how2fit · 4 hours
Is there anything more uplifting than a day at the beach? The bright sun, the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing to the shore, and the refreshing breeze instantly dissolve tension. Not only does the sand feel good in between your toes, but it sets the stage for a great beach workout. Exercising on sand has surprising benefits: It absorbs shock1, adds resistance, and works those often-neglected stability muscles. And while exercising isn’t the first thing most of us think of when planning a beach day, a beach workout can be fast and efficient, allowing you to jump in the water to cool off—and lounge in the sun right after with a sense of accomplishment. Whether you’re on a tropical vacation or enjoying the shoreline in the peak of summer, this full-body beach workout hits all of your muscles in a blink—no equipment needed. Why you should workout at the beach Nicole Winter, CPT, a certified personal trainer, five-time marathon runner, and Ladder strength training senior coach, tells us why we should get active at the beach. “When you are on the go and trying to squeeze in a quick workout while you are traveling or on vacation, these types of body weight movements can keep us feeling our best when we don't necessarily have access to a full gym.” Even if you could hit the gym, moving your body outside can prevent your routine from getting stale. “Bringing the workout outside can give us a nice change of scenery from our typical routines,” says Winter. “Incorporating some enjoyable but effective movements into a busy travel day or a beautiful summer morning can make a big difference in staying motivated.” Besides offering a new training environment, the elements have been shown to elevate your mood2—especially when you’re working on your fitness.“Getting it done outside allows you to reap the benefits of being outdoors, such as boosting your energy, getting some sun, and breathing in fresh air,” says Winter. Plus, exercising on the waterfront has some other physiologic perks. Performing plyometric movements (like jumping) in the sand may improve your endurance and leg strength3 better than doing them on rigid surfaces. If you’ve ever jogged along the shore, you know it’s harder for your body to move through sand. But it’s also lower impact—which means you can place a higher energy demand on your body without the extra stress on your joints4, according to research. 8-move, 8-minute beach workout Of course, walking along the beach is a tried-and-true exercise for all folks of all fitness levels. However, if you’re looking to up your beach game, we’ve got the workout for you. Winter designed the perfect beach workout to get full mind and body benefits. Even better, no equipment is needed: Your body weight will do the trick while doing this routine that blends cardio and strength training. Perform each exercise for 40 seconds with a 20-second rest in between. All in all, one round should only take 8 minutes. If you’re looking for an extra challenge, perform two or three rounds of the exercises with a 1-minute rest between each round. 1. Prisoner squat Start by getting those big muscle groups moving. “Prisoner squats target the quads and glutes," Winter says. "Placing your hands behind your head allows for an extra challenge to lock in the core and bring more focus to the lower body.” Your browser does not support the video tag. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Clasp your hands behind your head with your elbows pointed out to your sides. Engage your core and keep your spine neutral. Push your hips back and bend your knees to squat, keeping your head and chest up. Keep your heels flat on the floor and your knees lined up with your feet while you lower your body as low as feels comfortable for you. Come back up and repeat for 40 seconds. 2. Forearm plank Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to this core movement. “Planks are a classic movement to engage your total body from shoulders and core to glutes and upper back," Winter says.
"Core strength is the base for ALL strength movements, so planks should be a nonnegotiable in your workout routine.” Your browser does not support the video tag. Kneel and place your forearms on the ground beneath your shoulders. They should be directly in line and your forearms should be parallel. Extend your legs and balance on your tip toes, lifting your hips off of the ground—level with the rest of your body. Tighten your core muscles by bringing your belly button to your spine. Maintain neutral neck and spine by focusing on your hands. Relax your shoulders, making sure they are not inching toward your ears. Hold for 40 seconds, remembering to breathe throughout the exercise. 3. Glute bridge marches Want healthy hips and a nice peach? “This is a movement that targets the glutes but can also benefit your core, hip flexors, and hamstrings. This is also great for isolation, stabilizing one leg at a time.” Your browser does not support the video tag. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Engage your core and press through your heels while you lift your hips off the ground into a glute bridge. Keeping your hips up, alternate marching your knees to chest. Perform for 40 seconds. 4. Knee tucks Slow and controlled is the way to move with this ab-targeting exercise. “This movement is essentially a reverse crunch and is a great core strengthener," says Winter. "Your abdominal muscles will feel it right away!” Your browser does not support the video tag. Sit on the ground with your knees bent. Lean back and plant your elbows and forearms on the ground. Lift both feet off of the ground while knees remain bent. Tuck your knees to your chest and move them straight out, so you're in a V-sit formation. Repeat for 40 seconds. 5. Knee push-ups Time to work on that upper body: According to Winter, this push-up variation offers a modified way to build up to a full push-up while building proper form and still strengthening your chest, arms and abs. "Think of using your strength and power from the chest to push up from the ground rather than just your arms," she says." (If you can do a push-up with great form, feel free!) Your browser does not support the video tag. Kneel on the ground and place hands shoulder-width apart. Keep your core engaged, making a straight line from your knees to you head. Lower your chest to the ground by bending at the elbows. Go down as far as you feel comfortable and come back up. Repeat for 40 seconds. 6. Jumping lunge-to-squats When you work the lower body, your heart pumps faster to get blood to your larger muscles. “This is a relatively simple—but not easy—movement with great payoff for your legs and glutes," says Winter. "Adding the jump is also a nice way to incorporate a cardio burst.” Your browser does not support the video tag. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and jump your legs into lunge position. Jump up and land with your other foot in front, in lunge position. Jump again, landing in a squat. Be sure to keep your core engaged throughout the movement. Repeat the pattern for 40 seconds. 7. Glute bridge pulses Glute bridges primarily focus on the glutes, but if you want more muscle engagement, make some tweaks. "You can target your quads by bringing your heels closer to your glutes or target your hamstrings by stepping your feet out further," says Winter. Your browser does not support the video tag. Lie down on on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Engage your core muscles by pushing your lower back toward the ground. Lift your hips to make a line with your body from knees to head. Slowly lower hips down to the ground and lift again. Repeat for 40 seconds. 8. Cherry pickers Finally, you’ll close out with a core exercise. “Another name for a Russian twist, cherry pickers will target your abs and your obliques.” Your browser does not support the video tag. Sit on the ground. Lean backward, keeping your back straight. Bend your knees and lift your feet off the ground.
Keeping your chest up, rotate your torso from side to side. Repeat for 40 seconds. Well+Good articles reference scientific, reliable, recent, robust studies to back up the information we share. You can trust us along your wellness journey. Jafarnezhadgero AA, Fatollahi A, Granacher U. Eight Weeks of Exercising on Sand Has Positive Effects on Biomechanics of Walking and Muscle Activities in Individuals with Pronated Feet: A Randomized Double-Blinded Controlled Trial. Sports (Basel). 2022;10(5):70. Published 2022 May 2. doi:10.3390/sports10050070 Wicks C, Barton J, Orbell S, Andrews L. Psychological benefits of outdoor physical activity in natural versus urban environments: A systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental studies. Appl Psychol Health Well Being. 2022;14(3):1037-1061. doi:10.1111/aphw.12353 Ahmadi M, Nobari H, Ramirez-Campillo R, PĂ©rez-GĂłmez J, Ribeiro ALA, MartĂ­nez-RodrĂ­guez A. Effects of Plyometric Jump Training in Sand or Rigid Surface on Jump-Related Biomechanical Variables and Physical Fitness in Female Volleyball Players. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(24):13093. Published 2021 Dec 11. doi:10.3390/ijerph182413093 Giatsis G, Panoutsakopoulos V, Kollias IA. Drop Jumping on Sand Is Characterized by Lower Power, Higher Rate of Force Development and Larger Knee Joint Range of Motion. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol. 2022;7(1):17. Published 2022 Feb 4. doi:10.3390/jfmk7010017
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how2fit · 6 hours
We’ve all been in a situation where we didn’t feel understood. And that’s okay. But when someone starts saying statements like, “It’s not as bad as you’re making it,” or “It’s not that big of a deal,” we can feel even more upset and unheard. It’s as though the other person is saying your feelings don’t matter or your feelings are wrong. This, my friends, is called emotional invalidation. Here’s the thing: Your feelings are real—even if you’re misunderstanding another person’s intention or don’t have all the facts straight.  Not accepting another’s feelings can really throw a wrench into resolving conflict or truly getting to the bottom of why a person feels the way they feel. It can even hinder our understanding of ourselves. So, how do you know if someone is using emotional invalidation? What effects does this have? And most importantly, what can you do about it?     What Are the Effects of Emotional Invalidation in Relationships? Oftentimes, a person invalidates another’s emotions because they can’t process them. Maybe they are overwhelmed in their own life, or they are unsure how to respond.  However, emotional invalidation can also be used as an argument strategy to gain control or power over another. If you’ve ever been emotionally invalidated, you know exactly how small this can make you feel, whether it’s intentional or not (Yes, emotional invalidation can be unintentional and doesn’t always have an underlying evil plan behind it). So, what effects can emotional invalidation have in relationships?  Well, it can lead to a few problems, including:   Difficulty with establishing a personal identity. When we believe our emotions are wrong, we may struggle to regulate them and have a hard time developing healthy self-esteem.   Emotional dysregulation. When we are told we aren’t supposed to feel a certain way, it can inevitably create varying degrees of confusion and distrust in ourselves. It can lead us to question (overly so! Sometimes, it’s good to question ourselves) whether we are right to feel this way or not. It can lead you to feel lost and confused as to what you’re feeling and how you should feel.   Depression and anxiety. Inevitably, all of this can lead you to feel like you’re walking on eggshells and also leave you feeling anxious as to whether you’re behaving or feeling “right” or “wrong.” It can also lead to depression where you don’t feel worthy, since you feel “wrong.”   Poor self-image. In the long-term, emotional invalidation is a route toward developing a bad self-image. You struggle to accept yourself, and it’s almost impossible to change or even enjoy the moment when you can't accept yourself.    Is Invalidation a Form of Emotional Abuse? The simple answer: yes. In fact, this can be one of the most damaging types of emotional abuse. It can lead to gaslighting, where a person feels as though they are losing their mind and are completely untrusting of what they perceive, feel, think, or see. It denies you of your individual experience. And as we said, it can be really impactful, causing declines in your mentality and well-being. How to Identify Gaslighting in Relationships & How You Can Deal with It→   Emotional Invalidation Examples So, what does emotional invalidation actually sound like? Here is a list of statements: “It’s not as bad as you’re making it.” “It’s not that big of a deal.” “Stop overreacting.” “It could be worse.” “You’re being too sensitive.” “Quit taking things so personally.” “I don’t see the problem.” “That never happened.” “You shouldn’t feel like that.” “I’m sorry you feel that way.” “Don’t think about it.” “I don’t want to have this discussion.” At the same time, when it comes to emotional invalidation, context matters! For example, if it’s close to bedtime and your spouse is tired, and you’re both winding down to go to sleep, saying, “I don’t want to have this discussion right now. Can we talk about it tomorrow?” is completely fine, as long as it’s actually discussed the next day.
