heroandvillainduo · 2 years
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“Your Honor? They’re gay-”
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heroandvillainduo · 2 years
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//oh look, i’m not dead! I’ve just been on my main blog, though haven’t had much muse to rp... but hey, gonna watch the new movie tomorrow, so hopefully i’ll get some muse then?\\
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heroandvillainduo · 3 years
When Matthew mentioned his brother being one of the responding heroes he cringed. Yeah he ran, but only because it was an age old strategy; Doc would run about telling the responders he shot someone in defense whilst Kane slipped back home. Guess it really takes two to tango huh?
“I-um…tell him I’m sorry, I just got really nervous about getting deeper into a mess.” Then when the name Deadshot was mentioned, he balled his fists and briefly went into ‘slasher mode’. 
“Deadshot?…He put two holes in my shoulder, what’s his deal? If I see him again I have a score to settle. It doesn’t bode well for people like me, when someone like him is out there..” He groaned and grabbed his shoulder. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell him. He’s a good hero though, so if you ever need someone to trust, he’s one you can.” He chuckled reassuringly, though his eyes were sharp as he watched Kane’s reaction to Deadshot. Sighing a little, he gave a small shrug.
“Well, he’s got a hell of a reputation, one of them being that you don’t survive a meeting with him; he probably figured you were a good person, but needed a getaway, and knew heroes would focus more on an injured civilian first.” He explained, looking around to make sure no one was listening in. “Most heroes and public figures call him a villain and a hero killer, due to the many heroes he’s killed. But the general public’s view on him is... divided. Some see him as a villain, and others almost regard him as a vigilante, willing to do what’s needed that other heroes refuse to do.”
“There’s counts of people being saved by him by heroes who were... less than heroic, and many heroes he killed would come up on the news, not only about their deaths, but proof of a ton of shady, and even downright evil acts. One hero he’s thought to have killed was found out to be part of a huge drug operation. So you can guess why some folks view him in a good light, because heroes are turning up just as bad, if not worse, than some villains.” He finished explaining as he pulled a smoke out from his coat, and playing with it in his hand.
“No one knows anything about the guy though; not what his quirk is, what he sounds like, hell, it’s all observation that we’re guessing he’s male even. To see him as late in the day as he was is rare, seeing as he’s usually a night only type of person. But I warn you, kid; be careful. He’s taken down some big names, and there’s a reason he’s an S tier villain. I don’t want a good kid like you ending up dead because of a grudge...”
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heroandvillainduo · 3 years
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   “Have something you’d like to share, Matthew?” Choose your words carefully.
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“I have no comments to add to anything or to say to anyone-”
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heroandvillainduo · 3 years
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He’s going to stay quiet on the subjects at hand.
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heroandvillainduo · 3 years
Kane nearly jumped 10ft in the air, usually after an incident like this morning it took a couple of days to get his nerves back in order. What he and Doc have done is usually outlawed and would label the duo as vigilantes, meanwhile all he wants to do is go legitimate and take down more Quirk Farms at once.  
“Hey’a sir, Um I mean Michael. Yeah I…Oh hell you’ll find out sooner or later. Some schmucks tried to jump me and…Wait they are still investigating, how’d you hear about it?” 
“Even under investigations, news moves fast when you know the right people.” He chuckled, being sure to keep some space from the other to let him calm down. “Also, my little brother was one of the heroes, so I heard from him since I was supposed to get lunch with him, but work came up.” He looked back at the comics Kane was looking over. “...glad to see you’re safe though, considering I heard you had a run in with Deadshot of all people.”
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heroandvillainduo · 3 years
Mattie would have felt Kaze tense up momentarily but immediately relax into his hold with a sigh. 
“I missed you too. I’m sorry I haven’t be able to make time for us recently.” He said softly. “A lot of things are happening and being put into place and…” 
And he was exhausted and terrified of what’s planned. 
Taking a breath and straightening up, he turned to Mattie with a small smile.  “Come on. I think I can get Kaminari and Kirishima and the others out to got to the mall for a bit.” He smiled. “Then we can chill out in the evening.”
