heartbro95 Ā· 1 year
Unfreezing this blog just for today to pay respects to an old friend.
Itā€™s been a year to the day since he passed, and I felt like going back here to send people to where his artwork used to be felt appropriate.
I still miss him.
I thank the world for the great artwork, the conversations we had, and the heartbeats we shared.
Thanks to everyone who appreciated him as much as I did. I hope somehow weā€™re able to keep him in our memories for just a while longer.
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heartbro95 Ā· 1 year
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What did you just say? All I can hear now is just a racing ā€œLUBDUBLUBDUBLUBDUBā€
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heartbro95 Ā· 1 year
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Cute stuff.
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heartbro95 Ā· 5 years
My heart thumping while relaxing after a long work week. Hope you enjoy!
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heartbro95 Ā· 5 years
So this is a little bonus file from the recording session I did on that day with my friend. I mentioned in the description of the last file that he was curious about possible irregular heartbeats so I tried walking him through things like breath holds andĀ ā€œpushesā€ (I donā€™t know how it came to be known as that in the heart sounds community butĀ ā€œpushesā€ are what Valsalva maneuvers are called here), and this file is from me trying to get him to do one.
Iā€™m actually not sure if this worked properly, but the reaction seems to hold up well now in retrospect. (This was recorded before the breath holds file earlier.) (Uploaded with permission.)
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heartbro95 Ā· 5 years
Hereā€™s another recording I took of my friendā€™s heart. In the three years since I last got to do this, heā€™s had several concerns with high blood sugar and is since trying to take his health more seriously these days (and watching his weight, heā€™s gotten even heavier since three years ago, but not by much). Itā€™s probably because of that that he seemed more involved with the whole recording process this time, in that he asked me if I could detect any irregularities with his heart if I did this.
Iā€™m not a doctor, I would just be a friend who knew a bunch of things about how the body works, but I got him to do breath holds to try and get a reaction out of his heart (but not before telling him to directly ask his doctor who he already sees regularly at this point about his concerns).
Part of me was a little surprised that he went about this whole affair with more interest than I initially expected. In this recording he does about three breath holds, back-to-back.Ā I guess I should take his word for it when he says it wasnā€™t a big inconvenience to him when I asked to do this.Ā 
This was recorded around the upper part of his chest near the pulmonic area. Listening back to this really reminds me of what happened three years ago, because his split S2 shows up very well when he breathes in, especially as a reaction to the breath holds he did. Itā€™s a sound that while is a normal thing present in a lot of people, itā€™s one that I associate with him specifically. Itā€™s the sound that really tells me that itā€™s this friendā€™s heartbeat. I processed this audio relatively more heavily with compression and one additional filter so you can hear it more loudly and clearly in this file.
(Uploaded with permission.)
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heartbro95 Ā· 5 years
This is kind of a big one for me, itā€™s a recording of a 29-year old manā€™s heartbeat, but not just any man, itā€™s the same person from these files from three years ago. (The link does go to a pretty personal story, but thatā€™s part of that) We still remained in touch relatively speaking since then, and recently I got a chance for us to meet up and record stuff again.
This is my 500th post on this blog, and I was hoping Iā€™d be done with one of the two stories Iā€™m currently working on in my drafts (both are from prompt requests), but Iā€™ve been editing these on and off so you get this instead, not that I wasnā€™t planning on posting this anyway.
This recording means a lot to me, itā€™s probably the best-sounding file Iā€™ve personally ever made of someone else, and Iā€™m glad to have a friend I can talk to about this kind of thing and many other personal stuff near me. (Uploaded with permission, of course)
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heartbro95 Ā· 5 years
This is around seven minutes of my resting heart rate, slow(er than usual) and steady.
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heartbro95 Ā· 5 years
A recording of my heartbeat that was going at a pretty fast rate. Not sure what was causing this, but hereā€™s the file anyways.
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heartbro95 Ā· 5 years
Recorded a little after the previous file after light exercise, still sitting down but leaning a bit more forward than usual here if it sounds slightly different to you.
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heartbro95 Ā· 5 years
Jumping forward to around two months later (since I apparently hadnā€™t recorded stuff then) hereā€™s me already going fast and pounding, recorded while in a sitting position.
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heartbro95 Ā· 5 years
Recorded after the previous file, same rate and conditions, basically. Just a little longer than the other file though.
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heartbro95 Ā· 5 years
Not as fast as the previous file but going pretty hard still. Recorded in a sitting position.
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heartbro95 Ā· 5 years
Faster heartbeats here, definitely was pounding hard as well. Pretty simple.
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heartbro95 Ā· 5 years
Hereā€™s another resting rate file, recorded in a sitting position, felt a little faster than usual but not by much.
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heartbro95 Ā· 5 years
Recorded pretty much immediately after the first exercise file, but this is my recovery rate lying down instead of standing up.
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heartbro95 Ā· 5 years
This was recorded a day after the resting file, but you can consider that a baseline to compare this next file to. Recorded after exercise from a standing position.
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