houseoffundies · 7 months
Hello All! It's been a minute since I have been on Tumblr. Giving birth to twins and now having a schedule, I can jump in and discuss all things fundies. I hope things are going well with you all.
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houseoffundies · 2 years
Q&A with Kelly and Alyssa
I watched Alyssa's Q&A with Kelly Jo, so you did not have to. Here's what I learned. 
Kelly likes to be called Mama B. 
Kelly cannot remember how many grandkids she has. 
Kelly's pregnancy has been much easier than her daughter's, and she only had 12 weeks of sickness with Zach. 
Kelly was discouraged, but Gil helped her throughout.  
The kids were all sicked at once, and the Chickenpox went through the house longer than expected. 
Kelly felt it was easier to raise toddlers than when they were older.  
The most challenging season of motherhood for Kelly was when she had (3)little kids at the same time because Gil was at work.  
Kelly and Gil tease each other about Altemzier; she has names and birthdays on her phone that she looks at every day. 
Tori has not come up with a name for her daughter. 
Only Zach, Micheala, Callie, Jeb, and Judson were born at the hospital. 
Most kids are 13 months apart, with Ellie and Callie having the largest gap. 
Warden is single right now.  
Kelly says she doesn't have favorites with her kids. Zach calls her every day, but he's not her favorite. Kelly vibes with her kids' personalities. Whoever likes doing something, that's who she brings with them. 
Alyssa and Josie were easy babies during the baby stage because they never cried. 
Crying and Colic during the baby stage were Erin and Carlin. Carlin had a strong head but the most personality. 
Kelly Jo's doctor says her problems return if she doesn't lose weight. Kelly says she eats for depression, and she has a love for her pink drinks. 
Kelly Jo is less strict with the younger kids than the older ones. Kelly says she cared for her babies; her kids did not have sisters' moms. 
Kelly loves to travel, and Gil doesn't love to travel. 
Most like Kelly - Alyssa (Younger Kelly) because she's so organized. Erin (Older) 
Most likely (Gil) - Tori and Lawson
Which daughter, most likely Alyssa (Mix to the younger three) but Allie (Michela)
 Which looks like Alyssa (Zoey)| Alyssa says (Lexi) 
Kelly did not have any C sections. 
Kelley believes the key to marriage success is "selfless." 
How did Kelly feel when Alyssa wore pants, she felt that change was hard for the first one. When Alyssa started wearing jeans, she started to evaluate why she did this and didn't want them to be puppets, but it was hard for Gil to accept change.  Note: Realize that Alyssa was the first one to wear pants.
Kelly has reminders on her phone, so she doesn't miss anyone's birthday or anniversary. She fears that she will miss one. 
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houseoffundies · 2 years
Is everyone announcing their pregnancy today? 😅🤣😅
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houseoffundies · 2 years
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Another Baby announcement.
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houseoffundies · 2 years
Katie and Travis's wedding was very pretty. I love seeing Carlin/Josie and Katie bond during the wedding.
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houseoffundies · 2 years
Thanks so much! I always love your input on things, and now I can rest again.
Now that both the Duggars and Bates shows are no longer.
1. Do you think we will still have announcements of births?
2. Will Lawson or Trace get an exclusive?
2. Will the Duggars take an updated family photo and make it public?
3. The Duggars have stopped posting birthdays and anniversary posts. Will help Kelly ever stop?
Oh good questions! I don't really know, but here's my best guess.
1. I think it will depend on the couple! For the Bates I can't imagine any of them not announcing a new child - all except Tori seem to be maximizing their influencer powers. I don't think Tori is purposefully hiding, more just doesn't care.
For the Duggars I could see couples choosing to not share and setting a hard boundary with the family that they want to stay private. Lauren and Josiah are the obvious ones here. Maybe Kendra and Joe, as well?
2a. I think Lawson will get an exclusive! He got one for his music video after the show was canceled, so I imagine he'll try to drum up attention for the wedding. Trace and Lydia I'm not as sure about. I think they would try get one since they have a YouTube channel.
2b. I think they'll take one for personal use and try to respect the wishes of the private couples, but it will get leaked. I am imagining a situation where they take the updated picture and put it up in the main house, then during one of their big parties a random "friend" sneaks a picture and posts it. (side question: have the Duggars held one of their huge political/church/holiday parties since Josh was convicted? The last party pictures I can remember were from Jim Bob's election celebrations and that was pre-conviction).
3. No, I think Kelly will keep posting unless it comes out that the BuB cancelation was due to something shameful.
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houseoffundies · 2 years
Upcoming Bates Wedding
With Lawson's wedding coming up, here's what I think will occur and a hint of Trace.