“I know, I know.” He quickly assured, nuzzling into Kaze’s back. “I know this is all important, and to help you, and all that... It’s why I’ve tried not bothering you, but I just... haven’t seen you in a while...” He didn’t mention the pit of paranoia that gripped him lately. Always scared that he’s going to turn around, and Kaze would be gone...
Smiling back at his boyfriend, he nodded as he let him go.
“I’m sure everyone’ll be happy to see you, and to be able to hang out.” He assured, though there was a bit of a blush at the thought of some time alone. “...that’d be great.” He mused, leaning up to plant a quick peck on Kaze’s cheek. “I’ll let you get changed; I should too actually.” He chuckled a little, looking at his now slightly wrinkled sweater.
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heroandvillainduo · 3 years
Kaze hummed in agreement as he sat up, scratching the back of his head. He had ended up sleeping in his T-shirt and sweatpants - not his ideal but it could have been worse. 
As he stood and stretched, his shirt rose up revealing some of the scars under the fabric and his toned body. He caught himself in the mirror, the patch still obscuring the wreck that is his right eye. 
He sighed. before ignoring his reflection to get a change of T-shirt.
Mattie was still in his sweater and sweats that he wore the prior day as well, but he’d worry about changing later. As he got up he looked over, noticing the scars Kaze sported and he paused, a hand briefly clutching his sweater before walking over, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend again. He couldn’t help himself...
“...I’ve missed you.”
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heroandvillainduo · 3 years
who are you, really?
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the caged songbird
there's a pause that stretches on for infinity before the voice clears their throat. "why don't you retaliate?" you blink. "why should i?" "what do you mean?" "here's the thing," you delicately fold your hands in front of you. "just because the world is unkind doesn't mean that i have to be." —
instead of turning out angry and furious with the world— you've resigned yourself to it's cruelty. softhearted and kindness got you nowhere, but you know the world's not gonna' change, so why should you? you decided to be kind, and so you are. you decided to care in a world that doesn't, and i think that's very powerful.
tagged by; @chaoticxgays​
tagging; anyone who feels like doing this!
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heroandvillainduo · 3 years
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   “Is this about the prick that bothered you from the Shiketsu place?” Katsuki asked as he popped a few more hot chips in his mouth. He doubted that was the main issue here, but given Mattie’s sleep deprived self came to him not long after that happened, he figured that was a driving force behind the issues here.
   “Told ya I’ll blow him up if ya want.” He reminded as he glanced at the blond.
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“Hm, thank you, but no; nothing would come of it. As pissed off as I am at him... It’s hard to really wish ill-will on your own twin.” He sighed, drinking down the rest of the can, licking his lips.
“...It’s funny though, while he’s the catalyst... the actual start, I would think, was when Midoriya mentioned something to me a bit ago. He and I were talking about American heroes, and one he mentioned... he noticed we had the same quirk. I knew he was a hero otaku, but to know of a small time hero from so long ago... when he asked me about it, I didn’t tell him the truth cause I didn’t want him to realize the just how bad some heroes were...”
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“...My name’s actually Matthew Henderson, the supposed late son of Edmond Henderson, the late hero ‘Holy Knight’. Andrew and I, we were born for only one reason; that bastard’s sick desire for a dual quirk, much like Todoroki. Of course, quirk marriages aren’t just taboo in America; they’re actively fought against. If it happens between people naturally, that’s one thing, but my father, he... actively sought for my mother, her shadow quirk being a compatible match to his own.”
“She never knew the truth. Even when he killed her, because something happened, and she couldn’t bare him more kids... and when my brother showed signs of a shadow quirk, and my own quirk not manifesting till I was older, I guess he just snapped. He killed her, then framed hers, and my brothers and I’s deaths, making him look like a poor widower, and a broken man who lost his beloved children. In truth, he kept us hidden and alive... though I don’t know why. As punching bags, maybe? Andrew was always physically stronger, so he’d take the brunt of our father’s attacks... Because when it was me, I was unconscious for hours at a time. My body had always been far weaker... it’s probably why he left me; he was tired of protecting someone who couldn’t even help himself.”
