heyitsransom · 5 years
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1x01 - Pilot
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heyitsransom · 5 years
a very (tired) boy & an extremely (caring) girl.
I put away your laundry – Rory is going to be watching Timmy and Savvy this afternoon – if you’re not too tired after your sixteen-hour shift… please try to say hello to them before you pass out in your old room? Love you baby. See you when I see you. Click.
That was the end of his mother’s voicemail as he soon brought the phone to his view and briefly skimmed through a few of the apps he had opened – birthday reminders filling his notifications and a few tags from the guys he worked with – it had been a busy night shift that had turned into a double easily because one of their coworkers had a family emergency and of course Ransom didn’t have any responsibilities besides checking in on his mother and siblings. You’d sit and wonder why he wasn’t engaged or seeing anyone since most twenty-six year old people were married and starting families of their own, he just hadn’t found that person he wanted to do that dance with just yet and his life style had been a busy one – that was the perk of working in the medical field. You really only had time for work and possibly yourself if you were given that chance – he had no idea how his mother was able to balance both, but she was an amazing person in and out of the work place. It wasn’t long until he rolled up into the parking lot of his childhood home and he could tell that Rory was over by the look of her red Toyota camry that he parked next to – his eyes scanned over how most of her items had been pushed to the passengers seat and how the back seat had been cleared and booster seats were in place – Timmy and Savvy were probably wiped out from their day at school. At least he had hoped they were since he didn’t have the energy to wrestle his younger siblings just yet. He would open the front door with his key and hang up his jacket and re-sling his duffel bag over his shoulder that had contained his uniform from the night before and his electronics to keep him busy through his shift. “Welcome home Rannie!!!” Savvy and Timmy both seemed to chime in unison and would wrap their arms around his waist instantly – Savvy was trying to climb up his body like he was a pole at the park playground and Timmy had decided to wrap his body around his leg in order to be an anchor – it seemed they had both decided to keep him a hostage from slumber. “You got me!” He’d moan in defeat and managed to drag Timmy over to the living room and he had Savvy wrapped in his arms for a hug already. That energy that hadn’t been there before? Ransom found it easily because he knew his siblings missed him and he had this switch inside him that made it easy for him to stay awake at least two hours before he would shutdown and wake up six hours later. They ended up laughing and talking about their day at school and he would watch as Rory made her appearance from the kitchen with pizza rolls and Kool-Aid bursts. A snack that the kids had obviously requested before having supper in a few hours. It wasn’t long until the kids were passed out on the couch for their hour nap and Ransom could feel himself starting to doze off while they watched Moana for the millionth time, Savanna was cuddled at his side of the sectional while Timmy had been cuddled up on the other side next to Rory. And he could feel Rory’s gaze on him while Moana struggled to get Maui to join her adventure to return the heart of te fiti – he would glance over and watch as she cleared her throat and glanced away – like she had only took a second to see what they were doing on their side of the furniture, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he soon managed to wiggle freely away from Savvy and covered her with a throw over, he began making his way to his duffel bag and it wasn’t long until Rory was next to him. “How was work?” That was Rory’s usual ice breaker when he got off a double shift because she knew that he would have stories to tell her on his trips in the rig and whether or not they ended up saving anyone in Limbo that day – of course he’d only tell her so much because she was quite aware of the HIPPA violations that were set in place.
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“Oof… work was long – Kyle’s wife had gone into early labor so he was put on FMLA immediately – we’re still waiting to hear if everything went good – I’ll probably head over to the hospital after my nap.” Ransom paid attention to how Rory tilted her head and listened to him talk – like she was genuinely intrigued by what he had to say – even though most of it could easily blend in with the rest of his stories he had already told her. He would slump his shoulders once more to show evidence of how exhausted he had been and soon a yawn left his body as he shook his head in a way to shake it off. “What about you? It’s got to be busy inside the morgue… anything hard to work with lately?” He would watch her eyes light up that he had obviously wanted to know how she had been. It was obvious as day was light and night was dark that Rory had a crush on him since day one and a few of the guys he worked with had asked him what he had done to get her so stuck, he would shrug like usual because he wasn’t entirely sure himself. Granted he hadn’t been like the other Deschaine boys in their familial clan… he had no reason to avoid the cops, although he had been stopped a few times just to see if he had any ties with his other cousins. He only had time for his grandma Fancy and on occasion saw his grandpa Des – most times he had been too busy with work to even attend family related events. “You know – I would take people who die naturally over unnatural ways… they’re a bit easier to dress up and make viewing for the families so much better. But I can’t control how they come in – just how they leave the building.”
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Aurora had been so wise for her age and he nodded his head – knowing that this discussion could go deeper than what they were anticipating, he begins to part his lips to speak but is interrupted by her. “You should sleep, your mom told me you worked a double and although it’s admirable you kept yourself awake to at least get half way through Moana – I think the kids would like to see you before they have to go to bed again… I’ll have something a little bit better than pizza rolls prepared for dinner.” A sleepy chuckle escaped his lips once more as he nodded his head, reaching over to give her a hug as a way of thanks – he could feel her catch her breath but didn’t want to make a thing of embarrassing her over it  – soon disappearing into his room to catch his long awaited coma – he wouldn’t wake up till at least 7pm and that would be to say goodnight to the kids and eat whatever Rory conjured up.
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heyitsransom · 5 years
ur 2 little to stop believin’ in santa gurl
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heyitsransom · 5 years
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#we all wanted a brother like spencer
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heyitsransom · 6 years
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heyitsransom · 6 years
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heyitsransom · 6 years
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heyitsransom · 6 years
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heyitsransom · 6 years
too early to deal with limbo BS
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heyitsransom · 6 years
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c. @roseshudgens
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