Lawson's wedding party will be small. I can count Gil, Nate, Trace, Zach, and Tiffany's brother. The flower girl and ring bearer will be Bradley and Kaci. I see Gil as the best man since Lawson has not been a best man. I don't see him offering that role to his married brothers.
The following siblings who will not attend are Alyssa, Tori and I think Erin. I don't think the Paine's could actually spend the money on CA out of all the siblings. The aesthetic for their wedding I see more of Disney and will not be surprised if the color pink and Disney wedding special.
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Trace and Lydia's wedding I see a small event in TN, and all siblings will attend. The party will be no more than 7 with only Josie as the only sister in the wedding party and Willow as flower girl.
I see Joseph Duggar and his best friend Jay in the wedding since he was a groomsman in those two weddings for the groomsman. Not sure which of the older brothers will join the party, but I can see Warden and Jeb being part of the group. The aesthetic for this wedding is very minimal and neutral colors.
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houseoffundies · 2 years
Have we learned of who Lawson has selected for his groomsmen?
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houseoffundies · 2 years
Everyone on reddit is losing their marbles since Alyssa shared that she's not going to Lawson wedding. People are saying she could go solo or without the kids. Or blaming Tiffany for hosting the wedding in her home state because she should respect the Bates family is huge and host it in TN. I would love to know your thoughts. Do you think Alyssa will be the only one to not attend? Is reddit just going crazy?
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I think it's situation where reality conflicts with ideals.
While I personally expected Alyssa and John to have the Webster side of the family watch the kids so Alyssa and John could attend, maybe that was still out of their budget. I did have people who I really wished could make it to my wedding and they really wanted to attend, but at a certain point we both had to acknowledge it was just fiscally irresponsible to spend the money to attend a one day event. I was sad that they couldn't attend and it did kind of hurt, but I could understand the circumstances and reasoning for their decision and knew it was a hard decision for them.
I am projecting my own experience a lot here, but I could see it being a similar situation for Alyssa and Lawson. I don't think it was an easy decision.
I haven't checked Reddit much to see any of the posts saying Tiffany should have had the wedding in Tennessee, but my first reaction is to disagree. That would be asking Tiffany to ask her family and friends to travel, and then we'd be seeing posts about how Tiffany is sacrificing her individual identity to be absorbed into the Bates family or whatever. She's moving to Tennessee, the wedding is probably one last big event with her California-based support system.
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houseoffundies · 2 years
Alyssa and Jon Q&A "Intimate..."
Alyssa and Jon did a Q&A, and here's what we learned. This Q&A was exciting.
Is Alyssa on birth control? The long answer is no.
Jon and Alyssa were not nervous on their wedding night. They were more anxious about wedding planning and making sure they booked the correct date for their honeymoon. Alyssa shared it wasn't super weird.
They don't agree on everything, and Jon teased that it's fun to fight and make up.
Baby 5? Because of her complex pregnancies, Alyssa doesn't know if it's in the card for her.
Alyssa's weirdest fear is roaches, and Jon's weirdest fear is public speaking.
They are planning something special for the 10th anniversary.
Yes, Alyssa would change things about her wedding. She shared that it was loud with her bridesmaid dress. But at that moment and in time she was happy with her wedding.
Would Alyssa take a job outside the home when the girls are older? Alyssa said yes.
Jon enjoys sexy time with Alyssa, and it seems they have a structured time for sexy time.
Due to budget restrictions, Alyssa and Jon are not going to Lawson's wedding.
Alyssa and Jon are very spontaneous, and that's how they spice up their relationships.
Alyssa and Jon are each other's first everything.
Alyssa wished that she knew how to communicate better with each other at the beginning of their relationship.
They do not worry about the effects of blogging on their children. They feel that it would help them communicate with others without being in a bubble. If the blogging hurts the family, they will stop.
Alyssa would like to plan a trip to Utah and do a train ride.
They are both open and have discussed fostering or adopting.
The question that they hate the most is that their lives are perfect. Alyssa likes a clean house and has taught her children.
They have never used foul language.
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houseoffundies · 2 years
I like that Nathan, Esther, Tiffany, and Lawson moved away from the Bates family. It gives them a chance to stand on their own and not depend on their siblings so much.
I often wonder how different Kelly would have been if her children had actually moved. If Michela stayed in Chicago, Tori stayed in Nashville, Carlin moved to Nashville, and Erin moved to Chad's family. Would the lost boys and girls actually have a different relationship with Kelly?
It seems that Kelly has a hard time when her kids leave.
