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Thyroid Issues: Who to See - ENT or Endocrinologist?
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It is recommended to consult an endocrinologist when pregnant or trying to conceive when there is a thyroid nodule or an enlarged gland.
Thyroid issues can be a complex and confusing topic for many people, especially when it comes to deciding who to see for treatment. 
Should you see an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialist or an endocrinologist? Both can treat thyroid issues, but there are some key differences between the two. 
If you're looking for a thyroid specialist Los Angeles, it's important to understand the roles of each type of doctor to make an informed decision. 
What Is Thyroid?
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck. The thyroid gland in your body makes special things called hormones. 
These hormones help control how fast your body uses up calories, how warm or cold you feel, and lots of other important jobs in your body. 
In our bodies, we have two different hormones that are made by the thyroid gland - T4 and T3. These hormones are regulated by another hormone called TSH, which comes from a gland in our brain.
When everything is working well, your brain can sense how much T4 and T3 you need, and it tells your thyroid to make more or less of them as needed.
What Are Some Common Thyroid Problems?
There are some very common issues that people can have with their thyroid gland.
This is when your thyroid does not make enough hormones. You may feel 
·         feel nervous, 
·         hot, 
·         sweaty, 
·         restless,
·         lose weight quickly,
·         have palpitations
·         and insomnia.
Thyroid Nodules
Thyroid Nodules are lumps or growths in your thyroid gland. Thyroid problems are not cancerous and are called "benign." Some can be cancerous and are called "malignant." These problems can also affect how much hormone your thyroid gland produces.
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How Do Endocrinologists and ENTs Treat Thyroid Problems?
Endocrinologists and ENTs are two types of doctors who specialize in different aspects of thyroid problems.
An endocrinologist is a type of doctor who has finished training in internal medicine, similar to a primary care physician. However, they have also completed an additional two to three years of training specifically focused on endocrinology.
Endocrinologists diagnose and treat hormonal imbalances, including those involving the thyroid. They usually use blood tests and imaging studies to evaluate your thyroid function and structure.
They can prescribe oral medications or radioactive iodine therapy to regulate your hormone levels. They can also monitor you for potential complications or side effects of treatment.
An ENT doctor is a special doctor who knows a lot about the ear, nose, and throat. They are also called otolaryngologists.
These doctors are really good at doing surgery on the head and neck area. They can do things like taking a tiny piece of tissue called a biopsy, removing something that shouldn't be there, or fixing something that got damaged.
ENT doctors can help if you have a problem with your thyroid gland, which is a part of your body that helps control your energy levels. They can also treat conditions that affect other parts of the head-and-neck area, such as
·         sinus infections,
·         allergies,
·         hearing loss,
·         or voice disorders.
How Do You Choose Between an Endocrinologist or an ENT for Your Thyroid Problem?
Sometimes when your body has a problem with certain parts like your thyroid gland, you may need special help from different types of doctors.
If your thyroid gland isn't working well because of something called Hashimoto's, a doctor called an endocrinologist can give you special pills that can help you feel better. These pills are called synthetic hormones.
But if you have a big lump in your neck that's blocking your breathing, you may need surgery. An ENT doctor can do this kind of surgery to remove the lump.
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