howliiings-blog · 7 years
update: my grandfather has passed on. his death was peaceful, but i’m tired & emotional. i’ll be writing some tonight since i think a distraction will do me good, but i’m not expecting a wole lot of socializing to happen.
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
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       psa. while i’m writing this, my grandfather is dying next to me. i almost didn’t open my computer today, but i kind of needed a distraction. this week has been hell & i have more blogs than i can manage under stress ... vilkas is one of my main ones, he’s not going on any form of hiatus... but activity will be very limited.
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
Send me a ♬ and I'll shuffle my iTunes and whatever song pops up, I'll use the first line as the starter.
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
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vilkas enjoys killing people. vilkas was raised to fight, to kill. he’s never felt bad about it ... in fact, a small part of him enjoys it. he’s not going to go out of his way to cause someone pain, but he won’t deny that there is something incredibly satisfying about someone meeting the end of their life by his hand. it’s a mix of his upbringing & the hunting drive of his beast blood, though i think he still wouldn’t necessarily feel bad without beast blood being involved. 
vilkas is more interested in men than women. in the end, vilkas doesn’t necessarily care about gender... so long as someone is appealing to him in the right aspects, he doesn’t care. but it’s more likely for a man to draw his eye than a woman. he’s had more relationships with men than women over the years. he’s struggled a lot with this over the years --- i don’t think he’s ever had trouble with accepting other people being interested in the same sex... but i think when he realized he was interest in men, there was a lot of inner turmoil. he wants children & to have a family & settle down, but doing that with a man seems a lot less likely to him. he
reading. obviously. vilkas is incredibly intelligent & most of what he knows is due to his own curiosity. i’m guessing kodlak did play a large part in educating vilkas, but there aren’t exactly schools in skyrim. most of what vilkas knows is because of a natural curiosity & a personal drive... so he reads & he reads & he reads. 
hunting. another obvious one. vilkas boasts of having killed one of every creature in skyrim --- he loves hunting. he has since he was a boy... this is not a result of the beast blood, it’s just something he genuinely enjoys. he loves the hunt & the process leading to it.
knitting. vilkas is incredibly interested in knitting? it’s a very secret pleasure of his, but i read something ( i’m not sure where, otherwise i’d give prper credit ) about how when he’s training with another companions he just ‘ soon you’ll be swinging a sword like a knitting needle’ & she just ‘ idk i’ve never held one’ & he just ‘ oh right ‘ & i’ve always been super into the idea of him knitting ever since. because he would. he would be god-awful, but he would love it. 
he hates almost everything else & i want to die. 
taking on the beast blood. 
allowing his anger to guide him for a majority of his youth. 
losing the few loved ones he has left. 
facing death without some sort of cure.
TAGGING PEOPLE: literally whoever wants to im so late with this
TAGGED BY: @bearcloak
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
faasnu  // farkas.
     「✧╳ █ ▌and it was his kind heart that got him captured in the first place. they had used a child to lure him. they kidnapped the poor thing from a farm and that got their parents in a fit. drawn in by genuine concern when he was passing by, farkas agreed and promised the parents he would get their child back and was pointed in the direction the silver hand had went. off farkas went to save the child but they were waiting for him. those bastards hit him with paralysis laced arrows and he went down rather quickly; quicker than he wished to admit. what happened next was a blur and the time after was horrid.
   he lost track of time after a couple of weeks–HE DIDN’T WANT TO KNOW– and after awhile he started to give up. the nord gave up on a lot of things but he never entirely gave up hope. what he was still holding on to, he didn’t know. while the silver hand managed to torture the fight out of him, they couldn’t torture everything out of him and maybe that’s while he held on this long. maybe that’s why he just wouldn’t die.
     and maybe his holding on had finally paid off. farkas hadn’t been woken up by his captors…no, he woke up on his own terms. something was different that day; no pain came. then he heard the frenzied shouts and screams of men that knew they were out of options. everything went silent in those moments after that initial chaos and faskas laid himself against the stone wall of his cell. he didn’t have enough strength left to care. if there was a problem, it was the silver hand’s to deal with. he figured it was an escaped soul or another sod that had fallen victim to them and was giving them a fight like he had when they first captured him.