Related Article: 21 Signs You're Dealing With a Fake and Toxic Friend     How Do You Respond to Emotional Invalidation? Getting emotionally invalidated is tough. You might be tempted to bite back and argue. This might not go over well. But there are other (and better!) ways to go about responding to the above comments.  When you hear the above emotional invalidation statements, it can send you into the fight-or-flight mode. Stress hormones start pumping through your body. You’re ready for a fight. Thus, it’s important to leave room to pause. Take a deep breath (or a few!). Stop and think about how you want to respond. What is your goal? Why does this relationship matter? Sometimes, if it’s from someone we don’t necessarily have a close relationship with, it can be easy to brush off and get that validation elsewhere. If you feel you want the person to know (and you are close to them and the relationship matters), you can try saying something along the lines of: “I feel like you’re invalidating the way I feel. I don’t need you to fix it or judge it. I just need you to listen to me right now.” Another good way to approach it is by using “I” statements, such as, “When you____, I feel _____.” Other ways also include improving your own self-esteem and coping skills. Knowing your worth goes a long way here! You can self-validate and show yourself some self-compassion. Another person’s opinion or statement doesn’t have to impact us. In truth, we can learn to control whether it does or not.  Plus, you don’t have to stick around people who continually emotionally invalidate you. Find a community to surround yourself with that’s supportive and lifts each other up. Related Article: Emotional Resilience: How to Start Building Your Ability to Adapt     Rise Above! Being emotionally invalidated doesn’t feel good. Your feelings are valid. Dr. Jamie Long has also said, “Validation doesn’t mean we agree with another’s subjective reality. Validation allows another person’s emotional state a space to exist.” In other words, we don’t have to agree with one another and how we feel. Rather, we have to be able to make space for it and try to understand.  Making space for each other’s emotions allows us to bond. It allows us to be vulnerable and open with one another. Shutting someone down can lead to irreversible repercussions. So, tread lightly! Don’t stand for others using emotional invalidation. Make your life what you want it to be! Read Next: How to Master the Fine Art of Putting Yourself First While Staying Compassionate Photo by Pavel Danilyuk
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how2fit · 10 hours
It seems as though periods always seem to hit at the most inconvenient times: weddings, vacations, you name it. And for outdoor lovers, a sudden visit from Aunt Flow in the hours or days before hitting the trail for a breathtaking hike can feel mildly annoying to, depending on symptoms, disastrous. Hiking on your period is a problem that Heather Anderson, an author, backpacking expert, and National Geographic Adventurer of the Year, has heard fellow hikers grumble about time and again. “Some people are just very intimidated by the idea of dealing with [their period] on the trail,” says Anderson, who’s the only woman to complete the Appalachian, Pacific Crest, and Continental Divide National Scenic Trails each three times. But you don’t need to postpone your trek just because it’s that time of the month. With a bit of forethought and expert packing, you can comfortably hike on your period. Even when Anderson’s period came early while on a trip years ago—and her partner at the time was ready to drive them back home—she continued on her journey without a hitch. Here’s how you can do it, too. How to use menstrual products on the trail The best menstrual products to bring on the trail are the ones that are most comfortable and effective at home, Anderson says. That said, you’ll need to modify how you use, clean, and dispose of them slightly while in the backcountry. Menstrual cups Menstrual cups are by far the most popular option among hikers, Anderson says. You’ll need to carry just one cup, saving you space in your pack. And they’re generally safe to wear for up to 12 hours, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, you may need to empty them more frequently depending on your flow, adds Kelly O. Elmore, MD, a board-certified OB/GYN in San Diego. Before you insert the cup, make sure to wash your hands, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). When emptying the cup, you’ll need to follow the same Leave No Trace principles as when you’re going number two in the backcountry: Dig a hole in the ground, bury the contents, and cover it back up, Anderson says. Then, you’ll clean your menstrual cup with a biodegradable soap that’s free of dyes and fragrances (Dr. Bronner’s is a great option) and filtered water before reinsertion, she notes. During disposal and cleaning, make sure you’re at least 200 feet away from any water sources (streams, lakes, rivers, etc.), camp, and trails, she adds. If you start or finish your cycle while on a multi-day hike, you’ll also want to sanitize your cup by boiling it for about five1 to seven2 minutes in clean, filtered water. When in doubt, follow your cup’s cleaning instructions. Tampons and pads Tampons are another effective option while hiking, but they need to be changed more frequently than cups, every four to eight hours, according to the CDC. As with menstrual cups, you’ll need to wash your hands before insertion. Similarly, pads should be replaced at least every few hours, regardless of flow; the moisture on the used product can be a “breeding ground” for bacteria and fungi, increasing the risk of rash or infection, per the CDC. That means you’ll need to stash plenty of extras in your pack. The biggest downside of using disposable products: You’ll need to “pack them out,” or carry the used tampons and pads in your backpack until you have access to a trash can, Anderson says. To make the task less grody, Anderson recommends placing used products in MaskIT’s disposable bags, which seal shut and block odor. “I use those when I'm hiking because then there is no mess, there is no odor, you can just keep it in your trash bag, and it's not gross at all,” she explains. “That made a huge difference for me.” Specifically designed bags aside, you can also store used menstrual products in a Ziploc bag covered with duct tape for discretion, Anderson suggests. You can keep it as a dedicated trash bag for your entire trip and empty it when you reach each town, or toss the whole thing away when you finally head home, she explains.
Period underwear Period underwear can be useful for a quick overnight trip or two-day journey, Anderson says. They double as standard underwear when you finish menstruating, are reusable, and can be worn for a max 12 to 14 hours, depending on your flow and the brand. The CDC does recommend cleaning them more frequently to prevent rash or infection, though. However, you’ll need to wash—and, more importantly, dry—the underwear with your biodegradable soap after each use, Dr. Elmore says. If you’re short on time, you’ll either be carrying wet undies or blood-soaked ones in your pack. The key takeaway: Bring a few extra pairs. “There's nothing wrong with taking care of yourself in the backcountry just like you would at home. It's not like you have to be super Spartan about it
There are ways to deal with it and keep yourself comfortable and clean even though you're out in the woods.” —Heather Anderson How to store your menstrual products while hiking To keep your menstrual products safe and dry while out on the trail, Anderson suggests stashing them in a separate Ziploc bag, then storing that inside a toiletries or first aid bag that’s water-resistant. This double-bag situation generally offers enough protection from the elements, but if you’re expecting to encounter plenty of rain, consider placing that Ziploc bag inside of its own waterproof bag, she notes. Finally, stow the entire sack in the lid pocket of your backpack so they’re readily accessible and unlikely to be crushed by your heavy hiking gear, Anderson recommends. How to make hiking on your period comfortable Preparation is key to ensure your mid-period hike is actually enjoyable, Dr. Elmore says. As always, bring an emergency kit. And if you typically take a pain-relief medication while menstruating, she suggests starting your first dose the night before your expected start date and packing extra in your supply; you may need one dose to soothe your cramps and another to ease your back aches while out on the trail. Similarly, remember to bring more pads, tampons, or pairs of period underwear than you’d expect to need just in case your flow is heavier than usual, Dr. Elmore recommends. If you’re visiting a park with bathrooms and other facilities, plan your route before you head out the door so you have dedicated pit stops to replace, clean, or dispose of your menstrual products, take a rest break, and use any pain-relief supplies, she adds. During your trek, wear lightweight, moisture-wicking clothing that keeps you dry, cool, and comfortable and stay on top of your hydration levels, Dr. Elmore says. One small 2021 study in BMC Women's Health found that menstruating individuals who were encouraged to drink water regularly had a considerable decrease in painkiller use. Also important: Listen to your body. If you’re dealing with lightheadedness, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, or general discomfort, slow down or take a breather, Dr. Elmore advises. “There's nothing wrong with taking care of yourself in the backcountry just like you would at home,” Anderson adds. “It's not like you have to be super Spartan about it
There are ways to deal with it and keep yourself comfortable and clean even though you're out in the woods.” Well+Good articles reference scientific, reliable, recent, robust studies to back up the information we share. You can trust us along your wellness journey. Wunsch N, Green SJ, Adam S, Hampton J, Phillips-Howard PA, Mehta SD. In Vitro Study to Assess Effective Cleaning Techniques for Removing Staphylococcus aureus from Menstrual Cups. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jan 27;19(3):1450. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19031450. PMID: 35162481; PMCID: PMC8835062. Sica VP, Friberg MA, Teufel AG, Streicher-Scott JL, Hu P, Sauer UG, Krivos KL, Price JM, Baker TR, Abbinante-Nissen JM, Woeller KE. Safety assessment scheme for menstrual
cups and application for the evaluation of a menstrual cup comprised of medical grade silicone. EBioMedicine. 2022 Dec;86:104339. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2022.104339. Epub 2022 Nov 10. PMID: 36370636; PMCID: PMC9664401. Torkan B, Mousavi M, Dehghani S, Hajipour L, Sadeghi N, Ziaei Rad M, Montazeri A. The role of water intake in the severity of pain and menstrual distress among females suffering from primary dysmenorrhea: a semi-experimental study. BMC Womens Health. 2021 Jan 28;21(1):40. doi: 10.1186/s12905-021-01184-w. PMID: 33509179; PMCID: PMC7845092.
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how2fit · 15 hours
If you want to tone your abs, try this intense and effective exercise called pistol squats. Here's how to do this exercise properly.Squats are a great exercise that helps tone your lower body as well as your core muscles. They enhance your posture and improve flexibility. While there are many different types of squats, the pistol squat has become extremely popular these days. A pistol squat is a single-leg squat where one leg is extended forward while squatting down on the other leg. It requires balance, strength, and flexibility. Here are some of the benefits of pistol squats and how to perform it properly.What is a pistol squat?“The pistol squat, also known as the one-legged squat, is a difficult lower-body workout that includes lowering your body to a complete squat posture while balancing on one leg, with the other leg extended straight out in front of you. It requires significant strength and firmness in the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles. You will also need to maintain stability and balance throughout the exercise,” says fitness expert Yash Agarwal.What are the benefits of pistol squats?Here are some of the notable benefits of pistol squats that you should know:1. Less pressure on the back“The conventional barbell back squat places weight on the shoulders and back. If performed incorrectly, it can cause injury. However, the pistol squat is a bodyweight exercise that does not put too much pressure on the back. If weightlifting is too hard, incorporating pistol squats is a great option. They make your muscles work hard without needing any weights,” explains the expert.2. Strengthens lower body musclesTargets quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves, improving muscle strength and endurance. A study published in the International Journal of Exercise Science suggests that incorporating pistol squats or single-leg squats helps to strengthen and tone your glutes. However, more research is needed to determine whether it strengthens the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves.Also Read Pistol squat will help you tone your core. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock3. Helps develop core strengthAre you searching for an effective workout that helps you develop core muscles? Try pistol squats. “Practising pistol squats can be helpful. Pistol squats engage core muscles to stabilise the body during the movement, contributing to a stronger and more stable core,” says the expert. However, more research is required to prove that pistol squat can help in developing core strength.4. Enhances flexibilityAccording to a study published in the Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Science showed that pistol squats had a significant effect on the flexibility of hamstrings and increased muscle activity. It also helped maintain the decline angle of the knee joint, which helps improve stability.5. Improves balance and stability“The pistol squat requires balance and body control because the lifter must hold himself on one foot during the whole range of actions. Joint stability and control are required to provide adequate joint tracking, body balance, and overall movement safety, making this one among the few bodyweight activities that demand such high levels of mobility, stability, balance, and body control, explains the expert.How to do pistol squats?Here is a complete guide on how to do pistol squats, as explained by the expert.1. Begin with a thorough warm-up to prepare the muscles and joints, including dynamic stretches and light cardio. 2. Stand with feet hip-width apart. Extend one leg straight in front of you, keeping it parallel to the ground. 3. Begin lowering your body by bending the knee of the supporting leg. Keep the extended leg straight and off the ground. 4. Ensure your back remains straight, chest up, and arms extended forward for balance. Keep your knee aligned with your toes. 5. Squat down as low as possible while maintaining control, aiming to bring your hips below the knee level of the supporting leg. 6. Push through the heel of the supporting leg to rise back to the starting position.
