hogwarts-chatter · 11 years
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The Games Are Over, Children.
> feel free to unfollow this variation of the chatter, nothing new will be posted here since we’ve moved. Bye
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hogwarts-chatter · 11 years
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The Games Are Over, Children.
> feel free to unfollow this variation of the chatter, nothing new will be posted here since we've moved. Bye
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hogwarts-chatter · 12 years
Is Claret even really relevant anymore? People reference her all the time but I personally don't even see the ginger anywhere.
I'll be 50 shade of honest with you, alright? The answer is fucking no.
The only reason she was even slightly relevant was because of her little pet project the "Burn Book" and that was quickly dismissed as soon as the trollops here got over their insignificant feelings. Now, not to say she wasn't great and all, it's just that without the printed out cover of her little ego-booster she is a dull, lifeless shell with a pretty face. 
As charming, beautiful, witty, or whatever other false adjectives you'd conjure up to describe the face behind the burn book, she is as irrelevant as what the little shits at this school plan to do after they leave here. 
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hogwarts-chatter · 12 years
Who needs to get laid?
Everyone. Honestly. Everyone's too uptight here. A lot of "tension" that's about could be settled with a good lay and maybe a lazy blowjob afterwards.
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hogwarts-chatter · 12 years
Who are the dumbest people here?
-scoffs- I don't think you want me naming any names here, less some ickle feelings get hurt. But I'll point ya, not all of them are from Hufflpuff.
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hogwarts-chatter · 12 years
Does Hogwarts have any goody two shoes?
On the surface, that's what the whole lot looks like, but dig a little deeper and all the secrets come out. What you've got nony, is a filthy filthy bunch here. xx
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hogwarts-chatter · 12 years
You should talk about all the houses
Like what? The little shitheads in each house or generally? Gotta give me something to work with babes. xx
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hogwarts-chatter · 12 years
who is your least favorite student and who is the most wallflower-type student?
We hate equally. Everyone is the bullocks of life.
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hogwarts-chatter · 12 years
apparently someone's new coming to enjoy professor binns' classes.
Holy fuck.
That's the sickest fucking thing I've ever had to misfortune to stumble across. Anyone who can eve stay awake in Binn's class should not be fucking trusted. That old man it a creeper of the highest degree and his minions are no fucking better.
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hogwarts-chatter · 12 years
Can I vouche for that? He really is a good friend - ace guy, I tell you.
And there ya go.
Big O' Head Boy can do no wrong.
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hogwarts-chatter · 12 years
I heard that he beat up like ten people for no real reason
Omg, no silly goose. The bloke is totes harmless. Haven't you seen the soft pillow that is his hair? He couldn't hurt a fly.
Once, in Potions, there was a spider and instead of killing it, Emilia GarbagePail captured it, ran to the forest, and set it free to live it's spidery life. He's a good man, make friends with him.
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hogwarts-chatter · 12 years
who are the biggest sluts at Hogwarts?
You are. Penetrating everyone and anyones' askbox without rhyme or reason stirring up unnecessary drama like this is daytime Young&theRestless.
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hogwarts-chatter · 12 years
Out of all the girls in Hogwarts, who has the worst chances of getting a boyfriend?
Basically any of those cunts who walk around acting like they don't need anyone other than themselves when they're some attention seeking whores. Ya get me? Undesirable as fuck.
Oh, and those who try too hard to be "an original" and are just fucking psychotic. 
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hogwarts-chatter · 12 years
I've heard that Emil got expelled from Durmstrang for attacking people
Emil cooks up people stew, ask for a bowl because it is yum, yum, yum. xx
Actual Freak Emil GarbagePail
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hogwarts-chatter · 12 years
Do you think Lorcan and Aria will break up when he leaves for Auror Training?
Hahahaha, sweetie, if what they're doing can be labeled "being together" than surely it won't last the moment they're separated for a while and someone with low standards saunters by. 
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hogwarts-chatter · 12 years
What do you know about Stella Lumaria?
She doesn't, like, do shit here.
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hogwarts-chatter · 12 years
why is everyone so obsessed with Harriet fucking Perkins
"EVERYONE" You are so adorably misguided. The only reason anyone even talks to the little imp is to get a rise out of her because she overreacts to everything.
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