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“...I don’t remember how long I was in the hell for. It wasn’t until he tried killing me that I finally managed to escape... but he was sure to leave me a parting gift.” His hand moved to his left shoulder, right at the start of the large gash was. “...next thing I knew, I woke up in a hospital. They told me they saved my arm, but at the cost of all the feeling in it. I stayed there for a bit, before leaving silently. But those years in that house, it’s why my body gets so... well, temperamental.”
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heroandvillainduo · 3 years
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   Katsuki wanted to protest, fight the others hold and his words. But all the fight left had left him. He wanted to say that Deku was an idiot with nostalgia glasses obscuring his view of the world. 
   But he couldn’t find the strength to say what he was sure the truth was. And Mattie’s hold, the lithe fingers running through his hair was too comforting for him to pry away from. Instead, his strong arms just wrapped around the smaller blond, leaking eyes buried in the others shoulder. “Fuckin’ hate you…” Was all he could say between broken, choked out sobs.
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“Heh, I know.” He smiled sadly as he continued to soothe the other, letting him weep into his shoulder. He could only imagine just how much the other was keeping buried in his heart and mind, the pain and torment he was inflicting on himself. Sure, he didn’t know the whole story, but it wasn’t for him to ask, especially not now. He was just glad enough to be able to comfort the other, as reluctant to it as he is...
But it was the least he could do for Bakugo.
“But even so, you’re my friend... and I’ll always help you when you need it.”
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heroandvillainduo · 3 years
He leaned into Mattie’s hand. Before craning his head to look at Mattie. Kaze’s arm wrapped around Mattie as he felt his shift over. Smiling softly, he looked at the blond, a small light that still shined in his one good blue eye. He didn’t take off his patch; he didn’t want to subject Mattie to see it… and how it was getting worse…
“Yeah. Better than the past week.” He admitted. Though, he didn’t want to admit that there were nights where he didn’t sleep at all. “What about you…?” he asked softly as he leaned in for a soft kiss in the blond’s hair. 
“Mm, well enough.” He assured, nuzzling against Kaze and relaxing against him. It felt like it’s been far too long since he could have a moment like this; peaceful, almost calm... though looking up at his boyfriend, his smile still held worry in it. “We should probably get up and get something to eat, eh?” He suggested as he sat up and stretched, feeling his back pop a little.
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heroandvillainduo · 3 years
For the first time in weeks, he slept calmly though a dreamless night. Opening his eyes, he was realised that he was in his room, Mattie besides him. Everything was alright… at least for now.
Silently, he laid in bed, staring at his boyfriend who was still holding him in his arms. Kaze leaned into the warmth as he raised his head a moment to look at the time. 7:30… if it were a school day, it would have been about time to get up but the realisation of it being the weekend had him relieved. He had time to himself… to spend with the others. 
But it was too early. He couldn’t get back to sleep. Looking at Mattie, he sighed with a soft smile as he brushed some of the blond’s hair away from his beautiful face. A sadness filled his eyes as he stared at him… dedicating every detail to memory as if he could be ripped from him at any moment.
He will if you keep going down the route you chose…
Kaze sighed as he rolled onto his back, head reeling… the amorphous figure appearing again in the corner of his eye. But it was slowly taking form…
Mattie didn’t stir from his own dreamless sleep, at least not at first. He was usually a habitual early riser, mostly due to nightmares waking him, so whenever he and Kaze slept together, he tended to sleep in. Helped that the other was so warm against him...
Eyes fluttered open a bit after the other laid onto his back, tired violet eyes staring at the other in silence for a moment before a hand moved to brush against his cheek gently.
“...mornin.” He smiled softly, though seeing how Kaze looked tensed, he shifted over until his head was resting on his boyfriend’s chest. “Sleep alright?”
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heroandvillainduo · 3 years
How do you feel, knowing Bakugo is practically meant for Deku? Their early strife, their long history, and their shining future together as hero partners, it's like it was meant to be.
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He was taken aback by the question, his hands fidgeting with his sweater sleeves a little as he looked away.
"I mean, you said it yourself; despite their current strains and stresses, they do make a great team. It's just a matter now of getting them to confess to one another, but that's easier said than done."