Keep the extended leg off the ground throughout the movement. 7. Perform the desired number of repetitions on one leg before switching to the other leg. Here’s how to do pistol squats properly. Image courtesy: Adobe StockAre there any side effects of pistol squats?Here are some of the side effects of pistol squats, as explained by the expert. Pistol squats can place significant stress on the knee joint, potentially leading to strain or injury if not performed with proper form. You need to maintain balance, which may be challenging for beginners and increase the risk of falls. High flexibility requirements can lead to muscle strains if attempted without adequate flexibility training. Incorrect form or insufficient core strength can result in undue stress on the lower back. You could be at a risk of injury if performed without proper preparation, progression, or technique.Make sure you consult a professional before making any changes to your workout regimen.
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how2fit · 17 hours
If you work with your hands in some capacity, you’ve probably had sore wrists at some point. Maybe you had a super long barista shift or typed on your laptop from a weird angle. But while there are lots of workout and stretch routines for easing back pain or loosening your hips, the wrists all too often get ignored by fitness pros. That's why today, Brian Spencer from Easter River Pilates is taking us through 15 minutes of wrist-friendly TLC. If you're someone who usually gets that white-hot ache in your wrists super easily whenever you're on all fours during a workout, you’re not alone. But it might be a sign to work on your upper body strength so you can decrease the pressure on your wrists, Spencer explains. That's why this Pilates for wrist pain workout includes exercises for the chest, arms, and shoulders. “If you're kinda wondering, Why we are doing so much shoulder work today?” says Spencer. “One of the main reasons for having a lot of wrist discomfort on all fours is the need to strengthen up those shoulders. When those shoulders aren't super strong, your weight just gets kind of loaded into the wrist joint. So building up shoulder strength is a great way to reduce discomfort on your wrists." Expect a lot of repeated arm movements that involve reaching and using the full range of motion in your shoulders in this workout. There’s no move that Spencer doesn’t explain with a cheery, fun, and easy-to-understand delivery. As you're extending your arms out, up, and around, with added hand movements to support strong wrists, he offers helpful visuals like “there are a million dollars on the ceiling that you’re reaching for.” Doing this 15-minute series regularly can help you "go from wrist-pain friendly to wrist-pain free," as Spencer cheekily puts it. Anything is optional, of course, and the best part? There are no vigorous, on-all-fours moves in sight.
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how2fit · 21 hours
Performing warm-up exercises helps you get ready for the intense workout, reducing the risk of injury. Here are 9 warm-up exercises that you may perform before a workout to loosen up your tight muscles.People often question the importance of warm-up exercises before an intense workout. The answer is clear, they are crucial. The primary goal of a warm-up is to increase blood flow and oxygen supply to your muscles. Not to mention, warm-up exercises improve your performance and reduce the risk of injuries. Not warming up before a workout means tight and cold muscles, which makes you prone to muscle strains and severe muscle contractions during exercise. Additionally, warm-ups enhance flexibility, prepare your nervous system, and increase your range of motion. Hence, following pre-workout exercises is essential for a safe and effective workout session.Warm-up exercisesHere are 7 expert-recommended warm-up exercises that you should perform before a workout:1. Arm circlesArm circles are a simple yet effective way to warm up the shoulders and improve upper body mobility. “It helps to increase blood flow to the shoulder joints and muscles, preparing them for more demanding activities,” says fitness expert Sonia Bakshi.Here’s how to perform it: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height. Start making small circles with your arms, gradually increasing the size of the circles. After a set number of repetitions, reverse the direction of the circles. Keep in mind that you should perform the exercise slowly. Try doing arm circles for toned arms and mobility. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock2. Hip circlesHip circles are essential for loosening up the hip joints and improving lower body flexibility.Also ReadHere’s how to perform it: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your hips. Make large circles with your hips, first in one direction for 15-20 seconds, then switch to the opposite direction.3. Wrist rotationWrist rotations are essential for warming up the wrists, especially if your workout involves weightlifting or exercises that put strain on the wrists.Here’s how to perform it: Extend your arms in front of you with your palms facing down. Make a fist with each hand and rotate your wrists in circular motions. After several rotations, change the direction. Don’t forget to perform these wrist warm-up exercises before your intense workouts!4. Jumping jackJumping jacks are a dynamic full-body exercise that targets muscles in your legs, arms, and core. “Incorporating jumping jacks into your warm-up routine can help increase your heart rate and improve coordination, preparing your body for more intense physical activities,” explains Bakshi.Here’s how to perform it: Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Jump while spreading your legs shoulder-width apart and simultaneously raising your arms above your head. Quickly jump back to the starting position and repeat. Jumping jacks are highly effective for fat loss! Image courtesy: Adobe Stock5. Cat-cow poseThe cat-cow pose is one of the best exercises to stretch and activate your spine and back muscles. This movement sequence gently stretches the spine, neck, and shoulders, promoting flexibility and relieving tension in the back.Here’s how to perform it: Begin on all fours with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Inhale and arch your back, dropping your belly towards the floor and lifting your head and tailbone towards the ceiling (cow pose). Exhale and round your spine towards the ceiling, tucking your chin to your chest and pulling your belly button towards your spine (cat pose). Alternate between these two positions for several breaths.6. High plank to downward dogThis exercise is excellent for warming up the upper body, core, and hamstrings. This dynamic movement improves shoulder stability, core strength, and flexibility in the posterior chain.Here’s how to perform
it: Start in a high plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your body forming a straight line from head to heels. Engage your core and hold the plank for a moment. Then, push your hips up and back into the downward dog position, creating an inverted V shape with your body. Hold this position briefly, stretching your hamstrings and calves. Return to the high plank position and repeat. How to warm up before running and why7. Alternating lungeLunges are effective for warming up the lower body, particularly the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. “Alternating lunges help improve flexibility, strength, and coordination,” says the expert.Here’s how to perform it: Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Step forward with your right foot and lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your left knee almost touches the ground. Push off your right foot to return to the starting position and repeat with the left leg. Continue alternating legs. Lunges are a great way to strengthen your legs. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock8. InchwormThe inchworm exercise is a dynamic movement that stretches the entire body and activates multiple muscle groups. This exercise warms up the shoulders, core, and hamstrings, enhances flexibility, and improves body awareness.Here’s how to perform it: Begin standing with your feet hip-width apart. Bend at the waist and place your hands on the ground, walking them forward until you reach a high plank position. Hold the plank for a moment, then walk your feet towards your hands, keeping your legs as straight as possible. Stand up and repeat the sequence.9. High kneesHigh knees are excellent for boosting cardiovascular endurance and warming up the lower body. It targets your hip flexors, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves.Here’s how to perform it: Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart. Jog in place, bringing your knees up toward your chest as high as possible with each step. Maintain a rapid pace while swinging your arms to engage your upper body.6 things to remember when performing warm-up exercisesWhen performing warm-up exercises, keep these things in mind to avoid the risk of injury: Prioritise proper form to prevent injury and maximize effectiveness. Start with low intensity and gradually increase to prepare your body without overexertion. Pay attention to your breathing, keeping it steady and controlled. Avoid bouncing or jerky motions to reduce strain on your muscles and joints. Perform dynamic movements carefully with all your attention. Stay hydrated and listen to your body, stopping if you feel any pain or discomfort.With these exercises, you not only prepare your body for an intense workout but also boost strength and coordination!
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how2fit · 23 hours
As a runner, you may have your pace and refuel stops down to a tee during your run. However, if you’re not paying attention to your recovery afterward, you could be missing out on key opportunities to improve your performance. Here’s what running experts say about post-run recovery—and how to do it right. Why is post-run recovery important? After a tough run, your first inclination may be to collapse onto the couch and reward yourself with a carb-heavy dinner. However, your training isn’t over quite yet: Post-run recovery is essential for minimizing your risk of injury. “Post-run recovery allows for the whole body to gradually return to normal,” says Ioona Felix, PT, a board-certified sports and orthopedic physical therapist who works with runners at Thrive Integrated Physical Therapy in New York City. “This process will minimize soreness and tightness, reducing the risk of injuries.” Recovery also helps to decrease inflammation, improve your range of motion, and optimize your performance, adds Felix. In fact, your greatest gains may come from what you do after you clock in miles. “As with most forms of exercise, the majority of running benefits come about as a result of the recovery period,” says Ingrid Anderson, PT, an Atlanta-based physical therapist who works with runners. “At this time, a host of mechanisms in the body respond to the stresses and challenges of the exercise to prepare for similar activity in the future.” In the hours and days after running, the body heals damaged tissues and builds up muscle fibers, tendons, ligaments, bone, and blood vessels, adds Anderson. This is also the time when your cells adjust to the demands of exercise by enhancing their ability to use oxygen and manufacturing certain proteins to maintain and improve functioning under stress. 8 ways to recover after a run 1. Cool down properly In recent years, there’s been debate around the need for a cool-down after workouts. A 2018 review in the journal Sports Medicine found that active cool-downs don’t seem to make a significant difference in performance or injury prevention. However, cooling down may have some small benefits in removing lactic acid (which is a byproduct of burning glucose for energy while exercising that causes muscle fatigue and soreness) from your blood faster and helping your immune, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems recover more quickly. Although more research is needed, many experts and organizations still recommend cool-downs. The American Heart Association (AHA) suggests cooling down after a workout to help gradually slow down your heartbeat, adding that if you stop too quickly, you could feel sick or even pass out. “Continuing at a slower pace by walking or jogging allows the body to adjust to the changing demands and return to normal operations faster,” says Anderson. “Sudden decreases in activity can cause blood pressure to drop because there is less muscular action pumping blood to the heart.” Since this continued activity maintains a somewhat elevated level of blood flow to your muscles, they receive a steady flow of oxygen and nutrients (while excess metabolic waste products and CO2 are removed from circulation more quickly), adds Anderson. This helps your body’s overall chemical environment normalize faster after a run. 2. Replenish with the right nutrition When you run, your body burns through calories from fat, carbohydrates, and proteins that circulate in the bloodstream and are stored in muscles, says Anderson. Usually, the primary measure of how much metabolic fuel is available for use is found in the amount of glucose in your bloodstream (also known as blood sugar). As that glucose gets depleted, you end up low on fuel—which can cause fatigue, weakness, shaking, or even fainting. Plus, as your muscles and joints work during a run, they get pulled, compressed, and exposed to impact. The resulting damage needs proteins and minerals like calcium for repair. “Having a post-workout snack or meal helps
