horousha-blog · 6 years
Hilda snatched up the little creature before it could sneak away from her reach. It gave an affronted ‘Kupo!’ as it struggled, wings flapping as its tiny claws digging into the fabric of the gauntlets that protected her forearms. She hoped that she wasn’t holding it too harshly as she aimed for a firm grip.
Raising to her feet, Hilda nodded to the girl. “I’ve never seen a creature like this. Nor, do you look familiar or of Fynn.”
The princess kept her voice as warm as possible. The other seemed friendly and innocent enough. And the creature, despite its struggles, didn’t appear to be a threat. Not that Hilda didn’t think it was dangerous. 
“Kupo.” The creature huffed. “Watch the fur, lady.”
For a moment, Terra was lost in a small daze as she watched the Moogle struggle futility in the young woman’s arms. Her lips twitched in awe at the adorable Moogle, finding the creature awfully amusing with the way it huffed.
She snapped her gaze back to the woman, not wanting to come off as too impolite as her sights were stolen.
Terra clasped her hands lightly over her lap. With a small head tilt, she murmured softly, “Fynn.”
It sounded familiar, but certainly her not being from Fynn was absolutely correct. “I am not from Fynn, yes...um...” She gave a long pause, uncertain of how to explain it.             Not precisely explain where she was from but rather how she got here in the first place.
“...yes, I am not from Fynn.“ Terra began again firmly, “How I got here however, it isn’t all that simple to be truthful.”
[Closed starter for Horousha]
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horousha-blog · 6 years
100 moogles surround Terra to celebrate the new year.
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“! ! !”She breathed in gently with a heightened pitch of delight. Terra could not contain her pure little smile. Elated, she pressed her clasped hands together before quickly dropping down to a squat. 
“I can’t believe it!” Doe-eyed, Terra beamed thoughtfully at the festive moogles. Naturally she would scoop one up and cuddle gently, but there was just so much!          Maybe she could invite them all back to Mobliz? To play with the children too?
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horousha-blog · 6 years
The princess fell hard onto the stone pathway. Her arms encircled the white creature, keeping it from tumbling, but now she struggled to keep a hold of it as the thing wiggled furiously. Finally, she gave up and placed it down with a tsk.
Again, Hilda was started. This time when she heard a unfamiliar voice nearby. The creature let out a irritated noise before quickly hiding behind the princess.
Ignoring it, Hilda focused on the girl. The stranger didn’t appear to be of Fynn and wore clothing styled in a manner that she didn’t recognize. Her brow furled, the princess reached upwards, carefully readjusting her headdress back into place so she looked less foolish before speaking. 
“….Greetings. Is this creature yours?” Hilda motioned to the thing peeking out from behind her.
The words did not easily trickle from her pursed lips. Terra blinked like an owl attempting to process the situation. She would’ve assumed this woman could’ve been a recently summoned warrior, but she knew better as this atmosphere differed tremendously...         Terra may not be in the same general universe of realms the warriors of Cosmos and Chaos were summoned in.
“Ah...” Terra glanced from the Moogle to the woman, flustering a tad, “...no? I only had followed it as I was interested in it.” 
With an abashed giggle, Terra clasped her hands together as she said passionately, but softly, “I wanted to play with it!”
[Closed starter for Horousha]
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horousha-blog · 6 years
"I'm sharpening my knife, kupo" - Mog
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“Hmm...?       Who upset you this time, Mog?”  She had to admit, it still can get jarring sometimes whenever he gets like this. She knew how he was, but the adorableness...
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horousha-blog · 6 years
                               she may be small but she bites
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horousha-blog · 6 years
How many moogles does Terra hide from Kefka?
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All of the Moogles––Except for the ones like Mog because she knows they can kick ass.
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horousha-blog · 6 years
Hilda strolled through the vast halls of Castle Fynn. She gave small pleasantries to those she passed, from servant to higher ranking official or noble. It was a miracle that no one seemed to need her attention or demand to share her walk.
Well, more of a relief, if she admitted her selfish desire to be alone for a while.
The princess rarely got days to herself now that she left childhood years. Such breaks helped her, honestly, allowing her to breath. To not allow stress and pressure to build up and ruin her resolve as the heir apparent. Yet, if rumors about Palamecia were true…
Hilda had just entered the royal gardens when the sound caught her attention.
Startled, the princess barely turned to face the source before something crashed into her abdomen.
Maybe this was not a good idea after all...
Whether or not it was ever made clear, Terra’s love for fluffing Moogles was undeniable. In the midst of the war between gods, the magitek knight stumbled upon a Moogle. Her lips twitched in pleasure with a light warmth fluttering in her chest as she followed it to hug it and cuddle it.
However, eventually, Terra soon found her blind tailing led her to rather unfamiliar territory...                 ...that is nothing she has seen before within Cosmos’ and Chaos’ realms.
Albeit her serene front, Terra was simmering with concern as she stuck close to the Moogle’s trail treating it as a safe path. A castle towered above her while a garden of various, blossoming flora surrounded her with therapeutic aroma.
True, this was unfamiliar territory. That unfamiliarity was what struck Terra with such concern, but overall the young woman came to realize it may not be entirely hostile as her senses perceived. Her guard was not down however.
Terra took a moment to pause. Her heels gently settled whilst she turned her gazes to a familiar kind of flower. The further she went into the garden, the more she started to see the wondrous wild roses...        She couldn’t help but smile softly as she was reminded of one of her comrades.
“Kupo!”  Terra jumped slightly both in shock and delight. She broke into a half-run and half-skip, darting after the noise. “I found you!!!”
The half-human’s giggle froze the moment not when she caught sight of the Moogle, but rather the regal woman.
[Closed starter for Horousha]
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horousha-blog · 6 years
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4) celes (final fantasy vi) ⇢ Celes… I’ve known her since she was a baby. I raised her as if she were my own daughter! But she was forced to become a Magitek Knight, and has done some awful things. If I could only talk to her… I’d apologize for the way her life has turned out..
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horousha-blog · 6 years
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Yoshitaka Amano, FF I - FF VIII Heroes
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horousha-blog · 6 years
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horousha-blog · 6 years
                       I am not docile, and I will not rollover                             and ACCEPT my fate without blood                                 I will fight until I can fight no more
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horousha-blog · 6 years
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Endless List of Favorite Video Games ↳ Final Fantasy VI (1994)
Long ago, the War of the Magi reduced the world to a scorched wasteland, and Magic simply ceased to exist. 1000 years have passed… Iron, gunpowder and steam engines have been rediscovered, and high technology reigns. But there are those who would enslave the world by reviving the dread destructive power known as “Magic”. Can it be that those in power are on the verge of repeating a senseless and deadly mistake?
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