Lost Gold [Explaination]
Lost Gold [Event] from 9/30 to 10/30
⟡ A short explaination of the event from your dear assistant! ⟡
After unlocking a plot, you can choose the plot you want to unlock next. ( 解锁一个地块之后,您可以就近选择接下来想要解锁的地块。)
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Sometimes, there might be unexpected changes during the event, and I hope you can provide your assistance when it happens! Of course, the organizer will compensate you generously. ( 活动中有时候会发生些意外变故,这种时候希望您能来协助处理!当然,主办方会给您丰厚的回报。)
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Here you can see the work that requires your assistance. ( 在这里,可以看到需要您进行协助处理的工作。)
Next, let's take a look at this plot. ( 接下来,我们再去这个地块看看吧。)
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There are some hidden plots on the island. If you take up the challenge and explore them, there may be unexpected discoveries! ( 岛上有些地块暗藏玄机,您可以进行探索挑战,也许会有意外发现哦! )
When you explore, there’s no harm in looking everywhere. ( 探索时,不妨多在附近四处看看。)
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In each map, you will receive some tasks. In addition to the main tasks that must be completed, you may also receive side tasks. Please actively complete the tasks! ( 在每个地图中都会接到一些任务,除了必须完成的主线任务外,还有可能接到支线任务,请积极完成任务吧! )
The universal parts have been obtained! Universal parts can be used for the construction of camp facilities. Let's go take a look! ( 获得的万能零件了!万能零件可用于营地设施的建设,过去看看吧!)
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Click again to return to the main interface of the event. (再次点击返回回到活动主界面。)
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The supplies button appeared. Press to enter. ( 出现了物资补给按钮,点击进入。)
There are tool tables, supply boxes, and camping tents available in the camp. Good maintenance will bring more rewards! ( 营地有工具台,补给箱,野营帐篷三种设施可供使用,好好维护会有更多回报哦!)
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Try to maintain the tool table first! ( 先试试对工具台进行维护吧!)  
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Consuming universal parts for maintenance can obtain beneficial effects for adventure. ( 消耗万能零件进行维护,可以获得对冒险有益的效果。)
Skill Details (技能详情)
In event battles, the defense of all cards is increased by 0% >  10%.  (在活动内战斗中,所有思绪的防御力增加 0% > 10%)
Successful maintenance! Please continue your adventure on Nosta Island to get more universal parts! Accept these gifts and see you later~ ( 维护成功!请继续在诺斯塔岛进行冒险获得更多万能零件吧!收下这些礼物,我们稍后再见~ )
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Events List
⟡   Mo Yi’s Birthday Event 
⟡   Lost Gold (9/30 - 10/30)
⟐  Explanation
⟐  Tasks
⟐  Story
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Lost Gold [Event Tasks]
Lost Gold [Event] from 9/30 to 10/30
—调查计划 ::Investigation Plan
每日事项 ::Daily Tasks
Participate in the Lost Gold event (by logging in).  (参与消失的黄金活动)
Complete any “Working Hours” stage once. ( 完成1次日常协理)
Complete any “Working Hours” stage three times. ( 完成3次日常协理)
Complete any “Working Hours” stage five times. ( 完成5次日常协理)
Complete any immediate investigation once. (This is done by clicking the magnifying glass button on the upper left.)  ( 完成1次即时调查)
待办事项 ::To-Do Tasks
Complete a total of 1 exploration level with 100% exploration. ( 累计完成1个探索关卡并达到100%探索度)
Upgrade the tool desk to Level 1 in the logistics facility management. ( 在后勤设施管理中将工具台升级为1级)
Complete the main story 1-7. ( 完成迷案追踪1-7)
Upgrade the tool desk to Level 2 in the logistics facility management. ( 在后勤设施管理中将工具台升级为2级)
Unlock all plots of the beach area. ( 解锁沙滩区全部地块)
Unlock all plots of the forest area. ( 解锁树林区全部地块)
Unlock all plots of the mountain area. ( 解锁山地区全部地块)
Unlock all plots of the outer island area. ( 解锁外岛区全部地块)
Unlock a total of 10 plots. ( 累计解锁10个地块)
Complete a total of 5 exploration levels with 100% exploration. ( 累计完成5个探索关卡并达到100%探索度)
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⟡   Everday Tasks (will be updating this soon)
Cumulative consumption of 80 stamina. (累计消耗80点体力)
Cumulative consumption of 200 stamina. (累计消耗200点体力)
Upgrade 1 thought. (升级1次思绪)
Complete 1 exhibition consultant stage. (完成1次会展顾问)
Complete 1 business assessment stage. (完成1次业务考核)
Complete 3 training levels. (完成3次进修关卡)
Interact a total of 5 times during a visit. (在拜访中累计进行交流5次)
Give a total of 5 friendship badges. (累计赠送5次友谊徽章)
Complete 3 abnormal investigation levels. (完成3次异常调查关卡)
(I’m unable to do main tasks because I do not have all of them since I’m at level 31 and at chapter 3. If anyone has all the main tasks, I’m willing to translate it!! o(〃^▽^〃)o )
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Masterlist -- Link
Note: I know Tears of Themis will get a global version later this month, but I still want to use this as a chance to learn more Chinese! My vocabulary is lacking, and I also want to do translations in the future, so this will be good practice!
Update: I have maxed Zuo Ran’s affection (got to level 30 hehe) so I will start with translating his character stories. Here we goooo~ 
⟡   Main Menu
⟡   Tasks
⟡   Character Stories
⟡  Events
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Main Menu Translations
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!!! Will be redoing this soon and adding more explainations !!!
活动 (huódòng) 
activity (login prizes)
任务 (rènwu) 
task (missions)
商城 (shāngchéng) 
mall (shop)
问卷调査 (wènjuàndiàochá) 
新手任务 (xīnshǒurènwu) 
novice task
事件簿 (shìjiànbù) - incident book
思绪整理 (sīxùzhěnglǐ) - thought arrangement (team arrangement)
思绪 (sīxù) - thoughts (basically your cards)
女神之影 (nǚshénzhīyǐng) - shadow of the goddess (gacha hell)
基地 (jīdì) - base
拜访 (bàifǎng) - visit (the bois)
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