need into, by taking a look at our exposés against banjo and realise that this is all serious and we aren’t joking around, but sadly banjo didn’t get cancelled over our exposé and people were still supporting her, despite the expose that arsik made being already public, but no one gave a damn sadly. But here i am shining the light on the fact that banjo is an full-on creep who sexualises minors and hypnotises her friends into being on her side.
And now comes December 16th 2023. The day we joined the Java-oriented server "Kahvibreak". We wanted to join with my friend because we were interested in java preservation too, but we knew that banjo was there thought we joined nonetheless since it’s a good server. And hours later, banjo saw that we were in the server and she went "baiii my enemies are here" which made the people in kahvibreak become suspicious that we came to harass her, when in reality, we didn’t want to harass anyone. Soon after she left, she changed her Discord name to "JUST DESTROY ME.." to now "A....". (update: she has returned. no surprise)
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So yeah this is the whole story of my own point of view of what is like to be friends with a creep and a nsfw artist. And to everyone who is reading this. It's best to avoid any interactions with Banjo because she is a manipulator and a creep that has been known by our community, but despite that she wanted to return after we told her to move on, but as of now she’s trying to join other corners of our community, never missing the opportunity to say something about us and how we cancelled her and whatnot. It's crazy that people like banjo exist and makes me furious that people call our drama childish. Like can you just take a quick second to see that this is very real and serious? Banjo traumatised us with her explicit art and it’s not a joke. Anyways, i hope we can spread this message across our community and her community so people could very well know her backstory and why they should not be friends with banjo.
Banjo is an attention seeker who would do anything to bring light to her dying career, including in some rather shady ways. She’s using her past for attention and it’s rather pathetic.
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Anyways, im working on a folder called "Banjo's Hellhole" which includes all of her moments and once the project gets finished, i will provide a Google Drive link for it so you can guys get a better look at her. But for now, that's all that i have to say about her.
Thank you all for reading this and Fuck You Banjo!😉
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htcsense5 · 7 months
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htcsense5 · 8 months
Counter-Exposing Banjo/Tiredite/Lunar Moonyu/Lunar Cheese
Hello everyone.
It’s me, arsikphonegreat.
As some of you might know, I have been “exposed” for sexting allegations. While the screenshots were real, there was a LOT of stuff that went unmentioned on purpose.
Before we start, I’d like to mention that i am NOT trying to justify any of the stuff that i did in early 2021. I understand that it was horrible, but I was MUCH, MUCH younger than banjo (i will refer to her with that in this whole exposé). That exposé that was made on me was an absolutely pathetic one at that, and I’m going to break it down into pieces.
First of all, the 2020 thing. The exposing page mentioned how I started “sexting” her during a drama that was happening. Yes, that is kinda bad, though banjo did a big part in it, with even creating an OC called “Dirty Minded Banjo” and later making her first NSFW art, which i unfortunately cannot access because I can’t log in to that account where I impersonated a drama maker due to being locked out of my mail, so if you don’t believe me then it’s fine. If we ever find it, i will make sure to add it here. Everyone knew about this “sexting” bs, including my friends. It really was a joke, that was meant to make fun of a phone collector named Alonso, who was OBSESSED with horny bs. Banjo was perfectly comfortable doing this, so I don’t see why she’s acting like it traumatised her forever.
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Unfortunately this is the only screenshot I could find mentioning this 2020 thing, so take that however you will. Sorry for not being able to find much proof on that.
(UPDATE: We found it. We found her first ever cursed art. Here it is. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/714901509967446016/1167211125667008593/SPOILER_WHAT_THE_FUCK_IS_THAT.gif?ex=654d4d12&is=653ad812&hm=b1346e2bbda29ccaecedc13d9feb16c329986d2447ab32ee3206ca280e252c2c&)
But here’s where we move to one of the biggest parts of this whole ordeal.
Banjo started making more NSFW arts with my friends and sexualising in every way she could, here’s proof:
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As you can see, she had a big “history” of making these arts before the banjo x arsik garbage even started.
Now, let’s move to the reason why I was exposed. I was actually 11 back then, but banjo still knowingly did the thing with me thinking i was 10. I regret not resisting, and I am sorry for that. Banjo was 13, by the way.
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She never mentioned those arts, so here I am. She thought i was 10 and knowingly sent those “arts” to a ten year old.
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And here’s her asking a person who she thought was 10 this type of question. Literally gross shit.
In March 2021, after me finally coming to my senses, she made ANOTHER NSFW art with my friends, and at this point i’ve had enough.
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Finally, we cancelled this girl, and in June 2021 we have eventually forgiven her. It was a big war, and it’s also the one she keeps mentioning in her social media as the “Banjo hate war” and always says it started on march 8th which proves my point. During the war, SHE MADE ANOTHER CURSED ART DESPITE BEING CANCELLED FOR CURSED ARTS. Here is proof. It happened on the 16th of May, 2021, if you’re curious.
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After the war ended, banjo went back to her old ways, sending creepy messages to my friend, NKYT.
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As you can see, it happened after June 2021, which means she hasn’t learned anything at all.
Fast forward to late 2022, before NKYT came back from his break, banjo obviously didn’t change and posted these abominations:
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She even went as far as to POST A VIDEO WHERE SHE PLAYED A VOICE RECORDING OF HERSELF MOANING https://youtu.be/WW5G_TbBgsc?si=Y7etG2AiEmVmx34W
And now, let’s talk about the raiding thing. Yes, it was bad to some degree, however in my opinion, it was completely deserved after all the lies and her posts on twitter which i have just mentioned.
Finally, this is the end of this counter-exposé. It was certainly a long read, but I hope that now you know the truth about Lunar Cheese. I don’t condone what I did back then, but banjo knew she was doing this with who she thought was a 10 year old, and was perfectly fine sending those arts to me. Absolutely disgusting and shameless.
Looks like that bastard saw this exposé and made this abomination where she played THE ENTIRE VOICE RECORDING OF HER MOANING
Listen at your own risk, you don’t want to be traumatised.
“i had enough” my ass
another update: the vid got deleted for violating the terms of service LMFAO (looks like either some nice person who saw this post reported the video or the youtube team deleted the vid by themselves)
thankfully, we archived it:
oh, and, here are her discord IDs so feel free to ban that liar from your servers:
823539067513470976 767779242787340288 782310424129437746
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