to replenish the supply of water, electrolytes, glucose, proteins, and minerals in the body,” says Anderson. “Food choices to refuel and replenish after a demanding workout may include fruit, nuts, a garden salad with leafy greens and dressing, or something as simple as cheese and crackers.” Combining carbohydrates with proteins can help your body replenish glycogen and repair tissue, per a January review in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Even though there are plenty of new sports formulations on the market, you don’t need these recovery products if you consume enough carbohydrates at multiple intervals throughout your post-exercise recovery. To pinpoint the right amounts of macronutrients for your body and training schedule, speak to a registered dietitian nutritionist. 3. Hydrate with plenty of water As part of your post-run recovery, make sure you’re replenishing your body’s water. Your body uses water to regulate temperature and muscle performance since it’s the main component of both sweat and blood plasma. “While we do not commonly think of blood as part of our body's cooling mechanism, dilating blood vessels move heat from within muscles and other organs closer to the surface of the skin, especially in the extremities,” adds Anderson. “This allows heat to dissipate as well and reduces heat-induced stresses on those tissues.” During a run, your blood flow also increases to muscles that are actively being used for exercise. The amount of water needed to carry through all these tasks can be significant. Plus, certain track and field events like endurance racing carry a high risk of dehydration—and if you lose more than two percent of your body weight from sweating, it could potentially hinder your performance, per a 2019 study in International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. Runners often train and compete in hot environments, where hydration and fluid balance become key. “If you are a serious runner, it’s a best practice to work with a sports nutritionist or dietitian to develop a bespoke hydration and fueling plan for various running distances and weather conditions,” says Felix. “Optimizing your performance, as well as your recovery, depends highly on the right balance of fluids, electrolytes, and carbohydrates.” 4. Stretch gently First, it’s important to note that more research is needed to determine if post-run stretching has benefits and what those may be. For instance, there was no evidence that static stretching helped to speed up recovery after a workout in a 2021 review published in Frontiers in Physiology. However, many run coaches and other experts still recommend it. With each step taken during a run, the muscles of the lower body contract, shortening to perform the work of moving the body forward, says Anderson. As a result, muscles can become tighter and stiffer at rest. Too much tension in your muscles reduces your range of motion. This increases the chances of a strain injury and can negatively impact proper posture and movement. “To reduce the risk of tight muscles causing problems like this and to keep joints moving well, it is important to stretch after running,” says Anderson. But remember: As a runner, your entire body needs love after a workout. “It is not just our legs that are doing the work,” says Felix. “Our core, back, and arms are involved and you should be thorough when targeting these areas.” An added note: Static stretching—the kind where you hold a certain position for some time—should only be used as part of cool-down routines to help prevent injury, per the Hospital for Special Surgery. Static stretching before a race or long run can hinder your body from reacting quickly and negatively affect your performance. Stick to dynamic stretching, the kind where you’re continuously moving as you stretch, before your run. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xObddmVyXD4[/embed] 5. Massage sore muscles Treat yourself to a DIY massage with
a foam roller after your run: It may help in recovery after training by lowering muscle soreness and increasing pain tolerance, per a 2020 review in Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. “Rolling out your muscles with a foam roller will help with stimulating blood flow,” says Ceren Kalyon, a running coach certified by the National Strength and Conditioning Association and National Academy of Sports Medicine, who leads Alo Moves’ running series, Ready, Set, Run. In fact, foam rolling on the side of the thigh led to a 74-percent increase in blood flow improvement immediately and a 53-percent improvement after 30 minutes compared to not foam rolling in a small 2017 study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Blood flow is important for muscle recovery because it provides the muscle with fresh blood and oxygen and sends muscle waste back to the kidneys, which leads to a quicker recovery and less soreness, per the University of Rochester Medical Center. Another small 2015 study in the Journal of Athletic Training found that men who did squats and used a foam roller afterward felt less thigh muscle tenderness—and also performed better in activities like sprinting. If you have questions about how to foam roll or if it’s right for your routine, speak with a personal trainer or physical therapist. 6. Go ahead and relax Try not to jump right into chores or work after your run. Instead, take a moment to jumpstart your recovery by centering yourself in relaxing breaths. “After your run, simple breathing exercises help decompress both your body and mind, but also aid in your recovery by increasing blood flow and oxygen to your muscles,” says Felix. “During your cool-down stretching or yoga, take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.” Incorporating rest throughout your training routine is also critical. “Your muscle tissue, joints, and bones all need time to recover from the intense stress running places on the body,” adds Felix. “The amount of rest depends on your age, frequency, duration, and experience level. As a rule of thumb, you should consider at least one to two days of rest after a long run—and potentially longer if you are an older runner.” Of course, resting from running can still be active recovery: Consider activities that build flexibility, stability, balance, muscular endurance, and core strength, like Pilates or yoga. 7. Get enough sleep Your recovery also happens when you’re catching zzzs at night. “The importance of solid sleep cannot be understated for runners,” says Felix. “The reality is that significant physiological activities occur during the sleep cycle. Hormones are excreted that aid muscle growth as well as repair cellular and tissue damage.” Sleep deprivation has been found to decrease endurance performance, especially for longer exercises that are more than 30 minutes, per a 2023 review in the European Journal of Sport Science. When 20 athletes completed a 12-minute running exercise after a regular night’s sleep versus just four hours of sleep, they ran more slowly, less far, and had decreased cognitive functions like reaction time, mood, and concentration when they'd slept less, per a 2020 study in the journal Physiology & Behavior. Their body responses like core temperature and heart rate were also lower with less sleep. “A good night's sleep is important for your body to perform to the best of its ability,” says Kalyon. How much sleep you need depends on several factors such as age, gender, and fitness level, FYI. 8. Consider cold therapy If you haven’t already, consider taking the plunge to try cold therapy after a run. “The best way to reduce inflammation and soothe sore muscles is to try a cold plunge or ice bath,” says Kalyon. “Professional athletes and marathon runners do this to help speed up their recoveries.” Although more studies are needed, some research points toward the benefits of this long-standing practice. Cold water significantly
decreased runners’ perceptions of muscle soreness and exercise effort level right after the workout—and lowered levels of lactate (a byproduct of exercise) after 24 and 48 hours, per a 2023 review in Frontiers in Physiology. Don’t linger for too long, though: It’s best to start with a 5-minute cold plunge and to stay in it no longer than 10 minutes. Most of the benefits are found within the first few minutes, anyhow, and taper off after the three-minute mark, per the Cleveland Clinic. Check with your doctor before you jump in, though, because cold baths can be potentially dangerous for those with underlying conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Well+Good articles reference scientific, reliable, recent, robust studies to back up the information we share. You can trust us along your wellness journey. Van Hooren, B., & Peake, J.M. “Do We Need a Cool-Down After Exercise? A Narrative Review of the Psychophysiological Effects and the Effects on Performance, Injuries and the Long-Term Adaptive Response.” Sports Medicine, vol. 48, 2018, pp. 1575–1595. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-018-0916-2. Bonilla, Diego A et al. “The 4R’s Framework of Nutritional Strategies for Post-Exercise Recovery: A Review with Emphasis on New Generation of Carbohydrates.” International journal of environmental research and public health vol. 18,1 103. 25 Dec. 2020, doi:10.3390/ijerph18010103 Casa, Douglas J et al. “Fluid Needs for Training, Competition, and Recovery in Track-and-Field Athletes.” International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism vol. 29,2 (2019): 175-180. doi:10.1123/ijsnem.2018-0374 “The Effectiveness of Post-exercise Stretching in Short-Term and Delayed Recovery of Strength, Range of Motion and Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.” Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 12, 2021, Article 677581. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.677581. Hendricks, Sharief, et al. “Effects of Foam Rolling on Performance and Recovery: A Systematic Review of the Literature to Guide Practitioners on the Use of Foam Rolling.” Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, vol. 24, no. 2, April 2020, pp. 151-174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbmt.2019.10.019. Hotfiel, Thilo et al. “Acute Effects of Lateral Thigh Foam Rolling on Arterial Tissue Perfusion Determined by Spectral Doppler and Power Doppler Ultrasound.” Journal of strength and conditioning research vol. 31,4 (2017): 893-900. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000001641 Pearcey, Gregory E P et al. “Foam rolling for delayed-onset muscle soreness and recovery of dynamic performance measures.” Journal of athletic training vol. 50,1 (2015): 5-13. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-50.1.01 Lopes, Thiago Ribeiro et al. “How much does sleep deprivation impair endurance performance? A systematic review and meta-analysis.” European journal of sport science vol. 23,7 (2023): 1279-1292. doi:10.1080/17461391.2022.2155583 Souissi, Wajdi et al. “Partial sleep deprivation affects endurance performance and psychophysiological responses during 12-minute self-paced running exercise.” Physiology & behavior vol. 227 (2020): 113165. doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.113165 Xiao, Feiyan et al. “Effects of cold water immersion after exercise on fatigue recovery and exercise performance–meta analysis.” Frontiers in physiology vol. 14 1006512. 20 Jan. 2023, doi:10.3389/fphys.2023.1006512
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how2fit · 1 day
Swimming laps is a fabulous, high-intensity, low-impact workout, plus a super-effective form of cardio. Still, logging time looping back and forth can get boring and tedious after a while. Fortunately, there are other ways to get your fitness fix in the water—without even realizing you're doing it. I'm talking about pool games, people. Below are 10 aquatic activities that can keep you entertained and moving. Some games can be done solo, while you’ll need to grab your fitfam (or regular fam) for others. 1. Long-jump For a full-body strength workout, try a long-jump contest. You can play this game solo—aiming for personal records—or compete against a friend. Stand on the edge of the pool. Trying different techniques, such as a squat jump or a doing a lunge in the air by pushing off with one foot, see how far you can launch yourself into the water. 2. Cannonballs This one is another jumping contest, but this time, you’re going to see who can make the biggest splash by jumping in cannonball style. To perform a cannon ball, jump into the pool with knees bent and tucked up towards the chest; wrap your arms around your shins to stay in a ball. Variation: the can opener. To perform a can opener, hold one leg up to the chest and let the other leg hang straight down as you jump. For the biggest splash, lean slightly backwards in the air. (Careful not to hit your head on the pool deck by leaning back too far.) 3. Lap races Kind of a no-brainer, but if you’re all alone and tired of swimming laps, then try timing yourself to beat your personal record. You can race yourself or others trying out different strokes. Try the classics like freestyle, breast stroke, backstroke, and butterfly. You can try high-efficiency strokes such as sidestroke, and elementary backstroke. 4. Floating object push races Grab any floating objects such as a beach ball, kick board, or flamingo float. Swim and push the object ahead of you. First person to reach the wall at the opposite end of the pool wins. 5. Raft, inner tube, or pool noodle races Everyone grab a floatation device and hop on! Then race each other from one end of the pool to the other by paddling, kicking, or perhaps, perfecting your high-knee technique if the what's shallow enough. 6. Marco Polo This is basically tag in the pool, with some fun variations. This person who is “it” must keep their eyes closed. They have to locate someone to tag by yelling, “Marco” and everyone else in the game responds with, “Polo.” First person to get tagged is “it” for the next round. 7. Octopus Here’s another variation on tag. The person who is “it” starts in the center of the pool, while everyone else tries to swim from one end of the pool to the other without getting tagged. If you get tagged, you are also “it.” Those who are “it” all hold hands and create an ever-growing blockade across the pool until all players are tagged. The last person to be tagged wins. 8. Treasure hunt This one can be done solo or with friends. Toss some coins into the pool and dive to the bottom to retrieve them. See how many coins you can pick up without surfacing for a breath. Variation with friends: Scavenger Hunt. Litter the pool with as many objects as desired. This can be a combination of floating objects like kickboards, or sinking objects like diving rings. Whoever gathers the most objects wins. 9. Chicken fights Definitely one for the older kids or adults, chicken fighting is basically water wrestling with the added twist that the wrestlers are perched on top of other peoples’ shoulders. To play, you need four people divided into two teams of two people. One person from each team climbs onto his or her teammate’s shoulders. The people who are sitting on shoulders then wrestle each other. The object is to knock the opponent off their teammate’s shoulders and into the pool. This game can obviously get a bit rough and dangerous without some decent ground rules for safety, so make sure you set them in advance. 10. Keep away A sponge ball is a great pool accessory, but any ball or soft toy will do for this game.