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"Honestly, I'm jealous of them. Even if they weren't good friends for a while, they still cared about one another all those years... I never bothered with friends growing up at any point, so I mean... I can't help but feel envious; I wish I knew what that felt like..."
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"...they're as you said; practically made for one another... so why does it still hurt to think about?"
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heroandvillainduo · 3 years
Honesty hour! Any questions my character(s) are asked, they will answer honestly!
Submitted by: Anonymous
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heroandvillainduo · 3 years
Honesty hour! Any questions my character(s) are asked, they will answer honestly!
Submitted by: Anonymous
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heroandvillainduo · 3 years
Get to know my character through an ask!
🍰 - What is their favorite type of dessert or sweet? 🐢 - What type of animal would they keep for a pet? 🐙 - They are crossing the ocean. What are the circumstances and how did they get there? 🌎 - If money were no object, where would they live and what would they do with their life? (Ex: entrepreneur, playboy, philanthropist, etc) 🎂 - Do they celebrate their birthday? 🎓 - Are they well-educated? 📬 - A mysterious letter has just been found in their mailbox.  How does your character react?  Who would it be from? ⌚ - Is your character punctual or procrastinator? 💰 - Your character just found a fat sack of gold on a bench. What do they do with it? 👙 - Is your character trendy or do they just not give a damn? 🎠 - Your character is at the carnival.  What kinds of rides or games do they check out to entertain themselves? 🔮 - Your character is having their future told by someone pretty shady. Do they call the fortune teller out or just roll with it? 🎃 - What is your character’s favorite holiday? 🎶 - What would your character say about your personal taste in music? 💒 - Does your character want marriage or a lifelong commitment? ♓ - Hey baby, what’s your sign? What would your character’s zodiac sign be and what qualities do they carry to make them fall under that sign? 🚼 - Does your character have or want kids? ⚠ - What has your character almost done that made someone talk them out of or convince them not to do it? ♿ - Is your character in some way handicapped? (This includes physical, emotional, and mental.) 💊 - Is your character on medication?  If so, why? 🌞🌜 - Is your character an early bird or night owl? What makes them that way? 📚 - Does your character read? 📓 - If your character keeps a journal, what is the most secret thought they keep in it? 📰 - An obituary for your character was found in the local paper this morning. What did it say? 💢 - What frustrates your character more than anything? ✌ - Your character just made a trespass against someone else, how would they go about righting it given the chance?  Or would they at all? 🍴 - What is the absolute worst meal your character has ever eaten? Were they verbal about it or did they just not say anything? 🍜 - Carnivore/Pescatarian/Vegetarian/Vegan/Other? What kind of diet does your character have? 💋 - Your character was just kissed by someone they can’t stand. Why and how did it happen? 😇 - What was your character’s last good deed? 😁 - Someone just tripped and fell in front of your character.  Do they laugh or help the person up? 😨 - Your character just broke wind in public. Do they try to hide it or own up to it? 😍 - Your character’s lust object just passed right by them. How awkward do they get as they try to make conversation? 😒 - “Ugh!  Not him/her/them/it again.” How does your character react to annoying people? 😂 - Your character is moved to tears. What’s a kindness that another showed to them? 😄 - What has ever made your character laugh so hard that they almost passed out? 😈 - What’s your character’s favorite cuss word? 😏 - Is your character having a dirty thought right now? 🍺 - Cheers! What is your character’s favorite alcoholic beverage?  What was the last thing they got smashed off of? 💫 - Your character is suffering memory loss after being knocked unconscious.  What happens afterwards and how did it happen? 💡 - What is the best idea your character ever had? 💍 - Does your character wear any type of jewelry? ⛪ - Is your character religious or spiritual in anyway? 🎱 - Your character and a talking raccoon walk into a bar… 📼 - An interrogation tape emerges regarding a recent interview with your character.  What are they being questioned for? 👟 - Is your character into personal fitness?  If so, what’s their exercise routine? 📺 - What would your character’s favorite TV show be?  What’s their favorite genre?
🍀 - Does your character carry a good luck charm? Do they believe in luck?
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