                         ( they will break soon enough )
  he thought cynically as his eyes started to close, but a voice rang out that he thought he’d never hear again. it was in that moment that he finally realized what he had been holding on to; seeing his brother again,
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                ❝ v-vilkas? vilkas? ❞ he called out in response as eyes opened to see if his ears weren’t playing tricks on him. in that moment, he pulled himself from the floor and scrambled towards the door only for the chain around his ankle to go taut and stop his advance all together. it was a chain that was used specifically to keep him away from the door; a chain he forgot about. when he was first brought in, they soon found out that it was wise not to walk within reaching distance of his cell or they would suffer broken necks. of course, he eventually lost that fight but they kept it on just in case. as he hit the floor, muffled sobs started to slip past cracked lips and he threw his head to look at his twin,
               ❝ get me out of here, vilkas! GET ME OUT OF HERE! ❞ 」
oh how vilkas had wondered. day after day, night after night --- the stream of thoughts were endless. questions of how they had taken his brother, what they had done to him. was his heart still intact, or had they broken him completely...? but the time --- for a while, he could count the time down to the hour. but he had lost any sort of structure in the fervor following. he had dedicated every ounce of his energy to finding his brother... he could not spare anything for something trivial as keeping time.  how many days, weeks, months had they had him...?
 he couldn't sink into thought. this was the moment --- this had to be the moment. he had cleared fort after fort, torn through man after man. he had crushed their bones with his jaws, ripped into them with his claws, cut them down in his own rage. their screams for mercy & of pain fell upon deaf ears. this was the day. he would find farkas --- he would ---
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             「VILKAS ? VILKAS !」 a voice. his voice. farkas' voice. a voice he had near forgotten in his rage, a voice that brought tears to his eyes. the next words knocked the breath from his lungs, the desperation wrapping it’s hands around them & squeezing the air away. 「GET ME OUT OF HERE, VILKAS! GET ME OUT OF HERE !」 muscles tense, hands ball into angry fists. he does not remember the blood on his hands, how satisfying it had been to slaughter those who had taken his brother from him... all that mattered now was farkas.
          " FARKAS! i'm coming --- i'm --- " the name rips from his throat as eyes rest on his brother, his twin, his blood. his lungs scream for air, burning with the anticipation. so close --- he was so close. he could hear his brother’s voice & by the divines, it was the sweetest sound he had ever heard in his entire life... he could see him. he could touch him if he just reached far enough... the only thing stopping them was  the cell, the cage , the whatever the hell it would be called. the chain around farkas’ ankle--- he must have given them one hell of a fight... not that vilkas expected anything else from him. words push past a knot in his throat & something wavers in his tone, “ i’m here. “
a key --- he needed a key --- a quick glance around the room & there was no damndable key in sight... he rushes towards the door of the cell, raising his sword & hacking at the metal where the lock was. he aims for the lock, he knows it will do no favors for his blade but... to hell with his blade, he needed to get to him. to farkas. 
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
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        he blinks slowly, not looking away from her. his eyes focus slowly, his memory still blurred... he had fought a good fight, hadn’t he? those he had gone after had met quick deaths at the end of his blade. something about the thought was comforting, though he wasn’t sure he wanted to admit it. people rarely knew when to stop... including himself, otherwise he wouldn’t have ended up on his back in the woods relying on some stranger to help him recall the moments before being knocked unconscious. 
the support of her hand was helpful, though he was slow to admit it. he needed her support, as well as the assistance of the tree. her smile was warm, comforting --- but he did not trust it, no. no. he could rarely rely on the kindness of strangers... even if they were wrapping bandadges around his wounds. he could have done that himself, he thinks ...vilkas  tries to push himself to stand straight without the assistance of the tree, but he feels his balance falters & decides against it. 
                “ who are you...? “ he speaks, brushing aside the offer of protection for the moment. he wasn’t too fond of the idea of traveling with any stranger, nor any of their ‘ men ‘ . there was something daunting about it... mercy did not often come without consequence. he holds his tongue rather than speak his mind, not wanting to cause any offense. he was in no condition to fight if it came down to it ... & he was not fond of the idea of relying upon beast blood for his survival. 
@howliiings l x
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Watching as he sat up, she reached over her hand going onto the middle of his back making sure he wouldn’t lose balance. Leaning him back against a nearby tree, she grabbed her bag that was not to far from her feet digging through it she grabbed some bandages. “Shh…you were attacked, you fought them off but one of them managed to hit you on the head, so my men took care of them for you.” Gently wrapping the bandages around his head she tied it in place before standing up to her feet.