This keep away game, AKA Monkey in the Middle, is the same game you’d play on land. However, trying to run toward and away from each other to get or keep the ball away is an added challenge with the resistance of the water. Great exercise! When you're packing your pool bag, make sure to include lots of natural sunscreen and a swimsuit you can actually be active while wearing. 
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how2fit · 1 day
Love the mindful benefits of yoga but crave a more intense workout? Power yoga delivers both in a single practice. “The flows can be more physically demanding on the body (and sometimes mind), and the class moves at a faster pace,” explains Robin Diamond, RYT 200, a Miami-based power yoga instructor. The sequencing and speed are “designed to keep your heart rate elevated and your muscles working,” she adds. A mix of cardio yoga and yoga for strength, this 20th-century update on an ancient practice is perfect for those who want their workouts to pull double duty. Read on to learn about power yoga, how it’s connected to vinyasa yoga, and which poses you can expect in a typical class. What Is Power Yoga? Power yoga is any type of high-intensity yoga in which the pace and movements are more challenging than in a traditional yoga practice. While yoga’s roots date back millennia as a meditative practice, power yoga is a distinctly modern type of yoga. In 1995, Beryl Bender Birch wrote the book Power Yoga, named for her signature athletic method of teaching the equally intense (but much more rigid and traditional) Ashtanga yoga. Bender Birch was the first to teach yoga to athletes, and power yoga has been the official yoga program of the New York Road Runners Club since 1980. In the ’90s, yogis Bryan Kest and Baron Baptiste each put their own spin on the power practice, but these days “power yoga is a more general term,” Diamond says, adding that it’s linked to vinyasa (a.k.a. flow) yoga. You’ll also see “power vinyasa yoga” listed on studio class schedules. As a decidedly Western practice, participants can expect music and energy, with a mix of English and Sanskrit names for poses. Be prepared to move — and sweat — without letting go of your “yogic breathing.” “In a power class, you are linking breath with movement, just at a quicker pace,” Diamond says. A lifelong yogi, she found power yoga about seven years ago. “My strength increased tremendously, and my mind was quiet when I was on my mat,” she says, explaining that the intensity actually helps with focus. “When the classes are physically demanding, you’re so focused on the flow that you totally disconnect from other thoughts,” Diamond says. That’s the essence of the upcoming program BODi LAVA, which fuses power yoga and primal movements for low-impact, high-intensity workouts that build strength and cardiovascular endurance. Power Yoga Benefits For those with a foundation in yoga, a power yoga practice can amplify its existing benefits: 1. Muscle strength and development “All forms of yoga can provide an incredible mental workout, but power yoga is a great physical practice,” Diamond says. “By using your own bodyweight through a series of poses like push-ups (chaturanga), arm balances, and even standing poses, you’re able to sculpt your muscles if you practice consistently.” 2. Increased calorie burn The brisk, steady pace of power yoga burns more calories than a slower yin or restorative practice, as your fitness tracker can confirm. In 2020, researchers examined the benefits of vinyasa yoga for cardiovascular health. They answered the question of whether yoga is cardiovascular exercise: Doing 90 minutes of vinyasa yoga can, over time, be an effective alternative to other forms of cardiovascular workouts. 3. Mood boost Any time you unroll your mat, it can help you manage stress, bounce back from tough blows, and build resilience. Even one session of power yoga has been shown to reduce salivary cortisol, a marker for stress, according to research conducted on college-age women published in 2019. 4. Cardiovascular health Dancers who practiced power yoga for eight weeks boosted their anaerobic endurance — as well as upper-body strength (compared with a control group who did not add yoga to their routine) — according to research published in 2019. 5. Greater mobility Yoga can, of course, yield benefits for flexibility, mobility, and overall health of joints and connective tissues, and power yoga is no exception.
6. Weight management Power yoga may help with weight loss, and, according to a 2016 review of studies, it’s a safe and effective addition to a weight-loss routine. What Is a Typical Power Yoga Sequence? “Every teacher brings their own special traits to their class,” Diamond says, but expect to kick off your power yoga practice with sun salutations after a quick, gentle warm-up. (But not 108 of them — don’t worry!) As with other flow yoga, expect to link power yoga poses with a “vinyasa” or the combo of chaturanga (chaturanga dandasana), upward facing dog (urdhva mukha svanasana), and downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana), which are all part of a sun salute. Here are a few other poses you can expect in a power vinyasa yoga sequence. Move through each after a breath or two to boost the cardio yoga benefits of the practice. Warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana 1) Start in mountain pose (tadasana). Step your left foot back three to four feet, at a 45-degree angle. Give yourself as much space between your feet as needed. If you’re able, align your back left arch with your right heel. Keeping your chest and hips facing the front of the mat throughout the posture, bend your front knee 90 degrees directly over the ankle, with your knee and toes pointing forward. Press your back foot into the ground. Lengthen your spine and engage your core. On an inhale, sweep your arms forward and up, palms facing each other. Keep your arms in line with your ears, engage your triceps, and press your shoulders down and away from your ears. Look forward or up toward your hands. Exhale to move out of the pose, to mountain pose, or directly to the other side. Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana 2) Start in mountain pose. Step your left foot back three to four feet, at a 45-degree angle, following the same alignment as warrior 1. Bend your front knee 90 degrees directly over the ankle, with your knee and toes pointing forward. Square your chest and hips to the left side. Press your left heel down firmly and engage the muscles of your left leg. Stand tall and engage your core. On an inhale, reach your left arm back and your right arm forward, so that they form a “T,” palms facing down. Spread the collarbones and broaden your upper back, keeping your shoulders down. Look over your right fingertips. Stack your shoulders directly over your hips (so your spine is upright — not shifted forward or back). Exhale to move out of the pose, to mountain pose, or directly to the other side. Warrior 3 (Virabhadrasana 3) ï»żï»ż Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, with your hands at your sides or palms together in front of your heart. Shift your weight onto your right foot, and lift your left knee, flexing your left foot. Shift your weight forward as you extend your left leg behind you, keeping your left foot flexed. Your upper body and back leg should be parallel with the mat. Hold your gaze toward the floor, keeping your head neutral. Adjust your hips so that your pelvis is parallel with the floor. Your right leg should be as straight as possible. Find your balance, and, if desired, bring your arms straight out in front of you, keeping your shoulders away from your ears. On an inhale, reverse the movement to return to mountain pose, and repeat on the other side. Chair Pose (Utkatasana) ï»żï»ż Stand in mountain pose, so your toes are together and your heels are slightly separated. On an inhale, raise your arms above your head next to your ears so that your palms are facing one another. Then bend your knees to lower your hips down and back, as if sitting in a chair. Keep your arms extended with your shoulders pressed down and biceps by your ears. Keep your chin slightly tucked and your chest lifted to maintain a straight line through your spine. Bend your knees deeply so that your thighs are parallel to the mat. Put your weight back into your heels, so that you could lift all 10 toes. Boat Pose (Navasana) [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQOmlL4qJyo[/embed]ï»ż Start by sitting on the floor, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor.
Keep your sitting bones flat on the ground. Engage your core and hip flexors and lift your feet off the floor. Keep a straight spine and continually lift through your sternum. Extend your arms forward, keeping them parallel with the floor.  Straighten your legs if possible. Keep your core engaged to avoid putting strain on your lower back. Repeat three sets. Is Power Yoga Good for Beginners? While a program like BODi LAVA is designed to accommodate practitioners of all fitness levels, power yoga generally requires some experience with a basic yoga practice before attempting its more strenuous paces and poses. If you’re feeling energized by the prospect of power yoga, BODi LAVA from Super Trainer Elise Joan, launches on June 27th. The high-intensity, low-impact program combines athletic yoga, primal movements, and bodyweight strength in a single practice that takes only 20 minutes a day. Power yogis will love the multi-tasking, flowing movement designed to make you sweat — and keep you moving.
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how2fit · 1 day
Introduction In the journey of faith, prayer affirmations are a powerful tool to align our thoughts, words, and actions. These affirmations, rooted in the truth of God’s Word, offer a transformative way to refresh our spirits. Engage in meaningful prayer time, and nurture a deeper connection with the Lord. To emphasize, prayer affirmations are not just wishes or positive affirmations. They are powerful statements that integrate the power of God’s Word into our daily lives. By declaring these affirmations, we invite the Holy Spirit to work within us. Bringing about positive changes that align with God’s truth and the fruit of the Spirit. Additionally, incorporating prayer affirmations into our daily routine is an act of faith and a declaration of our trust in God’s unfailing love. These affirmations are not mere words, they are powerful affirmations grounded in scriptural truths. Guiding us toward embodying the qualities of a true child of God. By starting our day with a positive morning prayer, we set a tone of gratitude and expectation for God’s presence throughout the day. It’s a time to declare our faith in Jesus Christ, seek divine inspiration, and more importantly, express our gratitude for a new creation in Christ Jesus. Prayer affirmations remind us of God’s peace and His promise to be our good Father in times of need or moments filled with anxious thoughts. Simultaneously, these affirmations help us surrender our plans and desires to the will of God, trusting that He leads us toward what is best for us. In other words, they reinforce our identity as beloved children of God, deeply loved and guided by His hand. 13 Uplifting Prayer Affirmations to Rekindle Your Faith in Humanity In general, prayer affirmations encompass a wide range of topics that can rekindle our faith in humanity and positively impact our lives. These affirmations are rooted in the truth of God’s Word and reflect His love for all of humanity. By incorporating daily prayer affirmations into our routine, we nurture a positive mindset that reflects God’s love and promises. Prayer Affirmation 1: For Universal Love and Compassion One of the prayer affirmations that can rekindle our faith in humanity is universal love and compassion. As we affirm our belief in God’s love for all people, we invite His love to flow through us, reaching those around us. This affirmation helps us cultivate a heart of compassion and spread positive energy wherever we go. By declaring this affirmation daily, we remind ourselves of our calling to love and serve others, regardless of their background or circumstances. This affirmation can inspire us to positively impact the world and contribute to the well-being of humanity. Prayer Affirmation 2: For Peace and Harmony Among Nations Another prayer affirmation is for peace and harmony among nations. In a world filled with conflicts and divisions, this affirmation reminds us of our role in promoting peace and seeking harmonious relationships with others. By declaring this affirmation, we align our hearts with God’s desire for peace and pray for positive changes in the world. This affirmation helps us nurture a spirit of unity and encourages us to take actions that promote reconciliation and understanding among nations. Therefore, through this affirmation, we can contribute to creating a world where peace and harmony prevail. Prayer Affirmation 3: For Healing of the Earth and Its Inhabitants Praying for the healing of the earth and its inhabitants is another powerful prayer affirmation. As stewards of God’s creation, we are responsible for caring for the earth and its resources. By declaring this affirmation, we acknowledge our role in preserving the environment and pray for the healing of the earth from pollution, climate change, and other destructive forces. This affirmation also includes praying for the healing of all human and animal living beings who are suffering physically, emotionally, or spiritually.