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houseoffundies · 2 years
Not sure what changed, but I used to think that a lot of these fundie blogs and people on Reddit had facts about the Duggar and Bates. Until I realized that they are just people who share their opinions. Some can do it with an unbiased touch, and then others make you have to watch the freaking video or look at the post to conclude what happened.
I have no idea why I thought that they actually knew them or thought their voice was facts. I now understand that it was more that they were aware of the cult practices, and I gave them more weight on the issue.
I know that I have a distaste for a few and I always make sure to say it when I comment or I don't comment. I believe the main example of this is the situation with the boutique store. You have people who say that Kelly bought Erin out but no facts. It was clearly stated that Kelly is filling in some of the roles that Erin had filled. Not sure how that it was Kelly bought Erin out especially since it doesn't list Kelly as an owner. on their site.
Or that you see comments that each Bates or Duggars daughter are raising sister moms but when I watch it they're showing the kids either playing with their siblings or helping around the home. I start to wonder was I a sister mom or was I just doing chores around the house? I know each person's childhood was different but I am now taking a lot of comments with a grain of salt and will start to do the same when I share my own thoughts. Adding that a disclaimer that it's my thoughts because I don't know these people. I do pay attention to patterns but I don't know them. Not take what other people say as facts until it's proven.
If you read this, thanks and if you didn't it's cool too.
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houseoffundies · 2 years
I think Evan is the shortest of all the Bates sons and husbands. Sometimes people forget that your height is a combination of your parents.
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houseoffundies · 2 years
I had said earlier that I could see Addallee and Ellie step in the role with Kelly. They just completed a photoshoot, and who do we see? Addallee and Ellie. I may not know anything about fundies, but I pay attention to the small things.
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I don't believe that announcing Erin's departure from the Boutique avoided attention from Carlin's IG story. I don't believe many people saw her story, and since it wasn't from her mouth, they are not giving it attention.
I believe that Zach had more of a say regarding Erin's departure than Whitney and Carlin.
I don't see Tiffany or Esther joining the Boutique in Erin's absence, but I see Addeee and Ellie step into the role with Kelly.
Since it was their original idea, I see the Boutique moving from three owners to two with Carlin and Whitney.
I do believe something is going on with Carlin and Erin, along with her sisters. You can tell that very clearly in the posted posts and Kelly jumping in on each post. Erin continues to make jabs at her sisters on social media, but now she's posting a YouTube channel? Come on
I don't see Erin and Chad's business doing well at all. She does not have a work ethic like Michela, Carlin, or Josie.
That's my TedTalk.
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houseoffundies · 2 years
Did the cancellation of Bringing up Bates cancel I Love You Day?
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houseoffundies · 2 years
I think the Stewarts just bought a house. The youtube video is two-part, which seems to be the only BIG thing to report or tease out.
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houseoffundies · 2 years
Katie and Travis Q&A
I watched Katie and Traivs' Q&A on YouTube and learned a couple of things. They switch back and forth with answering questions.
They want to have kids, but it will be in a couple of years.
Katie is the messy one, and Travis is the neat one.
They had mutual friends who mentioned they should start talking. Travis reached out, and Kaite flew out to NJ with her family a month later.
Wedding dress story- Katie was in FL and randomly found the dress with Alyssa. She reached out to her family and said she found one, and Josie, Carlin, and sisters flew out. The dress was originally a size 14/16, but the main issue was its low cut in the front and back. With the alternation, they would correct Katie's concerns, and the dress will be ready in five months. When she returned, the dress was still too big, the low cut in the back was not working, and the alternations were incorrect. The bridal store would not refund her money or provide materials to correct the dress as Renee said she could. Renee uses different materials to correct the dress and butchers it, basically, and Katie hates the dress. Katie tells Kelly that she will love her dress and goes to Renee, and they create a new dress for Katie.
They discussed what they're adjusting to since being married, and it's basically for Travis dealing with Katie messy, as she jumps on everything and puts her dirty shoes on the dashboard. He's learning to adjust, but it deals with the different ways they were raised. Katie shared that she did not know she does this because of her family.
They discussed Katie being homesick. Since everything has been slow since the holidays now, she goes through different phases where she misses everyone and is okay. She loves being with Travis, but everything is new from moving, a house, Church, and building relationships with new people. She misses home and calls her sibling daily to help with the sickness.
Travis works for the Church in the media and does some engineering on the side as he has one more semester to go.
Katie does not see herself working in a hair salon, but she is certified as a lash technician and will focus on that.
Travis wants to have 3 or 4 kids, and Katie wants to have ten but says she's joking.
Katie wants to go on date nights, and Travis says everything they do is a date night. It's just the two of them. Katie says no, she wants to get dressed up and go somewhere.
Bonus: They're going out of the country next week.
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