“I’m glad we got to you before things got worse, if we hadn’t interfered you probaly would be hurt more then you already are or worse dead.” She held a outstretched hand towards the male, giving a reassuring smile before speaking once again. “Come on, you can travel with us back to whiterun that way we can protect you along the way.” He was way to injured to fight so she figured, he could come along with them then Alanna could keep a eye on his wound,
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
So I’ve found this fandom to be a bit more prudish than the others I’ve been in before. That’s okay, but I’m not in the least soooo hit the like button or reblog if I can:
Tag you in nsfw stuff outside of Sinday
Are open to nsfw asks even if we haven’t interacted
Throw nsfw headcanons at you
Submit nsfw pictures outside of Sinday
Any random nsfw things on or off 
Of course muns reserve the right to be selective on who does these. In the end it is up to the blogger. Respect this.
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
i wanted to be around today, but i’m sick & in really low spirits. i’m probably just gonna sleep all day & sulk.
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
Les Misérables Prompts! (2/2)
❝There’s danger in the streets tonight.❞ ❝I think of ___ and then I’m happy.❞ ❝The trees are full of starlight.❞ ❝I’ve only been pretending.❞ ❝If I could heal your wounds with words of love.❞ ❝I won’t desert you now.❞ ❝A little fall of rain will make the flowers grow.❞ ❝Drink with me, to days gone by.❞ ❝Will the world remember you when you fall?❞ ❝Is your life just one more lie?❞ ❝At the shrine of friendship, never say die.❞ ❝You have always been there.❞ ❝Bring ___ home.❞ ❝The summers die.❞ ❝We won’t give up.❞ ❝Why throw your lives away?❞ ❝Make ‘em pay through the nose!❞ ❝Until the Earth is free!❞ ❝I knew you wouldn’t wait too long.❞ ❝All our debts are paid.❞ ❝I’ll spit ___ pity back in ___ face.❞ ❝There is nothing on Earth that we share.❞ ❝My heart is stone and still it trembles.❞ ❝The stars are black and cold.❞ ❝Tomorrow never came.❞ ❝Oh, my friends, forgive me.❞ ❝Don’t ask me what your sacrifice was for.❞ ❝The worst is over.❞ ❝I saw you waiting and I knew.❞ ❝Let it be.❞ ❝Not another word.❞ ❝My heart was too full for farewells.❞ ❝Ring out the bells on this day of days!❞ ❝Say what you have to say.❞ ❝Lay down your burden.❞ ❝Are you alright?❞ ❝It’s thanks to you that I am living!❞ ❝It’s too soon to say goodbye.❞ ❝Forbid me now to die.❞ ❝Come with me.❞ ❝Love is everlasting.❞ ❝For the wretched of the Earth, there is a flame that never dies.❞ ❝Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise.❞ ❝It’s the future that they bring when tomorrow comes.❞
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
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        dammmnnn xan, back at it again with another blog. these get around quicker than promos ( & i’m lazy ) so uhhh,,, reblog if you wanna spread the word about a near new skyrim oc who’s a thief with commitment issues??
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
Hi there, if you don't mind my asking, why is your ooc tag what it is? Just curious! It kinda cracks me up
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ahhhaaAAAA. well y’see, @bearcloak & i were having this fun little conversation where every other phrase was ‘ dead like high king torygg’ so that lead to at least 8000 jokes & i forgot what got us there, but we ended up with ‘ dead like ____’ tags as our ooc tags. it was a good time. 
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
papa ! papa ! i read a book today about werewolves. they sound awfully scary, don't they papa? is it hard to kill one? can i kill one?
SEND ANONS AS MY MUSE’S CHILD !!! || i will pay u with my soul for this meme. accepting !
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      gaze rests on his child, breath hitches. he knows better than to believe every werebeast is a good man, or a man at all. many lost themselves to the call of the hunt, many were not strong enough to resist the call of their blood … many embraced it. but — there was something daunting about it. about his child asking about them, about werewolves. he never wanted them to know of his shame, of what he was… but the blood of a beast still ran through his veins. he was the very thing his child was asking to see dead. 
 gaze falls for half a moment, but his expression does not fall. he keeps it straight for the sake of his child. eyes meet the others & he speaks, letting a false smile find a place on his features. he can only hope that it’s convincing, “ i’ll tell you more about them when you’re big & strong — strong like me & your uncle farkas. “
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
( [whispers] uncle farkas! uncle farkas that is horrible at lying and would just nope the fuck out of there if the kid asked him the same thing )
oh my god im cryin,,, i need that in my life it’s so cute 
the kid just being a nosy little shit & just picks up on the fact that farkas can’t lie for shit so he always goes to farkas with questions 
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
A small hand reaches up to gently tug on the larger Nord's arm with urgency, scrambling to climb up onto his father's lap shortly after. ❝ —-Da ? Why do the guards say you smell like a dog? ❞
SEND ANONS AS MY MUSE’S CHILD !!! || i will pay u with my soul for this meme. accepting !