Through this affirmation, we join hands with God in His mission to restore and renew His creation. Prayer Affirmation 4: For Strength and Courage in Trying Times During trying times, we can find strength and courage through prayer affirmations. This affirmation reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and that God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. By relying on His power, we can face difficult situations with courage and confidence, knowing that He is with us every step of the way. In truth, this affirmation helps us tap into the limitless power of God and encourages us to trust in His faithfulness. Prayer Affirmation 5: For Wisdom and Guidance for World Leaders Praying for wisdom and guidance for world leaders is another important prayer affirmation. As citizens of the world, we are responsible for praying for those in authority and asking God to grant them wisdom and guidance in their decision-making. Let’s acknowledge our role in shaping the world through our prayers and ask God to work through leaders to bring about positive changes. This affirmation reminds us of the importance of interceding for those in positions of power and seeking God’s guidance for them. Through this affirmation, we contribute to the well-being of humanity by uplifting our leaders in prayer. Prayer Affirmation 6: For Protection of the Vulnerable and Marginalized Praying for the protection of the vulnerable and marginalized is a prayer affirmation that reflects God’s heart for justice and compassion. Let’s express our concern for marginalized or oppressed people and ask God to intervene on their behalf. This affirmation reminds us of our responsibility to stand up for the rights of the vulnerable and be a voice for the voiceless. Through this affirmation, we seek God’s protection and provision for those who are in need. And we commit ourselves to being agents of positive change in their lives. It encourages us to take action to address social injustices and promote equality and dignity for all. Prayer Affirmation 7: For Prosperity and Abundance for All Praying for prosperity and abundance for all is a prayer affirmation that acknowledges God’s desire to bless His children. This affirmation encourages us to promote a positive mindset and believe in the limitless possibilities of God’s blessings. It reminds us that prosperity is not just about material wealth, but also includes spiritual and emotional well-being. Through this affirmation, we express our gratitude for God’s provision and commit ourselves to sharing our blessings with others. Prayer Affirmation 8: For Forgiveness and Reconciliation Praying for forgiveness and reconciliation is a prayer affirmation that reflects God’s heart for healing broken relationships. By declaring this affirmation, we acknowledge our own need for forgiveness and extend forgiveness to others. This affirmation encourages us to let go of resentment and bitterness and seek reconciliation with those who have hurt us. It reminds us of the power of forgiveness to bring healing and restore relationships. Let’s align our hearts with God’s grace and mercy. And commit ourselves to promoting forgiveness and reconciliation in our interactions with others. Prayer Affirmation 9: For Joy and Serenity in Daily Life Praying for joy and serenity in daily life is a prayer affirmation that reminds us of God’s desire for us to experience His joy and peace. By inviting God’s presence into our daily lives and asking Him to fill us with His joy and serenity. This affirmation encourages us to find joy in every circumstance and to cultivate a spirit of gratitude and contentment. It reminds us that true joy comes from knowing and trusting in God’s faithfulness. Through this affirmation, we seek God’s guidance in finding joy and serenity in life’s challenges and commit ourselves to living each day with a grateful heart. Prayer Affirmation 10: For Creativity and Inspiration
Praying for creativity and inspiration is a prayer affirmation that acknowledges God’s role as the ultimate source of creativity. By declaring this affirmation, we invite God to infuse us with His creativity and inspire us in our endeavors. This affirmation encourages us to tap into our God-given talents and use them to make a positive impact in the world. It reminds us that creativity is not limited to artistic pursuits but can be expressed in various forms. Through this affirmation, we seek God’s guidance and inspiration as we pursue our passions. Therefore, committing ourselves to being vessels of creativity and innovation. Prayer Affirmation 11: For Unity and Brotherhood among People Praying for unity and brotherhood among people is a prayer affirmation that reflects God’s desire for His children to live in harmony and love one another. Let’s express our longing for unity and ask God to break down the barriers that divide us. This affirmation encourages us to embrace diversity and nurture a spirit of love and acceptance toward all people. To point out, it reminds us that we are part of the same human family and that our ultimate allegiance is to the kingdom of God. Through this affirmation, we commit ourselves to promoting unity and brotherhood in our communities and seeking reconciliation wherever there is division. Prayer Affirmation 12: For Patience and Perseverance Praying for patience and perseverance is a prayer affirmation that acknowledges the challenges we face in life. This affirmation encourages us to trust in God’s timing and His plan for our lives. It reminds us that through patient endurance, we can bear fruit and experience spiritual growth. Through this affirmation, we seek God’s guidance and strength to navigate the ups and downs of life and commit ourselves to persevere in faith. Prayer Affirmation 13: For Gratitude and Appreciation of Life’s Blessings Praying for gratitude and appreciation of life’s blessings is a prayer affirmation that reminds us of the importance of cultivating a grateful heart. By declaring this affirmation, we express our gratitude to God for His abundant blessings. And acknowledge that every good thing comes from Him. This affirmation encourages us to appreciate the simple joys and blessings of life and to count our blessings even in difficult times. It reminds us that gratitude is a mindset that can transform our perspective and bring joy to our lives. Through this affirmation, we commit ourselves to living with a grateful heart and finding beauty and blessings in every aspect of life. The Impact of Prayer Affirmations on Individual Well-being The impact of prayer affirmations on individual well-being is significant. These affirmations can promote mental health and reduce stress. By incorporating positive affirmations into our daily routine, we can significantly rewire our thought patterns and nurture a positive mindset. This shift in mindset can have a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being. Prayer affirmations help us focus on the positive aspects of life, increase self-awareness, and reduce negative thinking. They provide a source of comfort, hope, and inspiration, boosting our overall well-being and resilience. How Prayer Affirmations Promote Mental Health Prayer affirmations promote mental health by encouraging a positive mindset and helping to counter anxious thoughts. By incorporating positive affirmations into our daily routine, we shift our focus from negative thinking to positive thoughts. This shift in mindset can reduce anxiety, increase resilience, and improve overall mental health. Prayer affirmations remind us of God’s presence and His promises, bringing comfort and peace to our minds. They help us cultivate a sense of gratitude and optimism, fostering a positive outlook on life. Through prayer affirmations, we invite the power of God’s Word to transform our thoughts and emotions, promoting mental well-being.
The Role of Prayer Affirmations in Stress Reduction Prayer affirmations play a crucial role in stress reduction. By declaring positive affirmations rooted in God’s Word, we invite His peace and positive energy into our lives. Additionally, this helps to counteract negative thoughts and emotions that contribute to stress. Prayer affirmations remind us of God’s presence and His promise to be our refuge and strength in times of trouble. They provide a source of comfort and assurance, helping us navigate stressful situations with a calm and composed mindset. Through prayer affirmations, we shift our focus from life’s stressors to God’s promises and power, reducing stress and promoting emotional well-being. Conclusion In times of uncertainty and hardship, prayer affirmations serve as beacons of hope, promoting love, peace, healing, and unity. These affirmations not only strengthen our faith but also nurture our well-being by promoting mental health and reducing stress. As we recite these affirmations for universal love, courage, wisdom, and gratitude, we sow seeds of positivity that ripple through our lives and communities. Embrace the power of prayer affirmations to promote resilience, compassion, and harmony in your journey. Lastly, let these affirmations guide your heart and soul, illuminating the path to a brighter and more connected humanity. Frequently Asked Questions What is a Prayer Affirmation? A prayer affirmation is a positive statement that integrates the power of God’s Word into our daily affirmations. It is a way of declaring our faith. Aligning our thoughts with God’s truth, and inviting His presence into our lives. Moreover, prayer affirmations serve as a reminder of His promises and a source of strength and encouragement in our daily lives. How Often Should I Recite Prayer Affirmations? Prayer affirmations can be recited daily for maximum impact. Many people find it helpful to incorporate prayer affirmations into their morning prayer routine to set a positive tone for the day. However, you can recite prayer affirmations at any time that works best for you. The key is to make it a consistent practice to experience the positive impact of affirmations in your life. By declaring these affirmations daily, you reinforce your beliefs. Promoting a positive mindset, and experience the transformative power of God’s Word in your life. Can Prayer Affirmations Help in Achieving Personal Goals? Yes, prayer affirmations can help in achieving personal goals. You have to align your thoughts and beliefs with His promises and tap into His power. This positive mindset and affirmation of His truth can inspire and motivate you to take action towards your goals. Therefore, prayer affirmations provide the encouragement and strength needed to overcome obstacles and persevere in your journey. Without a doubt, by relying on God’s guidance and wisdom, you can experience positive changes and see your personal goals bear fruit. Are There Any Specific Times Best Suited for Prayer Affirmations? There are no specific times that are best suited for prayer affirmations. In fact, you can recite them according to your personal preference and schedule. Many people find it beneficial to incorporate prayer affirmations into their morning prayer routine to set a positive tone for the day. However, you can also recite them throughout the day as needed. The key is to make prayer affirmations a consistent practice in your life, regardless of the specific time. You invite God’s love and presence into your life by declaring these affirmations daily. And experience the transformative power of His Word.
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how2fit · 1 day
Have you ever looked at your past and wondered if you can ever recover from it?  Most of us have traumas and emotional wounds that we are working towards healing. Our past might have shaped the people we are today, but that doesn’t mean we should be shackled by it forever. As we become more aware of who we are and work on becoming the best versions of ourselves, emotional healing is one of the many things we must do.  Emotional healing is a personal and often multifaceted process that involves addressing and processing feelings, thoughts, and experiences to understand our past better and ultimately, improving our emotional well-being. Here are several effective areas you can explore on your healing journey.   8 Tips for Emotional Healing  Therapy and Counseling Sometimes, talking to an unbiased and trained professional can make a huge difference, especially when you are working on understanding how your past impacts you. Look for a licensed therapist or counsellor who can provide a safe space to explore your emotions and develop coping strategies.  There are different types of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), or psychodynamic therapy which you can consider depending on your needs. When you can’t go to therapy in person, online therapy can be a good option. 10 Resources & Steps to Help You Find a Good Therapist→   Self-Reflection and Mindfulness Journaling is a great tool for reflection. Write about your feelings, thoughts, and experiences to gain insights and process emotions. Some phones now have a feature that allows you to log how you are feeling and the factors that are associated with those feelings. Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help you stay present and develop a better understanding of your emotional state. You can also engage in silent walks and exercises such as yoga, which are both grounding.    Healthy Lifestyle Choices Engage in regular physical activity to release endorphins and reduce stress. This doesn’t have to be anything over the top! A simple walk in the park or a short jog can make a huge difference. Maintain a balanced diet to support overall well-being. This can be challenging when you have a busy schedule, but meal planning can make it easier. Lastly, ensure you get enough good sleep to help regulate mood and cognitive function.   Support Networks Connect with the people in your life who can provide emotional support and understanding, rather than being judgmental. You can also join support groups for shared experiences and mutual encouragement. This way, you can get guidance and inspiration from people who have had the same experiences as you.    Be Creative  Use creative outlets like painting, drawing, or music to express emotions and facilitate healing. Where possible, give writing a go and write poetry, stories, or letters to further process your feelings and gain perspective. Sometimes, we bottle things that we want to say to another person because we don’t have a chance to communicate these things, so a letter to them can be a good outlet for expressing your feelings and thoughts. You don’t necessarily have to give the letter to the other person. Simply writing and having things out of your head can feel like a huge weight has been lifted.    Spiritual Practices It is not uncommon for people to gain solace in spirituality. Engage in spiritual practices that resonate with you to find peace and comfort. Also spend time in nature to experience its calming and restorative effects. 6 Key Aspects of Spiritual Wellness & 6 Tips to Improve Yours→   Setting Boundaries Learning to set healthy boundaries in relationships will help protect your emotional health. Start by getting comfortable with saying no and learning to prioritize yourself. You don’t have to say yes to demands that overwhelm you or compromise your well-being.   Gratitude Practice Don’t focus on all the wrongs and things that are not going well. Focus instead on positive aspects of your life and shift your perspective.
Be grateful for the things that are going well.    Emotional Healing Takes Time! Emotional healing takes a lot of work, time and self-compassion, but it is possible! Remember, emotional healing is a personal journey. Yours won’t be the same as that of the person next to you, but you can surely learn from others’ experiences. Adopting healthy habits might not be easy, but the more you try, the easier it becomes. And don't forget that gratitude goes a long way! Being grateful even for the little things can make a huge difference on your way to healing. Finding the right combination of strategies that work for you might take time, and it’s okay to seek help and make adjustments along the way. Healing is a journey, and taking proactive steps will lead to significant improvements. Moreover, it is not linear. Some days will be better than others, and some will be worse. That is not the end of the world; it is normal, and we have to accept that part of reality.  Photo by SHVETS production
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how2fit · 1 day
“Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.” Herman Hesse I often write about finding lightness in life. It can come from an unhurried but effective day at work or from uncluttering your home. Or from learning how to let go and move on in life. Learning to let go of a relationship, of something else in your past, of something that is just an unimportant distraction or of trying to control what you cannot control can free up huge amounts of the energy and the time you have to use for something better and more fulfilling. It is not always easy. But it can be life-changing. In this article you can find five steps that have made it easier for me to let go over the years. I hope they will help you too. Step 1: Know the benefits of not letting go. Why is it sometimes hard to let go of something? Well, to be honest, there are advantages and benefits to not letting go. At least for instant gratification and in the short run. You get to keep feeling like you are right. And like the other person is wrong. And that can be a pleasant feeling and way to look at the situation at hand. You can assume the victim role. And get attention, support and comfort from other people. You don’t have to go out into the scary unknown. You can cling to what you know instead, to what is familiar and safe even if it’s now just a dream of what you once had. I have not let go of things in the past because of these reasons. I still sometimes delay letting go of things because of those benefits above. But I am also conscious of the fact that they are something I get out of not letting go. And I know that in the end they are not worth it. Because
 What will the long-term consequences be in my life if I do not let go? How will it affect the next 5 years in my life and the relationships I have both with other people and with myself? The mix of knowing how those benefits will hurt me in the long run and of knowing that there are even bigger benefits that I can get from letting go become a powerful motivator that pushes me on to let go for my own sake and happiness. Step 2: Accept what is, then let go. When you accept what is, that this has happened then it becomes easier to let go. Why? Because when you’re still struggling in your mind against what has happened then you feed that memory or situation with more energy. You make what someone said or did even bigger and more powerful in your mind than it might have been in reality. By accepting that it simply has happened – that you were rejected after a date for example – and letting it in instead of trying to push it away something odd happens after a while. The issue or your memory of the situation becomes less powerful in your mind. You don’t feel as upset or sad about it as you did before. You become less emotionally attached to it. And so it becomes easier to let go and for you to move on with your life. Step 3: Forgive. If someone wrongs you then it will probably cause you pain for a while. But after that you have a choice. You can refuse to let go of what happened. And instead let it interfere with your relationship and replay what happened over and over in your mind. Or you can choose to forgive. First accepting what happened can be helpful to make it easier to forgive. Another thing you can do is not to focus on forgiving because it is “something you’re supposed to do”. Instead, if you like, find the motivation to forgive for you own sake. Do it for your own well-being, happiness and for the time you have left in your life. Because, as Catherine Ponder says: “When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.” And that you forgive does not mean that you have to stay passive towards your future. You may for example choose to forgive but also to spend less time or no time in the future with someone who has hurt you. Step 4: Focus on what you CAN influence in your life.
By reliving what happened over and over in your mind you aren’t really changing anything. Unless you have a time-machine you don’t have any control over the past. And being distracted or worried by things that you cannot control in your life in any way right now doesn’t help. So ask yourself: What CAN I focus my time and energy on instead to actually make positive progress or a change in my life? And what is one small step I can take today to get started with that? My experience has been that by switching my focus from what I cannot influence to what I actually have influence over and by doing that over and over again – by using questions like the ones above – it becomes easier and easier to stop worrying and to let go of what has happened or what I cannot control. Step 5: Let go again (if necessary). If you let go of something that happened or some distraction in your life then that might not be the end of it. Life is not always that neat. The issue or distraction might pop up again. Then let it go once more. I have found that each time I let something go it pops up less and less frequently and it has less power over me. Plus, this extra practice will make it easier to let go in the future. Letting go is something you’ll get better at over time just like for example keeping an optimistic mindset during tough times.  
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how2fit · 1 day
As a kid, brain health coach Ryan Glatt, CPT, NBC-HWC, says he was addicted to video games, overweight, and recovering from a concussion when he found Dance Dance Revolution, the famous exercise video game, or "exergame," that he says helped him get in better shape and boost his brain health. “Since then, I've been fascinated with the intersection of gaming, brain health, behavior, and fitness," says Glatt, who is now director of the FitBrain program at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute. "While we don’t have a lot of clear evidence around the neurological mechanism of exergaming, we theorize that it can act on the reward pathways of the brain and engage areas responsible for goal-oriented behavior, such as the frontal lobe, while increasing levels of neurotransmitters associated with reward and excitability, such as dopamine and cortisol." Experts In This Article Haley Perlus, PhD, Haley Perlus, PhD, is a performance psychologist who works with athletes and fitness experts to help them move through mental blocks. Ryan Glatt, MS, CPT, NBC-HWC, Ryan Glatt, CPT, is a brain health coach and the director of the FitBrain program at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute. Glatt isn't the only one who's found success in the gamification fitness. The virtual reality (VR) fitness industry is steadily booming—the global VR fitness game market was valued at $111 million in 2022, and it's projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 39.8 percent from 2023 to 2029 according to an HTF Market Report. Virtual fitness is not just hopping on a Peloton bike or following a guided workout on an app—fitness can mean queuing up a workout on your VR headset, something that appeals to a broader net of people who may not resonate with other workout formats. VR is just one of the latest popular examples of the gamification of fitness, BTW, but it's far from the only one. Fitness video games like Ring Fit on Nintendo Switch and the Zwift app, which turns at-home spin workoutsf into a game, are two more. What is exergaming, exactly? According to Glatt, true gamification of fitness (aka exergaming) means your workout has to provide some type of points or score system and have a goal-oriented outcome which, overall, helps drive motivation while you’re being physically active. "In addition to this external focus on a goal, an individual can have what is called 'enhanced expectancies,' which means they expect they can get better, outperform their prior performance, or achieve a specific goal,” says Glatt. My sister is a nurse who works night shift at the hospital and has trouble squeezing workouts into her hectic schedule. When she got a Meta Quest 2 VR Headset she discovered the Supernatural VR fitness game that offers boxing and dance-like workouts that are music driven. "It made me look forward to working out because it's at my house and convenient for my schedule," she says. "You get to immerse yourself in cool scenery all over the world, the music is good, and you get to pick what you want to listen to." My sister also points out that the trainers in the game are particularly positive and motivating, which is much needed after working a 12-plus-hour-long shift at a hospital. The benefits of gamifying fitness for your brain and body It takes time to see gains when it comes to exercising, and that can make it hard to get motivated to work out, according to Haley Perlus, PhD, a sports and performance psychology expert. "When we work out once, there is no instant physical benefit we can gauge, and when the reward isn't instant, it's hard to connect the action and form a good habit,” she says. "Fitness gamification changes that by providing instant gratification through a daily reward system that helps to make [working out] a fun habit." A 2022 study published in the International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology looked at a small group of 55 people who's weekly exercise time fell short of the 150 minutes recommended by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) in their physical activity guidelines for American adults. Some participants were assigned to group exercise classes, and some were assigned to exergaming. Although the class participants worked out harder than the exergamers, the study found that the exergamers reported having more fun. And since enjoyment is one of the primary objectives of exercise, according to the FITTE principle trainers use to program workouts, the findings, although from a small study, point to the potential for exergaming to be an alternative form of physical activity for those that don't enjoy going to a gym or traditional workout classes. Laura Flynn Endres is a personal trainer who created an online fitness game, Get Fit Done, because she says it was difficult to keep her clients motivated week after week. "The best fitness program has a lot of repetition, and the first few weeks of a new program are the hardest. Gamifying it provides a fun distraction, improves compliance, and is 'peer pressure done right,' " she says. The online fitness game, in which members earn points for their team through meeting certain goals, also creates a team dynamic which Endres says helps many people who don't want to let others down. "Generally, accountability is far more important than we realize. Again, you’ll show up more consistently for others than you will for yourself," she adds. Glatt adds that the gamification of fitness offers unique health benefits in addition to helping you be more consistent with your workouts. "The exergaming literature, mostly on older adults, shows that exergaming has the potential to improve cognition, brain function, mood, and physical functioning," says Glatt, though, he adds that unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of clear evidence around the ways exergaming works in the brain. Are there downsides to the gamification of fitness? The gamification of fitness may sound like, well, all fun and games, but some criticize its potential downsides, including the risk of becoming overly competitive or too driven by data. Like with any type of fitness tracking, it’s possible to develop an unhealthy relationship with your devices. Typically with exergaming you have a quantified element—for example, tracking steps, calories, miles, and on. A 2016 journal article found that quantification of activity reduces enjoyment, and may cause people to become disengaged or less motivated as a result. "There are always those with an obsessive nature,” says Dr. Perlus. “This can occur using a simple wristwatch, stopwatch, or simply by someone counting reps. If someone recognizes that they fixate on numbers and rewards, they may want to speak with a trainer or psychologist if they become too engaged in gamification.” Even with these potential downsides, exergaming is carving out a new exercise niche and engaging people who did'nt like to workout before—and getting more people to exercise while having fun is no small feat. And by in large, with guardrails and self-awareness, the gamification of fitness has the potential to improve the workout experience for those who lack motivation to exercise. As such, it may be a good introductory exercise for those who aren't already active since it offers a higher level of engagement than working out on your own—with lower overhead costs than hiring a personal trainer or joining a gym or studio, Dr. Perlus points out. "Gamification makes fitness customizable, personal, private and motivating," she says.