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         cold gaze turns soft at the feeling of tiny hand tugging at his arm. he helps hoist the child onto his lap when he begins to climb … & then the question. 
                          why do the guards say you smell like a dog? 
there are many ways to answer the question, to hide the truth — but he had never been a liar. he had never wanted to be a liar, he was a man of honor …! but his son — he was a child. small & innocent to the ways of the world, to the sight of man shifting into a beast, ripping into the throat of his prey… he could not know of his father’s shame. how the beast blood pumped through his veins, how the guards’ had picked up on the hint of something wrong, that something was different. beasts walked as men & men walked as beasts & there was only so long that the companions could keep their secrets.
          “ maybe i just need to bathe, “ there is a hint of an awkward sort of humor in his voice, a gentle smile finding his features. there is a weight to it … he does not want to hide his true nature from his son, but nor can he find it in himself to tell the boy his father was a monster, “ after all — dogs don’t smell particularly pleasant, do they? “
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
“you’re either with me or against me.”
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     " you act as though it is so simple. “ words are spoken cooly, even & heavy. there is something to his words that holds a certain weight — but also lacks a certain care. he does not care what this stranger believed & what she didn’t, he does not care what she stood for or whether or not she needed others to stand at her side. there is a pause … he cocks a brow & looks to her , ” each man stands on his own. that doesn’t mean he is against you— but he sure as hell doesn’t need to be with you, either. “
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
headcanons. 001
vilkas never feels the reason to hide his standing on strangers. he has no reason to feel particularly inclined to feign friendliness. in fact, he’s pretty bad at feigning anything … he can keep a secret until the day he dies, but anything outside of that… he’s pretty terrible at acting. when he has troubles plaguing him he’ll often try to hide them so the people around him ( particularly his shield-siblings ) don’t pick up on something being off.
when vilkas makes a mistake, he tends to beat himself up about it. it’s not something easily forgotten — he’s very self-aware. he trains the ones hoping to call themself a companion, he’s been there since he was a child. he feels it’s his responsible for appearing as something that they can look up to. he wants to be a fine example of what they could be if they put enough work/time into honing their skill. after skjor & kodlak’s deaths, this mentality is only strengthened since two of the men he had always looked to for guidance are gone.
vilkas’ sense of humor is … odd. you can tell him a joke & he will enjoy it well enough, but to get him to really laugh it usually takes something pretty obscure. example: whisper ’goat’ in his ear out of nowhere will probably make him work hard as possible not to break into a fit of laughter. ( note: this kind of humor only really affects him if he’s comfortable with you. if he’s not, he’ll probably just… ’ what the hell are you doing ’ & is mildly annoyed )
vilkas is bad at showing affection. he’s never really been very in touch with his affectionate side & he’s usually pretty awkward easing into that part of him… there are a very select few that he feels easy enough around for him to feel those feelings of kinship. among the few are farkas & the other members of the circle — he is fond some of the newer recruits, but he doesn’t project that well. he’s more tough on them than kind — he views that as the best way to better one’s self
vilkas is an angry person. he has a lot of ill-feelings that brew within & the beast blood in his veins only makes them boil hotter. he can usually keep his temper under control, but he’s rarely in a good mood. he wants to fight, to argue — but he knows better than to act like that. there is more to worry about than a mild feeling of frustration & he won’t set that kind of example for newer companions.  he usually uses battle as a means of letting out those ill-feelings. the adrenaline he get’s from a serious fight mixes dangerously with his suppressed aggression & it’s apparent to anyone who has seen it.
when he does lose his temper, it’s pretty intense. he’s usually the dangerously calm type of angry… the one where tension builds & he doesn’t scream but you can tell he’s just brimming with rage, waiting for a reason for someone to push him over the edge.
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howliiings-blog · 7 years
i’m listening to this on repeat & want to draw some companions as the heathers.
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