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how2fit · 2 days
Working out in the morning has a number of benefits — like jumpstarting your metabolism, increasing your focus, and helping you make healthier food choices throughout the day. Plus, it just feels good to check it off your to-do list. But for some people, morning workouts may leave them feeling sluggish and drained. If that sounds familiar, try these expert tips to keep early-morning exercise from zapping your energy for the rest of the day. 1. Get Enough Sleep Preparing for a successful morning workout actually starts the night before, says Jack Craig, a certified personal trainer at Inside Bodybuilding in Melksham, England. “If you’re finding that you’re tired at the end of each morning workout and are struggling through your workday or home life, you might not be preparing effectively,” Craig says. “You really should try to get [at least] seven hours of sleep at night before every workout.” Creating an effective bedtime routine will allow you to get all the sleep you need so that you are properly recovered and ready to attack your AM workout. 2. Hydrate the Night Before Your body needs water when you work out to keep you cool, replenish fluids lost through sweat, support your cardiovascular system, and ensure your muscles can perform at peak performance. Kate Meier, a certified USA Weightlifting Level 1 Coach on the expert panel at Garage Gym Reviews, suggests starting your hydration the night before. “With a morning workout, you will not have enough time to fully hydrate yourself from the time you wake up until the workout,” Meier says. “This means that it is crucial to be hydrated before you go to sleep.” She suggests drinking 12 to 20 ounces of water before bed, when you wake up, and again on your way to work out to ensure proper hydration. 3. Pick Your Pre-Workout and Post-Workout Fuel Wisely Choosing the right fuel — both before and after your workout — can play an important role in keeping you energized throughout the day. Before an early morning workout, stick to a light snack or beverage that provides carbohydrates, like a banana or a serving of Beachbody Performance Hydrate, which contains 10 grams of carbs, along with key electrolytes, per scoop. After your workout, Meier recommends consuming protein to support muscle growth and repair and some carbs to replenish what was burned during the workout. One easy way to get your post-workout protein and reduce post-workout soreness: Mix a packet of Beachbody Performance Recover with water, milk, or your favorite smoothie or shake. 4. Keep It Short “The key to maintaining energy for the day after a morning workout is keeping the routine short and sweet,” explains Joe Vega, C.S.C.S. Keeping your morning workouts around 30 to 45 minutes will ensure you get an effective workout without feeling lethargic for the rest of the day, Vega adds. Vega suggests focusing on high intensity interval training (HIIT) that integrates explosive movements with strength exercises. Not only will you get an effective workout in minimal time, but high-intensity exercise is also a mood booster. 5. Leave Some Gas in the Tank If morning workouts are draining you for the rest of the day, you may simply be taxing your muscles too much too early, explains Matt Scarfo, an NASM-certified personal trainer. For example, if you’re doing a strength training workout in the morning, you probably don’t want to perform every set until failure, Scarfo says. “While lifting to [technical] failure is a great way to up the intensity of a movement, it should really only be used on the last one or two sets of a specific exercise,” he adds. “If you’re using it on every set, you’re most likely working out too hard, which may be causing your all-day fatigue.”
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how2fit · 2 days
Crow walking pose or Kawa Chalasana involves balancing your body on your toes while walking! Here are the benefits of the crow walking pose.The Crow Pose is an arm balance yoga asana for which you need to move most of your weight forward into your hands. If you don’t get it right, you could fall flat on your face. Add movements to it, and you will get the Crow Walking Pose or Kawa Chalasana! No, you don’t have to walk on your hands, literally! But like the Crow Pose, Kawa Chalasana is also inspired by the bird. Crow Walking Pose looks like how a crow moves. It involves squatting and moving forward for a few seconds, making it a great workout for your lower body. Let’s take a look at the benefits of the Crow Walking Pose.What is the Crow Walking Pose?The Crow Walking Pose, also known as Kawa Chalasana in Sanskrit, is a seated walking asana that gives special emphasis on the lower body. This asana requires significant strength as well as focus, says yoga expert Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar. Crow pose is more for arms while crow walking pose is for lower body. Image Courtesy: ShutterstockWhat are the health benefits of the Crow Walking Pose?While the Crow Pose is majorly about arms, Kawa Chalasana mostly focuses on the lower back, hips, knees, and quadriceps. Here are some key health benefits of Crow Walking Pose.1. May strengthen kneesThe asana that has a seated movement with knees bent, stretches your lower body, including the muscles of your hips, knees, ankles, and hamstrings. Your knees may become weak if you lead a sedentary life, so doing this asana can strengthen them.2. May improve balanceIt involves walking on toes while maintaining balance. It engages the lower body muscles, and in turn improves strength and overall balance.Also Read3. May increase concentration and focusThe Crow Walking pose needs a lot of concentration and mental focus. So, doing this yoga pose can help improve overall focus and concentration abilities, says the expert.4. May improve gut healthWhen you do the Crow Walking pose, it puts pressure on the abdominal area, stimulating the digestive organs and providing them better circulation. This can help to deal with stomach-relayed issues such as gas, indigestion, bloating, and constipation.5. Increases flexibilityIf you practice this asana regularly, it will help increase the flexibility and mobility of your hips and pelvic muscles. This way pelvic stiffness van be reduced.How to do the Crow Walking Pose?To do Kawa Chalanasana, follow these steps: Start by sitting in the squat position. Your feet should be kept apart and the butt above your heels. Keep the palms of your hands on your knees. Maintain the squat position and take small steps forward. While walking on your toes, your butt should not move away from your heels. When you take a step forward, place your opposite knee on the floor.Try to take about 50 steps and keep your breathing slow throughout the asana. People with knee injuries or pain should avoid doing the Crow Walking Pose. Image courtesy: Adobe StockPregnant women and those who may have undergone knee surgery or have arthritis or osteoporosis, should avoid doing this asana, as it can worsen the symptoms. Even during periods, women should not do this asana, as it puts pressure on the abdominal area.The Crow Walking Pose is a great way to reduce stiffness in the lower body while improving your balance and focus. But not everyone should attempt this seated walking yoga pose. All you have to do is listen to your body, practice within your current abilities, and seek guidance from a qualified yoga teacher to do this asana.
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how2fit · 2 days
Everyone with a fitness routine has experienced days, sometimes weeks, of nonchalance and lack of motivation. You’re not alone if you feel unmotivated to follow up on your routine. There are days when pulling even a single muscle doesn’t seem feasible and as appealing as usual. It is normal to feel unmotivated. It can be a sign that your body requires rest and replenishment or a change in routine. However, this should not be used as an excuse to stop exercising entirely. Whether you’re feeling tired, overwhelmed, or just plain lazy, there are things you can do to get yourself back on track.  Today, you will find out some effective fitness tips you can rely on whenever you feel unmotivated. This article will discuss some fitness tips for an unmotivated person. 8 Fitness Tips For An Unmotivated Person Here are the 8 most effective fitness tips for an unmotivated person. 1. Start small and simple For most people, the intensity of their routine can suddenly seem to be quite demotivating. In times like this, to get yourself started, you can start with something small and light, like walking, windmills, butt bridges, etc. Ensure you start with a simple exercise that you enjoy. Keep your intensity low and your pace unhurried. The important thing is to get started and build momentum from there. 2. Try something new When you repeat the same routine over and over again, your body eventually grows weary of that routine. If you’ve been repeating the same routine, consider spicing things up with new maneuvers or a shift in your surroundings.  Try a new workout program. There are so many different types of workouts out there. Ensure to select routines that are consistent with your fitness goals and, at the same time, excite you. Try a new class at the gym, especially if you work out at home. This type of stimulation has the effect of making your workouts fly by and seem exciting. 3. Bring it outside Go for a stroll, run, hike, or bike ride outside. Play some tennis, basketball, volleyball, squash, or soccer. Being outside in nature releases endorphins and promotes relaxation for many people. Taking it outside may provide you with the mental boost you require. 4. Create a motivating workout playlist Make a thorough list of songs that are uplifting, encouraging, positive, and packed with lots of vibes. If you normally work out listening to music such as EDM or hip hops, you could consider trying afrobeat, as they’re filled with lots of dance rhythms. Remember, If you feel positive and rekindled, you’re more likely to move to the music and burn those calories. 5. Reward yourself  It’s important to celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may be. Whether it’s treating yourself to a massage, a new workout outfit, or a night out with friends, find a way to reward yourself for your hard work. 6. Find a motivation buddy It’s no doubt that everything becomes better with a friend by your side, your workout inclusive.  Get so caught up in conversation that you lose sight of the fact that you’re working. Furthermore, a fitness buddy can motivate and keep you focused on your objectives! Whether it’s a friend, family member, or coworker, find someone who has similar goals and schedule regular workouts together. 7. Keep it fun! Find sports or activities you like, then mix up your schedule to keep things interesting. If you’re bored with your workouts, try something new. Take part in your street football or basketball-friendly matches. Attend a dancing class and learn all the latest hot dances you admire. Visit a gym or a school for martial arts. If you enjoy exercising at home, search online for videos of workout programs, including kickboxing, yoga, and high-intensity interval training. Alternatively, stroll, trek, or jog in a nearby park. Find your hidden passions or athletic talent. Remember that exercise doesn’t have to be monotonous. You’re more likely to stick with a fitness program if you’re having fun. 8. Use technology Making
use of technology like fitness trackers, apps, or other wearable fitness devices can be highly beneficial for those lacking motivation. These tools allow you to set specific, personalized fitness goals and monitor your daily progress towards achieving them. They can track a variety of data such as the number of steps taken, heart rate, calories burned, and even sleep patterns. This data can be encouraging as it provides visual evidence of your achievements, which can be a powerful motivator. The ability to look back and see how far you’ve come can instill a sense of accomplishment and help sustain motivation over time. 9. Don’t beat yourself up We all have days when we just don’t feel like exercising, and that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a workout or if you don’t hit your goal. Just remember to get back on track as soon as you can. Conclusion Remember, it’s not about being motivated. It’s about learning how to get yourself started in the first place! You should never feel bad for not being motivated to do something, and you shouldn’t let other people make you feel bad, either. If a buddy motivates you, then that’s great! But don’t let them push you too hard, and don’t forget that everyone has their body type, so no two people are alike.
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how2fit · 2 days
Exercise should feel like a treat not a chore. In the latest episode of Good Moves, you get a boxing cardio workout that tricks you into spiking your heart rate. How can you not have fun when you're letting off steam? "It's a fast way to get your muscles fired," says Michelle Sim, boxing coach and creator of Move with Mich. The 15-minute workout fly by (because you're having fun). After a quick warmup that includes exercises like lateral lunges with toe reaches for a feel-good back stretch, toe touches to stretch out your hamstrings and loosen up your shoulders, and a round of high knees, you're ready to increase your heart rate even more and move onto the cardio portion... as if you weren't already feeling the burn. There's really no stopping during this boxing cardio workout. You're always moving around, even when you're lightly bouncing in your boxing stance with your hands up by your face. And there are combos that will ignite your muscles from head to toe, like the power jab to hop (basically a fun take on jumping jacks) and both single and double speed bag punches (no speed bag needed). There's also a round of shadowboxing that requires some coordination, so—pro tip—you might want to check out the beginner boxing workout first. To finish off your boxing cardio workout, you'll be doing some mountain climbers (50, to be exact!), intense burpee push-ups, and then all the relaxing stretches you'll ever need to calm your body back down after doing cardio. Oh hi! You look like someone who loves free workouts, discounts for cult-fave wellness brands, and exclusive Well+Good content. Sign up for Well+, our online community of wellness insiders, and unlock your rewards instantly.
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